Sessions - Minisymposia

Procedures for the approval of a proposal for a Session-Workshop or Minisymposium

The organizer must provide:
1. A proposal for the organization of a Session-Workshop or Minisymposium.
2. A small description of his/her proposal (no more than 150 words).
3. A short CV.
4. Information about the procedures which will be followed for the promotion of that Session-Workshop or Minisymposium (the organizer is responsible for the promotion).
5. His/her full affiliations along with an e-mail adress for the submission of papers on the subject of the Session-Workshop or Minisymposium.

Attention Note: The maximum number of papers per author is four (4)

After the approval, the organizer will be the person responsible for the selection of the papers. The papers must be sent to the ICNAAM Secretariat until 22/7/2014. In the Proceedings of ICNAAM 2014 the Sessions-Workshops and Minisymposia will lie in a separate section of the Volume with a Preface created by the organizer. Occasionally, the organizer must inform us about the participation of his/her Session. If a Session consists of at least 6 registrations, the organizer will be granted free registration for ICNAAM 2014. If a Symposium consists of at least 10 registrations, the organizer will be granted free registration and have a part of the accomodation expenses covered.

If a participant wants to send a paper to a Symposium mentioned below, please use the e-mail address(es) of the organizer(s).





1) Title: The 9th International Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer - Numerical Fluids Symposium 2014

Organizer: Dr Dia Zeidan, School of Natural Resources Engineering and Management, German Jordanian University, Amman, Jordan


This symposium series started in Crete, Greece, in 2006 chaired by Professor Pawel Kosinski of the University of Bergen, Norway. The symposium is associated with the annual edition of the ICNAAM since 2006. It represents one of the largest and most successful activities of ICNAAM with a strong commitment to research and development within the academic community. Since its start, the focus of the symposium is numerical mathematics for fluid flow problems and related topics.

Topics of interest include, but not limited to:

  • formulation, identification and solution of multidimensional fluid flows and heat transfer
  • numerical methods for fluid flows and heat transfer
  • multi-phase fluid flow problems
  • non-Newtonian fluid dynamics
  • free surface, environmental and geophysical flows
  • population balance modeling, optimization and control
  • agglomeration, breakup and collision
  • shock waves, combustion and explosions
  • biological fluid flows
  • fuel cell, granular and porous media
  • microfluidics and nanofluidics
  • fluid-structure interactions
  • magnetohydrodynamic flows
  • turbulence and phase interaction in fluid dynamics
  • engineering applications of fluid dynamics and heat transfer
  • experimental measurements and numerical modelling of the fluid flows and heat transfer

The URL address of the symposium and all other details can be found here.

2) Title: Fourth Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences

Organizer: Dr. rer. nat. Claus-Peter Ruckemann, Leibniz Universitat Hannover and Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster (WWU) and North-German Supercomputing Alliance (HLRN), Germany


This Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences focusses on architectures and methods for high end computational and numerical applications. Up to date computing and information systems (software engineering, communication, and architectures) are an undispensable tool for progress in various scientific fields.

We invite scientists and engineers from academia and industry using and implementing computation and information systems, High Performance Computing, Cloud Computing, and Distributed Computing for scientific research, engineering, education, and future internet applications.

Authors are invited to submit original unpublished results which are not under review in any other conference or journal, to the peer review for publication and presentation, in the following, but not limited to, the following topic areas of this symposium.

  • Large scale and fast computation
  • Information and computing systems
  • Advanced software engineering and intelligent systems
  • Software engineering for high end systems and applications
  • Supercomputing, High Performance Computing (HPC), Exascale
  • High End Computing (HEC), Cloud Computing, Grid Computing, distributed systems
  • Services computing
  • Database applications
  • Data processing
  • Efficient algorithms, Parallelisation of algorithms and applications
  • Integrated frameworks for computation and information
  • Big data, large scale data storage, management, and visualisation
  • Parallel algorithms, MPI, OpenMP, shared Memory
  • Optimisation and highly performance codes
  • Programming languages, tools for parallelisation
  • Advanced applications and algorithms
  • Computer science, natural sciences, geosciences, planetology
  • Archaeology, geoprocessing, spatial sciences
  • Life sciences, medical applications
  • Mathematical and numerical algorithms
  • Simulation and modelling, genetic algorithms
  • Scientific data processing
  • Advanced scientific computing
  • Computation frameworks and tools
  • Methodological and practical contributions
  • Knowledge-based systems, education, e-Learning, and e-Science
  • Legal informatics, technical-legal context, science and Open Access
  • Documentation, classification (UDC), and evaluation context
  • Performance measurement
  • Energy consumption and management
  • Web services and performance
  • Applications and benchmarking
  • Networks and systems communications
  • Future Internet broadband services and applications
  • Resources and object certification, public key infrastructures
  • Data integrity
  • Privacy and anonymity
  • Networks/systems measurement, control and management, simulation and emulation
  • Quality of Service, Data, and Context (QoS / QoD / QoC)
  • e-Commerce, accounting, pricing and billing
  • Use of distributed compute and storage resources
  • Energy-aware mechanisms and energy-efficient technology for operation, control, and management
  • Configuration, reuse of software components
  • Resource allocation and management
  • System and data security; Communication visualisation


3) Title: The 3rd Symposium on Numerical Methods of Boundary Value Problems (BVPs): Analysis, Algorithms and Real World Applications

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Ali Sayfy, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, American University of Sharjah, Sharjah - UAE, Tel: +971-6 515 2916, Fax: +971-6 515 2950 and Prof. Dr. Suheil Khoury, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, American University of Sharjah, Sharjah - UAE, Tel: +971-6 515 2916, Fax: +971-6 515 2950

E-mail: and

The aim of this Symposium is to cover research into the analysis and trends of development of novel methods for the numerical solution of boundary value problems for ordinary and partial differential equations. The ultimate objective is to have a thorough understanding of the field by giving an in-depth analysis of the numerical methods to demonstrate the methods and the theory.  The investigation can be targeted towards a wide variety of BVPs including the ones with boundary layers, with singularities, with delay and perturbed problems. The Symposium is intended to be directed to a broad spectrum of researchers into methods and algorithms for the numerical treatment of ODEs and PDEs throughout all branches of science and engineering.

BVPs are essential for modeling many physical phenomena. Emphasis will be on the implementation of numerical methods and algorithms in practice. Real world applications can include: chemical and biological phenomena; engineering such as fluid dynamics, electron magnetic, elasticity dynamics, material sciences, semiconductor analysis, plasma physics; financial industry; electronics; medicine; life sciences; etc.

The Symposium covers the following topics of interest for BVPs of ODEs and PDEs but is not limited to:

  • Stability and convergence of numerical methods
  • Finite element methods
  • Finite difference methods
  • Spectral, collocation and related methods
  • Computational methods for boundary and interior layers problems
  • Numerical methods for the solution of perturbed and singularly perturbed differential equations
  • Computational methods for boundary value problems with singularities
  • Computational methods for boundary value problems with delay
  • Variational methods for boundary value problems
  • Numerical methods in connection with engineering and other natural sciences
  • Numerical methods in mathematical finance


4) Title: Computational Bio- Imaging and Visualization

Organizers: João Manuel R. S. Tavares, Instituto de Engenharia Mecânica e Gestão Industrial, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, +351 22 508 1487 and R. M. Natal Jorge, IDMEC-Polo FEUP, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, +351 22 508 1720

E-mail: and

Extensive research has been performed concerning the imaging and visualization of structures in several different areas of science, such as in computer sciences, engineering, mathematics, physics and medicine. In fact, the more relevant applications can be found in medicine and related sciences. These applications can have different goals, including shape reconstruction, segmentation, motion and deformation analyses, registration, simulation, assisted diagnosis and enhanced visualization.

The main goal of the proposed Minisymposium is to bring together researchers involved in the related topics, which includes image acquisition, image segmentation, objects tracking, objects matching, shape reconstruction, motion and deformation analysis, medical imaging, scientific visualization and software development, in order to set the major lines of development for the near future.

The proposed Minisymposium will embrace researchers representing research fields related to Biomechanics, Computational Vision, Computer Graphics, Computational Mechanics, Mathematics, Medical Imaging, Scientific Visualization and Statistics, endeavours to make a contribution to achieving better solutions for bio- imaging and visualization, and attempts to establish a bridge between clinicians and researchers.


5) Title: Multiscale Methods for Modeling of Dynamical Systems

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Eugene B. Postnikov, Head of the Theoretical Physics Department of the Research Center for Condensed Matter Physics & Professor at the General Physics Department, Kursk State University, Radishcheva st., 33. Kursk 305000,  Russia. 



The main aim of this meeting is to bring together specialists in both theory of dynamical systems with inherent many scales and their practical realizations in physico-chemical and biophysical (especially, neurophysical) systems.
Such systems and models include but are not restricted by:
  • Networks of coupled non-linear oscillators
  • Multiscale (fractal) structures and anomalous (multiscale self-similar) kinetics
  • Wavelet and spline bases and frames (construction, properties, etc.) and their application to conputational signal analysis and decompositions 
  • Mathematical modeling and analysis biophysical (e.g. in acoustics, oscillating chemical reactions, neuroscience, etc.) signals with non-stationary multifrequent periodicity.
Thus, presentations of researchers developing mathematical basics of multiscale analysis as well as those, who apply these methods for practical computational applications are welcomed.

6) Title: Second Symposium on Highlights in Copula Modeling

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Veronica Andrea Gonzalez-Lopez, University of Campinas, Department of Statistics, Rua Sergio Buarque de Holanda, 651 Campinas – S.P. Brazil CEP 13083-859



The symposium will be devoted to the latest developments in statistical methodologies based on copula’s concepts.  Special attention will be given to recent theoretical results and to prominent applications.

7) Title: Operational Research and Applications

Organizers: Prof. Dra. Fernanda A. Ferreira and Prof. Dr. Flavio Ferreira, School of Management and Industrial Studies, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Rua D. Sancho I, 981, 4480-876 Vila do Conde, Portugal



This symposium welcomes all researchers, academicians, practitioners, as well as students interested in any branch of operational research.
The topics include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Optimization methods,
  • Decision theory,
  • Stochastic models,
  • Simulation,
  • Game theory,
  • Queueing systems,
  • Combinatorial Optimization,
  • Cutting and Packing,
  • Data mining,
  • Optimal control,
  • Transportation,
  • Multi-objective optimization,
  • Scheduling

8) Title: 2nd Symposium on Theoretical and Numerical Modeling of Systems with long-range Interactions

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Sergio Curilef, Departamento de Física, Universidad Católica del Norte, Antofagasta, Chile



This symposium covers a lot of topics of systems with long range interactions. We kindly invite researchers to show theoretical and numerical advances in topics as  metastability, nonextensivity, nonlinearity, nonequilibrium, etc., in astrophysical or plasma systems, Hamiltonian mean field Model or other systems with long range  interactions, based in methods as:
  • Classical Hamiltonian,
  • Equations of motions,
  • Vlasov formulation,
  • Nonlinear partial differential equations,
  • Molecular dynamics simulations,
  • Montecarlo simulations,
  • Quantum measures,
  • Quantum entanglement,
  • Information theory,
  • Statistical mechanics of nonequilibrium,
  •     Etc.


9) Title: Computational Modeling and Experimental Assessment of Transport Processes in Building Materials and their Multi-Layered Systems

Organizer: Prof. Robert Černý, Department of Materials Engineering and Chemistry, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Thákurova 7, 16629 Prague 6, Czech Republic



Transport and accumulation of heat, moisture, chemical substances, and momentum are phenomena which affect the building materials and structures over their whole lifetime period. Their satisfactory description requires primarily a choice of proper physical and mathematical models because the transport mechanisms are coupled.  The computational implementation of mathematical models is another essential factor involving an application of appropriate methods of numerical solution. The computer simulation tools cannot be utilized properly without knowledge of a variety of transport and storage material parameters, which have to be determined experimentally in a wide range of field quantities, such as temperature, moisture content, and concentration of a particular chemical compound. The applied models are also supposed to be verified using critical experiments, in order to assess their overall quality. Therefore, in practical applications the computational modeling and experimental assessment of transport processes cannot be separated without a risk of significant departure from the physical reality. 
The symposium brings together physicists, chemists, mathematicians, and engineers working in the field of transport processes in building materials.
The main topics include but are not limited to:
  • Theoretical models of transport phenomena
  • Computer simulation tools 
  • Material parameters
  • Model verification techniques
  • Environmental effects on building structures
  • Service life assessment studies 
  • Other applications in building science and building practice

10) Title: 3rd Symposium on Dynamics of Complex Systems and Networks: Modelling, Computational Analysis and Control

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Constantinos Siettos, School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, web-page: http://users/



The Symposium will have a strong focus on the modeling of complex systems and networks across different scales including numerical, optimization and control methods. 
Problems of interest include but not limited to:
  • Computational Materials Science
  • Computational Fluid Mechanics
  • Multiscale Numerical Methods
  • Bifurcation Analysis
  • Complex Networks and their Dynamics
  • Control and Optimization Methods for Multiscale Systems
  • Mathematical Epidemiology
  • Computational Neuroscience
  • Environmental Modelling and Risk Assesement

11) Title:Third Symposium on Statistical Inference in Linear Models

Organizer: Prof Dr Francisco Carvalho, Unidade Departamental de Matemática e Física, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar, Estrada da Serra – Quinta do Contador, 2300-313 Tomar, Portugal and Centro de Matemática e Aplicações, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal



Linear models play an important role in several fields of science, either in the design of the multiple experiments, or by the analysis of data necessary to uphold the decision making. This Symposium will be devoted to new developments in estimation procedures for such models and to applications with these models.
The topics that have been selected include:
  • estimation,
  • prediction and testing in linear models,
  • robustness of relevant statistical methods,
  • estimation of variance components appearing in linear models,
  • generalizations to nonlinear models,
  • design and analysis of experiments, including optimality and comparison of linear experiments.
In this Symposium, contribution in these areas, including procedures, applications, computational solutions, are welcome.
12) Title: The Third Symposium on Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (CSAM 2014)

Organizer: Prof. Chenglian LIU, School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Long Yan University, Long Yan 364012, China and Dr. Juan LIN, Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University, Fuqing 350300, China


E-mail: and

The third symposium on CSAM 2014 is a part of 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2014 (ICNAAM 2014) that will be held on 22-28 September 2014, Rodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes, Greece ( 
Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Symposium focuses on new methods, technologies and applications of computer science and mathematics. The aim is to amalgamate some recent theoretical and empirical contributions that reflect current changes in technology and develop associations and interactions between ranges of disciplines.
Papers that address in Symposium on CSAM 2014 related to the following categories are welcomed. Some of key areas of focus are (but not limited):
  • Computational Mathematics
  • Computer & Network Security
  • Fuzzy logic & Fuzzy Set & ( Fuzzy ) Automata
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Soft Computing
  • Information Security & Cryptography
  • Electronic Commerce
  • Control Theory and Applications
Submission Information
The manuscripts should be submitted to the Symposium Chairs only by Email at: or Submitted paper should be in AIP (American Institute of Physics) format and should not exceed 4 pages.
The proceedings of the conference will be published in a Special Volume of the very famous AIP Conference Proceedings. The American Institute of Physics (AIP) is a very well known series of Conference Proceedings, which is included in the leading databases of scientific & engineering literature including INSPEC (an IEE product), Scitation, ISI Web of knowledge, MathSciNet, Scopus, Scirus, Google Scholar and so on. All accepted papers need to have a full registration to the conference. More information can be found at:
Distinguished papers accepted and presented in the first symposium on CSAM 2014 will be considered for publication in a special issue of the following appropriate journals.
Important Dates
  • Deadline for Paper Submission: April 1, 2014
  • Paper Acceptance/Rejection Notification: May 20, 2014
  • Camera Ready Submission and Registration Due: June 20, 2014

13) Title: 2nd Symposium on Latest Advances in Inverse Problem and its Application to Science and Engineering

Organizer: Dr. Jun Liu, Ames Laboratory US-DOE and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, USA, 50010



The inverse problem seeks for the source given a response. It forms a very important step in many physical problems and towards practical applications. However, it is a notoriously difficult problem as the kernel function to be inverted is usually ill-conditioned. A better solution towards inverse models will benefit our society by gaining an insight into interpreting and solving important real physical problems.
This symposium focuses on a specific aspect of the cross-disciplinary inverse problem with an emphasis on the development and application of new methods towards physical science research and engineering. It aims at bringing together scholars all over the world who are from different fields yet have a joint interest on the inverse problem, and providing a chance to exchange newest ideas and thoughts to deal with this generic problem better. 
Researchers are invited to submit original unpublished work.
The topics of interest include, but not restricted to, the followings
  • New developments in analytic theories and computational methods/algorithms of inverse problem  
  • Global optimization approaches and regularization techniques related to inverse problem
  • Analytic continuation problem and spectral function extraction
  • Inverse problem in experimental measurements
  • Image reconstruction for a variety of medical scanning techniques
  • Inverse scattering and partial differential equations 

14) Title: 1st International Symposium on Computational and Statistical Approaches to Tomographic Reconstruction

Organizer: Dr. Eman Khorsheed, Department of Mathematics, University of Bahrain, P. O. Box 32038, Kingdom of Bahrain, Tel: +973 17437574.



Computational and statistical approaches have been widely used for image formation and reconstruction. The statistical methods can make use of the accurate physical models with real-life data taking into account the stochastic nature of noise; also they can enforce object constraints such as spatial continuity, temporal correlation and non-negativity. Tomography is a powerful reconstruction technique for producing cross-sectional images of the internal structure of an object, or more precisely, for estimating the distribution of a physical quantity of interest from a set of projection data using an appropriate computational technique such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). Some areas to which tomography has been applied are medical imaging, geophysics, oceanography, quantum states, and relatively recently to the ionosphere where estimates of the electron density are used in mapping the ionosphere.      
This symposium aims to bring together statisticians, physicists, engineers, mathematicians and scientists working on new research ideas in the related fields.
Topics to be covered by the symposium include (but not limited to):
  • Computational statistics and software development
  • Statistical modeling  
  • Statistical approaches to tomographic reconstruction
  • Bayesian Statistics including spatial, spatio temporal and hierarchical models 
  • Image analysis and tomography: ionospheric tomography, quantum tomography, oceanography, geophysics, medical tomography, etc.
  • Solar-terrestrial remote sensing and imaging 

15) Title: 2nd Symposium on Problematic Soils

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aytekin, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain



Second Symposiums about problematic soils will be held within the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (ICNAAM 2014). 2nd symposium in ICNAAM 2014 will take place at Rhodes at Rodos Palace Hotel between 22-28/09/2014. 
The symposium covers various subjects including; numerical methods (FEM, FDM, BEM, etc.), fundamental research findings, modeling of problematic soil behavior from laboratory and/or field observations. The symposium aims to provide an opportunity for dissemination of current practice on recent research and industry developments in the geotechnical engineering of problematic soils.
The symposium welcomes contributions from all areas related to geomorphology, engineering geology, geotechnical engineering (including modeling, laboratory and field assessment, footing design and remediation techniques), soil-structure interaction, building and infrastructure problems and others, associated with the many problematic soils encountered across the globe. Such soils have and continue to present challenges to engineers all over the world. The ultimate aim of this conference is to bring together experts from different disciplines and countries to provide a forum to exchange ideas and discuss latest developments.
Topics of interest of the 2nd symposium on problematic soils includes (but not limited):
  • Peat and organic soils
  • Volcanic Soils
  • Expansive Soils
  • Collapsible Soils
  • Carbonate rich soils
  • Lateritic soils
  • Residual soils
  • Tailings
  • Deep fills
  • Dispersive soils
  • Unsaturated soils
  • Numerical modeling of behavior of problematic soils
  • Soil water characteristic curve (SWCC), or soil water retention curve (SWRC),
  • Stabilization of problematic soil (chemical and/or mechanical stabilization)
  • Foundation (including pavements) design on problematic soil

16) Title: Recent Advances and Current Research on the Difference Equations and its Applications

Organizer: Professor Dr. Seifedine Kadry, American University of the Middle East, Kuwait. Telephone: + (965) 2225 1400 - Fax: + (965) 22251427 and Professor Dr. Abdelkhalak EL HAMI, LOFIMS Laboratory, INSA de Rouen, France



Difference Equation or discrete dynamical system is a very interesting subject because they are central to the analysis of many models of dynamic programming and we can derive many complex behavior based on simple formulation.
The aim of this symposium is to discuss the new developments in the field of difference equations, and their applications.
Topics of interest include but not limited to:
  • Solution of the difference equation and its behavior,
  • equilibrium or critical value and stability
  • general theory of difference equations
  • random difference equations
  • iteration theory
  • bifurcation theory
  • mathematical biology
  • control theory
  • chaotic dynamics
  • complex dynamics
  • iterated function systems
  • numerical approximations
  • discretization of differential equations
  • dynamic equations on time scales
  • discrete equations and inequalities
  • discrete transformations
  • functional equations
  • orthogonal polynomials
  • stochastic processes
  • industrial mathematics
  • mathematical engineering
  • discrete models
  • applications in economics, physics and other disciplines
  • difference-differential equations
  • computational linear algebra
  • combinatorics
  • evolutionary game theory
17) Title: 2014-Advanced Mathematical Modeling for Physical Applications

Organizer: Dr. Mat. Diana Alina Bistrian, Department of Electrical Engineering and Industrial Informatics, Faculty of Engineering of Hunedoara, University “Politehnica” of Timisoara, Romania, Revolutiei Nr. 5, Hunedoara, 331128, Romania. URL Address:



The topics of this Session cover a large spectrum of applications the main topic being the usage of advanced mathematical modeling applied in various fields of engineering and sciences. The interdisciplinary application of advanced mathematical algorithms makes this symposium an opportunity to meet together specialists involved in applied mathematics, numerical algorithms, informatics and general engineering. 
Besides scheduling talks from established researchers, junior and post-doctoral researchers are strongly encouraged to present their work. 
Researchers are invited to submit original work, related but not restricted to the following topics
  • Applied mathematics: numerical methods for partial differential equations in their various aspects, fractional differential equations, delay systems, boundary value problems, stochastic Navier-Stokes equations
  • Computational fluid dynamics: modeling of swirling flows, oceanographic flows, optimal order modeling, active flow control, vortex flows, optimization and self induced instabilities mitigation, vortex breakdown phenomena 
  • Mathematical modeling and optimization of electrical and electronic equipment
  • Development of efficient haptic systems in engineering and medicine
  • Computational and experimental applied aerodynamics, optimization methods in applied aerodynamics 
  • Sensitivity analysis and shape optimization techniques.

18) Title: Numerical Optimization and Applications

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Ana Isabel Pereira, Instituto Politécnico de Braganca, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão - Gabinete 54, 5301-857 Bragança - Portugal and Prof. Dr. M. Fernanda P. Costa, Department of Mathematics and Applications,  University of Minho, Campus de Azurém, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal. Website:


E-mail: and

URL Address:

Numerical Optimization Session emphasizes modeling, theory and study of numerical algorithms for solving optimization problems. Because of the wide and growing use of optimization in science, engineering, economics, finance and industry, it is important to develop an understanding of optimization algorithms. Knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of these algorithms leads to a better understanding of their impact on various applications, and points the way to future research on improving and extending optimization algorithms and software. Our goal in this session is to give a description of the some powerful, techniques for solving continuous optimization problems.

19) Title: Seventh Symposium on Recent Trends in the Numerical Solution of  Differential Equations

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Luigi Brugnano, Dipartimento di Matematica "U.Dini", Universita` degli Studi di Firenze, Viale Morgagni 67/A, 50134 Firenze Italy. Tel. : +39-055-4237-119, Fax. : +39-055-4237-162. and Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Ewa B. Weinmüller, Department for Analysis and Scientific Computing, Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10/1152, A-1040 Wien, Austria.


