ICNAAM 2014, 22-28 September 2014, Rodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes, Greece
Preliminary Program of ICNAAM 2014 (updated: 20/09/14 - 19:43 UTC)
Urgent Announces
- 18/09/2014: URGENT! Our Conference (ICNAAM organized by the European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences, Engineering and Technology) has nothing whatsoever to do with a self- proclaimed "ICNAAM 2015 : XIII International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics" held in Istanbul and advertised in www.waset.org/conference/2015/02/istanbul/ICNAAM.
The above Conference is spurious and is intended to create the impression, apparently, that this is the well-known ICNAAM, organized by our Scientific Society for 13 consecutive years and established in the consciousness of Scientific Community as one of the leading conferences in the field of applied mathematics worldwide.
We 'd like to recall to the scientific community that the well-known (original) "ICNAAM" (organized by European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences, Engineering and Technology (ESCMCET)) is, traditionally, held every year in Greece and this will continue.
- 21/07/2014: VERY URGENT ANNOUNCEMENT: Please do not send registration fees via Earthport PLC. Our Bank has informed us that they WILL NOT accept money via the above company.
- 21/07/2014: The new date of the Submission of extended abstracts is
July 20, 2014July 31, 2014 (New Date) - 04/02/2014: The AIP Conference Procceedings of ICNAAM 2013 (AIP Conference Proceedings Vol 1558) have been included in Scopus and accepted for indexing in Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Thomson Reuters - Web of Science)
- We are proud to announce that the Proceedings of ICNAAM 2014 will be published in the world-renowned AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings. More information can be found here. Requirements in order for an accepted paper to be included in the AIP Conference Proceedings of ICNAAM 2014 can be found here. It is a policy of ICNAAM not to publish papers in the AIP Conference Proceedings of ICNAAM, without payment of the fees.
- You can register and book your room here. See at the bottom of the page for guidelines for the requested steps for a successful registration.
- Please, see the Important Dates.
- Promoting the work of young scientists. Special awards of excellence in Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics. See more here.
Honoring Jeff R. Cash on the occasion of his 67th birthday
Invited Speakers (up until ):
- Lidia Aceto, Universita di Pisa, Italy
- Luigi Brugnano, Universita' di Firenze, Italy
- Kevin Burrage, University of Oxford, UK
- John Butcher, University of Auckland, New Zealand
- Christian Corda, Istituto Universitario di Ricerca "Santa Rita", Firenze, Italy and IFM Einstein - Galilei, Prato, Italy
- Max Gunzburger, Florida State University, Tallahassee FL 32306-4120, USA
- Ernst Hairer, Université de Genève, Switzerland
- Des Higham, University of Strathclyde, UK
- Karel in't Hout, University of Antwerp, Belgium
- Weizhang Huang, University of Kansas, USA
- Willem Hundsdorfer, CWI, The Netherlands
- Uwe Kähler, University of Aveiro, Campus de Santiago, PORTUGAL
- Shijun Liao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
- Francesca Mazzia, Universita` di Bari, Italy
- Juan I. Montijano, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain
- Bob Russell, Simon Fraser University, Canada
- Steve Ruuth, Simon Fraser University, Canada
- Karline Soetaert, NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Netherlands
- Gerhard Wanner, Université de Genève, Switzerland
- Ewa B. Weinmueller, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- You-He Zhou, Lanzhou University, P. R. China
The aim of ICNAAM 2014 is to bring together the leading scientists of the international Numerical and Applied Mathematics community and to attract original research papers of very high quality. |
With cooperation of European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences, Engineering and Technology (ESCMCET) |