Sessions - Minisymposia

Procedures for the approval of a proposal for a Session-Workshop or Minisymposium

The organizer must provide:
1. A proposal for the organization of a Session-Workshop or Minisymposium.
2. A small description of his/her proposal (no more than 150 words).
3. A short CV.
4. Information about the procedures which will be followed for the promotion of that Session-Workshop or Minisymposium (the organizer is responsible for the promotion).
5. His/her full affiliations along with an e-mail adress for the submission of papers on the subject of the Session-Workshop or Minisymposium.

Attention Note: The maximum number of papers per author is four (4)

After the approval, the organizer will be the person responsible for the selection of the papers.

The papers must be sent to the ICNAAM Secretariat until 26 July 2020.

In the Proceedings of ICNAAM 2020 the Sessions-Workshops and Minisymposia will lie in a separate section of the Volume with a Preface created by the organizer. Occasionally, the organizer must inform us about the participation of his/her Session. If a Session consists of at least 6 registrations, the organizer will be granted free registration for ICNAAM 2020. If a Symposium consists of at least 10 registrations, the organizer will be granted free registration and have a part of the accomodation expenses covered.

If a participant wants to send a paper to a Symposium mentioned below, please use the e-mail address(es) of the organizer(s).





1) Title: The 15th International Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flows, Heat and Mass Transfer - Numerical Fluids 2020

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Dia Zeidan, School of Basic Sciences and Humanities, German Jordanian University, Amman, Jordan

E-mail: &


This symposium series started in Crete, Greece, in 2006 chaired by Professor Pawel Kosinski of the University of Bergen, Norway. The symposium is associated with the annual edition of the ICNAAM since 2006. It represents one of the largest and most successful activities of ICNAAM with a strong commitment to research and development within the academic community. Since its start, the focus of the symposium is numerical mathematics for fluid flow problems and related topics.

Topics of interest include, but not limited to:

  • formulation, identification and resolution of multidimensional fluid flows, heat and mass transfer
  • numerical methods for fluid flows including heat and mass transfer and chemical reactions
  • multi-phase fluid flow problems
  • non-Newtonian flows
  • free surface, environmental and geophysical flows
  • population balance modelling, optimization and control
  • agglomeration, breakup and collision
  • polymer processing
  • shock waves, combustion and explosions
  • biological fluid flows
  • granular and porous media
  • renewable and non-renewable energies
  • microfluidics and nanofluidics
  • supercritical fluids and processes
  • fluid-structure interactions
  • multiphysics involving fluid flows and other applications
  • turbulence and phase interaction in fluid dynamics
  • mathematical methods for fluid flows, heat and mass transfer
  • boundary value problems for differential equations in fluids
  • application of fractional calculus to fluid flows, heat and mass transfer
  • engineering applications of fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer
  • experimental measurements and numerical modelling of the fluid flows, heat and mass transfer



2) Title: The Tenth Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences

Organizer: Dr. rer. nat. Claus-Peter Rückemann, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU) and DIMF and Leibniz Universität Hannover



This Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences focusses on architectures and methods for high end computational and numerical applications.
Information science, up to date scientific computing and information systems (software engineering, communication, and architectures), and information and knowledge focussed approches are indispensable tools
for progress in various scientific fields.
We invite scientists and engineers from academia and industry using and implementing computation and information systems, High Performance Computing, Cloud Computing, and Distributed Computing for scientific research, engineering, education, and future internet applications.

Authors are invited to submit original unpublished results which are not under review in any other conference or journal, to the peer review for publication and presentation, in the following, but not limited to, the following topic areas of this symposium.

 * Large scale and fast computation
 * Information and computing systems
 * Information science
 * Advanced software engineering, intelligent and autonomous systems
 * Software engineering for high end systems and applications
 * Supercomputing, High Performance Computing (HPC), Exascale
 * High End Computing (HEC), Cloud Computing, Grid Computing, distributed systems
 * Services computing
 * Database applications
 * Data processing
 * Efficient algorithms, Parallelisation of algorithms and applications
 * Integrated frameworks for computation and information
 * Big data, large scale data storage, management, and visualisation
 * Parallel algorithms, MPI, OpenMP, shared Memory
 * Optimisation, data structures and highly performance codes
 * Programming languages, tools for parallelisation

 * Advanced applications and algorithms
 * Computer science, natural sciences, geosciences, planetology
 * Archaeology, geoprocessing, spatial sciences
 * Life sciences, medical applications
 * Mathematical and numerical algorithms
 * Simulation and modelling, genetic algorithms
 * Scientific data processing
 * Advanced scientific computing
 * Computation frameworks and tools
 * Methodological and practical contributions
 * Knowledge creation, mining, documentation, and development
 * Knowledge-based systems, education, e-Learning, and e-Science
 * Legal informatics, technical-legal context, science and Open Access
 * Documentation, classification (UDC), resources, and evaluation context
 * Performance measurement
 * Energy consumption and management
 * Web services and performance
 * Applications and benchmarking

 * Networks and systems communications
 * Future Internet broadband services and applications
 * Resources and object certification, public key infrastructures
 * Data integrity
 * Privacy and anonymity
 * Networks/systems measurement, control and management, simulation and emulation
 * Quality of Service, Data, and Context (QoS / QoD / QoC), auditing, assessment, governance
 * e-Commerce, accounting, pricing and billing
 * Use of distributed compute and storage resources
 * Energy-aware mechanisms and energy-efficient technology for operation, control, and management
 * Configuration, reuse of software components
 * Resource allocation and management
 * System and data security; Communication visualisation

Deadline for submitting your fully formatted 4 page paper for peer review: May 7, 2020 (final date).
Deadline for improved paper and sources: June 19, 2020 (final date).

Other deadlines and relevant information, e.g., regarding registration, can be found in the section of Dates of Importance, at


3) Title: Recent Advances in Numerical Methods and Simulations in Statics and Dynamics of Structures

Organizer: Prof. Ing. Juraj Králik, CSc. , Faculty of Civil Engineering, STU in Bratislava, Slovakia, Assoc. prof. Ing. Eva Kormaníková, Ph.D., Faculty of Civil Engineering, TU in Košice, Slovakia,  Prof. Ing. Martin Krejsa, Ph.D., Faculty of Civil Engineering, VSB-TU in Ostrava, Czech Republic


The main purpose of the Section “Recent Advances in Numerical Methods and Simulations in Statics and Dynamics of Structures” is the presentation of new methods to analyse of safety and reliability of the structures under extreme loads as the earthquake and climatic loads (temperature, wind, snow, rain and others), terroristic attack (aircraft, missile, blast, fire and others) or technology accident (explosion, high temperature and others). The nonlinear material and geometric behaviour of structures is necessary consider during extreme loads. The risk of the structure collapse is determined by the model and resistance uncertainties. The deterministic and probabilistic analysis of the structure failure during the extreme loading can be used. The probabilistic assessment gives us the most complex analysis of the acceptable level of the risk. Recently, the theories of probability and statistics and reliability have provided the bases for modern structural design codes and specifications.
The main objectives of the Mini-symposium are developing:

  • The advanced methods and simulations of structure failure under extreme loads,
  • The nonlinear material and geometric model of structures and the effective numerical methods,
  • The advances in the soil-base-structure or soil-fluid-structure interaction analysis under seismic loads,
  • The experimental tests and the fluid simulation of the blast or extreme wind impact on structures with various shape,
  • The optimisation of the new composite materials or structure shape to have the higher safety of the structure under impact of extreme loads,
  • The simulation probabilistic methods and the stochastic finite elements to probabilistic analysis of the structure resistance due to extreme loads,
  • The risk analysis of the structure failure using the fragility curves of the structural elements for various type of accident or extreme loads,
  • The Reliability-Based Optimization procedures to consider of the effects of uncertainty by means of reliability, the applications involving optimal structural design for stochastic linear and nonlinear statics and dynamics.
  • The experience from the experiment tests, modelling and simulations of the structure failure under extreme loads using the deterministic or probabilistic assessment are welcome.