E-mail: and

URL address of the Symposium:


20) Title: Limit Theorems of Sums of Independent Random Variables in Probability Theory

Organizer: Dr. Gooty Divanji, Department of Statistics, Manasagangothri, University of Mysore, Mysore – 570006 – Karnataka – INDIA. URL address:



Limit theorems in probability play a vital role in almost everything including weather forecasting, stock exchange, econometrics, psychology etc. The present symposium is the gateway to interact with researchers in the various fields of interest and hope it provides an opportunity to have amalgamation of thought and might give us an opportunity to find solution to unsolved problems in the following fields of probability.
  • Laws of large numbers
  • Central limit Problems
  • Laws of iterated logarithm
  • Precise asymptotic in above topics
  • Convergence in Distributions
  • Local limit theorems
  • Large deviation problems
  • Convergence rates
  • Applications of the above topics
Authors are cordially invited to submit original unpublished results to the peer review for publication and presentation, in the above topics of interest (but not limited).

21) Title: Numerical Solution and Computer Realization of Difference Methods to Partial Differential Equations

Organizer: Mikheil Tutberidze, Associate Professor at Ilia State University, Tbilisi, GEORGIA



The Symposium is focused on reports which are devoted to construction, investigation and numerical solution (through software developped by reporter) of difference schemes to various problems for Partial Differential Equations.

22) Title: Applications of Fractional Differential Equations in Mathematics and Other Sciences

Organizer: Udita Katugampola, Ph.D., Delaware State University, Dover DE 19901, USA


E-mail: or

Fractional Calculus, the art of non-integer order integrals and derivatives, has gained an interesting momentum in recent years. The applications are ranging from Pure and Applied Mathematics through Medicine. It is easy to find experts working on this field because of its beauty, while others look for applications.
The Symposium is mainly focused on the Applications of Fractional Differential Equations in mathematics and other sciences and solicits high quality research work in any branch of sciences, thereby contributing to an inter-disciplinary collaboration. The main aim of this symposium is to provide impetus, motivation and to bring together researchers working in the fields of Fractional Calculus by providing a forum for the academic exchange of ideas and recent research works.
Topics will include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Generalized Fractional Integrals and Derivatives
  • Fractional population dynamics models
  • Fractional Signal Processing
  • Fractional Image Processing
  • Fractional Euler-Lagrange equations
  • Fractional Control Applications
  • Fractional Transformations
  • Fractional Differential Equations, ODE, PDE and SDE
  • Existence and Uniqueness results
  • Fractional Calculus applications in Physics, Chemistry, Biology and other sciences
  • Other relevant topics

23) Title: 2nd Symposium on Numerical Calculations on Theoretical Magnetism

Organizer: Dr. Gülistan MERT, Department of Physics, Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey



The purpose of this symposium is to bring together physicists from all areas of the theoretical magnetism. This symposium includes the analysis of numerical methods for the magnetism.
  • paramagnetism
  • diamagnetism
  • ferromagnetism
  • antiferromagnetism
  • ferrimagnetism
  • hysteresis loops
  • magnetic susceptibility
  • magnetic anisotropy
  • spin configurations

24) Title: The Fourth ICNAAM Symposium on Recent Developments in Hilbert Space Tools and Methodology for Scientific Computing

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Metin Demiralp, İstanbul Technical University, Ayazağa Campus, Maslak-34469, İstanbul, Turkey,



This symposium covers even many
diverse fields where the Hilbert space based conceptual approaches and tools are used in methodology for scientifing computing.
It will cover the following items although it is not restricted to these only:
  • High Dimensional Model Representation for Multivariate Functions
  • Enhanced Multivariance Product Representation for Multivariate Functions and Multilinear arrrays
  • Fluctuation terms and related techniques in integration, matrix representation
  • Scientific Computing in Quantum Dynamical Problems  via Hilbert Space Tools
  • Quantum Dynamical Perspectives in the Solutions of ODEs and their use in contemporary sciences like neuroscience
  • Fine techniques in quadratures via Hilbert space concepts
  • Multilinear tools and approaches needed in scientific computations
  • Hilbert space approaches for the ODEs
  • Hilbert space approaches for the PDEs
  • Hilbert space approaches in Neuroscience and related issues
  • Dynamical system identifications from discrete data
  • ODEs in Probabilistic Evolution Perspective
  • Quantum Expectation Dynamics in Probabilistic Evolution Perspective
  • Liouville Expectation Dynamics in Probabilistic Evolution Perspective

25) Title: 2nd Symposium on the Grid-Based Quantum Many-Body Problem

Organizer: Dr. Toby D. Young Asst. Prof., Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, ul A. Pawinskiego 5b, 02-106 Warsaw, POLAND. URL:



The goal of this meeting is to bring together scientific researchers from a variety of fields that are engaged in fundamental and applied aspects of grid-based methods in quantum mechanics.  The main focus this symposium is on the challenges that arise in dealing with the quantum many-body problem in the context of applied mathematics and of mathematical methods in physics. This symposium aims to consolidate the current state of the art and discuss new developments from a range of disciplines that contribute to this field of scientific research.
The key topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
  • Solutions to the linear/non-linear Schroedinger and Dirac equation; Mathematical modelling of quantum systems.
  • Self-consistency; Perturbation theory; Variational methods; Correlated wavefunction theory.
  • Grid-based quantum many-body theory; Kohn-Sham equations; Hartree-Fock theory; Entanglement and information theory.
  • Finite element and finite difference analysis; Error estimates; Grid adaptivity.
  • Numerical methods for eigenspectrum problems; Novel algorithms; Optimisation; Parallelization.
Additional information about this symposium can be found at:

26) Title: Design of Experiments and Polymer Products Design

Organizer: Prof (Dr) Golok B Nando, Rubber Technology Center, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, Kharagpur-721302, Ph: +91 3222-283194(O)/ 282292(D), + 91 3222-283195(R), Fax:P +91-3222-282292/255303, (M) +91 9434722284



It will cover the experimental design of recipes for the manufacture of polymer products  including Taguchi methodology and design of plastics and Rubber products using computer aided design and finite element analysis.It will cover all the rubber products such as, automotive tyres, belts, cables, hoses, moulded articles and plastic products such as automotive components injection moulded,plastc bottles, pipes, components for medical devices, civil structures and Agriculture engineering applications. 
Apart from these, polymer composites for high end applications such as in aerospace, marine engineering, electronics, sports  and prosthetic applications. The participants shall be derived from academics, research organisations and industries.

27) Title: Statistics and Modelling V

Organizer: Dr. Milan Stehlík, Institut für angewandte Statistik, Freistädter Straße 315, A-4040 Linz, Austria



This session will address a recent developments in statistics and modelling. In particular also applications will be considered.


28) Title: Numerical Methods for Integro and Fractional Differential Equations 

Organizers: Qasem M. Al-Mdallal, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Science, UAE University, P.O. Box 17551, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates, Fax: 971-3-7671291, Tel: 971-3-7136397 and Muhammed I. Syam, Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematical Sciences, College of Science, UAE University, P.O. Box 17551, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates, Fax: 971-3-7671291, Tel: 971-3-7136395


E-mail: and

Integro and Fractional differential equations have attracted much attention in a variety of applied sciences due  to their importance in studying many models in fluid dynamics, plasma physics, mathematical biology and chemical kinetics. 
For instance, these equations are used to describe wave propagation and to control the shallow water. It is well-known that it is extremely difficult to find exact solutions for such  equations. Therefore, several numerical algorithms have been developed over the years to find approximate solutions.  
In this Symposium, we will focus on the numerical techniques for integro and fractional differential equations. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
  • Integral equations.
  • Integro-differential equations.
  • Fractional differential equations.
  • Fractional integro-differential equations.
  • System of integral equations.
  • System of  integro-differential equations.
  • System of fractional differential equations.

29) Title: Computational Methods for Stochastic Models 

Organizers: Dr. Tuan Phung-Duc, Assistant Professor of Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, Postal Address: Department of Mathematical and Computing Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, W8-40 Ookayama, Tokyo 152-8552, Japan. Website: and Dr. Wouter Rogiest, Department of Telecommunications and Information Processing, Ghent University, Belgium. Postal Address: Department of Telecommunications and Information Processing (EA07), Ghent University, St.-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B-9000 Gent, Belgium. Website:



The purpose of the symposium is to promote and encourage the development of numerical algorithms for stochastic models arising from telecommunication, production and biological systems such as queueing models, population models etc. We would like to bring researchers in the fields of numerical analysis and stochastic models to one forum to promote new development of numerical methods for stochastic models.
The topics include but not limited to the following. 
  • Matrix analytic methods
  • Queueing Models and scheduling disciplines
  • Markov Processes
  • Level-dependent quasi-birth-and-death processes
  • Stochastic Biological Models
  • Performance Models for Telecommunications and Information Systems
  • Stochastic models for Power-Saving policies in Data Centers
  • Performance models for call centers

Acceptance notification: July 29

30) Title: Recent Advances on Fixed Point Theory and its Applications 

Organizer: Erdal KARAPINAR, ATILIM UNIVERSITY, Department of Mathematics, Incek, Ankara, Turkey,



The purpose of the conference is to bring together leading experts and researchers in fixed point theory and to assess new developments, ideas and methods in this important and dynamic field. A special emphasis will be put on applications in related areas, as well as other sciences, such as the natural sciences, medicine, economics and engineering.


31) Title: Scheduling and Timetabling 

Organizer: Dr. Aldy Gunawan, Research Scientist, Living Analytics Research Centre (LARC), School of Information Systems, 80 Stamford Road, Singapore 178902



This symposium welcomes all researchers, academicians, practitioners and vendors on all aspects of scheduling and timetabling. 
The topics include, but are not limited to the following: 
  • Implementations of scheduling and timetabling 
  • Complexity of scheduling and timetabling 
  • Commercial Packages 
  • Educational timetabling 
  • Agent Based Scheduling 
  • Batch Scheduling 
  • Delivery Scheduling 
  • Evolutionary Algorithms 
  • Heuristic Search 
  • Knowledge-Based Systems 
  • Large Scale Scheduling 
  • Local Search 
  • Machine Scheduling 
  • Meta-heuristic Search 
  • Multi-processor Scheduling 
  • Process Scheduling 
  • Production Scheduling 
  • Real World Scheduling 
  • Rostering 
  • Shop-Floor Scheduling 
  • Sports Scheduling 
  • Transport Scheduling 
  • Vehicle Routing  

32) Title: Closest String and Related Problems 

Organizer: Dr. Peter Zörnig, Associate Professor, Institute of Exact Sciences, Department of Statistics, University of Brasília, Brazil



The closest string problem (CSP), also known as the motif finding problem, represents an active and very fertile research topic of combinatorial optimization. The problem is NP-hard and hast numerous applications, especially in computational biology and coding theory. Given a set of sequences, the task is to find another sequence that is as close as possible to all given sequences (with respect to a certain metric, usually the Hamming distance).
The CSP is mostly modeled as an integer linear programming problem but there are also other approaches, e.g. multiobjective optimization or graph theoretical models.
Similar problems are the closest substring problem and the farthest (sub-) string problem. 
For the symposium are invited any contributions for solving the CSP or a similar problem.
Selected References
  • Festa, P.: On some optimization problems in molecular biology, Math. Biosci. 207(2007) 219-234.
  • Gomes, F.C., Meneses, C.N., Pardalos , P.M.,Viana, G.V.R.: A parallel multistart algorithm for the closest string problem, Comp. Oper. Res. 35 (2008), 3636-3643.
  • Kelsey, T., Kotthoff, L.: The exact closest string problem as a constraint satisfaction  problem, <>
  • Meneses C.N., Lu Z, Oliveira C.A.S., Pardalos P.M.: Optimal solutions for the closest-string problem via integer programming, INFORMS J. Comput. 16(4) (2004) 419-429.
  • Soleimani-damaneh, M.: On some multiobjective optimization problems arising in biology, Int. J. Comput. Math. 88 (6) (2011) 1103-1119.
  • Zörnig, Peter: Improved optimization modeling for the closest string and related problems, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 35 (2011), 5609-5617.
33) Title: Structure Preserving Integrators for Differential and Stochastic Differential Equations 

Organizers: Elena Celledoni, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, Roman Kozlov, Department of Business and Management Science, Norwegian School of Economics, Bergen, Norway and  Takayasu Matsuo, Department of Mathematical Informatics, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo



Geometric numerical integration is a systematic approach for the discretization of differential equations aimed at preserving geometric and analytic properties of the continuous equations. Another name widely used for this approach is that of structure-preserving algorithms. 
This workshop should be seen in the context of an emerging trend where new branches of mathematics enter applications.
For example the area of discrete integrable systems has only been loosely connected to numerical analysis of ordinary differential equations up to recently. Similarly structure preservation in the context of stochastic differential equations is still largely unexplored. One connection of the two fields is through the theory of discrete symmetries, another through algebraic combinatorics and B-series.
The intention is to explore the possibility of development of new mathematical tools to meet the upcoming challenges of science and engineering.
We would like to bring together experts in these fileds for discussing recent developments and future directions of research.


34) Title: Third Minisymposium on Mathematical Modeling in Hydrology: Novel Insight in Hydrological Modeling 

Organizers: Organizer: Prof. Lucio Ubertini, H2CU-Centro Interuniversitario di Formazione Internazionale, Via Eudossiana 18, Roma. Co-organizer: Dr. Fabio Russo, DICEA-Sapienza Università di Roma, Via Eudossiana 18, Roma



The goal of this symposium is to deal with mathematical modeling in hydrology, opening discussions on the advances of numerical analysis and applied mathematics in hydrological sciences.
Topics of interest of the symposium include but are not limited to:
  • Catchment hydrology;
  • Hydrological forecasting;
  • Water management, operations and control;
  • Remote sensing and data assimilation;
  • Precipitation and climate.

35) Title: Dynamic Properties Analysis of Mechanical Structures 

Organizer: Dr. Bin Xu, R&D department, Shanghai Institute of special equipment inspection and technique research, 399# North Nujiang Road, Shanghai, 200333, China



In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to analyze the strength of an assembly in practical engineering instead of a single part. An assembly usually assembled by pinned connections, bolts, joints, hinges etc. Along with the development of computer science, numerical analysis was becoming more and more popular, such as finite element method, multi-body dynamics analysis etc. Now we invite researchers to submit your original papers on various aspects of analysis method on mechanical structures.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
  • New analytical method of contact mechanics
  • Finite element analysis on mechanical structure.
  • Buckling analysis.
  • multi-body dynamic analysis of complex assembly
  • Risk based safety assessment of crane and mechanical parking system.

36) Title: Exponential Product and Quantum Analysis 

Organizer: Dr. Masuo Suzuki, RIKEN, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan




37) Title: Sequence Spaces and Transformations 

Organizer: Prof. Dr.Ekrem SAVAŞ, İstanbul Commerce University, Department of Mathematics, Sütlüce,İstanbul/ Turkey



The session will focus on Functional Analysis in the context of Topological and Banach Sequence Spaces, especially related to 
  • Summability theory,
  • Hausdorff Transformations,
  • Probability Theory,
  • Fourier Series
  • and others.

38) Title: New Analytical and Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD)Techniques for Solving Complicated Hydraulic Engineering Problems 

Organizer: Gürol Yıldırım, PhD. Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Aksaray University, Engineering Faculty, Department of Civil Engineering, Division of Hydraulics, Central Campus, 68100, Aksaray, Turkey



In the last decades, more and more attention has been paid to solve different types of complicated hydraulic engineering problems such as resistance law, analysis of water shock effect through forced pipes, manifold flow hydraulics, diffuser hydraulics etc. which could be interested in many engineering areas, sea outfalls, water distribution networks, irrigation pipelines, gas and oil pipeline design i.e, engineering practice.  In recent years, with implementing truly accurate analytical solutions, the Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) technique based more complex Naview-Stokes equations is preferably used in profession practice.
Potential topics of this Symposia include, but are not limited to:
  • CFD applications for all kinds of complicated fluid mechanics problems,
  • New analytical techniques for solving partial differential equations,
  • Improvement of analytical and numerical approaches and their applications in science and various types of general engineering problems.
  • Software (Fluent) applications to slove fluid dynamic problems.

39) Title: Modelling of Biological Cells, Fluid Flow and Microfluidics 

Organizer: Dr. Ivan Cimrak, Department of Software Technologies, Faculty of Management Science and Informatics, University of Zilina, Univerzitna 8215/1, 01026 Zilina, Slovakia. URL:



There are numerous approaches and tools for modelling of mechanical and biological processes based on a fluid flow with immersed objects. To name just few of them: Blood flow, biological solutions with purified cells, flow in microfluidic chambers, and many others… These approaches and tools can significantly improve the design process of real experiments.
The aim of this symposium is to push forward the knowledge in the described area. We hope that during the symposium the ideas will be exchanged, the latest developments will be discussed and, possibly, new cooperation links will be established.
The main topics include, but are not limited to:
  • Blood flow modelling on the level of individual cells
  • Fluid flow modelling of microfluidic devices
  • Cell affinity models
  • Mechanical models for cells
  • Large scale computations of blood flow; parallel and GPU issues
  • Magnetic particles in microfluidics
  • Biological aspects of microfluidics
  • Fluid flow simulation tools
The best presentation of this symposium will be awarded by "The Best Presentation of Modelling of Biological Cells, Fluid Flow and Microfluidics Symposium" award and the winner obtains a small financial prize. The best presentation will be determined by voting among the audience.
40) Title: Higher Dimensional Splines: Variations on a Theme

Organizers: PD Dr. Peter Massopust, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Neuherberg, Germany, and Centre of Mathematics, Research Unit M6, Technische Universität München, Garching b. München, Germany and Prof. Dr. Patrick Van Fleet, Chair, Department of Mathematics, Director, Center of Applied Mathematics, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA


E-mail: and

The focus of this symposium is on multivariate splines such as box splines, cone splines, and simplex splines. Emphasis is placed on new developments, novel constructions and extensions of the classical setting. Of particular interest are connections to and applications in other mathematical areas and the engineering sciences.


41) Title: Lattice-Boltzmann Methods for Physics, Biology and Engineering Design Application

Organizer: Leon Gradon, PhD, DSc, Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, 00-645 Warsaw, Warynskiego 1, Poland, phone/fax: (+48 22) 825 91 80,



In order to solve numerous problems described in advanced models proposed by such disciplines as Physics, Biology and Engineering, we need to use the advanced methods of calculations. Analytic methods are either unavailable, or difficult to compute by traditional means.
The lattice gas models can perform such tasks efficiently, since they simulate the processes at the same speed, no matter if the geometry, boundary conditions and the system itself are simple or complex. The simplicity of including of complex boundary conditions together with the simplicity of computational mesh used by lattice gas methods are the main advantages of these methods in comparison with e.g. classical CFD methods.
The aim of the Symposium is the presentation of problems where the cellular automata and particularly the lattice-Boltzmann methods (LBM) are the useful tools for their solutions.
Particularly, the presented papers are concerned on newest advantages in lattice-Boltzmann simulations, i.e.:
  • LBM models for two or more phase flows (e.g. droplet dynamics and coalescence, wetting phenomena)
  • LBM models for the flows in porous structures (e.g. regional groundwater flow simulations)
  • Applications of LBM to problems with moving boundaries (e.g. the growth of the deposits of particles on filtration fibers)
  • Coupling of LBM algorithms with classical turbulence models (k-e, LES) for the solving of turbulent flow problems (e.g. simulations of open-channel flows)
  • Application of LBM for non-Newtonian fluid flows (e.g. polymer technology, blood flow)
  • Application of LBM for nonisotermal problems and many others.

42) Title: Symposium on Theoretical and Computational Modeling of Biomembranes

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Krystian Kubica, Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Instrumentation, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland



Biomembranes, surrounding individual cells and organelles inside of eukaryotic cells, form barriers that separate inside from out and allow the existence of life processes. Therefore, their structure and properties have been a vital part of the research for many years now.  However, due to their complex nature, experimental studies have to be complemented by theoretical and computational investigations in order to provide a holistic understanding of biomembranes.
The symposium welcomes all researches and students interested in biomembranes research based on theoretical approaches. The studies should be presented in a way to enable a dialog between theory and experiments and, subsequently, to encourage experimental verification of the presented ideas.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 
  • Membrane structure and function
  • Transport across membranes
  • Membrane fusion
  • Membrane changes during cell division
  • Electroporation
  • Energy transformation in membrane systems
  • Propagation of information
  • Membrane and immunology response
  • Modification of membrane properties

43) Title: Second Mini-Symposium on Physical-Chemical Gas-Dynamics: Non-Equilibrium Processes Modeling and Simulation

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Yuriy Gorbachev, Geolink Technologies LLC, St.-Petersburg, Russia. URL:



This mini-symposium aims to provide a forum for specialists in reactive gas mixtures modeling and simulation to identify and discuss challenges in, and possible solutions for, modeling of non-equilibrium processes, as well as developing the novel analytical and numerical methods for corresponding problems simulation.
Specific topics include (but are not limited to):
  • Modeling of non-equilibrium processes in reactive gas mixtures
  • Modeling of nucleation/condensation/coagulation
  • Kinetic and gas-dynamic approaches
  • Generalized Boltzmann equation
  • Quasi-chemical nucleation model
  • Asymptotic methods for deriving gas-dynamic equations from kinetic
  • Non-equilibrium and multiphysics
  • Novel approaches to combine different models in one problem solution
  • Challenging applications in industry and academia
  • Advanced numerical methods for solving non-equilibrium effects in reactive gas mixture problems

44) Title: Engineering Problems of Plasticity

Organizer: Prof. Dr. R.I. Nepershin, Member of Russian National Committee of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics RAN. Moscow State Technological, University “STANKIN”, Department of Plastic Deformation Systems. 1, Vadkovsky per., Moscow, 127994, Russia. Tel. 8 (499) 973 30 76, Fax 8 (499) 973 38 85



Object of Symposium Engineering Problems of Plasticity (EPP) is discussion of modern developments in mathematical analysis, numerical solutions and computer simulation of engineering and technology problems induced by large plastic deformation of solids and structures in the fields of plastic forming technology, buckling, fracture and limit loads constrained by the large plastic flow.
Scope of the EPP Symposium is as follows, but not limited:
  • new mathematical models of engineering problems of plasticity,
  • numerical analysis and algorithms for non-linear plasticity problems,
  • buckling plastic mechanics of rods, plates and shells,
  • computer simulation of metal forming processes and structures,
  • plastic flow fracture of solids and structures. 

