• Preliminary Program for ICNAAM 2020 - Physical and Virtual Presentations
  • Please contact your session organizer in order to provide you with the virtual connection to the conference rooms guide with all the required information to connect to the rooms and deliver your presentation and attend the discussion.

Virtual Poster Session 21/9 Click Here


 We would like to inform you that ICNAAM 2020 Conference can support virtual participation and virtual symposia hosting.

The participants must book their rooms as soon as possible in order to avoid any inconvenience due to the limited availability of rooms that exist at that time in Sheraton Rhodes Resort.

The Celebration of Professor Dr. Zdzislaw Jackiewicz is postponed for ICNAAM 2021 due to coronavirus (COVID-19). Consequently, all the invited lectures which were programmed for ICNAAM 2020 for the celebration of Professor Jackiewicz are also postponed for ICNAAM 2021.


We are proud to announce that the Proceedings of ICNAAM 2020 will be published in the world-renowned AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings. More information can be found here.


AIP Conference Proceedings of ICNAAM 2018
  • Volume 2116 (AIP Conference Proceedings of ICNAAM 2018) has been evaluated and has been accepted for inclusion in the Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science) of the Clarivate Analytics.
  • AIP Conference Proceedings of ICNAAM 2018 are published in the Volume 2116 of the AIP Conference Proceedings.


AIP Conference Proceedings of ICNAAM 2017
  • Volume 1978 (AIP Conference Proceedings of ICNAAM 2017) has been evaluated and has been accepted for inclusion in Conference Proceedings Citation Index (Web of Science) of the Clarivate Analytics.
  • AIP Conference Proceedings of ICNAAM 2017 are published in the Volume 1978 of the AIP Conference Proceedings.


  • You can register and book your room here. See at the bottom of the page for guidelines for the requested steps for a successful registration.
  • Please, see the Important Dates.

  • Promoting the work of young scientists. Special awards of excellence in Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics. See more here.


Honoring Prof. Zdzislaw Jackiewicz on the occasion of his 70th birthday


Prof. Zdzislaw Jackiewicz

Department of Mathematics
Arizona State University
Tempe, Arizona





Sheraton Hotel


ICNAAM 2019 - Photo of the Conference