4) Title: The Seventh Symposium on Approximation of Curves and Surfaces (ACS 2020) 

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Abdallah Rababah,  Department of Mathematical Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, UAE.



The Seventh Symposium on Approximation of Curves and Surfaces will be held within ICNAAM 2020 that will take place at Sheraton Hotel in Rhodes-Greece, September 17-23, 2020. 
Presentations will be for 30 minutes including questions. Extended abstract (3-4 pages) of papers presented at ACS 2020 will be published in AIP Proceedings (American Institute of Physics). The symposium will be devoted to curves and surfaces and their modeling, techniques, and applications in all fields of science. 
All topics in Approximation Theory, Computer Aided Design, Computer Graphics, Computational Geometry, Image and Signal Processing, Modelling, Expansions, Splines, Wavelets, and all related issues and their use in solving real life problems will be covered. 
Papers that address issues related to the following categories are welcomed: 
Approximation theory and Orthogonal Polynomials 
Computer Aided Geometric Design and the Bezier curves and surfaces 
Computer Graphics, Visualization, and Image Processing 
Approximation and Interpolation of Functions 
Simulation and Modelling in Science, Engineering, and Life Science 
Computational Geometry and CAD Splines and Wavelets (univariate and multivariate) .

5) Title: ISA 2020 - 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Algorithms

Organizers: Assoc. Prof.. Martin Kotyrba – Chairman, Assoc. Prof. Eva Volna – Vice-Chairman, Dr. Zuzana Vaclavikova – Vice-Chairman, Dr. Michal Janosek – Vice-Chairman, Dr. Martin Zacek – Vice-Chairman, University of Ostrava , Department of Informatics and Computers, 30. dubna 22, 70103 Ostrava, Czech Republic and Prof. Ivan Zelinka – Vice-Chairman, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava , Department of Computer Science, 17. listopadu 15, 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba, Czech Republic


Intelligent systems and algorithms is a promising research field of modern computational intelligence concerned with the development of the next generation of intelligent systems and algorithms. Intelligent systems and algorithms are getting popular due to their capabilities in handling several real  world complexities involving imprecision, uncertainty and vagueness. The symposium has the intention to provide a contribution to academics and practitioners. So, both fundamental and applied researches are considered relevant.
Extended abstracts will be published in a Special Volume of the world-renowned AIP Conference Proceedings. The American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Series is a very well known series of Conference Proceedings, which is included in the leading databases of scientific & engineering literature including, ISI Web of Knowledge, MathSciNet, Scopus, Scirus, Google Scholar, etc and in the past had been included in SCIE.


•    GeneticAlgorithms
•    Genetic Programming
•    Grammatical Evolution
•    Differential Evolution
•    Evolutionary Strategies
•    Hybrid and Distributed Algorithms
•    Fuzzy Logic, Expert Systems
•    Neural Networks
•    Multi-Agent Systems
•    Artificial Life
•    Chaos, Complexity, Fractals
•    SWARM Computing
•    Mathematical  Optimization
•    Stochastic Optimization
•    Information technology
•    Image Processing, Computer Vision
•    Web Ontologies, Deductions, OWL
•    Adaptive E- learning

Best selected papers from ISA 2019 will be invited to be extended and subsequently sent for reviews and publishing for special issue in the following journals:

•    Intelligent Systems, IEEE International Journal.
•    Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JNAIAM), which is the official journal of European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering
•    Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (Wiley & Sons)
•    Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences (AMIS).

Papers in the form of extended abstracts, max. 4 pages according to the AIP template, should be sent to:
Paper submission deadline 30 June 2020

We note that our policy for the publication of more than one papers is the following: For one paper: 300 EUR / For two papers: 450 EUR


6) Title: 9th Symposium on Generating Functions of Special Numbers and Polynomials and their Applications (GFSNP2020)

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Yilmaz SIMSEK, AKDENIZ UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS 07058, ANTALYA TURKEY, Tel: ++90 242 310 23 43, Fax:+ +90242227 89 11




The goal of the symposium GFSNP2020 is to bring together all the researchers working in various fields of Mathematics, Mathematical Physics and related areas such as Analysis, Non-linear Analysis, Number Theory, Applied Algebra, p-adic Analysis, Special Functions, q-Analysis, Probability and Statistics, Mathematical Engineering and their applications. Our main aim is also to bring together theoretical, numerical and applied analyst, number theorists, (quantum) physicist working in the areas of generating functions of the special numbers and polynomials and their applications.  All of the participants will likely lead to significant uncover new connections on these fields which are Bernoulli, Euler, Genocchi, Stirling, Bell numbers and polynomials, the others, and also Riemann zeta functions, Hurwitz zeta functions, Lerch zeta functions, and Dirichlet L-functions.



For referee process, please send your abstracts (at most 2 pages) for Abstracts and Program Book (with ISBN number) and also your extended abstracts (3-4 pages) for AIP Proceeding Book to the following e-mail address:



7) Title: 6th Symposium on Computational Modelling and Experimental Assessment of Transport Processes in Porous Building Materials

Organizer: Oldrich Zmeskal, Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology, Purkynova 118, 612 00 Brno, Czech Republic



Transport and accumulation of heat, moisture, chemical substances, and momentum are phenomena which affect buildings and their inbuilt materials over their whole lifetime period. Their satisfactory description requires primarily a choice of proper physical and mathematical models because the transport mechanisms are coupled.  The computational implementation of mathematical models is another essential factor involving an application of appropriate methods of numerical solution. The computer simulation tools cannot be utilized properly without knowledge of a variety of transport and storage material parameters, which have to be determined experimentally in a wide range of field quantities, such as temperature, moisture content, and concentration of a particular chemical compound. The applied models are also supposed to be verified using critical experiments, in order to assess their overall quality. Therefore, in practical applications the computational modeling and experimental assessment of transport processes cannot be separated without a risk of significant departure from the physical reality.
The symposium brings together physicists, chemists, mathematicians, and engineers working in the field of transport processes in building materials and materials engineering. The main topics include but are not limited to:
•    Theoretical models of transport phenomena
•    Computer simulation tools
•    Material parameters and their assessment
•    Model verification techniques
•    Environmental effects on building structures
•    Risk analysis
•    Service life assessment studies
•    High-temperature applications
•    Applications in a renovation of historical buildings and monuments
•    Sustainable development and eco-efficient materials
•    Other applications in building science and building practice
•    Layered nanoadditives


8) Title: Symposium on Applied Problems in Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics Related to Modeling of Information Systems" (APPT+MS)

Organizer: Alexander Zeifman, Vologda State University, Institute of Informatics Problems of Federal Research Center "Computer Science and Control" of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vologda Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences.



The main topics of the Symposium “APPT + MS” will be:

• Probability theory in the modeling of information systems

• Stochastic processes in the modeling of information systems

• Mathematical statistics in the modeling of information systems

• Queuing theory

• Discrete probabilistic models

• Models of information security

• Modern Tasks of Teletraffic Theory


9) Title: Recent Advances and Current Research on the Difference Equations and its Applications

Organizer: Professor Dr. Seifedine Kadry, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Beirut Arab University, Lebanon and Professor Dr. Abdelkhalak EL HAMI, LOFIMS Laboratory, INSA de Rouen, France



Difference Equation or discrete dynamical system is a very interesting subject because they are central to the analysis of many models of dynamic programming and we can derive many complex behavior based on simple formulation.