45) Title: The 1st International Symposium on Computational Modelling and Numerical Methods in Laser-Materials Interactions

Organizer: Associate Professor Dr. Qiang Zhao, Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing, P.R.China, Tel: +8610-59872020, Fax: +8610-59872300



This symposium on computational modelling and numerical methods in laser-materials interactions focuses on numerical mathematics for laser-materials interactions and related topics. It is an extermely interdisciplinary symposium and the topics cover a wide range of scientic research that often bridges the gap between basic science and applications/technology.
Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
  • modelling and simulation of laser-materials interactions
  • numerical methods for fluid flow with phase transition
  • fluid-structure interactions
  • engineering applications of laser-materials interactions
  • experimental measurements of laser-materials interactions
  • computation frameworks and tools
  • modelling and simulation of pulsed laser deposition
  • multi-phase fluid flow problems
  • numerical methods for heat diusion in laser ablation
  • mathematical modelling and analysis for lasers in nanoscience
  • novel approaches to multidimensional laser-materials interactions simulation

46) Title: Methodology and Technology for Data Analysis in Manufacturing System and Quality Engineering

Organizer: Professor Gao Jianmin, State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineering of China, School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University,No.28, Xianning West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710049, P.R. China



Massive data created from manufacturing system has becoming a valuable resource in Big Data Time. Hence, digital, network and intelligence is the typical characteristics of a modern manufacturing system. Data extraction, dealing with, analysis and comprehensive utilization becomes an enabling technology for a manufacturing system to be digitization, networking and intelligent. That is, methods and technologies of analyzing massive and complex structure data of a manufacturing system has a significant impact for safety operating and quality engineering. 
The goal of this symposium is to provide a venue to where researchers, scientists, engineers and practitioners throughout the world can present and discuss the latest achievements, future challenges and exciting novel data analysis methods and technologies that will enable to improve the operating and control techniques of the modern manufacture system to suit for the requirement of the Big Data Time.
This symposium covers all fields of data analysis through inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling to discover useful information, get conclusions, and realize decision making. We focus on state-of-the-art fundamental and applied research in manufacturing and its quality at the systems level. Furthermore, the following research field are also welcome: Web-based Intelligent manufacturing systems, automatic data capture, enterprise modeling, product and process quality, quality function deployment, quality by design, six sigma, business intelligence, system security, IT tools integration for manufacturing.
Authors are invited to submit original unpublished results which are not under review in any other conference or journal, to the peer review for publication and presentation, in the following, but not limited to, the following topic areas of this symposium:
  • Big data analysis in manufacturing system and quality engineering 
  • Safety analysis in industry system
  • Operating state prediction and management for complex system
  • manufacturing Information quality management and control 
  • Data analysis in manufacturing system reliability
  • Thermal reliability analysis
  • Measurement data extraction and analysis
  • Defect identification in non-destructive testing
  • Three-dimensional data visualization 

47) Title: Applied Problems in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics Related to Modeling of Information Systems (APPT+MS)

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Alexander Zeifman, Vologda State University and Institute of Informatics Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences



The main topics of the Symposium “APPT + MS” will be as follows:
  • Probability theory in the modeling of information systems
  • Stochastic processes in the modeling of information systems
  • Mathematical statistics in the modeling of information systems
  • Queuing theory
  • Discrete probabilistic models
  • Models of information security
  • Modern Tasks of Teletraffic Theory

48) Title: Design and Analysis of Textile Composites

Organizer: Dr. Mehmet Karahan, Uludag University Vocational School of Technical Sciences Gorukle Bursa Turkey



Textile composites are constantly broadening their world-wide use and field of application, because of the freedom of design and manufacturing and their technical qualities, despite several challenges that must be overcome. The symposium presents recent developments in design, engineering, manufacturing and analysis of composites from a social, a technical and a design perspective.
  • Designing of textile composites, combining high volume and high performance, joining composites, sandwich construction and manufacturing techniques
  • Designing with composites: innovative designs, new applications, new materials and new reinforcements
  • Mechanical design and modelling of textile composites
  • Advanced manufacturing processes
  • Development in textile preforms
  • Nano-fibres and composites
  • Mechanical and thermal behaviours
  • Textile composites in ballistic
  • Explicit modelling of textile composites
  • Geometrical modelling of textile composites

49) Title: Applications of Functional Ito calculus

Organizer: David-Antoine Fournie, Vice President, Morgan Stanley, 1585 broadway, 5th floor, New York, NY 10036, USA



The symposium will go through the current state of research regarding applications of the recently introduced functional Ito calculus (Dupire(2009), Cont-Fournie(2010), Cont-Fournie(2013)) in the areas of non-Markovian stochastic control and of Quantitative Finance. It will also review the new numerical methods introduced to compute sensitivites in financial modeling using this functional calculus.


50) Title: Computational Methods for Stochastic Models of Insurance and Finance (Second Symposium)

Organizer: Dr. Riccardo Gatto, Associate Professor , Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Bern, Alpeneggstrasse 22, 3012 Bern, Switzerland, Direct     + 41 31 6318807, Fax        + 41 31 6313805, Secretary  + 41 31 6318811




The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers working on computational aspects of applied probability, with emphasis on insurance, finance, queueing theory and other fields of engineering and management.


51) Title: Complex Networks for Management: Modeling and Simulation

Organizer: Prof. Dr.Yang, Jianmei, School of Business Administration, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 



Everything is linked to everything else in the world. Complex network model is a powerful tool to depict and analyze the link relationships. All papers related to modeling and simulation of complex networks for management both in modern internet-based organizations and traditional organizations are welcome.
Relevant topics include, but not limited to:
The modeling and analysis of complex networks in the following management areas:
  • Industry analysis
  • Finance
  • Enterprises rivalry strategy
  • Supply chain
  • Marketing
  • Human resource
  • Internet community of open source code 
  • Internet community of encyclopedia
Or analysis methods in: 
  • Multi-layer complex network models
  • Dynamic Network Analysis 
  • Stochastic actor-based models for network dynamics
  • Other simulation technologies in networks

52) Title: Initial Boundary Value Problems (IBVP) and Its Applications

Organizer: Dr. Şerife Faydaoğlu, Dokuz Eylul University, Izmir, Turkey



The goal of the ICNAAM 2014 Symposium is to devote all aspects of numerical and analytical solutions of initial boundary value problems for ordinary and partial differential equations. Applications in different fields of physics,  mechanics, engineering will be discussed.
Topics of the Symposium include:
  • Differential equations and applications 
  • Analysis 
  • Fourier series expansion method  (the method of seperation of variables)
  • Technique of the spectral theory for solving
  • Heat diffusion equation
  • Vibration equation
  • Wave equation
  • Applications to physics, mechanics, engineering, economics problems, and etc.
  • Numerical methods
  • Computational Mathematics
  • Mathematical physics

53) Title: Dynamics and Applications of Chaos in the Muthuswamy-Chua System

Organizer: Dr. Bharathwaj Muthuswamy, Milwaukee School of Engineering, Milwaukee, WI, USA; 



In this symposium, we will discuss the dynamics and applications of the Muthuswamy-Chua system [2] [4].  This system is simply composed of an inductor-capacitor-memristor in parallel (series) and hence is the simplest (in terms of number of fundamental circuit elements) electronic circuit [3] that can exhibit chaotic behavior.
Topics of the symposium include:
  1. Introduction to the fourth fundamental circuit element - the memristor [1].
  2. Unique properties of the memristor.
  3. Discussion of a physical memristor - the fluorescent discharge tube.
  4. Analog memristor emulators.
  5. Dynamics of the Muthuswamy-Chua system.
  6. Applications of the Muthuswamy-Chua system.
Note that more topics may be added as the 2013-2014 academic year progresses. 
1.  Chua, L. O. and Kang, S. M.  Memristive Devices and Systems.  Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 64, No. 2, page 209, 1976.
2.  Llibre, L. and Valls, C.  On the Integrability of a Muthuswamy-Chua System.  Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, Vol. 19, No. 4, page 1250029, 2012. 
3.  Muthuswamy, B. and Chua, L. O.  Simplest Chaotic Circuit.  International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 20, No. 5, page 1567, 2010.
4.  Zhang, Y. and Zhang, X.  Dynamics of the Muthuswamy-Chua System.  International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 23, No. 8, page 1350136, 2013. 

54) Title: Recent Mathematical Approaches & Applications in Geosciences

Organizer: Dr. Mohammed FARFOUR, Reservoir Geophysicist at R&D Department, National Company of Geophysics, Part time lecturer at Geophysics Dept., Hydrocarbon & Chemistry Faculty, Boumerdes University, Boumerdes, Algeria.



Seismic signals recorded from subsurface are believed to be full of information about natural resources encompassed in subsurface formations. Over last decades a large number of mathematical approaches have been invoked and successfully implemented in revealing oil and gas presence in clastic and carbonate reservoirs.
This symposium aims to present recent mathematical applications in geosciences and hydrocarbons bearing formations detection and characterization. The symposium will bring also case studies and successful applications of widely used methods in this regard from academia and industry.
The symposium covers but not limited to:
  • Mathematical applications in applied geophysics.
  • Mathematics in seismic data visualization and interpretation
  • Mathematical spectral decomposition techniques and applications in clastic & carbonate reservoirs.
  • Mathematical background of seismic attributes
  • Mathematical techniques in reservoirs properties predictions
  • Mathematics uses in mineral and underground water exploration.  

55) Title: Adaptive Materials, Devices and Systems Towards Unconventional Computing and Robotics: Modeling and Implementation

Organizer: Dr. Salvatore Iannotta, CNR-IMEM, (National Council of the Research, Institute of Materials for Electronics and Magnetism), Parco Area delle Scienze 37/A - 43124 Parma, Italy



This symposium is a logic continuation of the symposium “Memristor-based neuromorphic circuits and unconventional computing” that was organized within ICNAAM 2012 (Kos). However, the present symposium will have a wider perspective involving topics related to adaptive systems.
The symposium will cover all aspects of the design, realization and properties of the adaptive materials, devices and systems, capable to learning and decision making. Essential part of the symposium will be dedicated to the memristor-based devices and circuits. However, it will cover also such aspects as sensing, bio-, bio-mimicking and bio-compatible systems as well as robotics.
The symposium will include invited talks of experts in memristive networks, bio-computing, sensing, robotics and theoretical modeling. Oral presentations will be divided into sections, dedicated to specific and focused topics. We will also organize a poster section and round table, dedicated to the current status and perspectives in the field of unconventional computing aiming at stimulating projects based on converging sciences and technologies.

56) Title: Neural Networks and Evolutionary Algorithms for the Solution of Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis Problems

Organizer: Dr. Konstantinos Goulianas, Alexander Technological Institute of Thessaloniki, Department of Informatics, Thessaloniki, Greece. 



The aim of this symposium is to give an opportunity for getting together with the people who are working on these topics.
It emphasizes in developing new Machine Learning techniques ( i.e. Neural Network architectures and algorithms, Evolutionary Algorithms, and Swarm Intelligence methods ) for the solution of the following Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis problems :
  • Solution of non-Linear Equations
  • Solution of Linear and non-Linear Algebraic Systems of Equations
  • Computing the Inverse and Pseudo Inverse of a Matrix
  • Solution of Non-Linear Polynomial Systems of Equations
  • Finding Roots of Polynomials, the Number of Roots of Polynomials, Factorization of Polynomials 
  • Computing Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
  • Solving Differential Equations
  • Numerical Integration and Interpolation, Function Approximation
  • Linear and non-Linear Programming
The manuscripts should be submitted to the Symposium Chairs (Deadline for Paper Submission: June 20, 2014) only by Email at:  
More Information at the web page of ICNAAM 2014:

57) Title: Verification and Validation (V&V) of Computational Fluid Dynamics

Organizer: Tao Xing, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Idaho,  EP 324F, 875 Perimeter Drive MS 0902,  Moscow, Idaho 83844-0902, United States; Phone: 001-208-885-9032; Fax: 001-208-885-9031. Web:



With the dramatic increase of computing power, simulation based design using computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and ultimately virtual reality, has become increasingly important in science and engineering practice. Due to the discretization errors of the numerical methods and approximations of the models used in CFD, errors and associated uncertainties for CFD simulations must be carefully estimated before the simulation results can be used for design in industrial applications. Traditional methods for estimating numerical errors (verification) and modeling errors (validation) are only applicable to Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations and they have advantages and disadvantages. New challenge is how to develop new V&V methodology and procedures for multiscale models such as large eddy simulation (LES) and some twophase models (e.g., dispersed bubbly flow) where the numerical and modeling errors are strongly coupled and may cancel each other out. 

Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
  • Code verification
  • Solution verification
  • Validation
  • Richardson Extrapolation
  • Strategies of achieving the asymptotic range
  • Numerical benchmarks for V&V
  • V &V RANS
  • V & V for LES
  • V & V for hybrid RANS/LES
  • Optimization of CFD for minimum simulation error
  • V&V for two-phase or multi-phase flows
  • Single-grid method
  • Variants of grid convergence index (GCI) method
  • Least square method
  • Correction factor method
  • Factors of safety method
  • Statistical analysis for reliability and conservativeness of V&V methods
  • Expert network for building extensive database for V&V

58) Title: Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Gravitation, Astrophysics and Cosmology

Organizer: Professor  Herman J. Mosquera Cuesta, Departmento de F?sica Universidade Estadual Vale do Acarau, SOBRAL ASTRO PROJECT SCIENTIFIC COORDINATOR, Avenida Doutor Guarani, 317 Campus da Cidao, CEP 62.040-340, Sobral, Ceara, Brazil, Instituto de Cosmologia, Relatividade e Astrof?sica (ICRA-BR), Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas F?sicas, Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud 150, CEP 22290-180, Urca,  Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, International Center for Relativistic Astrophysics Network (ICRANet), International Coordinating Center, Piazzalle della Repubblica 10, 065112, Pescara, Italy



This symposium will focus on the latest developments in the scientific contextualization of Nonlinear electrodynamics in the fields of gravitation, astrophysics and cosmology, in which many relevant achievements have been obtained over the very last years. This field of research was brought into physics during the early days of quantum mechanics and special and general relativity by W. Heisenberg and H. Euler, and later developed by J. Schwinger, R.. Feynman, J. Plebansky, and other scientists. It is understood as a first step into quantizing Maxwellian electromagnetism. Over the last years this field has been on the top of physics developments due to the very relevant contributions to the understanding of electromagnetic interaction that have been performed by several groups all over the world including Prof. M. Novello CBPF Rio de Janeiro group, Prof. J. Plebansky and Prof. N. Breton UNAM Mexico city group, Prof.  Z. Bialynicka-Birula and I. Bialynicka-Birula in Poland, Prof. W. Dietrich and H. Gies group in Germany, Prof. J Diaz-Alonso and D. Ribera-Garcia group in Spain, Prof. D. H. Delphenich in USA, Prof. H. Karo Avetissian in Yerevan, Armenia, and many other distinguished scientists. We hope this Symposium to be an opportunity for researchers in the field to experience a very lively and contributive debate.

59) Title: New Method of Analysis of Long-Time Random Sequences and their Applications in Different Fields of Human Activity

Organizer: Prof. R. Nigmatullin, The Theoretical Physics department, Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, 420008, Kremlevskaya str. 18, Kazan, Tatarstan, Russian Federation



These Symposium should include the scope/review of the methods that prove their efficiency in analysis of different random data  especially in nanothechnology, biomedical and other fields where simple models are absent. So, may be know much better the researches actively working in this perspective field. 
I am actively  working with Prof. Dumutru Baleanu (now he is under invitation in Saudi Arabia) His E-mail: <> and Prof. Jose Tenreiro Machado [Tenreiro Machado <>]  from Portugal. Other researches are working with me also. All my important publication are collected in the site:


60) Title: Numerics in Finance and Statistics

Organizer: Yuliya Mishura, Professor, Dr, Head of the Department, 01601 Ukraine, Kyiv, Volodymyrska 64, Taras Shevchenko National University, of Kyiv, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Department of Probability, Statistics and Actuarial Mathematics



We have to price derivatives of complicated structure therefore modern numerical methods have to be constructed. Both In finances and statistics, the problem of processing of big dara arises that is impossible without perfect numerical methods. So, it is of great importance to discuss and compare different methods in these fields and determine their abilities. It will be the topic of symposium.

61) Title: Chaotic Dynamics in Chemical Reactors

Organizer: Prof. Marek Berezowski, Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, 44-100 Gliwice, ul. Kaszubska 23, Poland



The dynamics of chemical reactors was widely discussed in literature, where it was proved that in the steady state the concentration and temperature of the flux may oscillate in a manner that is more or less complex. The oscillations may have a periodic, multiperiodic, quasi-periodic or chaotic nature, depending on the values of reactor parameters and the concentration and temperature of the reacting flux at the initial state. The session will focus on the mathematical and numerical analyse of dynamics of the reactors models.

62) Title: Symposium on lattice-Boltzmann Methods

Organizer: Leon Gradon, PhD, DSc, Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, 00-645 Warsaw, Warynskiego 1, Poland, phone/fax: (+48 22) 825 91 80. URL



The Symposium will focus on the presentation of papers dealing with the wide range of L-B applications.  
The participants will discuss the possibilities of using the L-B approach in the wider context of modern computational methods.
Lattice-Boltzmann Methods for Physics, Biology and Engineering Design Application. In order to solve numerous problems described in advanced models proposed by such disciplines as Physics, Biology and Engineering, we need to use the advanced methods of calculations. Analytic methods are either unavailable, or difficult to compute by traditional means.
The lattice gas models can perform such tasks efficiently, since they simulate the processes at the same speed, no matter if the geometry, boundary conditions and the system itself are simple or complex. The simplicity of including of complex boundary conditions together with the simplicity of computational mesh used by lattice gas methods are the main advantages of these methods in comparison with e.g. classical CFD methods.
The aim of the Symposium is the presentation of problems where the cellular automata and particularly the lattice-Boltzmann methods (LBM) are the useful tools for their solutions.
Particularly, the presented papers are concerned on newest advantages in lattice-Boltzmann simulations, i.e.:
  1. LBM models for two or more phase flows (e.g. droplet dynamics and coalescence, wetting phenomena)
  2. LBM models for the flows in porous structures (e.g. regional groundwater flow simulations)
  3. Applications of LBM to problems with moving boundaries (e.g. the growth of the deposits of particles on filtration fibers)
  4. Coupling of LBM algorithms with classical turbulence models (k-e, LES) for the solving of turbulent flow problems (e.g. simulations of open-channel flows)
  5. Application of LBM for non-Newtonian fluid flows (e.g. polymer technology, blood flow)
  6. Application of LBM for nonisotermal problems and many others.
Taking into account your experience and achievements in that field of research, I would like to invite you to participate in the Symposium.
All of the details of the Symposium organization and logistics, papers submission and publishing are provided at the following website addresses:

63) Title: Mechanics of Thin-Walled Structures

Organizer: Prof. Petr Evgen'evich Tovstik, Head of Dept. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, St.Penersburg Univ. Russia



The non-classic theories of beams, plares and shells and their applications will be discussed. The mathods of solution of static, dynamic and buckling problems will be included in the program. Some special problems concerting the biological/ophthalmological shells, sandwish and functionally gradiented shells, surface effects in elastic bodies will be studied.
64) Title: Numerical Algorithms and Computer-Aided Design Tools for Hybrid Quantum-Classical Electronics

Organizer: Prof., Dr. Sci., Guennadi Kouzaev, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway,



Future electronics will integrate classical circuitry, nanoelements, and quantum-mechanical components. The Symposium is dedicated on the developments of new effective codes and the enhancements of the existed circuit simulation and design tools for hybrid classical- nano- and quantum-mechanical integrations. 
A prospective computer aided design tool can be based, for instance, on an ultra-fast PSPICE circuit simulator solving classical electronics and quantum-mechanical equations in their circuit (Kron’s) form. This software tool can be equipped by additional codes based on different numerical algorithms for solving quantum equations for those applications which are preferable.
The component library should be filled by verified circuit or mathematical semi-empirical models of most frequently used micro-, nano-, and quantum-based components. The tool's manufacturing codes should be modified further to allow the nano- and quantum-based circuits implementations.
These developments were started a few years ago in academia and they require consolidated work of mathematicians, physicists, and electronic engineers. 
The proposed Symposium will be to be a forum of researchers whose interests are in the developments of the CAD tools of future.
The following topics are welcomed in this Symposium, including the original and review papers:
  • Analytical methods of solution of quantum-mechanical problems
  • Numerical methods
  • Semi-empirical modeling of electronic, nano- and quantum-mechanical components
  • Seamless circuit modeling of electronic and quantum-mechanical components and integrations
  • Effective and stable methods for large systems of linear and non-linear algebraic systems of equations
  • Analytical and experimental verifications of models
  • Measurement data, big data and visualization issues
  • Architects of hybrid integrations ant their modeling
  • Software issues for manufacturing of hybrid integrations
  • Solid-state quantum computing in hybrid integrated circuits and their simulation and design
  • Cold matter and integrated traps modeling
  • Etc.
1. Guennadi. A. Kouzaev, Applications of Advanced Electromagnetics. Components and
Systems, Springer, 2013.

65) Title: SCLIT 2014: 4th Symposium on Computer Languages, Implementations and Tools

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Zoran Budimac, Department for Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, Serbia



URL: Web:

Research on programming languages is among the core and ‘classic’ disciplines of computer science. Today the term computer languages usually encompass not only programming languages but also all sorts of artificial languages for different purposes whose ‘sentences’ can be processed by a computer.
The aim of the symposium is to provide a forum for the dissemination of research accomplishments in areas that include all aspects of computer languages, their implementations, and related tools. The list of topics includes, but is not limited to the following:
Languages: theoretical aspects, programming languages of all paradigms, script languages, modeling languages, domain specific languages, graphical languages, markup languages, specification languages, transformation languages, agent-oriented languages, formal languages …
Implementations: theoretical aspects, compilers, interpreters, transformation systems, intermediate representations …
Tools: theoretical aspects, software metric, static analyzers…

66) Title: State-of-the-Art Cable Supported Bridge: Modeling, Analysis and Application

Organizers: Dr. Ming-Yi Liu, Associate Professor, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan, R.O.C. and Dr.-Ing. Pao-Hsii Wang, em. Professor, Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan, R.O.C.


E-mail: Prof. Ming-Yi Liu ( or Prof. Pao-Hsii Wang (

Cable supported bridges including both cable-stayed bridges and suspension bridges have been built throughout the world. These long span bridges are designed to ensure safety, serviceability, durability and compatibility under static and dynamic loads. This symposium will provide a platform to exchange experience and information about the state-of-the-art techniques of modeling, analysis, control and health monitoring of cable supported bridges. This symposium will also cover the innovative technologies during the lifetime of cable supported bridges including design, construction and maintenance.
Important Dates:
Submission of extended abstracts: July 20, 2014
Notification of acceptance: July 29, 2014

67) Title: The 1st Symposium on Multiscale, Multiphysics and Turbulent flow Simulations

Organizers: Prof. Dr. M. Serdar ÇELEBİ, Department of Computational Science and Engineering, Istanbul Technical University- Turkey, Phone: +90- 212 285 7012, Fax: +90- 212 285 7073 and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mine ÇAĞLAR, Department of Mathematics, Koç University - Turkey, Phone: +90- 212 338 1315, Fax: +90- 212 338 1559.


E-mail: and

URL: Web:

The aim of this Symposium is to cover research areas related to multiscale, multiphysics and turbulent flows and create a collaborative environment for the leading scientists and research groups to share their experiences in fundamental and applied aspects. The core objective is to have a thorough understanding of these fields by giving an in-depth analysis of the simulation and modeling approaches to demonstrate the recent novel methods and the theories.  
Emphasis will not be only on the theoretical aspects but also on the implementation of numerical methods and algorithms used in large scale simulations of multiscale, multiphysics and turbulent flows. All application areas ranging from fluid dynamics and biomedical flows  to environmental sciences are welcome.
The Symposium covers the following topics of interest but is not limited to:
  • Multiscale methods and approaches
  • Loose and tight coupling approaches for multiphysics problems
  • Large scale parallel simulations
  • Finite Element Methods
  • Two- or three-phase flows
  • Single and many-phase turbulent flows
  • Turbulent reactive flows
  • Large Eddy Simulations and subgrid modeling
  • Work flows for multiscale models 
  • Parallel numerical algorithms related to flow simulations 
  • Discrete Element Method
  • Lattice Boltzmann Method

68) Title: Advances in Iterative/Semi-Analytical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations and Their Applications in Engineering Problems

Organizer: Assist. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Tarik ATAY, Mathematics Dept., Arts and Sciences Faculty, Nigde Üniversity, Camus, Nigde/ TURKEY



The primary focus of this sysposium  will be on the currently developed  iterative methods and/or novel problems of Ordinary Differential Equations ( ODE ) type solved with iterative methods which have potential value for researchers of  Engineering, Computational Mechanics and Mathematics. 
In general, the functions of  iterative methods have been increasing  in so many of applications where it is necessary to solve large systems of ODE equations, such as, Vibration Analysis , Stability Analysis, Strength and Elasticity,  Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics, Sturm-Liouville Problems , Heat Transfer , Computational Statistics, and so on.
We invite researchers to submit their original research articles as well as review articles that will enhance the applications of iterative methods to ODE's of Engineering, Computational Mechanics/Mathematics. A special attention will be given to research results obtained within the last five years.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
  • Vibration Analysis
  • Stability Analysis
  • Sturm-Liouville Problems
  • Computational Mechanics
  • Computational Mathematics
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Heat Transfer
  • Elasticity
  • Electromagnetics

69) Title: Optimal Control Models in Ecology, Environment, and Epidemiology

Organizer: Davide La Torre, Department of Applied Mathematics and Sciences, Khalifa University, UAE and Department of Economics, Management and Quantitative Methods, University of Milan, Italy and Tufail Malik, Department of Applied Mathematics and Sciences, Khalifa University, UAE.