The aim of this symposium is to discuss the new developments in the field of difference equations, and their applications.

Topics of interest include but not limited to:

  • Solution of the difference equation and its behavior,
  • equilibrium or critical value and stability
  • general theory of difference equations
  • random difference equations
  • iteration theory
  • bifurcation theory
  • mathematical biology
  • control theory
  • chaotic dynamics
  • complex dynamics
  • iterated function systems
  • numerical approximations
  • discretization of differential equations
  • dynamic equations on time scales
  • discrete equations and inequalities
  • discrete transformations
  • functional equations
  • orthogonal polynomials
  • stochastic processes
  • industrial mathematics
  • mathematical engineering
  • discrete models
  • applications in economics, physics and other disciplines
  • difference-differential equations
  • computational linear algebra
  • combinatorics
  • evolutionary game theory

10) Title: 13-th Symposium on Recent Trends in the Numerical Solution of Differential Equations

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Luigi Brugnano, Dipartimento di Matematica "U.Dini", Universita` degli Studi di Firenze, Viale Morgagni 67/A, 50134 Firenze Italy. Tel. : +39-055-4237-119, Fax. : +39-055-4237-162. and Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Ewa B. Weinmüller, Department for Analysis and Scientific Computing, Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10/1152, A-1040 Wien, Austria.




11) Title: Operational Research and Applications

Organizers: Prof. Dra. Fernanda A. Ferreira and Prof. Dr. Flávio Ferreira, School of Hospitality and Tourism, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Rua D. Sancho I, 981, 4480-876 Vila do Conde, Portugal



 The aim of the symposium is to bring together researchers with different backgrounds and interests in all aspects of Operational Research, its application in Industrial Organization, and its practice, in order to further communication, collaboration, and exchange of new ideas.

This symposium welcomes all researchers, academicians, practitioners, as well as students interested in any branch of operational research.


The topics include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Optimization methods,
  • Decision theory,
  • Stochastic models,
  • Simulation,
  • Game theory,
  • Queueing systems,
  • Combinatorial Optimization,
  • Cutting and Packing,
  • Data mining,
  • Optimal control,
  • Transportation,
  • Multi-objective optimization,
  • Scheduling.

12) Title: 3rd Workshop “Mathematical methods and models for nano-science”

Organizers: Igor Y.Popov, St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Kronverkskiy, 49, St. Petersburg, 197101, Russia.


Development of nano-science resulted in creation and using of many new objects and structures: grapheme, nanotubes, fullerene, quantum dots, quantum wires, etc. To study the properties of such structures, processes of its constructions, one should develop new mathematical methods or modify the existing approaches. New effective mathematical models are of special interest. The goal of the mini-symposium is to bring together mathematicians and theoretical physicists working in the field. Papers related to mathematical methods and models for description of mechanical, electronic, magnetic or optical properties (quantum or classical) of nanosystems are welcome.


13) Title: 4th Symposium on Nonlinear Partial and Fractional Differential Equations and Their Applications

Organizers: Dr. Hasibun Naher , Associate Professor & Coordinator of Mathematics Program, Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brac University, 66 Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh



Short Description of Symposium: The symposium is devoted to gather students, academicians, researchers, industry expects, policy makers and professionals all over the world to carry on further research and highlight recent advances in the fields of applied mathematics that use Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations and Fractional Differential Equations.
The main aim of this symposium is to cover multidisciplinary aspects: new methodologies, solutions of above equations in science, engineering and biology and their numerical representations and applications.
The main areas of this symposium are as:
•    Ordinary Differential Equations (DEs)
•    Partial Differential Equations (PDEs)
•    Fractional Differential Equations (FDEs)
•    Mathematical Biology
•    Neuroscience
•    Tsunami Simulations
•    Storm Surges
•    Generate New Solutions and Their Applications
•    Mathematical Statistics
But the topics are not limited to the mentioned above.


14) Title: 5th Symposium on Difference & Differential Equations and Applications 2019

Organizers: Sandra Pinelas (PhD), Departamento de Ciências Exactas e Engenharia, Academia Militar, Portugal



The aim of the conference is to promote, encourage, cooperate, and bring together researchers in the fields of differential & difference equations. All areas of differential & difference equations will be represented with special emphasis on applications. The participants of the Simposyum are invited to submit original results for publication and presentation, in the following (but not limited) topic:

- Ordinary Differential Equation
- Partial Differential Equations
- Difference Equation
- Equation on Time Scales
- Rational differential equations
- Applications


15) Title: 16th- Symposium Clifford Analysis and Applications

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Klaus Gürlebeck, Bauhaus-University Weimar, Institute for Mathematics and Physics, Coudray-Straße 13 B, D-99423 Weimar, Germany, Prof.  Dr. Sören Kraußhar, University of Erfurt, Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Nordhäuser Straße 63, D-99089 Erfurt, Germany


Quaternionic analysis and Clifford analysis are seen as a refinement of harmonic analysis and generalization of complex analysis , providing us with a powerful toolkit to study partial differential equations in the plane and in higher dimensional spaces.

Function theoretic methods play an increasing role in different areas of mathematics, physics, computer science and several branches of engineering. The symposium aims to reflect the state of the art in pure and applied complex and hypercomplex analysis as well as in the development of new (hyper-)complex analytic methods and to exchange ideas for new developments in theory and applications.

 We invite mathematicians, physicists, and engineers working by means of complex analysis, quaternionic analysis, Clifford analysis and generalized hypercomplex function theories particularly in 

  • Clifford and Harmonic analysis

  • Complex and Generalized Hypercomplex Function Theories in Clifford and Cayley-Dickson algebras

  • Slice-regular and slice-hyperholomorphic functions

  • Partial differential equations, boundary and initial value problems, control problems

  • Fractional differential and integral calculus

  • inverse problems, image processing and signal analysis 

  • Practical applications in engineering sciences in general, applications in classical mechanics, material science, fluid dynamics, electromagnetism

  • Discrete function theories in 2D and 3D with applications

  • Conformal and quasi-conformal mappings

  • Analytic number theory, modular forms and algebraic geometry

  • Geometric algebra and applications

  • Numerical analysis and discrete function theory, implementation schemes and simulations

  • Quantum and quantum field theory 


to contribute to the symposium. Suggestions for further topics are welcome.


16) Title: The Fourth Symposium on Mathematical Methods in Economics and Nature Use (SMMENU 2020)

Organizers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alexander N. Medvedev, Scientific Secretary of the Institute of Industrial Ecology UB RAS and Associate Professor (part time) of Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia, Active Member of the European Academy of Natural Sciences, Hanover, Germany, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marina A. Medvedeva, Head of the Department of Systems Analysis and Decision Making and Associate Professor of Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russia



Symposium is dedicated to the discussion of development and practical application of mathematical methods, models and information technologies in Economics and Nature Use, including Environmental Science and related disciplines.
The participation of representatives of academic and university science, practitioners, as well as doctoral and master students is expected.
The attendance of about 15 - 20 presenters is planned.
We welcome the presentations describing newly created models and methods, as well as particular examples of their use for data processing, evaluation and analysis, as well as forecasting of different indicators in considered fields.
The presentations may be in oral and poster format.
Virtual contributions are also welcomed if the authors cannot attend the conference.

Topics to be covered in the considered fields:
- Mathematical and Computer Models, Methods, Algorithms;
- Modeling and Simulation;
- Data processing, Data Mining, Machine Learning;
- Information Systems, Software, Web Applications;
- Computer Science and Education;
- Related Topics.


17) Title: Numerical Methods for Static and Dynamic Analysis of New and Existing Structures in Seismic Areas: Design and Performance Evaluation

Organizers: Prof. Rosario Montuori, University of Salerno - Italy, Prof. Elide Nastri, University of Salerno -Italy



The session is devoted to present and compare the most recent researches in the field of seismic analysis.  In particular, its aim is to collect papers regarding both the assessment of original state-of-the-art and the new design and analyses methods available for structures in seismic areas. The papers can include laboratory and field tests or methods of computation and field observation of structural behavior. Moreover, the outcomes of recently concluded research project in the seismic field can be presented.


18) Title: The Third Symposium on Advanced Methods and Information Technologies Applications (AMITA)

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Petr S. Martyshko, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of Laboratory of Mathematical Geophysics at Bulashevich Institute of Geophysics, Ural Branch of RAS, Professor of Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia.
Prof. Dr. Elena N. Akimova, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Leading research scientist of Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch of RAS, Professor of Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia.



The main objective of AMITA is to present the latest researches and results of scientists related to the field of Advanced Methods, Mathematical Modelling and Information Technology, Distributed and Parallel Computing and Applications.
The advances in computer science and information technology can be used to solve applied problems from the areas of Mathematical Physics, Geophysics, Radiotechnics and Signal Processing, Optimal Control and so on.
Virtual contributions are also welcomed if authors cannot attend the conference.
The list of topics includes the following:

  • Mathematical Modellings and Numerical Methods
  • Advanced Applications and Algorithms of Mathematical Physics
  • Mathematical Methods in Geophysics
  • Mathematical Methods in Radiotechnics
  • Mathematical Methods in Optimal control
  • Signal and Image Processing
  • Parallel Computing and Applications, High Performance Computing
  • Software Tools and Web Applications for High-performance computing
  • Computer Science and Education


19) Title: Computational Bio- Imaging and Visualization

Organizers: Co-organizer (Principal Organizer): João Manuel R. S. Tavares, Instituto de Ciência e Inovação em Engenharia Mecânica e Engenharia Industrial, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, Co-organizer: R. M. Natal Jorge, Instituto de Ciência e Inovação em Engenharia Mecânica e Engenharia Industrial, Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal



Extensive research has been performed concerning the imaging and visualization of structures in several different areas of science, such as in computer sciences, engineering, mathematics, physics and medicine. In fact, the more relevant applications can be found in medicine and related sciences. These applications can have different goals, including shape reconstruction, segmentation, motion and deformation analyses, registration, simulation, assisted diagnosis and enhanced visualization.
The main goal of the proposed Minisymposium is to bring together researchers involved in the related topics, which includes image acquisition, image segmentation, objects tracking, objects matching, shape reconstruction, motion and deformation analysis, medical imaging, scientific visualization and software development, in order to set the major lines of development for the near future.
The proposed Minisymposium will embrace researchers representing research fields related to Biomechanics, Computational Vision, Computer Graphics, Computational Mechanics, Mathematics, Medical Imaging, Scientific Visualization and Statistics, endeavours to make a contribution to achieving better solutions for bio- imaging and visualization, and attempts to establish a bridge between clinicians and researchers.


20) Title: Seventh Symposium on Computational Mathematics and its Applications
Organizers:  Prof. Waheed K. Zahra (Egypt), Assist Prof. Manal. M. Hikal (Egypt) and Associate Prof. Mohamed A. Bek (Egypt)


This Symposium will provide an opportunity for the interaction of engineers, mathematicians and scientists dealing with novel numerical solution of boundary value problems for both ordinary and partial differential equations. The applications of fractional calculus, spline functions and integral equations will be discussed.
In addition, the numerical models and its application in engineering, industry, biology and environmental problems will be highlighted.
We will invite authors to submit original unpublished results to the peer review for publication and presentation, in the following topics of interest of the current symposium include (but not limited):

  • Fractional Calculus
  • Linear , Non Linear ODEs, PDEs and FDEs
  • Integral Equations
  • Boundary Value Problems
  • Spline function and its applications
  • Exponential fitting and its applications to DEs
  • Dynamical Analysis
  • Models of Biophysical, Biomedical and Biochemical Sciences

21) Title of the Symposium: 5th Symposium on Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation of Physical and Chemical Phenomena in Porous Materials.
Organizer: Professor Jaroslav Kruis, Department of Mechanics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague, Thakurova 7, 166 29 Prague 6, Czech Republic


Porous materials are a frequent subject of investigation in many areas of applied science and engineering, such as soil mechanics, rock mechanics, petroleum engineering, construction engineering, hydrogeology, geophysics or food science. The porous media analysis include, among others, natural (soils, rocks), artificial (concrete, ceramics) or biological materials (food products, wood). Physical and chemical phenomena occurring in porous materials can be described conveniently by mathematical modeling and subsequent numerical simulation of heat, mass and momentum transport and storage processes. This symposium brings together mathematicians, computer scientists, physicists, chemists, biologists and engineers working in the field of modeling, simulation, characterization and assessment of physical and chemical phenomena in porous materials.

The main topics involve but are not limited to:

  •  Theoretical modeling of physical and chemical phenomena
  •  Numerical simulations of transport and storage processes
  •  Characterization of porous materials
  •  Assessment of model parameters
  •  Applications in applied science and engineering


22) Title: The  methods of development intelligent and adaptive control for problems of physical, biological and socio-economic processes modeling.

Organizer: Prof. Dr. Alexander N. Kvitko, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes, Saint Petersburg State University, Universitetskii prospekt 35, Peterhof, Saint-Petersburg, 198504, Russia


The aim of the proposed Session is to present different research studies on solving a number of problems of practical importance including problems of creating and modeling of intelligent control systems for various technical objects, as well as physical, biological and socio-economic processes.
Authors are invited to submit original unpublished results which are not under review in any other conference or journal, to the peer review for publication and presentation, in the following topic areas of the symposium.
Topics of interest include, but not limited to:

  • Analytical and numerical methods for solving local and global boundary problems for nonlinear control systems of ordinary differential equations
  • Research and evaluation of attainability domains for controlled systems of ordinary differential equations
  • Terms of global and local controllability of nonlinear control systems
  • Building adaptive control for local and global boundary problems
  • Study of local and global boundary value problems on an infinite time interval and the problems of stabilization
  • Solving the control problems for distributed parameter systems
  • Solving the control problems for specific technical objects
  • Modeling of controlled physical, biological and socio-economic processes
  • Problems of optimization for control systems

23) Title: “Mathematical modeling in applied research”
Organizer: Dr., Prof. Alexander P. Krishchenkoa) and Dr., Prof. Georgy N. Kuvyrkinb) 
, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia.

E-mail: a), b)

The Symposium bring together researchers interested in mathematical modeling of engineering processes, biological and industrial systems.

The topics include the following:

  • Scientific Computing and Algorithms;
  • Quality Theory of Differential Equations and PDEs;
  • Control Theory and Automation;
  • Heat and Mass Transfer;
  • Environmental Applications of Heat and Mass Transfer;
  • Mechanics of Solids;
  • Fluid Mechanics;
  • Aerodynamics;
  • Bio-medical and  eco-epidemiological models;
  • Analytical and Experimental Research and Methods;
  • Computer-Assisted Studies in Science and Engineering.   

The Symposium focuses on analytical and numerical analysis, control theory, and the interplay of modeling and computational mathematics.

24) Title: "Third Symposium on Applied Mathematics and its Engineering applications"
Organizers: Assoc. Prof. Mohamed A. Bek (Egypt), Prof. Tarek Amer (Egypt) and Dr Yasser Gamil (Egypt).