In the proposed symposium, we aim at bringing together researchers who have particular expertise in optimal control theory and application to biology, ecology, environment, epidemiology, medicine, etc. The talks in the proposed session will provide a diversity of new developments in these areas. Papers of interest for this symposium include (but are not limited to) spread/control of disease, species augmentation, optimal control of treatment methods for cancer, resource allocation, optimal campaign of education/vaccination, optimal control of transmission of infectious disease, etc.

70) Title: Theory and Application of Matrix Equations

Organizer: Dr. Ivan Kyrchei, Senior Reseach Fellow of Department of differential equations and theory of functions of Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine. URL:



Matrix equations play a fundamental role in the matrix theory and other fields of linear algebra and matrix analysis. Matrix equations  arouse interest, both in the theoretical and applied components, which makes this subject an important topic in the mathematical research.
The Symposium aims to stimulate research and interaction of mathematicians and scientists in all aspects of  matrix equations and their applications and to provide an opportunity for researchers to exchange ideas and recent developments on the subjects. 
Potential topics include, but are not limited to linear and nonlinear matrix equations, and differential matrix equations over the real and complex fields, the quaternion division ring and regular rings, etc and their applications to theory of generalized inverses, the graph theory, Markov chains, the system and control theory, and the signal processing, etc.

71) Title: Problems of Continuum Mechanics: Mathematical and Numerical Aspects

Organizer: Prof. Dr. A.T. Ilichev, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Moscow, Russia



The Symposium will be devoted to a number of problems of hydrodynamics and hyperelasticity, namely, stability of phase transition front in geothermal systems, water evaporation front in porous media, flow in the membrane tubes and stability of nonlinear waves in such a system, the averaging procedure in problems of elasticity, etc. We plan to report the methods of solving these problems, including analytic methods, when it is possible and numeric methods.

72) Title: Qualitative and Numeric Methods in the Multibody Dynamics with Friction

Organizers: Professor Karapetyan Alexander V. - Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Theoretical Mechanics and Mechatronics, Deputy Head of Department. Professor Kosenko Ivan I. - Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Head of Department



It is well known a matter of the multibody dynamics with the Coulomb friction, including bodies undergoing impacts et cetera, is intensively under discussions and investigation. Such systems are related to systems of variable structure with discontinuous right-hand sides. They may have different order in different domains of the state space. Even state spaces may differ. Complete investigation of such systems is impossible without help of computer modeling and simulation of high quality. On the other hand preliminary qualitative analysis makes it possible to divide the space of parameters into domains of similar dynamical behavior with essentially different dynamics corresponding to other domains. This reduces in high degree a large amount of needed numeric experimentations.

73) Title: Modern Mathematical Methods for Analysis of Bio-Medical Signals

Organizers: Oleg GORSHKOV, Medical Biophysics, Medical Informatics and Biostatistics Department, Donetsk National Medical University, Donetsk 83003, Ukraine and Brahim Belhaouari Samir, College of Science, Alfaisal University, Al Maather Road, P.O. Box 50927, Riyadh 11533, Saudi Arabia



With progression of medical technology there is a strong need for developing of modern mathematical methods for analysis of bio-medical signals. Modern methods of diagnostics are based on collecting of large massive of information. A special mathematical apparatus should be used to treat these massive amounts of information, for example: fractal analysis, wavelet analysis and others. Nowadays artificial neural network has begun to play an important role in analyzing bio-medical information.   
The symposium welcomes contributions dealing with analysis of biomedical signals in areas as for example:
  • Analysis of bio-medical time series signals ( R-R intervals, stabilograms, encephalograms, step width and stride length time series and etc.)
  • Analysis of bio-medical images (thermograms, X-ray images and etc.)
  • Simulation of bio-medical signals
  • Application of artificial neural network to analyze bio-medical signals
  • Other relevant topics  

74) Title: Symposium on Dynamical systems Applications

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Carla M.A. Pinto, Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, and Centro de Matemática da Universidade do Porto, Rua Dr António Bernardino de Almeida, 431, 4200-072 Porto, Portugaland Prof. Dr. Cristina P. Santos, Universidade do Minho, Dept. Electrónica Industrial, Campus de Azurém, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal 


E-mail: and  

Dynamical systems have been applied to model a variety of systems in Robotics, animal locomotion, epidemiology, electrical engineering, amongst others. 
In this symposia, we focus on the use of the dynamical systems theory to address any related problems in real life. 
We give special focus to issues such as instability, bifurcations, (deterministic) chaos, integrable/Hamiltonian systems, and asymptotic analysis.
The organizers aim to provide a venue where researchers, scientists, engineers and practitioners throughout the world can present and discuss the latest achievements, future challenges and exciting new dynamical systems models that will improve future understanding of our world.

75) Title: Complex Networks and Random Graphs

Organizer: Dr. Xianmin Geng, Department of mathematics, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, P.R.China 



(1). study various characteristics in networks model and random graph (as such weight correlation, degree correlation, weight distribution, strength distribution, degree distribution, clustering coefficient, etc.). Or, it reveals the various characteristic of real networks with weight. 
(2). Study various characteristics in networks model with aging (as such degree correlation, degree distribution, clustering coefficient, etc.). Or, it reveals the various characteristic of real networks with age.
(3). weighted local-world evolving network model and statistical inference, study various characteristics in other special networks model.
(4). Theory and application of large-scale network.
(5). Large-scale network Web Markov Skeleton Process Theory and Its Applications.
(6). large random network sequence's variable point monitoring and diagnostics.
(7). the game theory in large-scale network and its design optimization.
(8). the game theory in large-scale network and its design optimization.
(9). On large-scale networks, random walk’s encounter problems, queuing issues, the branching processes and super processes.
(10). Modern probabilistic methods in random graphs and its application in ggeneralized random graph.
(11). complex network structure, their characterizations, and the stochastic process on complex network.
(12). topological properties of the random graph, small-world network and others network model, spectral characteristics.
(13). studying of associated with complex network theory, models, methods and algorithms.

76) Title: Symposium on Computational Radiative Heat Transfer

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Carlos T. Salinas  and Prof. Dr. Rogério Gonçalves dos Santos, State University of Campinas, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.



The symposium on Computational Radiative Heat Transfer is a part of 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2014 (ICNAAM 2014) that will be held on September 22-28, 2014 in Rodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes, Greece (
This Symposium will provide an opportunity for the interaction of engineers, mathematicians and scientists dealing with numerical solution of radiative heat transfer problems for both gray and non-gray participating media cases. 
Numerical models and its application in engineering, industry and environmental problems will be highlighted Authors are invited to submit original unpublished results to the peer review for publication and presentation, in the following topics of interest of the current symposium include (but not limited): 
  • Numerical methods in radiative heat transfer
  • Inverse radiative heat transfer
  • Radiation and combustion
  • Industry applications in combustion systems
All extended abstract must be prepared according to the guidelines of the Proceedings of ICNAAM 2014 ( The extended abstracts must be sending via e-mail to the organizers until July 20, 2014.
ICNAAM 2014 is proud to announce that the Proceedings of ICNAAM 2014 will be published in the very famous AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings. More information can be found at: proceeding.htm
We note that the Proceedings of ICNAAM have been abstracted/indexed in: ISI Proceedings, Zentrablatt fur Mathematik, MathSciNet, Scopus, INSPEC, Scirus, Google Scholar etc. Selected Proceedings of ICNAAM 2014 will be published in appropriate journals.

77) Title: “Analysis and Design of Multi-Functional Composite Structures”

Organizer: Dr. Ramesh Gupta, Asst. Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Shiv Nadar University, Greater Noida, Delhi NCR, INDIA. Pin No. 203207, Mobile: +91 9891648578 


E-mail: or  

Multi-functional composite structures are meant for performing various functionalities apart from strength and stiffness.  Analysis and design of these materials has a challenging role as compared to conventional or traditional materials. This symposium aims at bringing together the researchers, experts and engineers in the field of multifunctional materials from manufacturing to applied users. This symposium will become platform for mutual knowledge sharing on latest research findings over the world wide.
As part of ICNAAM this symposium invites research papers from the following fields (but not limited).
  • Linear & Nonlinear mechanics of multi-functional composites,
  • Constitutive law for multi-functional composites,
  • Piezo fiber composites,
  • Coupled field analysis (mechanical- electrical- thermal – magnetic interactions),
  • Nonlinear material models,
  • Optimization and
  • Manufacturing of multifunctional materials.

78) Title: “Some New Trends in Nonlinear Differential Equations

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Necdet Bildik and Ass. Prof.Dr. Duygu Dönmez Demir, Celal Bayar University, Faculty of Art & Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Muradiye Campus, 45047, Manisa, Turkey and Ass. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Gurefe, Bozok University, Faculty of Art & Sciences, Department of Mathematics, 66100, Yozgat, Turkey 


E-mail:, and  

The mini-symposium focuses on some new trends and phenomena in the analysis of the analytical and numerical solutions to the nonlinear ordinary or partial differential equations (NODEs and NPDEs). The main theme is to gather experts working in diverse fields of NODEs and NPDEs to discuss on some recent results in the existence, stability, and uniqueness of the obtained solutions. This mini-symposium is also a forum to propose new theory and methods in the analysis and applications of NODEs and NPDEs. The problems that arise from both theoretical and applied sciences are considered in this mini-symposium.
Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
  • New analytical, semi-analytical and numerical methods for NODEs and NPDEs 
  • Soliton theory in mathematical physics
  • Multi-step methods for ordinary differential equations
  • Numerical methods for partial differential equations
  • Linear or nonlinear fractional differential equations
  • The existence, stability, and uniqueness of the solutions. 

79) Title: “GRAPHS

Organizer: Dr Vojislav Petrovic, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia 



The symposium welcomes all researchers as well as students involved in any branch of Graph Theory. 
The topics of interest include, but not restricted to, the following:
  • scores in graphs and digraphs
  • Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs and digraphs
  • planar graphs
  • graph factors and decompositions
  • graph colorings
  • extremal graphs
  • graph spectra
  • tournaments and hypertournaments
  • graph algorithms.

80) Title: “Porous Media and Complex Flows: Structure and Transport

Organizers: Isabel Malico & António F. Miguel, Department of Physics, School of Sciences and Technology, University of Évora, Rua Romão Ramalho, 59, 7000-671 Évora, Portugal 


E-mail: Isabel Malico ( & António F. Miguel (  

Porous media are important for a vast number of research areas such as reservoir engineering, geology, chemical engineering, mechanical engineering, energy, civil engineering, biomedical engineering or materials science. This session welcomes original contributions in a wide variety of areas related to porous media and complex flow structures studies, such as mathematical modelling, numerical and experimental techniques. Emphasis will be given to manuscripts that present numerical characterizations of porous structures and their properties and to the simulation of fluid flow and transport phenomena in porous media (mass of a fluid phase, mass of a component of a phase, momentum and energy). State-of-the-art reviews are also considered.
This session will provide a forum for academic and industry researchers to meet, share findings and discuss problems related to the dynamics of flows in porous media and complex geometries, and to the relationship between transport properties and structure. Therefore, we invite you all to fully participate in this session and to take advantage of the opportunities that it can create for you and your research organization.
81) Title: “Applications of Noncommutative Geometry in Physics

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Everton Abreu, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (Rio de Janeiro - Brazil)  and Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (Minas Gerais - Brazil) 



In this symposium we would like to share the several and different applications, developed through the last years, of noncommutative geometry in several branches of modern physics like quantum field theory, condensed matter, gravitation and etc. 
The topics that will discussed in this Symposium will be:
  • noncommutativity in quantum mechanics and quantum field theories;
  • emergent gravity from noncommutativity;
  • cosmology, general relativity and noncommutativity;
  • noncommutative phase-spaces and classical mechanics;
  • entropic gravity and noncommutativity;
  • applications of noncommutativity in statistical mechanics;
  • extra dimensional noncommutative spacetimes;
  • canonical and noncanonical noncommutativities;
  • symmetry conservation in noncommutative theories.
82) Title: “Boundary Value Problems and Integral Equations with Applications

Organizer: Prof. Aleksey Setukha, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia



The symposium is devoted to advances in analysis of both boundary value problems and integral equations. Applications to practical problems in different fields of physics, mechanics, engineering will be discussed.
Integral equation method is a constructive method for solving boundary value problems for differential equations. It enables us to obtain integral representation for a solution of a boundary value problem, to reduce the problem to the integral equation, to study asymptotic behaviour of a solution, and to suggest a computational scheme for finding a numerical solution.
This general approach is applicable to practical problems in many applications such as acoustic scattering, electromagnetics, fluid dynamics, elasticity, thermodynamics, theoretical physics, nanotechnology etc.
Other constructive methods for analysis of both boundary value problems and integral equations are included to this symposium as well, for instance, asymptotic methods, functional analitic methods, construcion of explicit solutions, analysis of singularities of solutions, numerical methods, fast computation in numerical methods for integral equations.
Topics of the Symposium include:
  1. Integral equations
  2. Boundary value problems for differential equations
  3. Analysis of singularities of solutions
  4. Numerical methods
  5. Applications to physics, mechanics, engineering and problems in nanotechnology.
  6. Vortex methods in aerodynamics
  7. Integral equations in scattering theory
  8. Fast computation in numerical methods for integral equations and integral transforms.
83) Title: “Particle-Based Multiscale Analysis

Organizers: Rimantas Kačianauskas, Department of Strength of Materials, Faculty of Fundamental Sciences, and Institute of Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanics, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Saulėtekio al. 11, 10223 Vilnius, Lithuania and Harald Kruggel-Emden, 2Department of Energy Plant Technology, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Universitaetsstrasse 150, D-44780 Bochum, Germany 


E-mail: and

The particles-based computational methods identified by Lagrangian particle methods have been extensively developed during last two decades. The ability to describe the collective motion of solid objects by considering the behaviours of individual constituent is distinguished feature of the particle-based methods. The discrete-element method (DEM) initially aimed to simulate granular materials is probably the most popular method of this type applied in many fields of engineering. Recently various approaches and modelling techniques known as molecular dynamics (MD), Brownian dynamics (BD) and/or similar method are used to form constitutive equations on different length and time scales. Various solids, fluid flows, multi-physical fiends, chemical processes and even biological objects may be described by various kinds of particle-particle and particle-field interactions. Managing of particle methods is still a challenge even for advanced computers, therefore, novel computational and visualisation technologies including the parallel and distributed computing are expected. Practical applications in traditional industries, energy and environmental as well as biological sectors are expected  
Hence, we aim to use this mini-symposium as an opportunity to exchange the ideas on particle-based methods bridging different scales and disciplines. 
A few topics are listed below but other contributions are equally welcome:
  • conceptual developments  in the DEM and other alternative approaches;
  • simulation of granular flows;
  • deformation  and fracture of solids;
  • particles in fluids and multi-physical environment; 
  • modelling of mixtures and composites;
  • modelling of biomaterials;
  • novel interaction models of particles interaction,
  • parallel computing;
  • computational and visualisation technologies;
  • industrial applications. 
84) Title: “Environmental Impact on the Degradation of Historical Masonry: Computational Simulations and Experimental Measurements

Organizer: Prof. Oldrich Zmeskal, Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Purkynova 118, CZ‐612 00 Brno, Czech Republic 



The overall degradation of a historical building material or structure can be expressed, in the simplest way, by a qualitative or numerical indicator of the global condition level which determines the loss of performance of the considered material, building part or the whole building under its climatic environment over time. The load-bearing structures and surfaces are parts of a historical building where the assessment of the deterioration level is of critical importance. Possible failure of a structure may have fatal consequences including the highest cost ever, the human lives. Surface layers, on the other hand, present an aesthetic quality of a historical building which can damage its overall appearance if lost. The interface between structure and surface layer is another critical point because if the adhesion of both layers is compromised, whole parts of surface layer can be detached.
Computer simulation is a powerful tool for an assessment of the degradation level of a particular historical material or structure. However, the quality of input data presents a critical factor for the achievement of reliable results. Therefore, in any analysis of the environmental impact on the degradation of historical masonry computational simulations and experimental measurements are supposed to be done together.
The symposium brings together mathematicians active in numerical analysis and applied mathematics on one side, and experimental physicists and materials engineers working in the field of degradation of historical materials on the other. 
The main topics include but are not limited to:
  • Characterization of environmental impact on historical masonry
  • Acquisition of input data for computational analyses
  • Computational simulation of degradation processes
  • Computer-aided service life estimates
85) Title: “Phase Transitions of the Baxter-Wu Model and other Models with Triple-Spin Interactions

Organizers: I. N. Velonakis, S. S. Martinos, University of Athens, Department of Physics, Section of Solid State Physics, GR 15784 Athens, Greece, tel. 2107276760 



Baxter-Wu model is a simple “toy” model introduced by Baxter and Wu at 1973 for describing critical phase transitions and ferrimagnetism. It consists of Ising-like spins located at the vertices of a triangular lattice. Unlike other more common models, such as Ising and Heisenberg, the three spins of every triangular face interact with a three-body interaction. This model is a special case of a more general one, introduced by Wood and Griffiths at 1972, in which the Hamiltonian takes into account not only the triplet interaction but also nearest neighbor pair interaction of the usual Ising type.
The key topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
  • analytic methods for the Baxter-Wu model
  • 1st order Phase transitions of  the Baxter-Wu model
  • critical points for zero and negative external magnetic fields
  • low-temperature Phase Transitions of the Baxter-Wu model
  • Monte Carlo algorithms, Monte Carlo Renormalization Group for this model 
  • optimization/ parallelization of  Monte- Carlo algorithms for this model
  • generalizations/more complex models with triple spin interactions (e.g. spin-1 Baxter-Wu model, dilute Baxter-Wu model, random-field Baxter-Wu model) 
Extended abstract/short papers must be prepared according to the guidelines of the Proceedings of ICNAAM 2014 and sent by e-mail to the organizer on or before July 15, 2014.
86) Title: Invariants Associated with Highly Nonlinear Optical Schrödinger Equations

Organizers: M.A. Grado-Caffaro and M. Grado-Caffaro- Scientific Consultants, Madrid (Spain); 



This mini-symposium is devoted to the study of invariants associated with highly nonlinear optical Schrödinger equations: to this end, papers are invited dealing with the following topics:   
  • Invariants associated with the optical cubic-quintic Schrödinger equation, whose solutions are temporal solitary waves.
  • Variational techniques related to the above invariants.
  • Operator formalisms relative to the optical cubic-quintic Schrödinger equation and to the associated invariants.
  • The generalized nonlinear optical Schrödinger equation (highly nonlinear equation or equation of odd degree larger than 5). Temporal solitary waves.  
  • Invariants associated with the generalized nonlinear optical Schrödinger equation. 
  • Variational techniques related to the above invariants.
  • Operator formalisms relative to the generalized nonlinear optical Schrödinger equation and to the associated invariants.
The mini-symposium will be delivered as a virtual event so as the participants will be able to attend it from their desktops. Apart from full-length papers, short communications are welcome. An interactive session is planned where the participants will have the opportunity to deliver comments and discussions on the work presented as well as to discuss the state of the art, needs and trends.  
87) Title: Integrability, Symmetries and Exact solutions of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations in Physics

Organizer: Dr Lukasz T. Stepien, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Technical Science, Chair of Computer Science and Computational Methods, The Pedagogical University of Cracow, ul. Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland 



Topics of interest include, but they are not limited to:
  • Integrable systems
  • Lie and non-Lie symmetries of nonlinear partial differential equations in physics
  • Exact solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations in physics
88) Title: Dynamics, Stability, and Bifurcations of Functional Differential Equations

Organizer: Dr. Israel Ncube, Mathematics Programme, Memorial University, Canada 



The main goal of the symposium is to bring together researchers in functional differential equations and related areas. This symposium will explore recent numerical and analytical developments in the subject area. Applications of functional differential equations in the modelling of a wide variety of physical, biological, and mechanical systems will also be highlighted.
89) Title: II Mini Symposium on Symmetry Methods and Applications for Differential Equations

Organizers: Maria de los Santos Bruzon, Departamento de Matematicas, Universidad de Cadiz, PO.BOX40, 11510 Puerto Real, Cadiz, Spain; Igor Leite Freire, Centro de Matemática, Computação e Cognição, Universidade Federal do ABC, UFABC, Rua Abolição, S/N, Bairro Bangu, 09210-180, Santo André, Brazil; Maria  Luz  Gandarias, Departamento de Matematicas, Universidad de Cadiz, PO.BOX40, 11510 Puerto Real, Cadiz, Spain; Chaudry Masood Khalique, International Institute for Symmetry Analysis and Mathematical Modelling, Department of Mathematical Sciences, North-West University, Mafikeng Campus, Private Bag X 2046, Mmabatho 2735, South Africa, Mariano Torrisi,  Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy; Rita Tracinà,  Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy;  



Nowadays science and engineering rely on processes which are usually modeled by differential equations. 
The studies of ordinary and /or partial differential equation models have received an   increasing interest, especially due to their frequent applications in various research fields, such as industrial mathematics, mathematical biology, mathematical finance, and fluid mechanics to cite few.  Usually it is difficult to obtain exact solutions for these models. 
The group method offers to the researchers a wide set of tools to investigate these models from different points of view. 
The aim of this session is to bring together scientists working in this area interested   in group methods developments as well as in symmetry methods developments applied to nonlinear models in the various fields of science and engineering. 
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
  • Advance research in modern group analysis and differential equations.
  • Equivalence transformations.
  • Differential invariants
  • Conservation Laws
  • New methods to obtain solutions of partial differential equations.
  • Travelling wave solutions.
  • Novel applications in engineering and sciences, including physical, biological and finance.
90) Title: Geospatial data Modelling

Organizer: Teresa Albuquerque, Associate Professor, Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Department of Civil Engineering, Portugal, Researcher, Geo-environment and natural resources center (CIGAR),  – Engineering Faculty of Oporto University, FEUP, Portugal 



Geospatial analysis and modelling through GIS and geostatistics is a key issue in the environmental, earth and life sciences. In the description of spatial patterns emerged the need of identification different scales of variability and the incorporation of data in different supports. The change of data support, the incorporation of multiple sources of information in mapping the attributes, and the spatial uncertainty modelling and its propagation through decision-making has emerged as the core tool for geospatial analysis in various fields.
91) Title: 11-th Symposium Clifford Analysis and Applications

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Klaus Guerlebeck, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Institute for Mathematics and Physics, Coudray-Str. 13 B, 99423 Weimar, Germany and Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sproessig, Institute of Applied Analysis, Freiberg University of Mining and Technology, Prüferstr. 9, 09596 Freiberg, Germany 



Clifford analysis as refinement of harmonic analysis and generalization of the one-dimensional complex function theory plays an important and increasing role in different areas of mathematics, physics, computer science and engineering. 
The symposium aims to reflect the state of the art in pure and applied Clifford analysis and to give ideas for new developments. 
We invite mathematicians, physicists and engineers working by means of quaternionic or Clifford analysis in 
  • Pure and applied Clifford analysis, applications in harmonic analysis 
  • Geometric algebras and applications
  • Partial differential equations, boundary and initial value problems
  • Approximation theory and numerical simulations
  • Discrete function theories with applications
  • Fourier transforms
  • Wavelets, with application in signal analysis and image processing as well as applications in numerical analysis
  • Differential geometry, analysis on manifolds
  • Physics, in particular gauge theories, quantum physics, general relativity theory, computational physics, crystallography and scattering, plasma physics, astrophysics 
  • Practical applications in engineering sciences in general, in particular applications in robotics, classical mechanics, material science
  • Special functions
  • Conformal and quasi-conformal mappings
  • Combinatorics, number theory
  • Quaternionic and Clifford analysis in education to contribute to the symposium
92) Title: Analysis, Optimizsation and Control of Networks

Organizer: Prof. Michael Todinov, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, Wheatley, OX33 1HX 



The potential application of methods for analysis, optimisation and control of networks reaches across many diverse fields. Methods for determining the reliability and availability of networks for example, have already become important analytical tools in many industries.
There is increasing demand for optimal control of large and complex networks in real time, which improves the quality of service of real networks and reduces to a minimum the disruption caused by failures, overloading and congestion. There is also increased demand for optimal network topologies characterised by a high resistance to failures, overloading and congestion.
Gaps and critical problems in the theory of networks also need to be addressed. For example, despite the years of intensive research in the area of static flow networks, the classical algorithms for maximising the throughput flow in flow networks suffer a critical flaw – they leave highly undesirable parasitic flow loops in the optimised networks, associated with wastage of energy and resources and increased levels of congestion.
This mini-symposium will provide a forum for discussing methods and algorithms for analysis, optimisation and control of static networks, stochastic networks, repairable networks, networks with disturbed flows and reliability networks. The mini-symposium will also provide a forum for presenting and discussing methods for quantifying the uncertainty in the networks performance.
Important topics of the mini-symposium will be the application aspects of the discussed methods, related to:
  • Computer networks;
  • Transportation networks;
  • Production networks;
  • Power networks;
  • Reliability networks of complex systems
93) Title: Modern Methods for Solving Problems of Control and Modeling of Physical, Biological and Socio-Economic Processes

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Alexander N. Kvitko, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes, Saint Petersburg State University, Universitetskii prospekt 35, Peterhof, Saint-Petersburg, 198504, Russia 



The aim of the proposed Symposium is to present different research studies on solving a number of problems of practical importance including problems of creating and modeling of intelligent control systemsfor various technical objects, as well as physical, biologicaland socio-economic processes.
Authors are invited to submit original unpublished results which are not under review in any other conference or journal, to the peer review for publication and presentation, in the following topic areas of the symposium.
Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
  • Analytical and numerical methods for solving local and global boundary problems for nonlinear control systems of ordinary differential equations
  • Research and evaluation of attainability domains for controlled systems of ordinary differential equations
  • Terms of global and local controllability of nonlinear control systems
  • Building adaptive control for local and global boundary problems
  • Study of local and global boundary value problems on an infinite time interval and the problems of stabilization
  • Solving the control problems for distributed parameter systems
  • Solving the control problems for specific technical objects
  • Modeling of controlled physical, biological and socio-economic processes
94) Title: Numerical Modelling of Phase Change and Multiphase Flows

Organizer: Dr. Jayakumar J. S., Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri, Vallikkavu, Clappana P.O., Kollam Dist, Kerala. INDIA. 690 525. Tel: +91-476-280-2515 (O), Tel:  +91-859-289-9289 (M) 



Research of multiphase flows is essential for understanding of various natural phenomena and proper design for several engineering problems.  Multiphase flows and heat transfer are important in the fields of power, chemical process, cryogenic, space, nuclear, bio-medical etc.  
Modelling of heat transfer with phase change (both boiling and condensation) is needed to analyse steady state and transient behaviour of heat pipes, which are very commonly used these days.  Many industrial processed require reliable estimation of interactions between the phases. Modelling of combustion of fuel droplets in internal combustion engines is the need of the hour to increase the fuel efficiency and to reduce the engine emissions.
The successful design of equipment and processes that involve multiphase flows crucially depends on accurately predicting the interactions (mechanical, thermal and chemical) between the phases.  The researchers have come up with different mathematical models of varying complexities, from homogenous equilibrium model to seven-equation model with two velocities and two pressures, to predict the behaviour of multiphase flows.  Boiling and condensation are key processes in the extraction of energy from solar, fossil and nuclear fuels because large amounts of energy can be stored in the form of latent heat.  
The physical mechanisms underlying multiphase flows and heat transfer as well as the interplay of these mechanisms are very complex.  The main objective of this symposium is to bring together developers and users of different numerical approaches and codes.  This will facilitate them to share their experience in the development and validation of the algorithms and the difficulties and limitations of the different methods.  
Topics that will be covered in the conferene, but not limited to: 
  • Interface Tracking
  • Turbulence in multiphase flows
  • Direct numerical simulations of flows with phase change
  • Interfacial momentum, heat and mass transfer modelling
  • Segregated and dispersed multiphase flow models
  • Interface tracking models
  • Multiphase Reactions
  • Discrete and continuous phase models
  • Flow Pattern Classification
  • Instabilities in multiphase flows
  • Steady state and transient operation of heat pipes
  • Fixed and variable conductance heat pipes
  • Multiphase mass transfer
  • Boiling and condensation
  • Cavitation
  • Numerical methods for prediction of multiphase flows, heat transfer and phase change
  • Application of CFD codes to multiphase systems
95) Title: Multiscale Computational Modelling and Simulation for Complex Materials (Fluid and Solid)

Organizers: Prof. Thanh Tran-Cong and Dr. Canh-Dung Tran, University of Southern Queensland, Australia 



While modelling at the level of a single scale, such as continuum mechanics or molecular dynamics is becoming relatively mature, we have seen various exciting developments of multiscale modelling and computational methods for complex materials together with their applications. The complex fluids and nano-technology are good examples for multiscale modelling techniques. We believe in the prospect of many new advances in the multi-scale related topics from computational approaches to practical applications, and therefore hope that the symposium will provide a forum for timely dissemination and productive discussion of these new advances. Your topical contribution to this symposium will be most welcome.
Deadline for submitting your abstracts: July 20, 2014. Other deadlines and relevant information can be found in section of Dates of Importance, at
We sincerely hope that you will participate in this symposium and look forward to hearing from you.
96) Title: The Metabolic Cost of Neural Mechanisms, Efficient Coding and Metabolic Efficiency

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Abdelmalik Moujahid, Computational Intelligence Group, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Donostia-San sebastián, Spain 



The aim of this Research Topic is to discuss the interpretation of Hodgkin-Huxley-like neuron models as energy models able to quantify the metabolic cost associated to the signalling activity of real biological neurons. Since the work of Hodgkin and Huxley, who where able to describe the membrane currents of the squid axon via a model in differential equations, quantitative mathematical models have proved to be an indispensable tool in pursuing the goal of understanding neuron dynamics. Models of that type are frequently used to generate and analyze spike trains with temporal characteristics similar to the ones emitted by real neurons. As these models are kinetic models with no energy considerations, it could be of interest to further develop them in such a way that they could be used to study the relation between the dynamical properties of a neuron and its energy implications.
97) Title: The 1st Symposium of Research, Development and Innovation in Smart Grids

Organizer: Professor Luciane Neves Canha, Doctor in Electrical Engineering, IEEE Member PES Society, Professor Center of Studies in Energy and Power System – Federal University of Santa Maria-Brazil 



The aim of the Symposium is to discuss the main issues and research currently developed for smart grids. The Smart Grid is a developing network of new technologies that allow system operation in real time, equipment, and controls working together to respond to actual demand for electricity. The Smart Grids technologies will work with the electrical grid to respond digitally to our quickly changing electric demand. The Smart Grid represents a great opportunity to move the energy system into a new era of reliability, availability, and efficiency that will contribute to economic and environmental health of the world. During the transition period, it will be critical to analyze, simulate and testing algorithms, numerical methods, mathematical models, optimization techniques and technology improvements to ensure that the benefits we envision from the Smart Grid become a reality. The benefits associated with the Smart Grid include: more efficient distribution of electricity, quicker restoration of electricity after power disturbances, reduced operations and management costs for utilities, reduced peak demand, increased integration of large-scale renewable energy systems, better integration of customer-owner power generation systems, including renewable energy systems.
The topics include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Smart Home;
  • Demand Side Management and Demand Response;
  • Computational intelligence in Smart Grids;
  • Plug-in Electric Vehicle;
  • Models and Methods to Improve Distribution Systems Operation and Planning;
  • Energy Losses;
  • Distributed Generation;
  • Advanced Metering Infrastructure;
  • Data mining;
  • Optimal control;
  • Multi-objective optimization in Smart Grids.
98) Title: Operations Management and its Applications in Industries and other Disciplines

Organizer: Hui Ming Wee, Ph.D. Distinguished Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University, 200 Chung Pei Road, Chungli, Taiwan 320, ROC 



Operations Management has a wide applications ranging from manufacturing, service industry through healthcare and energy conservation. The aim of this symposium is to encourage research and exchange of ideas in creative applications of OM in new and innovative domains.The special session encourages researchers to develop analytic models for various applications of OM in inventory systems, supply chain management, healthcare, medical devices and renewable energy supply chains. 
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
  • Lean production system and its application
  • Lean supply chain and its applications in service industry
  • Inventory systems and control
  • Managing disaster relief inventories
  • Evaluating inventory risks in supply chains
  • Humanitarian logistics for emergency management
  • Modeling supply chain inventory management
  • Collaborative supply chain inventory management
  • Inventory Risk management and warning systems
  • Multi-Echelon Inventory management model
  • Risk mitigating strategies in supply chain inventory management
  • Renewable energy supply chain optimization
  • Healthcare and medical device supply chain management
  • Applications of operations research methods in healthcare
  • Human resource supply chain and management
  • Sustainable supply chain management 
  • Other related topics


100) Title: High Accuracy Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations

Organizer: Murli M. Gupta, Professor of Mathematics, George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052 USA 



This symposium brings together a number of researchers from all over the world who have been working on High Accuracy Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, with varied applications that include problems of viscous fluid flows.
101) Title: Second Symposium on Computational and Applied Science

Organizer: Dr. Waheed k. Zahra (Egypt), Dr. Mohamed A. Bek (Egypt) and Dr. Manal. M. Hikal (Egypt), Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt 



This Symposium will provide an opportunity for the interaction of engineers, mathematicians and scientists dealing with novel numerical solution of boundary value problems for both ordinary and partial differential equations. The applications of fractional calculus, spline functions and integral equations will be discussed. In addition, the numerical models and its application in engineering, industry and environmental problems will be highlighted.
Authors are invited to submit original unpublished results to the peer review for publication and presentation, in the following topics of interest of the current symposium include (but not limited):
  • Fractional Calculus 
  • Linear , Non Linear ODEs, PDEs and FDEs 
  • Integral Equations 
  • Singular Perturbation Problems 
  • Free Boundary Value Problems 
  • Spline function and its applications 
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics 
  • Dynamical Systems 
  • Non-Newtonian fluid dynamics 
  • Multi-phase flow 
  • Mathematical Physics 
  • Models of Chemical, Biophysical, Biomedical and Biochemical Sciences 
  • Nanotechnology and its applications. 
  • Any Other Industrial Applications 
102) Title: The 2nd Symposium on Computational and Analytical Techniques for Solving Coupled Multiphysics Problems

Organizer: Prof. Dr. You-He Zhou and Prof. Dr. Jizeng Wang, Key Laboratory of Mechanics on Disaster and Environment in Western China, the Ministry of Education, and College of Civil Engineering and Mechanics, Lanzhou University, 222 Tian Shui Nan Road, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, P. R. China and


E-mail: (Y. H. Zhou) and (J. Wang)

This symposium aims at gathering specialists and experienced researchers to discuss in depth  broad aspects in the mechanics of coupled fields as a discipline at the edge of modern research connecting mechanics with solid state and statistical physics. Papers to be presented at the symposium are expected to focus on fundamental and applied aspects of engineering systems subjected to multi-fields coupling with an orientation of mathematical approaches and applications.
A non-exhaustive list of topics is:
  1. Nonlinear structural mechanics problems
  2. Electro-Magneto-Elasticity
  3. Smart materials and structures
  4. Advanced mechanical systems under extreme conditions
  5. Mechanics of superconductors and superconducting materials
  6. Biological systems, bio-inspired materials and structures
103) Title: Analysis and Control of Dynamical Systems with Applications

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Alexander P. Krishchenko, Head of Chair of Mathematical Modeling, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, ul. 2-aja Baumanskaja 5, 105005 Moscow, Russia & Head of Laboratory of Mathematical Methods of Analysis and Synthesis of Complex Systems, Institute for Systems Analysis RAS, pr. 60-letiya Oktyabrya, 9, 117312 Moscow, Russia 



It is planned to include in the programme  of the Symposium reports on results on continuous time and discrete time systems,  including mathematical models in biology and medicine. 
Welcome the results of theoretical research and mathematical modeling associated with 
  • localization of compact invariant sets
  • chaotic dynamics
  • bifurcation 
  • stability  
  • dynamics control
104) Title: Almost Periodic Theory of Differential, Difference Equations, and Dynamic Equations on Time Scales

Organizer: Dr. Tianwei Zhang, City College, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650051, China 



The objective of this subject is to report on the latest achievements in the almost periodic theory of differential, difference, and dynamic equations. It will reflect both the state-of-the-art theoretical research and important recent advances in applications. Almost periodic properties of differential, difference, and dynamic equations are used for modeling many problems arising in the engineering and natural sciences. Therefore, analysis of almost periodic properties to such equations is crucial for applications. It is important to develop new theories and methods, as well as to modify and refine the well-known techniques, for the analysis of new classes of problems.
105) Title: State of the Art of Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Analysis, Optimization and Control of Hybrid  Renewable Energy Systems (Wind Power / Photovoltaic Energy )

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Alexandru  DUMITRACHE, “Gheorghe Mihoc-Caius Iacob" Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy , Bucharest , ROMANIA and Prof. Dr. Florin FRUNZULICA, “Gheorghe Mihoc-Caius Iacob" Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy , Bucharest , ROMANIA & POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest , Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, ROMANIA

Mailing Address of the Organizers: Romanian Academy of Science, 050711 Calea 13 Septembrie Nr. 13, Sector 5, Bucharest , Romania



Research and development efforts in wind, solar, and other renewable energy technologies are required to continue for improving their performance, establishing techniques for accurately predicting their output and reliably integrating them with other conventional generating sources.
The design of the wind turbines continues to be improved, i.e. basic research in aerodynamics, flow control, structural dynamics,  new materials, feasibility studies for  new systems, prediction of noise and its reduction methods, optimization methods,  etc.  
Moreover, some additional problems need to be solved for offshore wind energy, such as designing reliable foundation structures, monitoring of operation and maintenance, and controlling for early failure detection, especially corrosion problems.
The main and analyzed subject in this session is highlighted by the topics of wind turbine:  airfoil for blade of rotors, design, aerodynamics and flow control,  aeroelastic analysis, performance prediction using mathematical modeling and numerical techniques, improving wind turbine operational efficiency, control methods of wind turbine  during power production. Since solar and wind energy are good complementary sources of energy, these are widely used as a hybrid combination of electricity supply in isolated areas, far from the distribution network. Hybrid renewable energy systems (HRES) are becoming popular for remote area power generation applications due to advances in renewable energy technologies. Therefore all papers including hybrid wind/solar energy topics are welcomed. 
Our session includes but is not limited to:
  • CFD analysis on wind turbine rotor
  • Small wind turbines
  • Optimizing wind turbine / hybrid-system performance
  • Rotational and 3-D effects on wind turbine blades
  • Self-starting phase improvement
  • Dynamic stall
  • Aerodynamic design optimization of wind turbines (Rotor, Blades, Airfoils)
  • Flow control
  • Structural-response / Aeroelastic analysis
  • Control methods of wind turbine  during power production
  • Hybrid PV/wind energy systems
  • Noise of wind turbines (prediction  and reduction)
  • Computation of classes of models based on the experimental data.
  • Wind engineering
106) Title: Applications of Statistical Mechanics to Computer Science

Organizer: Dr. Mark Reynolds, Research Fellow , Hariri Institute for Computing, Boston University 



The focus of the symposium will be to present algorithms that were originally developed to solve problems in statistical mechanisms, and are now being applied to problems of computer science.
Papers on speculative execution, branch prediction, cache algorithms, entropy generation and PRNGs, phase changes in models of execution, high speed I/O ordering, and other related topics are welcome.
107) Title: Buckling Behavior Due to Welding 

Organizer: Dr. Wang Jiangchao, Research Association, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada 



For the design and fabrication of welded structure using thin plate, Buckling as a kind of failure may occur.
Due to the unstability and difficulty of strainghtening, it is better avoid the buckling behavior during design and fabrication stage. For this purpose, accurate prediction of buckling distortion is becoming important research topic.
108) Title: Fifth International Workshop on Iso-, Geno-, and Hyper-Mathematics 

Organizers: A. Bhalekar (India), C. Corda (Italy), R. M. Santilli (USA), and T. Vougiouklis (Greece) 



For an outline of the content and financial support, please visit the website:
109) Title: Third International Workshop on Antimatter Astrophysics 

Organizers: A. Bhalekar (India), C. Corda (Italy), R. M. Santilli (USA), and T. Vougiouklis (Greece) 



For an outline of the content and financial support, please visit the website:
110) Title: First International Workshop on on Nuclear Fusions Without Radiations 

Organizers: A. Bhalekar (India), C. Corda (Italy), R. M. Santilli (USA), and T. Vougiouklis (Greece) 



For an outline of the content and financial support, please visit the website:
111) Title: Mathematics Applied to Computer Science

Organizers: Jose C. Valverde (Chair of the simposium), Department of Mathematics, University of Castilla-La Mancha, SPAIN and Silvia Martínez (Coordinator of the simposium), Department of Mathematics, University of Castilla-La Mancha, SPAIN



The development of the theory of Computation is one of the most important tasks in the modern Mathematics. In view of it, this symposium has the intention of taking a look at breaking new topics of Mathematics applied to Computer Science.
The topics will include:
  • Mathematical modeling of Computation
  • Discrete Networks Optimization
  • Combinatorics
  • Discrete Mathematics Applied to Computer Sciences
  • Fuzzy Theory with Applications
  • Theory of Computation
as well as other important areas of Mathematics Applied to Computer Science.
The goal of the symposium is to review and discuss research on this field among mathematicians, engineers and other experts that work in the field at the intersection of Mathematics, Computer Science and related areas. During the symposium attendees will have the opportunity of networking, communicating and exchanging ideas and information on related research topics. Also, they will be able to discuss about the trends and prospects of future.

The proceedings of the conference will be published in a Special Volume of the very famous AIP Conference Proceedings. The American Institute of Physics (AIP) is a very well-known series of Conference Proceedings, which is included in the leading databases of scientific & engineering literature including INSPEC (an IEE product), Scitation, ISI Web of knowledge, MathSciNet, Scopus, Scirus, Google Scholar and so on. All accepted papers need to have a full registration to the conference. More information can be found at:

Distinguished papers accepted and presented in the symposium will be considered for publication in the journal  Applied Mathematical and Computational Sciences (ISSN 0976-1586) indexed by the leading databases

-          MathScinet edited by the American Mathematical Society

-          Zentralblatt Math edited by the European Mathematical Society

112) Title: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Transportation Networks 

Organizers: Jean-Patrick Lebacque, Director of GRETTIA, IGPEF (Engineer General), Professor at ENTPE and EIVP, IFSTTAR/COSYS/GRETTIA, France, Tel: +33 1 81 66 96 95, Mob: +33 7 61 08 17 37, Nadir Farhi, researcher, GRETTIA team, IFSTTAR Institute: Cité Descartes, 14-20 boulevard Newton, Champs-sur-Marne 77447 Marne-la-Vallée cedex 2, France. Tel: +33 1 81 66 87 04 and Xavier Louis, researcher, GRETTIA team, IFSTTAR Institute: Cité Descartes, 14-20 boulevard Newton, Champs-sur-Marne 77447 Marne-la-Vallée cedex 2, France. Tel: +33 1 81 66 86 79 



The objective of this session is to cover research in applied mathematics to transportation networks, including modeling, simulation, and optimization. Mathematicians, physicists, as well as transportation scientists and engineers from academia and industry are invited to submit original results to the peer review for publication and presentation, in the following topic areas:
  • Road traffic modeling (macroscopic, microscopic, mesoscopic, hybrid, etc..)
  • Simulation of road traffic and transportation networks,
  • Ramp metering,
  • Urban traffic control,
  • Intelligent transportation systems (ITS),
  • Cooperative systems in transportation networks,
  • Multimodal models for transport and mobility,
  • Optimal routing in transportation networks,
  • Traffic assignment, etc.
113) Title: Computational Methods in Condensed Matter Physics 

Organizer: Dimo I. Uzunov, PhD, DSc, Professor of Physics, Collective Phenomena Laboratory, Institute of Solid State Physics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BG-1784 Sofia, Bulgaria  



Reports and papers are invited in the broad field of numerical and analytical studies of models of condensed matter systems: mathematical modeling of condensed matter phenomena, Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations, density functional methods, problems of analytical calculations in condensed  matter theory. Applications of this and other mathematical tools to experimental and theoretical problems in condensed matter physics are highly appreciated, for example, to problems of magnetism, superconductivity, super-fluidity, BEC, complex systems with several relevant inter-particle correlations, disorder effects, frustration, chiral phases, nano-size phenomena in clusters, thin films, wires
114) Title: International Symposium on Internet of Things 

Organizers: Prof. Jiankun Hu and Prof. Elizabeth Chang, The University of New South Wales at Australian Defence Force Academy (UNSW@ADFA), Australia and Dr. Fengling Han, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia 


Contact E-mail:

Internet of Things (IoT), also named as Cyber-physical system (CPS), has recently been identified as the No.1 research priority by the U.S. President’s Council of Advisers on Science and Technology (PCAST). The US National Science Foundation (NSF) has identified cyber-physical systems as a key area of research. IoT can immerse ICT technology with physical processes which will become pervasive in areas of e-health systems, traffic control and safety, advanced automotive systems, process control, energy conservation, environmental control and defence systems etc.  This symposium aims to address issues from various aspects related to IoT. 
Topics of interest include (but not limited to):
  • IoT architectures
  • IoT related applications such as logistics, e-health.
  • IoT security including Cryptography, Bio-cryptography, Biometrics and image forensics, Internet security, Intrusion detection, Access control, Image and Speech Recognition
  • Wireless sensor networks 
  • CPS related control theory and applications 
  • Any theories that are applicable to IoT
Paper Submission and Review Process
Manuscripts must be based on an extended abstract with 4 page length in A4 size with font 11 or 12. All submissions must be in PDF format and will be sent to the contact organizer Prof. Jiankun Hu at The organizers will organize the review. At least two reviews are expected for each paper. Deadline of submission: 30 June 2014.
Publications and Indexing
The symposium will be included in the Proceedings of ICNAAM 2014. The Proceedings will be published in a Special Volume of the world-renowned AIP (The American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings.  The American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Series is a very well known series of Conference Proceedings, which is included in the leading databases of scientific & engineering literature including Inspec (an IEE product), Scitation, ISI Web of  Knowledge, MathSciNet, Scopus,  Scirus, Google Scholar, etc  and in the past had been included in SCIE  (
115) Title: 4th Symposium on Distribution Theory, Estimation and Inference 

Organizers: Carlos A. Coelho  and  Filipe J. Marques, Mathematics Department and Center for Mathematics and its Applications, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal 



‘Distribution Theory’ is here taken in the sense it is used in the books “Kendall’s Advanced Theory of Statistics, Volume 1 - Distribution Theory” (2009, 6th ed.) by Alan Stuart and Keith Ord, or “Advances in Distribution Theory, Order Statistics and Inference”, edited by N. Balakrishnan, Enrique Castillo and Jose-Maria Sarabia, as the area in Statistics which deals with all aspects of the study of statistical distributions.
Multivariate Analysis, Linear and Nonlinear Models, Order Statistics and Extreme Value Theory are key areas where works on the study of the exact, asymptotic or near-exact distributions of the associated test statistics and parameter estimators, as well as all aspects related with Estimation and Inference are fields of major importance. As such, this Symposium is open to contributions in all these related areas, as reflected in its title.
116) Title: Fuzzy Sets Theory 