This Symposium will provide an opportunity for the interaction of engineers, mathematicians and scientists dealing with applied mathematics approaches. The usage of analytical and numerical solutions in engineering, industry, biology and environmental problems will be discussed. Research in the field of Analytical mechanics, Gyro motion, Vibrational mechanics, Stability of dynamical systems and Bifurcations are of highly interest of the symposium.

25) Title: Graphs

Organizer: Dr Vojislav Petrovic, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia.


The symposium welcomes all researchers, as well as students, involved in Graph Theory.

The topics of interest include, but not restricted to, the following:

- scores in graphs and digraphs
- Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs and digraphs
- planar graphs
- graph factors and decompositions
- graph colorings
- extremal graphs
- graph spectra
- digraphs, tournaments and their generalizations
- graph algorithms


26) Title: Statistics and Modelling

Organizer: Professor Milan Stehlik, University of Valparaiso, Chile and Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria

E-mail: sends e-mail)

Various emerging topics in Statistics and Statistical Modelling will be addressed.


27) Title: Thin-walled structures

Organizer: Petr E. Tovstik, Department of theoretical and applied mechanics, St. Petersburg University, Russian Federation


Simposium includes various static, dynamics and buckling problems of plates and shells, approximate 2D models of isotropic and anisotropic plates and shells, analytical, numerical and experimental methods of investigation.


28) Title: Geomatics Approaches for environmental surveying and modelling

Organizers: Mangiameli Michele, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (DICAR), University of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria, 6, 95125 Catania (Italy),  Melita Donato, Department of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (DIEEI), University of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria, 6, 95125 Catania (Italy),  Muscato Giovanni, Department of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (DIEEI), University of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria, 6, 95125 Catania (Italy),  Mussumeci Giuseppe, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (DICAR), University
of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria, 6, 95125 Catania (Italy)


This Symposium is dedicated to the geomatics approaches used for surveying, monitoring and modeling the territory, both with classical techniques and innovative technologies. Geomatics approaches involve the use of the latest generation of laser scanners, UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or UGV(Unmanned Ground Vehicle)and satellite technologies. Particular attention will be given to the use of free and open source information technologies (GIS software, DBMS, photogrammetry, etc.) for the management of data acquired in the field. This session will allow attendees to review and share knowledge and experience about environmental monitoring and modelling, reinforcing the cooperation between applied mathematics, engineering, environmental science and remote sensing.


29) Title: Numerical mathematics and High Performance Computing in Engineering and Environmental Sciences

Organizer: Martin Cermak, Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, 17. listopadu 2172/15, 708 00 Ostrava – Poruba, Czech Republic


The symposium, organized by Associated Professor Martin Cermak (Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Civil Engineering), is focused on numerical methods in connection with high-performance computing in all areas of engineering and environmental sciences, further on sharing experiences, and initiating new research cooperation. Among others, this symposium will cover the following scientific fields: computational structural mechanics (elasticity, plasticity, damage, contact problems, etc.), computational fluid dynamics (Stokes, Navier-Stokes, Darcy, Brinkman, etc.), numerical simulation of DEM (transport processes, processing technologies, particle size distributions, etc.), modeling and simulation in the emergency and crisis management (floods, air pollutions, traffic load) as well as crash tests. It will also focus on scalable algorithms and advanced computational techniques such as domain decomposition and multigrid methods, parallel and hybrid programming, reliable and robust solution methods, etc.
We aim to organize the symposium, which offers exciting talks, presents new ideas, as well as reveals the beauty of numerical mathematics in connection with high-performance computing. Also, human aspects are essential.

30) Title: Applied Mathematics/Statistics in Economics, Management & Finance

Organizer: Esmaiel Abounoori, Professor of Econometrics & Social Statistics, Department of Economics, University of Semnan, Semnan, Iran. Tel: 0098-911-111 2176, Tel: 0098-23 33363589 is external)


Economics, Management and Finance always involve some degrees of Uncertainty.  These to some extent can be reduced using Mathematica-Statistical Models.
The aim of this Symposium will be the application of Mathematical modelling of Economics, Managements, and Finance, then converting to the Statistical models or generally Econometric Model to estimate the effective parameters.
This would help the decision makers to some extent overcome uncertainty for wise decision making.

31) Title: Sixth Symposium on Mathematical Modelling of Hydrological Sciences

Organizers: Prof. Francesco Napolitano, Prof. Fabio Russo, Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza Facoltà di Ingegneria Civile e Industriale Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale Via Eudossiana 18, 00184, Roma (RM), Italy


Since the origin of Hydrological Sciences, the connection between natural phenomena and mathematical formulation of solutions has been clearly identified as a main topic. Reliability and simplicity are thus two of the most important words for people who are involved in such researches and are the main objectives for operators in this field.
The most significant research efforts in Hydrological Science aim to face various relevant issues. Improvements regard typical hydraulic and hydrological topics: extreme events forecasting (floods and droughts), management of water systems, meteorological events and climate changes. However, a very important role in this research field remains the measurement of hydrological variables and data analysis, their spatial distribution, regionalization techniques and the extension of the results obtained for ungauged basins.
Topics of interest of the symposium include:

- Catchment hydrology
- Hydrological forecasting
- Water management
- Operations and control
- Remote sensing and data assimilation
- Precipitation and climate.

32) Title: Symposium on Mathematical Methods for Artificial Intelligence (MMAI 2020)

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Francisco Miranda, CIDMA, University of Aveiro, Portugal & Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal; Prof. Dr. Carlos Abreu, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal; Prof. Dr. Daniel Miranda, 2Ai - Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave, Portugal; and Prof. Dr. Pedro Pereira Rodrigues, CINTESIS, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, Portugal.

Email: , and and

URL address of the Symposium:

(See Important Dates here )

Description of the topic of the symposium:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an area of computer science that makes it possible for machines to learn from experience, adjust to new inputs, and react like humans. Several mathematical methods, and numerical algorithms, have been devised and developed to support the growth of AI to better teach machines to behave like a human. This symposium is organized with the purpose to join specialists in this field. The activities of the symposium will include the discussion of actual mathematical methods and numerical algorithms for AI, where will be presented theoretical studies and experimental results. The interest topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Artificial intelligence methodologies
  • Artificial life evolutionary algorithms
  • Computational logic with applications
  • Computational modelling and simulation in artificial intelligence
  • Computing methodologies
  • Data mining
  • Design and analysis of algorithms and data structures
  • Formal languages and automatas
  • General artificial intelligence
  • Intelligent robotics
  • Logic in computer science
  • Machine learning
  • Mathematics of computing
  • Natural and neural computing
  • Programming language theory
  • Simulation of complex systems and intelligent systems
  • Theoretical foundations of artificial intelligence
  • Theoretical issues of machine learning and pattern recognition

Notice: This symposium is virtual without physical participation, but with presentation slides in the symposium website and paper publication. See all instructions/informations here.

33) Title: 6th Symposium on Modelling and Simulation in Computer Sciences and Engineering (MSCSE 2020)

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Daniel Miranda, 2Ai - Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave, Portugal; Prof. Dr. Francisco Miranda, CIDMA, University of Aveiro, Portugal & Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal; and Prof. Dr. Carlos Abreu, Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal.


Organizers E-mail:, and

 URL address of the Symposium:

(See Important Dates here)


Description of the topic of the symposium:

Modelling and simulation, applied to computer sciences and engineering, is an exciting investigation field that brings together the power of computers and the physical sciences. Computer-based simulations and graphical visualization now play a key role in mathematical models, scientific investigations and engineering design.


This symposium is organized with the purpose to join several specialists in this field. The activities of the symposium will include the discussion of actual modelling and simulation problems in computer sciences and engineering, where will be presented theoretical studies and experimental results. The interest topics include, but are not limited to:

•    Modelling in engineering sciences and technology
•    Dynamical systems models and methods
•    Computational methods in engineering
•    Modelling applications using ODEs and PDEs
•    Computer science modelling and simulation
•    Computer networks modelling, optimization, and simulation
•    Optimization and control theory
•    Stochastic optimization
•    Complex systems modelling
•    Numerical methods and simulation
•    Computational intelligence
•    Systems modelling
•    Simulation visualization
•    Information systems and management
•    Multiscale modelling and simulation
•    Computational mathematics
•    Analysis of mathematical models
•    Verification and validation
•    Algorithms and data structures
•    Software design
•    Control and systems engineering

34) Title: Chaotic Dynamics in Chemical Engineering

Organizer: Marek Berezowski, Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology


The dynamics of chemical engineering was widely discussed in literature, where it was proved that the concentration and temperature may oscillate in a manner that is more or less complex. The oscillations may have a periodic, multiperiodic, quasi-periodic or chaotic nature, depending on the values of parameters and the concentration and temperature at the initial state.


35) Title: Recent advances in nonlinear partial differential equations and  systems and their applications

Organizers: Giuseppa Rita Cirmi, Salvatore D'Asero, Salvatore Leonardi, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Catania, Italy, Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy


A short description of the Symposium:

Partial Differential equations and systems are central in the analysis of many models arising in physics, economics and other disciplines.
The aim of the conference is to bring together experts and researchers in PDE's theory and to discuss new developments, ideas and methods in this important and dynamic field.

Topics of interest include but not limited to:

  • nonlinear elliptic equations and systems
  • noncoercive problems
  • existence of solutions with nonregular  data
  • regularity properties of solutions
  • parabolic equations
  • asymptotic behavior, blow-up, decay estimates
  • higher order equations
  • Variational methods for second-order elliptic equations
  • Abstract critical point theory
  • Partial differential equations, initial value and time-dependent initial-boundary value problems

36) Title: Advances in Analytical, Analytical Approximate, Numerical and Asymptotic Analysis of  Sturm-Liouville Problems with the Applications in Engineering

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Safa Bozkurt Coskun, Civil Engineering Dept., Engineering  Faculty, Kocaeli Üniversity, Kocaeli/ TURKEY, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet Tarik ATAY, Engineering Sciences Dept., Engineering  Faculty, Abdullah Gul Üniversity, Sumer Campus, Kayseri/ TURKEY, Assist. Prof. Dr. Akın Oktav, Mechanical Engineering Dept., Engineering  Faculty, Abdullah Gul Üniversity, Sumer Campus, Kayseri/ TURKEY


The primary focus of this symposium will be on the analytical, analytical approximate, numerical and asymptotic techniques for the solution of Sturm-Liouville problems related to the applications in Engineering. Mini symposium is intended for researchers in various engineering disciplines and also for researchers in applied and computational mathematics and mechanics.
In general, Sturm-Liouville problems influence a wide area of research and application in engineering. The solution methods have been increasing in so many of applications, such as, Vibration Analysis, Structural Dynamics, Stability Analysis, Strength and Elasticity, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics, Traffic Flow, Heat Transfer, and so on.
We invite researchers to submit their original research articles that will enhance the applications of proposed analyses approaches. A special attention will be given to research results obtained within the recent years.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Vibration Analysis, Acoustics and Structural Dynamics
  • Stability Analysis of Structures
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Civil/Mechanical Engineering Hydraulics
  • Traffic Flow
  • Heat Transfer
  • Elasticity


37) Title: 6th edition of the Symposium on Computational Tools for Direct Digital Manufacturing (CT4DDM)

Organizers: Nuno Alves, Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development (CDRSP-IPLeiria) and Mechanical Engineering Department of the School of Technology and Management (ESTG) of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPLeiria), Paula Pascoal-Faria, CDRSP-IPLeiria & Mathematical Department of the ESTG-IPLeiria, Sandra Amado, CDRSP-IPLeiria & Health Science and Technology Department from the School of Health Science from the IPLeiria.


The 6th edition of the Symposium on Computational Tools for Direct Digital Manufacturing (CT4DDM), being held within ICNAAM 2020, is a relevant forum for the scientific exchange of multidisciplinary issues devoted to enhance the interaction between academy and industry, promoting the exploitation of cutting-edge tools in real-life problems.

Topics includes but not limit to:

  • Multiscale Modelling and Simulation applied to
  • Additive Manufacturing (3D/4D Printing)
  • Subtractive Manufacturing
  • Conformal Manufacturing
  • Multiscale Reverse Engineering
  • CAD/CAM/CAE Applications
  • Mono and Multi-objective Optimization
  • Biomechanics


38) Title: Statistical Inference in Copula Models and Markov Processes V

Organizer: Veronica Andrea Gonzalez-Lopez, University of Campinas, Department of Statistics. Rua Sergio Buarque de Holanda, 651. Campinas-S.P. Brazil. CEP 13083-859


A short description of the Symposium
The symposium is devoted to two main lines of research (i) statistical inference in copula models, (ii) statistical inference in stochastic processes. It is destined to new perspectives and advances in the development of statistical tools based on the notion of copula and new approaches in stochastic processes. Methods and perspectives combining both lines will be highlighted.

Main topics:

  • Copula Models and Properties;
  • Statistical Inference in Copula Models;
  • Markov Models and Properties;
  • Statistical Inference in Markov Processes;
  • Dependence Coefficients;
  • Copula Based Hypothesis Tests;
  • Information Criteria for Markov Processes;
  • Copula Based Procedures with Applications;
  • Markov Processes Procedures with Applications.

39) Title: Numerical modeling and simulation of laser processing of materials

Organizer: Yuewei Ai, School of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, China


The laser processing of materials is growing used in a variety of industries, e.g. rail transportation, automotive, marine, power plants, biomedical micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) and BioMEMS devices, etc. This symposium is focused on the challenges and opportunities faced by laser processing of materials. Better understanding of the interaction of the laser and materials and revealing the involved mechanism through the modeling and simulation are of great significance for achieving the high productivity and quality. Multi-disciplinary discussion and debate about the heating, melting, solidification, evaporation of laser processing will be encouraged.

The topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Laser welding,
  • Laser repairing,
  • Laser cutting,
  • Laser drilling,
  • Laser depositing,
  • Laser 3D printing,
  • Laser-assisted machining,
  • Laser surface treating,
  • Laser cladding,
  • Materials processing with high power laser
  • High efficiency computation for laser processing
  • Laser process monitoring and control
  • Laser processing of biological materials
  • Laser micro processing
  • Laser safety

40) Title: Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Algorithms, Optimization Methods and Flow Control for Aerospace Techniques

Organizers: Dr. Alexandru  DUMITRACHE, “Gheorghe Mihoc-Caius Iacob"; Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA, Dr. Florin FRUNZULICA, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace, Engineering, ROMANIA & “Gheorghe Mihoc-Caius Iacob"; Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA, Dr. Daniel CRUNTEANU, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, ROMANIA


The session is dedicated to works on the topic in fluid mechanics, optimization and flow control for aerospace and other related fields. Extended abstracts will be published in a Special Volume of the world-renowned AIP Conference Proceedings, which is included in the leading databases of scientific engineering literature including, ISI Web of Knowledge, MathSciNet, Scopus, Scirus, Google Scholar.
Our session includes but is not limited to:

  • Numerical algorithms and computing methods in aerodynamics
  • UAV – design, performance prediction, control, launcher, recovery systems
  • Aerodynamic design optimization
  • Active and passive flow control methods
  • Applications of the Coanda effect
  • Fluid-structure interaction analysis
  • Aerodynamic and aerothermodynamic analysis of space mission vehicles
  • CFD analysis on rotors (propeller, wind turbine, helicopter)
  • Rotational and 3-D effects on rotor blades
  • Structural-response / Aeroservoelastic analysis
  • Computation of classes of models based on the experimental data.