Organizer: Dr. Francisco Gallego Lupianez, Associate Professor, Dpt. Geometria y Topologia, Fac. Matemáticas, Univ. Complutense, 28040-Madrid, Spain 



This symposium welcomes all researchers, academicians, and practitioners on all areas related with fuzzy sets theory.
Scope of the symposium:
  • Fuzzy Sets and Systems
  • Fuzzy Mathematics and Systems with Applications
  • Fuzzy Engineering
  • Fuzzy Information
  • Artificial Intelligence 
  • Fuzzy Operation Research and Management
  • Fuzzy Logic
  • Soft Computing
117) Title: Virtual Symposium on Optical Communication and Networks 

Organizer: Dr.Sangeetha R.G, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Shiv Nadar University, Village Chithera, Dadri, -203207, UP, SNU Ext.234, Mobile:09999359563, 



The tremendous growth of the internet and World Wide Web, both in terms of number of users and the amount of time, and thus the bandwidth used by each user is crucial factor. Optical networks promises enormous bandwidth and variety of services. Initially, optics played a central role in transmission with lower bit error rates. Now, the role of optics is extended to routing, switching and intelligence in optical layer. The symposium aims to bring together academicians, scientists, and professionals specializing in Fiber Optics and Photonics technologies to explore recent technical advances. As a part of the well-established ICNAAM series supported by the American Institute of Physics, this symposium invites research papers from the following, and not restricted to these topics,
  • Next generation Networks and QoS
  • Green Optics
  • Survivable Networks
  • Fault tolerance and Reliability
  • Optical Engineering and Applications
  • Optical Fiber Technology
  • Optical Computing and Optical Signal Processing
  • Microwave Photonics
  • Optical Communication, Networking and Switching Technologies
  • Optical Fiber Sensors
  • Modelling and Simulation of Photonic components and Devices
118) Title: Applied Numerical Analysis in Electrical Engineering 

Organizer: Dr. Adrian Plesca, Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Power Engineering, Blvd. Dimitrie Mangeron, 21-23, Iasi-700050, Iasi, Romania; Tel: 0040 232 278683; Fax: 0040 232 237627 



This Symposium intend to bring together experts, professors, PhD and master students who are involved in numerical analysis in general, and in different application of the numerical analysis applied in the field of electrical engineering. The subjects of the symposium inlude, but are not restricted, to the following: finite element method and analysis with the application in the electromagnetic field, thermal, and mechanical analysis of the electrical apparatus and equipment such as fuses, circuit breakers, switch-disconnectors, arresters, power transformers, switchgears, etc. Also the subject may include the numerical analysis of the coupled fields as electro-thermal, magneto-thermal, electro-magneto-thermal, etc.
119) Title: 1st International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Algorithms (ISA 2014) 

Organizers: Assoc. Prof. Eva Volna - Chairman, Prof. Radim Farana – Vice-Chairman, Dr. Martin Kotyrba – Vice-ChairmanUniversity of Ostrava , Department of Informatics and Computers , 30th April 22 , 701 03 Ostrava , Czech Republic



Intelligent systems and algorithms is a promising research field of modern computational intelligence Concerned with the development of the next generation of intelligent systems and algorithms. Intelligent systems and algorithms are getting popular due to Their capabilities in handling Several real world complexities Involving imprecision, uncertainty and Vagueness .
The symposium has the intention to Provide a Contribution to Academics and practitioners. So, both Fundamental and applied researches are Considered relevant.
  • Genetic Algorithms
  • Genetic Programming
  • Grammatical Evolution
  • Differential Evolution
  • Evolutionary Strategies
  • Hybrid and Distributed Algorithms
  • Fuzzy Logic 
  • Neural Networks
  • Multi-Agent Systems
  • Artificial Life
  • Chaos, Complexity, Fractals
  • Image Processing, Computer Vision
  • Mathematical Optimization
  • Stochastic Optimization
  • Information technology
120) Title: Analytical and Numerical Procedures in Engineering (ANPE 2014) 

Organizers: Giuseppe Davì, Full Professor in Aerospace Structures, University of Palermo, Italy; Alberto Milazzo, Associate Professor in Aerospace Structures, University of Palermo, Italy; Andrea Alaimo, Assistant Professor in Aerospace Structure at the University of Enna Kore, Italy 

FULL AFFILIATION AND E-­‐MAIL ADRESSES FOR THE PAPERS SUBMISSION: University of Enna Kore, Cittadella Universitaria, 94100 Enna, Italy; e-­‐mail:;; Phone number: +39 (0)935-­‐536490; Mobile: +39 3283221555.

The  aim  of  the  Session  is  to  collect  relevant  papers  concerning analytical and numerical techniques developed to solve engineering problems.  
The  Session  will  focus  on  analytical  and  computational  issues  in  modern  engineering  with particular regards to numerical procedures, based on the Boundary Element Method -­‐    BEM and the Finite Element Method -­‐   FEM, applied to structural mechanics, multiphysics coupling problems and Computational Fluid Dynamics – CFD. Relevant topics will be novel formulations applied to the structural and fracture mechanics of composite materials as well as to  multiphysics problems associated to the study of Structural Health Monitoring systems. Thus the session will be characterized by a multidisciplinary nature that can find applications in different engineering areas including but not limited to Aerospace, Mechanical and Wind Engineering.  
121) Title: Virtual Symposium on Mechanics of composite, Sandwich and Functionally Graded Material Structures 

Organizer: Dr. Ajay Kumar, Assistant Professor, National Institute of Technology, Patna-India 



It will cover both analytical and numerical formulations and analyses for mechanics of composite, sandwich and functionally graded material structures.
122) Title: Border Zones Between Experimental and Numerical Application Including Solution Approaches by Extensions of Standard Numerical Methods 

Organizers: Christian Seidel, Institut für Statik, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Beethovenstr. 51, 38106 Braunschweig, Germany and Sigrun Ortleb, Fachbereich Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften, Universität Kassel, Heinrich Plett Str. 40, 34132 Kassel, Germany 



In applied science and engineering, many complex problems are difficult to assess both from the experimental and numerical side. Within this minisymposium, one of the objectives is to identify such border zones by means of different examples from experimental und numerical application.
In addition, extensions of numerical or experimental methods shall be presented that may assist in solving this kind of problems. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
  • experimental methods
  • semi-experimental, semi-numerical and semi-analytical methods
  • hybrid methods
  • multifield problems
  • multiscale problems
  • coupled problems
  • extensions of current numerical methods
  • high resolution numerical methods
  • current trends in the numerical solution of time-dependent PDEs
In order to allow for a fruitful discussion, contributions dealing  with such problems or solution approaches either in the experimental or numerical area are highly encouraged as well as researchers working with both experimental and numerical methods.
123) Title: Virtual Symposium on Micromechanics 

Organizer: Dr. Mohammad Tahaye Abadi, Associate Professor, Astronautics Research Institute, Iranian Space Research Center, Tehran, Iran, P.O. Box: 14665-834, Tel: +98 21 88366030, Fax: +98 21 88362011 



The symposium highlights the continued growth and new challenges in micromechanics for application development and for basic research and applications. The Symposium of Micromechanics brings science and applications together on microstructure materials, with emphasis on mechanics, processing, characterization, design, modeling, and  applications of materials containing true micro-size dimensions or microstructures that describe novel or enhanced properties or functions that are based on tailored microstructures. The symposium is directed at both academic researchers and practicing engineers. 
All papers should emphasize original results relating to experimental, theoretical, or computational results, as well as applications of micromechanics ranging from hard inorganic materials, through soft polymeric and biological materials, to hybrid materials.


124) Title: First Minisymposium on Mathematics in Engineering and Technology 

Organizers: Dr. Alfredo Donno, Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano, Via Don Carlo Gnocchi 3, 00166 Roma, Italy, Dr. Valeria Montesarchio, Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano, Via Don Carlo Gnocchi 3, 00166 Roma, Italy and Dr. Laura Tribioli, from Università degli Studi Niccolò Cusano, Via Don Carlo Gnocchi 3, 00166 RM, Italy



The aim of this symposium is to provide a chance for researchers and engineers to present their research results in applied Mathematics, Engineering, Science and Technology.
Topics of interest of the symposium include but are not limited to:
  • Applied mathematics (Markov chains, graph theory, etc. ).
  • Computational fluid dynamics (vortex flows, vortex breakdown phenomena, etc.).
  • Mathematical modeling and optimization of electrical and electronic equipment.
  • Application of Lattice-Boltzmann Methods (problems with moving boundaries, algorithms with classical turbulence models, polymer technology, etc).
  • Dynamical systems (Bifurcation theory, topological and smooth dynamics, random dynamical systems, etc.).
  • Uncertainty analysis (theory of uncertainty, optimization under uncertainty, applications of uncertainty analysis in engineering fields, etc.).
  • Optimal management of energy-efficient systems.
  • Physical phenomena modeling (soil-structure interaction, building and infrastructure problems, catchment hydrology, precipitation and climate, etc.).
  • Material Science and engineering.
  • Risk assessment technique and management.

125) Title: Ecological Remediation of Contaminated Soils and Groundwater

Organizers: Qixing Zhou, Professor, Dean of College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, 94 Weijin Road, Nankai District, Tianjin, China, 300071, Jingchun Tang, Professor, College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Nankai University, 94 Weijin Road, Nankai District, Tianjin, China, 300071


This Symposium will focus on the recent development in the ecological remediation of contaminated soils and groundwater.

The topics of the presentation in the Symposium will include:

(1) Ecology of soil pollution and ecological remediation of contaminated soils and groundwater.

(2) Modeling and Simulation of soil and groundwater contamination and remediation.

(3) Combined pollution, ecotoxicological effects and their molecular mechanisms.

(4) Ecological risk assessment and ecological safety strategy of soil and ground water contamination.

(5) Discipline development strategy of pollution ecology.

(6) Special topics on oilfield and oilsand contamination and remediation.

We would like to gather 5-6 presentations in each topic and the total participants of the Symposium will be around 30-40.


126) Title: Advances in Numerical Methods for Modelling and Multiscale Simulation in Linear and Non Linear behaviour of Composite materials to overcome Difficulties in Accurate Evaluation of Effective Properties by Homogenization stochastic's techniques 

Organizer: Dr. Philippe Karamian, campus 2 côte de nacre, bâtiment sciences 3, Boulevard Maréchal Juin, CS 14032/ 14032 Caen Cedex 5, France. Phone : Number: +33231567461, Fax : Number: +33231567320 


E-mail: Philippe.karamian(at)

Numerical simulations offer a great potential for understanding various phenomena such as mechanical properties and the behaviour of reinforced composites. Yet in spite of the progress achived on both counts, significant obstacles remain, for fast solving of problems in optimization as well as in design, and eventually for a better modelling and a better understanding of the latters.
The idea of this symposium is to gather a broad range of researcher and experts from different backgrounds who might be interested in using new numerical methods and various computational mechanics techniques to study and simulate composite materials behaviour in order to predict effective properties for different kind of materials. The main objective of this symposium is to share and to exchange recent advances and developpement in numerical methods derived from applied mathematics which can be applied to computational mechanics, particularly for non-linear composites materials. The syposium spans several important disciplines of mathematics and mechanics. Among other topics, the symposium is interested with the stochastic approaches of composite materials, especially in the stochastic treatement of inclusions and the stochastic PDE resulting from mechanics.


127) Title: The 1st International Symposium on Artificial, Biological and Bio-Inspired Intelligence (ABBII) 

Organizers: Prof. Andrew Adamatzky, Department of Computer Science, Director of the Unconventional Computing Centre, University of the West of England, Dr. Hiroshi Sato, Department of Computer Science, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Defense Academy of Japan and Dr. Tomohiro Shirakawa, Department of Computer Science, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Defense Academy of Japan 



The International Symposium on Artificial, Biological and Bio-Inspired Intelligence (ABBII) is an interdisciplinary event which brings together the researchers of intelligence, decision making and computing to facilitate exchange of ideas, share novel and original results and establish collaborative activities. The objective of the symposium is to establish an integrative platform of research in living to nature-inspired artificial intelligence, and thus the symposium covers all topics on intelligence including, but not limited to:
  • Artificial Life and Application
  • Machine Learning Systems
  • Agents and Complex Systems
  • Evolutionary Computation
  • Multi Agent Systems
  • Dynamical Systems
  • Analog Computing and Intelligence
  • Complexity of Nature
  • Distributed Systems
  • Swarm Intelligence
  • Animal and Human Behavior Dynamics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Systems Biology
  • Computational Neuroscience
  • Biological and Natural Computing
  • Chemical and Reaction-Diffusion Intelligence
  • Nano-Scale and Molecular Intelligence
  • Slime Mould Intelligence

128) Title: Virtual Symposium on Bezier Curves and Surfaces 

Organizer: Prof.  Dr. Abedallah Rababah, Chairman, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Jordan University of Science and Technology, 22110  Irbid, Jordan, Office: D1 L0,  Tel:  (02) 720 1000  X 23562   or X 23500 Fax:  (02)  7095123 



The symposium will be devoted to algebra and geometry of Bezier curves and surfaces and their techniques like degree raising, degree reduction, differentiation, and use in solving real life issues.
The Symposium also includes applications of the Bezier curves and surfaces in all fields of science, in particular, applications in Computer Aided Design, Computer Graphics, Computational Geometry, Image and Signal Processing, Modeling, Approximation, Splines, and Wavelets.


129) Title: Application of Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks in Construction Management 

Organizer: Edyta Plebankiewicz, PhD., The Head of the Institute of Building and Transport Management, Cracow University of Technology, Warszawska 24, 31-155 Cracow, Poland 



This Symposium focuses on methods for decision-making to solve construction management problems with the use of fuzzy logic and neural networks.
The list of topics includes, but is not limited to, the following:
  • fuzzy logic and neural network methodology for construction contractors prequalification
  • fuzzy logic and neural network methodology for supplier/subcontractors selection
  • construction project risk assessment using fuzzy logic
  • using fuzzy logic for auditing quality management systems in construction
  • the comparison of construction works and firms using fuzzy logic and neutral network
  • fuzzy logic for evaluating alternative construction technology
  • fuzzy logic in cost calculation of construction projects
  • fuzzy based models for construction time: cost trade-off
  • using fuzzy mathematical models for determining construction  schedules
  • using fuzzy mathematical models for construction project monitoring and control
  • decision processes in bidding procedures with the use of the fuzzy sets theory and neutral network

130) Title: Recent Advances in Statistics 

Organizer: Dr. Nursel Koyuncu, Department of Statistics, Hacettepe University, Ankara, TURKEY 



The aim of this meeting is to bring together mathematicians and statisticians interested in statistics theory and its applications to related fields to review recent advances and discuss the problems.
The Symposium covers the following topics of interest but is not limited to:
  • Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
  • Econometrics
  • Probability
  • Modeling and Simulation
  • Sampling Techniques
  • Statistical Applications
  • Other Areas of Statistics

131) Title: Dependable Mechatronic Systems 

Organizer: Dr. José Machado*, Assistant Professor at Mechanical Engineering Department of University of Minho, Mechanical Engineering Department, CT2M Research Centre, School of Engineering, University of Minho, Campus of Azurém, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal 



This Special Session on Dependable Mechatronic Systems focuses on modeling, design, analysis, synthesis, control and interoperability of industrial mechatronic systems considering the five main domains involved: Mechanics, Electronics, Automation, Control and Informatics for improving dependability of mechatronic systems. From all these systems, the focus is centered on both: aspects relied to study of respective controllers and aspects relied to study of respective plants. Software engineering, automotive engineering, robotics, communication, and control systems’ architectures are considered crucial aspects to be considered.
Are invited scientists and engineers from academia and industry responsible for designing and using those systems to submit original unpublished results which are not under review in any other conference or journal, to the peer review for publication and presentation, in the following, but not limited to, the following topic areas of this special session:
  • Modeling;
  • Simulation;
  • Formal Verification;
  • Synthesis;
  • Design;
  • Embedded systems;
  • Networked systems;
  • Interoperability;
  • Software engineering;
  • Sensors technology
  • Intelligent Robotic systems
  • System analysis and control
In order to facilitate evaluation process, papers must be sent directly to the organizer of the session trough the e-mail:
  • Full paper submission: May 05th, 2014.
  • Acceptance notification: May 26th, 2014.
  • Final paper submission: June 09th, 2014. 

133) Title: Virtual Symposium on "Numerical Analysis on Solidification"

Organizer: S.G.K. Manikandan, Scientist, Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre, Indian Space Research Organization, Mahendragiri, India 



The impact of numerical analysis, modelling and simulation methods has been enormous in developing and interpreting advances in solidification theory, as well as in investigating the implications of our understanding for casting and welding. Fluid flow, heat transfer, solidification mechanisms and microstructure development have all seen substantial theoretical advances. 
Fundamental understanding can often be described analytically, but numerical computational techniques play a key role in exploring the full range of theoretical predictions as well as in applications to the complex environments encountered in real casting processes. This symposium covers a variety of developments in underlying theory and use of computer modelling to simulate behavior during solidification.
Areas of interest include but not limited to:
  • Numerical analysis of solidification microstructures under imposed thermal gradients
  • Analysis of thermo-solutal convection in solidification
  • Numerical model for thermo-capillary flow and heat transfer during solidification
  • Fluid flow analysis during solidification in the presence of refractory elements
  • Dendrite tip analysis during solidification of superalloys in aerospace components
  • Numerical simulation for diffusion controlled dendritic solidification
  • Columnar to equi-axed transition analysis
  • Use of computer modelling in advanced casting process
  • Codification of applied fundamental theory into working rules for sound casting practice

134) Title: Multi-Scale Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Involution-Constrained PDEs 

Organizers: Dr. Alexander A. Lukyanov1, Dr. Hadi Hajibeygi2, Prof. Evgeny Romenski3

1 Abingdon Technology Centre, Schlumberger, Abingdon, OX14 1 UJ, UK,   2 Department of Geoscience and Engineering, TU Delft, Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN Delft, The Netherlands,   3 Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia 



This symposium aims to gather world researchers who work on various aspects of multi-scale mathematical and numerical modeling of physical and geometrical complexities involved in porous media, multiphase-multicomponent flow and transport, and solid mechanics. These topics can be characterized by involution-constrained PDEs, with specific focus on the algorithms that satisfy the involutions, constraining the allowable solutions. The existing fundamental issues as well as evolving theoretical approaches for PDEs with involutions have received a significant interest in many scientific and technological disciplines (e.g., oil industry, aerospace sector). 
Multi-scale simulation methods are promising approaches to facilitate direct simulation of a large number of complex physical processes in different media (e.g., porous media, granular materials, composite materials). Their developments are motivated since classical methods become too expensive if employed for high-resolution grids generated on realistic size domains. Specially, the various thermo-mechanical processes, subject to a wide range of initial and boundary conditions, leads to strongly coupled nonlinear equations of different types. Hence, accounting for high-resolution grids as well as the nonlinear coupling terms efficiently motivates the need for developments of multiscale numerical and simulation techniques.
As a promising approach, different multiscale methods have been developed. For example, to account for the scale differences between geological and flow simulation models, multiscale discretization strategies can be used. This method bridges the scale differences by utilizing different grid systems and different physical scales. While the fluid flow modeling is conducted on a coarse-scale level, using locally computed basis functions, the hyperbolic transport equations are solved at the fine-scale resolution described by the geological data.
However, in spite of a perfectly adequate general understanding and theory, numerical approaches do not fully agree in detail, especially for multi-scale mathematical and numerical analysis of the involution-constrained PDEs. Knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of these different numerical approaches leads to a better understanding of their impact on various applications and future research on improving and extending modeling capabilities. 
This symposium aims to motivate discussions on fundamental aspects of the different modelling and computational approaches for the involution-based PDEs, identify the areas for improvements, establish possible inter-disciplinary complementary collaborations, and formulate key challenging topics for future research and meetings.
A list of key topics involves the following items:
  1. Multi-scale numerical methods. Monotone multi-scale schemes;
  2. Compositional multi-phase / multi-components fluid flow modeling;  
  3. Modeling of large elastoplastic deformation in solids and structures. Dislocation dynamics;
  4. Thermodynamically consistent damage models. Modeling of void nucleation, grow and collapse;
  5. Modeling of fracture propagations. Phase transition;
  6. Numerical methods for high-rate deformation modeling in isotropic and anisotropic solids. Accuracy and stability of numerical methods; 

135) Title: Fractal Analysis and Harmonic Analysis 

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Weiyi Su, Nanjing University 



Recently, lots of mathematicians, physicists, doctors, engineers pay their great attentions to the study of fractal analysis and harmonic analysis on the Euclidean spaces and on local fields, including the theory and applications. Then, the fractal partial differential equations (FPDE) are concerned by many scientists, such as, experts in the astronomy, geology, and in the 3-demension techniques.
On the other hand, some fractal problems are connected closely with harmonic analysis, complex analysis, such as, medical problems ( to control liver cancers, auxiliary partial orthotopic liver transplantation ). We hope the theoretical and applicative topics as well as nice research results about mentioned above contents can be shown in Symposium, new idea, new results can be exchanged on the Symposium. 

136) Title: Analytical Approaches for Nonlinear Differential Equations Modeling Complex Natural Phenomena & Advanced Technological Processes 

Organizers: Prof. S.J. Liao, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Building, No. 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai, China, Dr. Hang XU, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Building, No. 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai, China and Prof. E.C. Aifantis, Polytechnic School - Laboratory of Mechanics And Materials, GR- 541 24 Thessaloniki, Greece 


E-mail:, and

In the last decades, increasing attention has been given to nonlinear differential equations of various types such as moving boundary problems, time delay problems, and fractional derivatives owing to their importance and potential applications in science and engineering. Different from numerical techniques, analytical approaches can give explicit solutions to these problems, which could reflect on the nature and internal structure of the physical processes considered, and provide easy-to-use explicit formulae for estimating various physical quantities and system properties. We invite researchers to submit their up-to-date research work on various aspects of such complex nonlinear equations with applications to various natural processes including solid deformation, mass/heat transfer, fluid flow, and other multiphysics instabilities across the scale spectrum (e.g. shear bands, fracture patterns, earthquakes, complex fluids, coupled electromechanical processes in nanotechnology and nanobiomedicine).
Potential topics include, but are not limited to: 
  • New analytical techniques for various kinds of complicated nonlinear problems in science, engineering, and biology.
  • New applications of analytical approaches to moving boundary problems, time delay problems, and fractional problems.
  • Periodic and quasi-periodic solutions of benchmark nonlinear dynamics problems. 
  • Linear and nonlinear problems of ordinary and partial differential equations with complicated initial/boundary conditions.
  • Improvement of existing analytical approaches for solving nonlinear equations and new applications of the Homotopy analysis method in science and engineering.
  • Fractional Calculus, Homotopy Analysis & Nanotechnology.
Contact details:
Dr. Hang XU, 
School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering 
Shanghai Jiao Tong University 
Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Building, No. 800 Dongchuan Road, 
Shanghai, P.R. China
Phone: +86-21-34204407
Fax:   +86-21-34207991
Prof. S.J. Liao, School of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Ruth Mulan Chu Chao Building, No. 800 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai, China.

137) Title: Workshop on Numerical and Symbolic Computation in Surface and Curve Modelling 

Organizer: Prof. Ryszard Kozera, Faculty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics, Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Nowoursynowska str. 159, 02-776 Warsaw, Poland, also adjunct Associate Prof. , School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Crawley, 6009, Perth, Australia.    