41) Title: VII Mini symposium on symmetry methods and their applications to differential equations

Organizers: Maria Santos Bruzón, Maria Luz Gandarias, Department of Mathematics, University of Cadiz, Puerto Real, Spain, Igor Leite Freire, Centro de Matemática, Computação e Cognição, Universidade Federal do ABC, UFABC, Santo André, Brazil, Chaudry Masood Khalique, International Institute for Symmetry Analysis and Mathematical Modelling, Department of Mathematical Sciences, North-West University, Mafikeng Campus, Mmabatho, South Africa, Mariano Torrisi and Rita Tracinà, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, University of Catania, Italy


Many physical phenomena in science and engineering are modelled by nonlinear differential equations. There is no doubt that Lie symmetry methods are one of the most effective set of techniques to find exact solutions of such nonlinear differential equations. They have been used by several scientists and applied to various nonlinear models in physics, biology, engineering, economics, etc.
The Lie symmetry methods identify and extend the concept of symmetry, produce an effective method of symmetry applications in difficult situations, give accurate statement of problems and in many cases show a possible way for finding their solutions.
The aim of this mini-symposium is to emphasize the applications of Lie symmetry methods to search for exact solutions of nonlinear models and to show recent progress of theoretic tools in Lie symmetry methods related to the study of nonlinear differential equations.

42) Title: 2nd Mini-Symposium on Particle-Based Multi-Scale Analysis

Organizer: Rimantas Kačianauskas, Department of Applied Mechanics, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Saulėtekio al. 11, LT-10223 Vilnius, Lithuania


The particles-based computational methods identified by Lagrangian particle methods have been extensively developed during last two decades. The ability to describe the collective motion of solid objects by considering the behaviours of individual constituent is distinguished feature of the particle-based methods. The discrete-element method (DEM) initially aimed to simulate granular materials is probably the most popular method of this type applied in many fields of engineering. Recently various approaches and modelling techniques known as molecular dynamics (MD), Brownian dynamics (BD) and/or similar method are used to form constitutive equations on different length and time scales. Various solids, fluid flows, multi-physical fiends, chemical processes and even biological objects may be described by various kinds of particle-particle and particle-field interactions. Managing of particle methods is still a challenge even for advanced computers, therefore, novel computational and visualisation technologies including the parallel and distributed computing are expected. Practical applications in traditional industries, energy and environmental as well as biological sectors are expected  
Hence, we aim to use this mini-symposium as an opportunity to exchange the ideas on particle-based methods bridging different scales and disciplines. 
A few topics are listed below but other contributions are equally welcome:
  • conceptual developments  in the DEM and other alternative approaches;
  • simulation of granular flows;
  • deformation  and fracture of solids;
  • particles in fluids and multi-physical environment; 
  • modelling of mixtures and composites;
  • modelling of biomaterials;
  • novel interaction models of particles interaction,
  • parallel computing;
  • computational and visualisation technologies;
  • industrial applications.

43) Title: Analysis and solutions of fractional differential equations by some novel techniques

Organizers:  Prof. Dr. Ali AKGUL, Prof. Dr. Esra KARATAS AKGUL, Department of Mathematics, Art and Science Faculty, Siirt University, Siirt, Turkey and Dr. Muhammad FARMAN, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan


The fractional derivative has good memory influences compared with the ordinary calculus. Fractional differential equations are attained in model problems in fluid flow, viscoelasticity, finance, engineering, and other areas of implementations. The main goal of this symposium is to present new trends in the field of fractional calculus. The authors are invited to submit original research articles to stimulate the continuing efforts in numerical approximation of mathematical problems and related theories. The symposium gives a forum for researchers and writers to communicate their state-of-the-art improvements and to propose their new findings on this topic.
Topics of interest include, but not limited to:

  • Fractal fractional differential equations
  • Power law
  • Exponential decay
  • Mittag-Leffler kernel
  • Mathematical and numerical algorithms
  • Fractal derivative
  • Fractional differential and integral calculus
  • Advanced applications and algorithms
  • Numerical analysis
  • Mathematical biology
  • New derivatives
  • Reproducing kernel method
  • Group preserving scheme
  • Lie symmetry

44) Title: Nonperturbative Quantum Field Theory and Cosmology.
Organizer: Dr. Peter Tsang, Post-doc/Visiting Scientist, Brown University Department of Physics, USA


This symposium aims to bring together experts on non-perturbative techniques in addressing classical and quantum aspects of the vacuum structure, the particle spectrum, radiative corrections, the nature of phase transitions, and non-thermal behavior in quantum field theory with a special emphasis on gauge theory. We also envisage presentations and discussions of (gravitating) solitonic field configurations including the geometry of their moduli spaces. 
Considerations towards applications in particle physics and cosmology are strongly encouraged, and we welcome talks providing linkage to algebraic geometry (radiative corrections) and number theory (integral representations of certain meromorphic functions and their properties).

45) Title: Nonlinear control in engineering and economics

Organizers: Dr. Gerasimos Rigatos, Unit of Industrial Automation, Industrial Systems Institute, 26504, Rion, Patras, Greece, , Dr. Pierluigi Siano, Department of Innovation Systems and Management, University of Salerno, 84084, Fisciano, Italy, Dr. Fabrizio Marignetti, Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, University of Cassino, 03043, Cassino, Italy, Dr. Taniya Ghosh, IGIDR, Institute of Development Research, 400065, Mumbai, India.


Call for papers:

It is widely acknowledged that in engineering and financial systems, advanced nonlinear control techniques are needed so as to achieve stabilization and functionng according to improved performance indicators. Complex engineering systems include primarily industrial production processes, robotic systems, electric power systems, transportation systems while they can be also extended towards biomedical systems, as well as towards cyber-physical systems which comprise communication networks and sensor dynamics in the related state-space descriptions. On the other side, models of economics systems which were initially developed to describe the dynamics of business cycles and macroeconomic indexes (such as GDP, accumulation of capital, employment, commodities prices, option prices, or risk of default)‘ become more complicated when individual financial entities (such as companies, funds management organisations,banks and loan management authorities) get interconnected and interact in their decision making processes. It is apparent that to harness the complicated dynamics of the above noted engineering and financial systems, the design of the related control schemes has to advance towards elaborated control techniques (such as those based on global or approximate linearization concepts, on Lyapunov stability theory or on distributed parameter systems theory). The proposed Special Session aims at highlighting on recent advances in nonlinear control of engineering and economic systems and welcomes contributions based on related findings.

Prospective authors are requested to submit their articles, until the 21st of June 2020 to:

1. Dr. Gerasimos Rigatos, Unit of Industrial Automation, Industrial Systems Institute, 26504, Rion Patras, Greece,
2. Dr. Pierluigi Siano, Department of Innovation Systems and Management, University of Salerno, 84084, Fisciano, Italy,
3. Dr. Fabrizio Marignetti, Department of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, University of Cassino, 03043, Cassino, Italy,
4. Dr. Taniya Ghosh, IGIDR, Institute of Development Research, 400065, Mumbai, India

46) Title: Dynamical systems and their applications to advanced materials, structures and technologies.
Organizer: Prof. Jiří Vala, Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Veveří 95, CZ‐602 00 Brno, Czech Republic.