URL of Symposium:

a) Goals/motivation: numerical and symbolic computation plays a vital interdisciplinary role in different disciplines like applied mathematics and information systems, computer science, physics, biology, medicine and engineering. This symposium is designed to exercise such multidisciplinary nature of numerical and symbolic computation. In particular, the symposium focuses on the topic of extracting geometric properties of curves and surfaces from incomplete data (including exact and noisy measurements) based on numeric and symbolic computation. To fill in missing information various advanced and novel scientific techniques can be invoked, which is to be tackled in this symposium.
b) Topics of importance: high accuracy measurements of lengths, curves, geometrical properties like curvature, motion parameters, shape retrieval and other missing information are vital to the analysis of the hidden structure not fully transparent in various noisy or noiseless data.  In addition, the asymptotic behaviour of the proposed algorthms/schemes (e.g. interpolation, approximation or moddeling via dynamical and PDEs systems) are   important aspects intended to be examined within the scope of our symposium. On top of the above, the analysis and the computational aspects of the trajectory reconstruction determined by non-linear algebraic systems (including stability) or studying different  optimization schemes for curve/shape retrieval will aslo be included to this symposium. Not limited to the mentioned above topics, other papers on numerics, applied mathematics and information systems are welcome (in particular, multidimensiononal analysis, computation in dynamical systems and modelling of risk in banking and insurance).
c) Symposium format: it is intended to consist of at least 2-3 oral sessions run during 1-2 day(s) in September 22nd-28th of 2014. The speakers will deliver the talks and possible software presentation in 25-30 minutes time intervals. Some informal meeting for general discussion at the end of this symposium is planned.  One invited speaker will open the symposium. The chair (co-chairs) will present at least one paper. If the numer of papers is large then some papers may be re-allocated to the poster session (if agreed with ICNAAM organizers).

138) Title:  Biofluids and Microfluids:   From General Topics about Viscous Flows to Fluid-Structure Interactions,  Locomotion,  Biofilms and their Computational and Experimental Studies 

Organizer: Longhua Zhao, Department of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Case Western Reserve University, 10900 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, Ohio, 44106, USA 



Biofluids and microfluids are fundamental and important topics in fluid mechanics and have wide applications in biology, geology, medical research, etc.  Fluid flow phenomena have a lot intriguing properties have not fully understood.  More comprehensive models, accurate numerical algorithms and advanced experimental studies are required for better understanding. This session is organizes for from different fields to highlight key topics and bring experts from different fields to present the frontier of research.
How difficult can a bacteria swim to get the nutrition in surround media?  How efficient is a cellular locomotion  in the wound healing? Whether you are new to fluid mechanics or an expertise, this session  is designed to highlight key topics and bring researchers from different fields  to present  the frontier of research.  Participants will be exposed to problems require broad perspectives and multiple areas of expertise.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
  • Flows in Viscous Fluids
  • Flow Past Interferences
  • Fluid-Structure Interactions
  • Flow in Microchannels
  • Locomotion
  • Swimming and Flapping Models
  • Pumping Phenomena
  • Flight
  • Active Suspensions and Bacteria
  • Biofilms
  • Plant Biomechanics
  • Droplets and Emulsions
  • Collective Behavior and Microswimmers
  • Mechanical Properties of Cellular Flows
  • Computational Studies on above topics

139) Title: Computational Modeling and Simulation for Building Energy Applications 

Organizer: Professor Xiaoshu Lu, Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, School of Engineering, Aalto University, P.O. Box 12100, FIN-02150, Espoo, Finland 



Recently, EU announced new energy and climate targets for a 40% reduction in greenhouse gas and 27% share of renewable energy by 2030. Reaching these energy efficiency goals requires a comprehensive and clear understanding of increasingly complex building systems and their diversified  energy demand and supply and saving opportunities. There is thus a growing demand for applied and computational mathematics able to model complex systems for the design, control and optimization of energy efficient buildings. This Symposium is intended to provide a forum among Scientists and Engineers to exchange ideas, to identify the research opportunities and to address current and future trends in simulation and modeling techniques to enhance the understanding of the most complex and urgent challenges that building system modelers face today. The symposium is dedicated to stimulate collaborative research across a wide range of building energy related applications.

140) Title: Mathematical Optimization in Modern Medicine and Engineering 

Organizers: Dr. Flavius Pater, Department of Mathematics, “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, P-ta Regina Maria no 1, 300004 (Romania), Dr. med. Dr. Serban Rosu, Department of Oral and Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “V. Babes” Timisoara, Bd. Take Ionescu, 300062 (Romania) and Dr. Sorin Herban, "Politehnica" University of Timisoara, Faculty of Civil Engineering, P-ta Regina Maria no 1, 300004 (Romania) 



Interdisciplinarity aims at obtaining the new by crossing boundaries between  academic disciplines, and thinking across them.
Computer aided medical planning and simulation is a rapidly evolving research field that is going to alter dramatically the way practitioners perform their job. Mathematical models and computer simulations have a huge impact on modern medicine and engineering, in the treatment of diseases, in modeling engineering processes and prototypes and financial planning processes. For instance, a challenge lies in the modeling of the behavior of hard and soft tissue bringing together researchers from mathematics, medicine, economics, computer science and engineering. Another type of challenge could consist in data processing as subject to very general topics, including signal processing, field image or volume, with many applications in industry and medicine. Last but not least, modern medicine and state of the art engineering implies best "treatment" with cost effective optimization.
It should be emphasized that it is not expected the mathematician to become a physician or an engineer but to acquire interdisciplinary concepts and gain the ability to use and value modern methods across domains. 
Besides talks of mathematicians, doctors and engineers, the master students, PhD students, post-doc students or junior researchers will have the opportunity to present their works.
Our minisymposium addresses issues related but not limited to:
  • Pure and applied mathematics methods in medicine and engineering 
  • Medical and engineering planning optimization
  • Simulation and modeling in medicine and engineering
  • Image processing and analysis
  • 3D reconstruction
  • Biomechanics, biocinematics, biostatics
  • Modeling of hard and soft tissues and pathogens behavior
  • Medical and engineering applications and software
  • Education in medicine and engineering 
  • Medical and engineering economics

141) Title: Mathematical Methods in Economics and Engineering 

Organizers: Dr. Ludovic Dan Lemle, Department of Electrical Engineering and Industrial Informatics, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, Dr. Yiwen Jiang, Department of Economics Defense, Military Economics Academy of Wuhan, P.R. China, Dr. Zhonghou Guo, Department of Economics Defense, Military Economics Academy of Wuhan, P.R. China, Dr. Ana Socalici, Department of Engineering and Management, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania 



Session brings together researchers from over the world to present new results and applications of mathematics in economics and engineering. Besides talks of some mathematicians, economists and engineers, the master students, PhD students, post-doc students or junior researchers will have opportunity to present their works.
The topic covered by Session includes (but is not limited to):
  • economical mathematics
  • mathematics applied in engineering
  • numerical methods in economics
  • numerical methods in engineering
  • simulation and modeling in economics
  • simulation and modeling in engineering
  • education in engineering

142) Title: Advances in Fluid-Structure Interaction Modeling and Simulation 

Organizers: Dr. Yang Yang, Research Associate with the Center for Advanced Vehicle Design and Simulation (CAViDS) at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49009 and Dr. William W. Liou, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49009 



Fluid-structure interaction (FSI) modeling and simulation concerns complex interactions between solid structures and surrounding or internal fluid flows.  Strong nonlinearity in FSI and different time scales governing the solids and the fluids make it every difficult to develop an accurate and efficient algorithm.  In this mini-session, we will present and discuss the latest development in FSI algorithms and their applications in many challenging areas.
The suggested topics are:
  1. coupling algorithms for the solution of partitioned FSI;
  2. data mapping schemes for non-matching grids;
  3. tracking algorithms for moving boundaries immersed in fluid;
  4. FSI modeling for incompressible fluids (such as blood flow) and flexible/soft structures (such as blood vessel);
  5. Applications of commercial codes (such as ANSYS, Abaqus, MpCCI, ADINA, etc.) for modeling large scale, complex FSI problems.
  6. Any topics that are relevant to the theme.

143) Title: Meshless Methods in Engineering and Computer Science 

Organizer: Prof. Ing. Vaclav Skala, CSc.,, Head of the Center of Computer Graphics and Visualization,, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia, Plzen [Pilsen], Czech Republic 


E-mail: Submission to:  subject: ICNAAM 2014 

Main topics (but not limited to):
  • Meshless methods in computer graphics, vizualization and computer vision
  • Meshless methods in engineering problems
  • Meshless methods - theory and practice
  • Meshless interpolation and approximation of large data sets
  • Radial Basis Functions (RBF) in computer graphics, visualization, image processing and computer vision
  • Meshless methods and projective space

144) Title: Health Care or Hospital Resource Scheduling Models and Applications 

Organizer: Irem Ozkarahan, Ph.D., Professor, Computer Science, 126 Church Street, Bartlett Hall 325, Troy University - Montgomery Campus, Montgomery, AL 36103-4419, Office:(334)8327293, Fax:(334)2419589, 



Cost containment is very important in every part of an organization. It is especially true for health care area. The hospital nurses, operating rooms, medical interns/residents are very important resources for hospitals. Efficient scheduling of resources would lead to cost containment and ultimately lower health care cost for consumers.


145) Title: Numerical and Analytical solutions to problems in Structural Health Monitoring 

Organizer: Akash Dixit. PhD. Instructor Georgia Institute of Technology. Assistant Professor, Worldwide campus, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Woodruff School Teaching Fellow, George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, 801 Ferst Drive, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0405.



In this symposium, papers that discuss novel analytical methods to solve problems in the area of Structural Health Monitoring are welcome. Also, papers that describe numerical techniques that will enable either existing or new analytical methods to solve big structures would fall in the realm of the symposium subject. Of particular interests are paper that discuss methods that do not require a baseline structure for damage detection. Other areas of interests are methods that address the attenuation of signals in ultrasonic waves or the sensitivity of measurements in vibration-based methods. All strong presentations of analytical or numerical methods in the area of SHM will be given fair consideration.

146) Title: Merits and Setbacks of Numerical Methods for Analysis of Fluid-Foundation-Dam Interaction 

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Violeta Mircevska.



147) Title: Virtual Symposium on Numerical study of Optical Solitons  

Organizer: Dr. A. Keshavarz, Associate Prof. of Physics, Department of Physics, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran, Zip code: 71557-13786, P.O. Box: 71555-313, Tel.:+98-711-7261392, Fax: +98-711-7354523, URL: 



In mathematics and physics, a soliton is a solitary wave that maintains its shape while it travels at constant speed. The soliton phenomenon was first described by John Scott Russell (1808–1882) who observed a solitary wave in the Union Canal in Scotland. He reproduced the phenomenon in a wave tank and named it the “Wave of Translation”. Historically, the concept of solitons emerged in mathematics literature and was reserved for optical self-trapped beams obeying integrable nonlinear partial diferential equations. In nonlinear optics, the so called nonlinear Schroedinger equation represents such an example. However most nonlinear physical are described by non-integrable evolution equations. In this case the solution of the wave equation was referred to as “solirary wave”. In general, soliton and solitary waves have some apecific interaction and collision properties that differ from one another, but today's all self-trapped beams are called solitons. 
In optics, the term soliton is used to refer to any optical field that does not change during propagation. Optical spatial solitons are self-trapped optical beams that propagate and interact with each other as real particles. Soliton generation is the result of strong nonlinear interaction between the light and propagating medium. Progress in this field occupies a unique position in optics and photonics. 
Solitons can be formed in one and two transverse dimensions which are denoted by (1+1)D and (2+1)D respectively. However the situation in two dimensions is anisotropic and more complicated, So in order to study of the soliton characterization, one must resort to numerical methods that will involve two stages: First special methods are used to solve corresponding material equations, which be solved numerically, and Second is a beam propagation method which is used to propagate optical beam in a medium 
In addition for many experimental setups, we need to select the parameters that are resulted from numerical simulation, because of high sensitivity. In this way I suggest a symposium titled Numerical study of Optical Solitons, containing the following topics: 
  • Optical Solitons generation in differente media, 
  • Optical Solitons Propagation in fibers or crystals, 
  • Optical Solitons collisions and interactions, 
  • Special and temporal Optical Solitons, 
  • Bright and Dark Optical Solitons, 
  • Modeling of the Optical Solitons, 
  • Stability of the Optical Solitons, 
  • New Numerical Simulation of the Optical Solitons, 
  • Applications of the Optical Solitons. 

148) Title: Numerical Methods for Linear Algebra and Approximations 

Organizers: Yohsuke Hosoda, University of Fukui, 3-9-1 Bunkyo, Fukui, 910-8507, Japan, Kuniyoshi Abe, Gifu Shotoku University, 1-38, Nakauzura, Gifu 500-8288, Japan 



The focus of this session is on research areas related to numerical linear algebra, ill-posed problems, numerical interpolation, quadrature methods, and image science.
The session covers the following topics of interest but is not limited to:
  • Iterative methods for large-scale linear system of  equations
  • Numerical methods for linear least squares problems
  • Large-scale eigenvalue/singular-value problems
  • Numerical methods for ill-posed/ill-conditioned problems
  • Numerical interpolation for multivariate functions
  • Quadrature and cubature methods
  • Numerical methods for image science

149) Title: Advanced Oxide Materials and Nano Materials Based Devices 

Organizer: Professor Teresa Oh, Department of Semiconductor Engineering, Cheongju University, 36 Naedeok-dong, Sangdang-gu, Cheongju, Chungbuk, 360-764 Korea, Tel; +82-43-229-8445 Fax; +82-43-229-8461 H.P;  +82-10-2963-1593



Transparent flexible application is one of the critical components in opto-electronic device such as lighting emitting diode, solar cell, flat panel and flexible display. The conference includes various electronic application or nano devices as TFTs used transparent materials such as oixde semiconductoris, graphene and III-V Semiconductors.

150) Title: Development and Application of High-order Methods for Computational Fluid Dynamics 

Organizer: Dr. Ping Lu, Center for Numerical Simulation and Modeling, Department of Mathematics, University of Texas at Arlington, TX, 76019, USA



In recent years, high–order numerical methods have been widely used in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for solving flows with complex features. Traditionally, lower–order methods are preferred for their simplicity and robustness, especially in applications where a not accurate solution, though obtained with lower effort, may be satisfactory. On the other hand, in certain engineering applications where the solution structure is complex and small length scales and their evolution in long time have to be adequately resolved, the use of a low–order method may result in unacceptable solutions. Often such applications involve shocks or high gradients and complicated smooth region structures, which require special high–order schemes, possibly endowed with non–oscillatory property and capable of dealing with complex domains. 
High–order numerical methods have been used principally for the direct numerical simulation of turbulent flow, in the past two decades. Among the advantages are the fast convergence, the low dispersion and dissipation errors, and the faster input/output handling due to smallest amount of data. To attain an equal formal accuracy order, high–order methods require lower computational cost compared, for instance, to a method with quadratic convergence. In addition, in cases where long-time integration is necessary, the use of a high–order method is more profitable in terms of resolution capability. 
The main topics include but are not limited to: 
  • Compact finite–difference schemes 
  • Essentially non–oscillatory schemes and its weighted improvement 
  • Discontinuous Galerkin method 
  • Spectral volume and spectral difference method 
  • High-order spatial discretizations 
  • High–order numerical methods for the solution of hyperbolic systems, which admit discontinuities, such as the compressible Euler equations. 
  • High–order numerical methods for the solution of advective or advective–dominated problems, such as the Navier–Stokes equations at high Reynolds numbers.

151) Title: Recent Advances in Fast and Iterative Algorithms in Computational Electromagnetics  

Organizer: Dr. Ozgur Ergul, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Principal Investigator, Computational Electromagnetics Group (CEMMETU), Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey 



Realistic simulations of electromagnetic phenomena, such as scattering from airborne targets, scattering from human tissues, radiation from antennas, transmission through optical imaging  systems, metamaterials, and photonic crystals can be extremely challenging. Solutions of those  problems in diverse application areas often require fast and iterative algorithms, which may provide accurate results using limited computational resources, e.g., CPU time and memory. Sequential and  parallel implementations of fast and iterative algorithms are continuously being developed in the literature as a result of need for more accurate, efficient, and realistic simulations. Considering recent efforts, it is not surprising that there are multiple algorithms and their alternative implementations for the solution of a given problem. Along this direction, the choice of the algorithm, its implementation, and solution parameters are of utmost importance in terms of efficiency and accuracy. 
We invite researchers to submit and present their works on a variety of topics, including 
  • fast solvers for surface and volume integral equations, 
  • multipole-based algorithms, 
  • diagonalization and expansion methods, 
  • FFT-based algorithms, 
  • matrix compression algorithms, 
  • iterative techniques, 
  • preconditioning, 
  • recursive methods, 
  • high-frequency techniques, 
  • parallelization and high-performance computing, 
  • hardware acceleration methods, 
  • programming techniques, and 
  • applications of fast solvers in computational electromagnetics. 
We are particularly interested in new methods, techniques, and implementations that are developed for fast and accurate solutions of electromagnetics problems in all ranges of frequencies, as well as for similar applications in electrostatics and magnetostatics. 

152) Title: Symposium on Modelling and Simulation in Computer Sciences and Engineering (MSCSE 2014) 

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Francisco Miranda, CIDMA, University of Aveiro, and CEM, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal, and Dr. Carlos Abreu, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Avenida do Atlântico, 4900-348 Viana do Castelo, Portugal, Fax: +351 258 827 636, URL:


E-mail: ;

URL address of the Symposium:

Modelling and simulation, applied to computer sciences and engineering, is an exciting investigation field that brings together the power of computers and the physical sciences. Computer-based simulations and graphical visualization now play a key role in mathematical models, scientific investigations and engineering design.
This symposium is organized with the purpose to join several specialists in this field. The section activities will include the discussion of actual modelling and simulation problems in computer sciences and engineering, where will be presented theoretical studies and experimental results. The session interest topics include, but are not limited to:
  • Modelling in engineering sciences and technology
  • Dynamical systems models and methods
  • Computational methods in engineering
  • Modelling applications using ODEs and PDEs
  • Computer science modelling and simulation
  • Computer networks modelling, optimization and simulation
  • Optimization and control theory
  • Stocastic optimization
  • Complex systems modelling
  • Numerical methods and simulation
  • Computational intelligence
  • Systems modelling
  • Simulation visualisation
  • Information systems and management
  • Multiscale modelling and simulation
  • Computational mathematics
  • Analysis of mathematical models
  • Verification and validation
  • Algorithms and data structures
  • Software design
  • Control and systems engineering
In addition to the proceedings of ICNAAM 2014, the full papers of the symposium MSCSE 2014 will be considered to publication in the Edited Book tentatively entitled: Modelling and Simulation in Computer Sciences and Engineering. Editors: Prof. Dr. Francisco Miranda and Dr. Carlos Abreu, Organizers MSCSE.

153) Title: Complexity, Fractals and Fractional Dynamics 

Organizer: Prof. Carlo Cattani, University of Salerno, Italy and  Prof. Xiao-Jun Yang, University of Mining and Technology,  Xuzhou, China



Complexity, Fractals, and Fractional order models are the main focus of this workshop. The recent progress in advanced calculus, symbolic and numerical computation have opened new frontiers in Engineering-Physical and Mathematical applications  thus enabling us to face many challenging problems such as non-linear problems, scale depending problems, non-integer dimensional problems, and non-differentiable functions. In different fields of research, technology and applications there is an urgent need of mathematical tools enabling to study   fractional order problems, complex problems  and fractals, like for instance new materials with  extreme mechanical  behaviour or traffic optimization problems in communications. Fractal theory, originally based on the analysis of functions with strange behaviours, was developed in the last decade by handling more complex fractal-like phenomena in science, nature and biology. 
Fractional calculus on fractal sets or on unsmooth functions also called local fractional calculus has been also developed to describe the fundamental equations of physics by using suitable local fractional differential equations.  
The fractional differential equations were applied to investigate  some  anomalous still unsolved problems  which appear in science and engineering. The analytical, numerical methods and the fractional integral transforms can be  used to deal with these types of equations. This  workshop  will cover the recent progresses in complexity, fractals and fractional calculus. Topics to be covered but not limited are given below: 
Fractional order differential equations
  • Fractional order singular problems
  • Analysis with local fractional operators
  • Fractional integral transforms
  • Fractional and multi-scale problems
  • Computational problems in fractional calculus
Computational problems in fractal theory, fractal sets, unsmooth functions
  • Fractional order problems in biomedical image analysis, fluid and solid mechanics, rock/ physics, DNA and signal analysis
Real world problems from science and engineering, complexity

154) Title: Mathematical Modelling of Economic Systems II 

Organizer: Dr. David Hampel, Mendel university in Brno, Department of Statistics and Operation Analysis, Zemědělská 1, 61300, Brno, Czech Republic, Phone: 00420545132419, 00420737267251



Mathematics and quantitative economics use a range of complex mathematical and statistical procedures to analyse economic phenomena. Researchers facing new problems must determine the most effective techniques, given the nature of the system, constraints (time and physical) and improvement.
The goal of this session on Mathematical Modelling of Economic Systems is then to provide a platform and opportunity for academics, researchers and professionals to share their knowledge in applied mathematics, econometrics, statistics as well as quantitative economics. We also welcome participants to include their understanding of the qualitative and quantitative application to test aspects of economic systems.
All extended abstract must be prepared according to the guidelines of the Proceedings of ICNAAM 2014 ( The extended abstracts must be sent via e-mail to the organizers (david.hampel.uso@mendelu.czuntil July 5, 2014.

155) Title: Ellipitic and Parabolic Problems and Application to Physics and Biological Prosseses 

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Veli Shakhmurov, Okan University, Engineering Faculty, Istanbul/Turkey, +90 216 6771630-1946, Fax: +90 216 6771486



This symposium containe: 
  1. Maximal regularity properties of local and nonlocat boundary value problems for linear elliptic equations;
  2. Well possedenes of linear parabolic problems; 
  3. Spectral properties of elliptic operators; 
  4. Boundary value problems in Sobolev and Besov spaces; 
  5. Nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems; 
  6. Application of elliptic and parabolic problems to physics, biological and environmental problems.

156) Title: 2Nd Symposium on Integrated Computational Tools for Advanced Manufacturing 

Organizer: Nuno Alves, Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal. URL:



The second edition of the Symposium on Integrated Computational Tools for Advanced Manufacturing (ICT4AM), being held within ICNAAM - 2014, will be a relevant forum for the scientific exchange of multidisciplinary issues related to Integrated Computational Tools for Advanced Manufacturing and related areas. ICT4AM aims at making a significant contribution for further development of these fields.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
  • CAD/CAM/CAE tools
  • Multi-dimensional Modelling (nDCAD)
  • Mono and Multi-objective Optimization
  • Micro and Nano Modelling
  • Micro and Nanotechnologies
  • Computer Modelling and Simulation of Additive, Subtractive and Forming Manufacturing Processes
  • Computer Modelling and Simulation, Processes and Materials for Bio-manufacturing

157) Title: Symposium on Computational Methods in Mechanics - Solid and Fluid Mechanics 2014 

Organizer: Dr. V.Ramachandra Prasad, Head, Department of Mathematics, TEQIP-II Coordinator, P.B.No.14, Angallu, Madanapalle Institute of Technology and Science, Madanapalle - 517325, India, (Chittoor District, Andhra Pradesh), Cell no - +919160020785,+919703255889.



This symposium is providing an international forum for exchange ideas on recent advances in areas related to computational methods, numerical modelling & simulation, as well as their applications in engineering and science.
It will accommodate presentations on a wide range of topics to facilitate inter-disciplinary exchange of ideas in science, engineering and related disciplines, and foster various types of academic collaborations. The scope of this symposium will be broad, covering theory, algorithm, programming, coding, numerical simulation, High Performance Computing techniques, error and uncertainty analysis and/or novel applications of computational techniques to problems in engineering, science, and other disciplines related to computations.
Topics include but not limited to:
  • Computational mechanics for solids and structures
  • Fractures and Crack
  • Computational Fluid dynamics
  • Computational heat transfer
  • Computational mathematics
  • Non-Newtonian Fluid mechanics
  • Computational biology
  • Computational meso/micro/nano Mechanics
  • Computational uncertainties
  • Meshless/Meshfree/Particle methods
  • Advanced finite element/difference/volume methods
  • Boundary element methods
  • Molecular and quantum methods
  • Computational Rheology
  • Multi-scale methods
  • Inverse problem and Optimization
  • Health monitoring
  • Uncertainty analysis
  • Validation and verification
  • Development of software for numerical simulation
  • Computational techniques for applications in engineering, science, and other disciplines
  • High-performance computing techniques
  • Data intensive computing techniques
  • Integrated experimental and computational techniques
  • Nano fluid Dynamics
  • Others

158) Title: Fractional Calculus of Variations and Fractional Optimal Control Problems

Organizer: Mehmet Ali Akinlar and Muhammet Kurulay, Yildiz Technical University, Department of Mathematical Engineering, 34220, Istanbul, Turkey



Fractional optimization and optimal control problems are still in their infacy and have broad range of applications in engineering, Physics and economics.
We cordially invite researchers interested in seeing the role of the fractional methods in optimal control problems to submit their original research studies in the following but not limited to topics of the symposium:
  • Fractional optimization and its applications in medical imaging and control theory
  • Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics at fractional derivatives
  • Fractional calculus of variations
  • Fractional programming
  • Inverse optimization of fractional optimal control
  • Inverse problems of fractional variational calculus
  • Shape optimization involving fractional techniques
  • Fractional combinatorial optimization
  • Fractional PID controller
  • Fractional neural networks
  • Fractional problems in computational fluid Dynamics
  • Transversality conditions in fractional calculus
  • Fractional variational calculus of nondifferentiable functions
  • Fractional variational calculus of multifolded integrals
  • Fractional Euler’s equations
  • Numerical solution techniques at fractional optimization problems
  • Isometric problems of fractional variational calculus
  • Fractional dynamical systems: Fractional stability, bifurcation, controllability
  • Fractional transformations: Fourier, Mobius, gauge, and all (non)linear transformations

159) Title: Probabilistic Optimization Problem  

Organizer: Monia Bellalouna, Assistant Professor, Departement of Science Computer, National School for Science Computer, Tunisia, Campus de Manouba 2010, TUNISIA, Tel  (+216) – 98917318/(+216) – 20741929



The Symposium aims to propose random models to take account of changes in the data in real models. Under this assumption, we propose many resolution methodologies. The natural one is the re-optimisation strategy that consists in optimally resolving each subset. But this strategy is not realistic, because we have exponential sub-problems to resolve. As an alternative, we propose the a priori strategy:  we consider an a priori solution for the initial problem and then we update it by a simple way, called modification method, in order to have a solution for each sub-problem. This strategy was successfully applied for several Probabilistic Combinatorial Problems such as the probabilistic travelling salesman Problem, the probabilistic minimum spanning tree problem.


160) Title: First International Symposium on Approximation Theory and Its Applications– 2014  

Organizers: Professor P. N. Agrawal and Dr. Uaday Singh (Assistant Professor), Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee-247667(India) 


E-mail: ,

This is the first symposium of its kind to be organized under the banner of ‘12th International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM-2014)’to be organized during September 22-28, 2014 at Rodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes, Greece.The main goal of the proposed Symposium is to bring together researchers working in the field of approximation theory including Fourier approximationand related problems. We invite the interested researchers to submit their papers in the form of extended abstracts (3- 4 A4 size pages) to the Dr. Uaday Singh at the email not later than 20th July, 2014. 
The topics include, but are not limited to the following:
  • Approximation Theory
  • Fourier Approximation
  • Operator Theory
  • Convergence and Summability
Papers accepted for Sessions, Workshops or Minisymposia will be published in the proceedings of ICNAAM 2014. Following the end of the Conference, the papers presented at the Sessions, Workshops or Minisymposia will be considered for publication in the appropriate journals. Please visit the website: for more information about the conference such as registration, proceedings, accommodation etc.


161) Title: Computational Intelligence: Theory and Applications on Mathematical Modeling, Optimization and Control  

Organizers: Dr. Alex Alexandridis, Associate Professor, Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Department of Electronic Engineering, Dr Ioannis Th. Famelis, Associate Professor, Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Department of Electronic Engineering 



The aim of this meeting is to bring together specialists on the field of computational intelligence (CI), i.e. the application of computational mathematics in the development of intelligent systems. The meeting will cover theoretical aspects of CI, as well as CI applications in diverse scientific fields. 
Topics include but are not limited to:
  • Big data applications
  • CI applications on mathematical modelling
  • CI techniques for machine learning
  • Evolutionary computation
  • Evolutionary techniques for mathematical optimization
  • Evolving and adaptive systems
  • Fuzzy clustering
  • Fuzzy control
  • Fuzzy logic
  • Fuzzy set theory
  • Intelligent control systems
  • Neural networks
  • Neurocontrol
  • Neurodynamics
  • Radial basis function networks
  • Self-organizing maps
  • Swarm Intelligence
  • Computational Intelligence  and Differential Equations

162) Title: Integral transform methods in Engineering  

Organizer: Dr. Chin Leo, A/Professor, School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, University of Western Sydney, Locked Bag 1797, Penrith, NSW 2751, Australia 



Engineering systems are often described by a system of partial differential equations, as is the case generally with problems in physics. A linearized version of such systems is often possible under idealized geometries and boundary conditions, representing a useful first approximation or benchmark for more sophisticated solution methods. A very popular and powerful method for solving such linearized systems is based on the use of integral transformations (Laplace, Fourier, Henkel, etc.). This often leads to analytical or semi-analytical solutions, with its well-known advantages (rapid computation, pedagogic, visibility of the causality links), making them ideally suited for preliminary design and analysis. A quick literature review shows that a large number of such solutions already exist, but new ones are constantly being proposed, confirming the strength of this solution method and deserving of better recognition amongst researchers and engineers alike. The proposed symposium aims to bring together practitioners and researchers of this method to exchange ideas and encourage the use of this method.


163) Title: Modeling and Simulation of Gas-Liquid Membrane Contactor  

Organizer: Prof. Dr. N.M. Ghasem, United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain city, United Arab Emirates 



Membrane technology is an important unit operation in natural gas processing and water treatment.  Membranes have become an established technology for carbon dioxide removal. Carbon dioxide, which falls into the group of acid gases, is typically found in natural gas streams at various levels. Carbon dioxide is highly corrosive in combination with water, and can destroy pipelines and equipment unless it is removed or expensive construction materials are used. The presence of carbon dioxide in natural gas stream reduces the heating value of the gas. In liquefied natural gas plants, CO2 must be removed to prevent freezing in the low-temperature chillers.
 We are looking for papers on this topic that reflect present advances in the application of membranes in these industries.  Our objective is fast publication of high-quality papers that will move ahead the science and make possible successful commercialization of the technology.

164) Title: Numerical Methods for High Dimensional Stochastic Systems  

Organizers: Max Gunzburger, Florida State University and Clayton Webster, Oak Ridge National Laboratory 



Our modern treatment of predicting the behavior of physical and engineering problems relies on approximating solutions in terms of high dimensional spaces, particularly in the case when the input data (coefficients, forcing terms, initial and boundary conditions, geometry) are affected by large amounts of uncertainty.  For higher accuracy, simulations must increase the number of random variables (dimensions), and expend more effort resolving smooth or even discontinuous behavior within each individual dimension. The resulting explosion in computational effort is a symptom of the curse of dimensionality and this mini-symposium aims at exploring efforts related to efficient stochastic Galerkin, collocation and Monte Carlo finite element methods, error analysis, anisotropy and adaptive methods, high-dimensional multi-resolution analysis, random sampling and sparse grids.

165) Title: Mathematical Modeling of Nonhomogeneous Complex Systems  

Organizer: Dr. Evgeny Galakhov, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Miklukho-Maklaya str. 6, 117198, Moscow, Russia 



Nonhomogeneous complex systems arise in many fields of science and engineering, such as thermodynamics, acoustics, cell biology, etc. Studying such systems requires development of appropriate mathematical models containing nonlinear partial differential equations or delay differential equations, for which blow-up phenomena can occur. Our purpose is to develop analytical and numerical methods for investigation of such models that may help to describe and predict the behavior of the prototypical systems.

166) Title: Advances in Braneworld Physics  

Organizer: Francisco A. Brito, Unidade Academica de Fisica, Bloco CY, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campina Grande-PB, Brazil. Tel: +55 83 2101-1195, 1060 



Braneworlds are solutions of Einstein (or modified) General Relativity generally coupled to scalar and other fields in dimensions higher than four. Although four-dimensional braneworlds have phenomelogical appeal, lower or higher dimensional braneworlds have also been addressed in the literature in several contexts. The main point is to study the fluctuations of the gravitational and other fields around them to address localization issues.
The symposium welcomes contributions from theoretical and numerical methods applied to braneworlds. The following topics are of main interest of the this symposium (but not limited to):
  • Gravitational and other fields localization on braneworlds
  • Resonances and massive modes localization on braneworlds
  • Braneworlds junction solutions
  • Colliding braneworlds solutions
  • Black hole and cosmological solutions on braneworlds

167) Title: Stochastic& Random Partial Differential Equations with Applications  

Organizer: Assoc. Prof. Mohamed El-Beltagy, Cairo University – Engineering Faculty, Engineering Math. & Physics Department, Currently: On leave in Effat University, Jeddah, KSA 



The symposium aims at presenting new articleswith developments in the stochastic and random PDEs theory and applications. This is an active interdisciplinary area at the crossroads of stochastic analysis, partial differential equations and computing techniques. Fluid dynamics, statistical physics, financial modeling, continuum physics anduncertainty quantification are important contributors to and major users of the theory and practice of stochastic and random PDEs. The symposium is promoting synergetic activities between the theory, applications, and related computing techniques. The symposium also welcomes high quality articles in fields strongly connected to this research area such as probabilistic approaches in solving deterministic PDEs.

168) Title: First International Symposium on Free Surface Flows 2014  

Organizer: Dr. Mohammad JavadKetabdari, Faculty of Marine Technology,Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) , Tehran, Iran



Free surface flows have great importance in various fields of fluid mechanics such as hydraulics and marine engineering problems. A better understanding of the behavior of these flows will result in risk decrement and also optimization of real projects. There are several numerical and experimental methods which developed in recent years for this aim. Particularly, there are some numerical methods such as Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics that have not a long history in modeling of free surface flows and need to improve their capability in some aspects.  Great gained knowledge will help scientists and researchers to find the best way to solve their problems.
The aim of The first symposium on free surface flows in ICNAAM 2014 is to bring together researchers and scientists interested in free surface flows from all around the world. We believe that this results in a better understanding of these flows and improve our knowledge about typical numerical and experimental methods used in simulating of free surface flows. We intensively invite interested researchers to participate in this session by submitting their papers about following topics: 
Free Surface Flows (ONLY):
  • Mathematical modeling
  • Scientific Computing and Algorithms
  • Applications to the Sciences (Offshore, Marine, Sea Waves, etc.)
  • Experimental Observations and Applications
  • Theoretical and Applied aspects
Please send your 3-4 pages papers to Professor Ketabdari:

169) Title: 2nd Edition of Mathematical Problems in Engineering  (MPE-2014)  

Organizers: Mario Collotta, Cristina L.R. Milazzo and Calogero Orlando, Kore University of Enna, Via delle Olimpiadi, 94100 Enna, Italy



The symposium on Mathematical Problems in Engineering “MPE” is in conjunction with 11th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2014 (ICNAAM 2014) that will be held on September 22-28, 2014 in Rodos Palace Hotel, Rhodes, Greece ( MPE Symposium focuses on new results of engineering researches carried out by using mathematical techniques. The aim of the Session is to collect relevant papers dealing with important approaches of applied mathematics, which have relevance to the engineering in the field of Computer Engineering, Engineering Applications of Aerospace and Intelligent Transportation Systems in order to create new collaborations between mathematicians and engineers. Papers must be characterized by innovative models, methods and approaches that can found practical application to the engineering field or by new useful application of existing models to solve engineering problems.
The session will be characterized by a multidisciplinary nature that, by means of a common need for mathematical and numerical models, can invite authors involved in the implementation of mathematical and numerical approaches with applications in different engineering areas including but not limited to:
  • Inverse analysis and probabilistic analysis
  • Nonlinear modeling and analysis
  • Numerical modeling and Simulations
  • Real-time systems and computer networks
  • Complexity and implementation of scheduling algorithms 
  • Soft Computing applications
  • Network modeling
  • Energy efficient data management on systems and networks;
  • Quality of Services provisioning Algorithms
  • Optimization Identification and Control Models
  • Digital Signal Processing
  • Transportation Engineering, Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Operating Systems in Avionics
  • Aerospace Control Systems
The proceedings of the conference will be published in a Special Volume of the AIP Conference Proceedings. The American Institute of Physics (AIP) is a very well known series of Conference Proceedings, which is included in the leading databases of scientific & engineering literature including INSPEC (an IEE product), Scitation, ISI Web of knowledge, MathSciNet, Scopus, Scirus, Google Scholar and so on. All accepted papers need to have a full registration to the conference. More information can be found at:
Distinguished papers accepted and presented in the first symposium on MPE 2014 will be considered for publication in a special issue of the following appropriate journals. The journals in which selected full papers of ICNAAM 2014 will be published are:
Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JNAIAM) (Promacon), which is the official journal of European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, SCOPUS
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (Wiley & Sons), ISI, SCOPUS;
Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences (AMIS). The Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. is reviewed and indexed in the Mathematical Reviews, MathSciNet, EBESCO, AMS, and Zentralblatt fur Mathematik databases. Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. Covered by SCOPUS, ISI Journal Citation Report (Science Citation Index). Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Theodore E. Simos, Chairman ICNAAM.
Applied and Computational Mathematics. The Applied and Computational Mathematics is covered by ISI Journal Citation Report (Science Citation Index). Guest Editor: Prof. Dr. Theodore E. Simos, Chairman ICNAAM.
Submission Information
The manuscripts should be submitted to the Symposium Chairs only by Email at:, Submitted paper should be in AIP (American Institute of Physics) format and should not exceed 4 pages.
Important Dates
  • Submission of extended abstracts: July 10, 2013
  • Notification of acceptance: July 25, 2013
  • Submission of the source files of camera ready extended abstracts to American Institute of Physics (AIP Conference Proceedings): July 30, 2013- Final Date
  • Submission of full papers for consideration for publication in the journals: September 30, 2014 - January 31, 2015
Normal registration expiry date (i.e. fees have been paid and a bank transaction receipt is successfully sent to the fax (++ 30210 94 20 091) of the Secretary of ICNAAM or a Visa-Master-American Express Card has been charged): June 20, 2013
Late registration expiry date (i.e. fees have been paid and a bank transaction receipt is succesfully sent to the fax (++ 30210 94 20 091) of the Secretary of ICNAAM or a Visa-Master-American Express Card has been charged): July 31, 2013 
Mario Collotta, Cristina L.R. Milazzo and Calogero Orlando, Kore University of Enna, Via delle Olimpiadi, 94100 Enna, Italy.

170) Title: Neural Modeling  

Organizer: Prof. Jue Wang, The Key Laboratory of Biomedical Information Engineering of Ministry of Education, and Institute of Biomedical Engineering, School of Life Science and Technology, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710049, P. R. China 



The symposium is aimed at bringing together a wide variety of experts in the different science fields in order to exchange experience in models of neural systems. Modeling is a significant tool for experimental data processing in neuroscience. This symposium will focus on recent work which related to neuroscience modelling.

171) Title: Special Sessions on Biomathematics 

Organizers: Maira Aguiar, CMAF, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Prof. Gama Pinto 2, 1649-003, Lisboa, Portugal and Ezio Venturino, Dipartimento di Matematica "Giuseppe Peano", via Carlo Alberto 10, Universita' di Torino, 10123 Torino, Italia 



The purpose of biomathematics is the interpretation of biological phenomena through various mathematical tools.
We consider mainly contributions in population theory and ecology, but also epidemiological themes as well as medical applications. We particularly welcome relevant theoretical and practical applications in biology, biomedicine and biotechnology.
We plan this event as a forum for discussion between mathematicians, physicists, ecologists, medical doctors, biologysts and epidemiologists alike.
Models can involve sophisticated mathematical techniques in deterministic and stochastic nonlinear dynamical systems as well as computational methods. Possible applications include, but are not limited to, complex systems modeling (several) diseases and/or populations, specific applications of mathematics in medicine, invasion by alien species in ecology, spatiotemporal patterns in ecological settings.
Contributions should be submitted as soon as possible to both the organizers
For further details on the conference, registration, accomodation, paper submission, deadlines, please visit the website:

172) Title: Robotic Control, Decomposition Method and Numerical Analysis in Applied mathematics   

Organizer: M. Najafi, PhD: ,  Professor, Applied Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering, Kent State University, Ashtabula, OH. 44004, USA Co-Organizers: M. Taeibi, PhD, Professor of Aerospace Engineering, Sharif Institute of Technology, Tehran Iran,  M. Beheshti, PhD, Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Tarbiet Modares University, Tehran Iran and H. Massah, PhD, Acoustic Research Center, Tehran Iran 



Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM), from which one can find analytical approximate solutions to almost any type of linear or nonlinear PDE, ODE, control, fluid, and thermal science 
problems. In recent years, there has been a great interest in ADM. ADM has been applied to a wide class of linear or nonlinear, stochastic or deterministic, differential or algebraic, and single or system of  equations. Unlike other common methods for solving any physical problem, l i n e a r o r n o n l i n e a r , t h i s m e t h o d s o l v e s m a n y t y p e s o f problems without requiring linearization, discretization, perturbation, or unjustified assumptions that may slightly change the physics of the problem. For a large number of problems, the decomposition method has shown reliable results in providing analytical approximations that converge rapidly. However, this method needs to be improved so that we can apply to more science problems, particularly, nonlinear cases, such as nonlinear Riccati Differential Equation for Control problems, Navier-Stockes Equations for Fluid sciences, Vibration for dynamical systems, and Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics for Thermal sciences, as well as Numerical Computations. 
  • Thermal Sciences 
  • Fluid Sciences 
  • Control 
  • Vibration 
  • Variable Structure Control 
  • Control of Distributed Parameter Systems 
  • Engineering Applications in Control 
  • Design 

173) Title: Mathematical and Numerical Modelling  

Organizer: D.Sc., Ph.D., Eng.  E.Magnucka-Blandzi, Deputy Director of the Institute of Mathematics , Poznan University of Technology , Poland



In this Symposium some results devoted to analytical (mathematical modelling and analytical solutions), numerical and experimental studies of five-layer sandwich beams will be presented.

174) Title: Symposium on the Numerical Solution of Differential Equations and their Applications  

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Zacharoula Kalogiratou, Department of Informatics Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia at Kastoria, P. O. Box 30, GR-521 00, Kastoria, Greece and Dr. Theodore Monovasilis, Department of International Trade, Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia at Kastoria, P. O. Box 30, GR-521 00, Kastoria, Greece



The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
  • The development and analysis of numerical methods for the efficient solution of Differential Equations and Systems of Differential Equations
  • The optimization of numerical methods for the efficient solution of real problems expressed by systems of Differential Equations
The types of Differential Equations include:
  • Ordinary differential equations (ODEs)
  • Partial differential equations (PDEs)
  • Delay differential equations (DDEs)
  • Stochastic differential equations (SDEs)
  • Differential algebraic equations (DAEs)
175) Title: Symposium on Chaos Systems and Complex Networks in Engineering Systems  

Organizer: Dr. Junqi Yang, College of Electronical Engineering and Automation, Henan Polytechnic University, P.R. China



The topics of the symposium on chaos in engineering systems include, but are not limited to:
  • The development and analysis of chaos synchronization;
  • Chaos-based on private communication;
  • State and unknown information estimation in complex networks;
  • The synchronization on complex network.
176) Title: Optimization Algorithms for Discrete Problems

Organizer: Dr. Joaquín Pérez, National Center for Research and Technological Development (CENIDET), Cuernavaca, Morelos, México



The purpose of this session is focused on modeling, theory and study of algorithms that solve discrete optimization problems. These are algorithms that show innovative aspects and future trends, making them more efficient in resolving problems of different domains, such as medicine, agriculture, telecommunications, science, engineering, management and finance. Our goal is to provide a forum in which new algorithms, improvements and extensions of its application are presented.
Topics of interest include (but not limited):
  • Heuristic algorithms
  • Metaheuristic algorithms
  • NP Problems
  • Knapsack problem 
  • Bin packing
  • Travelling salesman 
  • Combinatorial optimization
  • Hybrid algorithms
  • Iterative algorithms
177) Title: Symposium on High Performance Computing in Engineering and Environmental Sciences  

Organizer: Prof. Ing. Tomas Kozubek, Ph.D., VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 15, 70833 Ostrava-Poruba Czech Republic,, mobile: +420 733 677 585, phone: +420 597 329 188



Numerical modelling and simulation arewidely used byscientists and industryall over the world. Main focus of this minisymposiumison efficient highly parallel methods for solving large scale problems of computational structural mechanics,fluid dynamics and for modelling and simulation in environmental sciences (floods, air pollution, fire propagation, traffic load).  
This minisymposium focusses on efficient highly parallel methods for solving large scale problems of computational structural mechanics,fluid dynamicsand on modelling and simulation in emergency and crisis management (floods, air pollution, fire propagation, traffic load). It also focusses on scalable algorithms and advanced computational techniques such as domain decomposition and multigrid methods, communication avoiding and hiding techniques, asynchronous methods, resiliency, hybrid programming, reliable and robust solution methods, methods for processing of big data etc.
The Symposium covers the following topics:
  • High Performance Computing (HPC)
  • Exascalealgorithms and advanced computational techniques
  • Parallel techniques and hybrid programming
  • Scalable algorithms and advanced computational techniques
  • Domain decomposition and multigridbased methods
  • Quadratic programming algorithms
  • Big data, large scaledata storage, data mining
  • Applications in the area ofcomputational structural and fluid mechanics (automotive, aerospace, energy industry etc.)
  • Applications in the area ofmodeling of large systems: floods, air pollution, fire propagation, traffic load etc.
178) Title: Statistical Modelling and Biometrical Applications

Organizer: Teresa Oliveira, Universidade Aberta and CEAUL



The Symposium entitled Statistical Modelling and Biometrical Applications aims to bring together researchers dealing with modelling and data analysis in all fields of Life Sciences, emphasizing the broad range of statistical model development and fostering multi-disciplinary research. The session provides some approaches in the context of biometrical applications as well as recent research results in areas such as experimental design, statistical quality control, inference, distributions theory and multivariate data analysis, among others. A few open problems will be stated, highlighting perspectives for new scientific developments within these areas.  Applications and new theoretical results having potential of solving real life problems will be fostered, namely by applications in fields as diversified as Agriculture, Biology, Genetics, Education and Environment. The importance of the links between modern statistical and computational techniques, including visualization tools, will be discussed. As it is internationally supported, R allows users to grow as software contributors. Thus, R techniques will be explored in some talks presented in this symposium. 
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
  • Statistics of Extremes, Extreme value models
  • Statistical analysis of Censored Data
  • Hierarchical Modelling, Regression Modelling
  • Statistical Data Analysis, Multivariate Data Analysis
  • Classification and Visual screening
  • Discrete Discriminant Analysis
  • Principal Components Analysis
  • Time Series Models
  • Multivariate state-space models
  • Statistical Modelling and outliers
  • Experimental Statistics
  • Experimental Design
  • Computational Statistics and Simulation
  • Linear Statistical Inference
  • Visualization Techniques
  • Statistical Quality Control