The theoretical, numerical and computational analysis of dynamical systems and their applications to the analysis of problems coming from civil, mechanical, electrical, etc. engineering and related subject fields, their formal verification and practical validation of relevant approaches constitute the unifying idea of this symposium, whose significance should be seen just in the confrontation of different approaches and intensification of
multidisciplinary cooperation of experts (mathematicians, physicists, engineers, ...). Leaving nice model cases and seeing the real-world problems, we come to serious difficulties a) in the formal analysis of existence, uniqueness, stability, etc. of solutions, b) in the convergence of sequences of approximate solutions, as well as c) in the design of sufficiently robust and inexpensive algorithms for direct, sensitivity and inverse problems. The unification approaches addressed to the continuous and discrete analysis, namely to the study of integral, differential, difference, etc. equations from engineering practice, both deterministic and stochastic ones, including their formulation on time scales, is needed: the theoretical problems include e.g. i) stability and observability of dynamical systems on time scales, their qualitative and quantitative analysis, ii) filtration of inner states of such systems and iii) identification of systems of orthogonal functions. The scope of applications is not limited, but both theoretical and computational predictions of mechanical, thermal, etc. behaviour of advanced materials and structures and control of related technologies, up to the development of modelling and simulation software tools, are welcome.

47) Title: Geomatics Approaches for environmental surveying and modelling.
Organizer: Mangiameli Michele, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (DICAR), University of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria, 6, 95125 Catania (Italy),  Melita Donato,Department of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (DIEEI), University of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria, 6, 95125 Catania (Italy), Muscato Giovanni, Department of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (DIEEI), University of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria, 6, 95125 Catania (Italy),  Mussumeci Giuseppe, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture (DICAR), University of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria, 6, 95125 Catania (Italy),  Costa Rosanna Maria Stefania, Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Science, University of Catania, Orto Botanico, via A. Longo 19, 95125 Catania (Italy),



This Symposium is dedicated to the geomatics approaches used for surveying, monitoring and modeling the territory, both with classical techniques and innovative technologies. Geomatics approaches involve the use of the latest generation of laser scanners, UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle) and satellite technologies. Particular attention will be given to the use of free and open source information technologies (GIS software, DBMS, photogrammetry, etc.) for the management of data acquired in the field. This session will allow attendees to review and share knowledge and experience about environmental monitoring and modelling, reinforcing the cooperation between applied mathematics, engineering, environmental science and remote sensing.


48) Title: Modelling and analysis of problems in mathematical physics and engineering.

Organizer: Professor Gabriella Bognar, University of Miskolc, 3515 Miskolc-Egyetemvaros, Hungary


The aim of this symposium/minisymposium is to provide a forum for discussing the mathematical modelling of nonlinear phenomena and the novel analytical and numerical methods for the solution of boundary value problems to nonlinear partial differential equations or ordinary differential equations arising in science and in engineering applications.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:
modelling, solid mechanics, fluid-structure interaction, fluid dynamics, heat and mass transfer, boundary layer phenomena, multiscale methods, growth models, etc.
This minisymposium seeks to bring together students, academicians and professionals working on computational solid and structural mechanics.

49)Title: Nonperturbative quantum field theory and cosmology.

Organizer: Dr. Peter Tsang, Post-doc/Visiting Scientist, Brown University Department of Physics, USA



This symposium aims to bring together experts on non-perturbative techniques in addressing classical and quantum aspects of the vacuum structure, the particle spectrum, radiative corrections, the nature of phase transitions, and non-thermal behavior in quantum field theory with a special emphasis on gauge theory. We also envisage presentations and discussions of (gravitating) solitonic field configurations including the geometry of their moduli spaces.     
    Considerations towards applications in particle physics and cosmology are strongly encouraged, and we welcome talks providing linkage to algebraic geometry (radiative corrections) and number theory (integral representations of certain meromorphic functions and their properties).

50) Title: Online education in Structures and CAD/CAE in light of COVID-19

Organizer: Prof. Akash Dixit, Graphic Era University, Dehradun, Uttrakhand, India.


How did you adapt your courses to online forum in light of COVID-19? Share the unique challenges that you faced and how you overcame them. Particularly, bear in mind how the world can learn from your experience. The concentration of the session in on CAD/CAE and courses in 'Structures' area such as Solid Mechanics, Structural Analysis, Structural Dynamics, Statics or any other course in the area.



51) Title: Advanced methods of computational mechanics and simulation oriented to civil and industrial engineering.

Organizer: Eng. Gabriele Milani, PhD, Full Professor of Solid Mechanics, Dept Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering (ABC), Politecnico di Milano,
Milan, Italy, Eng. Roberto Fedele, PhD, Associate Professor of Solid Mechanics, Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICA), Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, Eng. Nicola Cefis, PhD, Lecturer of Structural Mechanics and design, Dept of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICA), Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy.


This MS aims at favoring a fruitful debate within the engineering community on advanced computational methods oriented to several fields of mechanics.
Contributions to this MS are welcome, investigating in a multiphysics framework the possible role of numerical analysis and simulations for the prediction of nonlinear phenomena, thus contributing to filling the gap between the academy and the engineering practice. In particular, as an indicative list absolutely not exhaustive, the following topics are included in the MS, rooted into an extensive mathematical modelling: multiscale models of heterogeneous structures, coupling between chemical processes and thermomechanical response of materials and structures, mathematical and stochastic methods for calibration/validation of predictive tools, structural monitoring and diagnostics, heat transmission problems.


52) Title: The 5th Symposium on Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Approach to Nonlinear Dynamical Systems in Engineering

Organizer: Prof. Nicolae Herisanu, University Politehnica Timisoara, Bd. Mihai Viteazu, no.1, Timisoara, Romania


Starting from the reality that there is always more to discover about nonlinear dynamical systems, this mini-symposium aims to bring together researchers concerned with applying the Optimal Homotopy Asymptotic Approach to nonlinear and strongly nonlinear dynamical systems from various fields of engineering. It is expected to be emphasized new developments and improvements of this approach with applications in classical mechanics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, nonlinear oscillations, electrical machines, and other engineering branches where nonlinear dynamical systems are involved.


53) Title: Computational and Statistical Methods
Organizer: Frederico Caeiro, Centro de Matemática e Aplicações & Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal.

e-mail address:

A description of the topic of the Session
In the last decades, computers power has increased exponentially and that power has allowed the arisen of new and more complex computational statistical models and methods. In this symposium, we bring together researchers working or applying those methods. Included Topics (but not limited to):
• Density estimation
• Monte Carlo methods
• Resampling methods
• Software Statistical Tools
• Stochastic Algorithms

Thus, researchers developing computational and statistical methods as well as those, who apply the above mentioned methods for practical applications are invited to participate.

We cordially invite all participants to submit an extended version of their work for a special issue of the journal Mathematics (


54) Title: Elastic curves and surfaces with applications and numerical representations".
Organizer: Dr. Anthony Gruber, Texas Tech University and Texas Tech University--Costa Rica; Address: 1108 Memorial Drive, Mathematics and Statistics, MS 1042, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409-1042 .

Curvature functionals are of paramount importance to the geometric study of elastic curves and surfaces.  This session will focus on theoretical and computational results regarding general functionals dependent on curvature, together with relevant applications to elasticity theory, physics and biology.  A central place will be reserved for elastic energies, including but not limited to Willmore energies, p-Willmore energies, and Helfrich-type energies.  The numerical aspects of surface representation will also be emphasized, focused around finite element methods for evolving domains.  Elastic energy minimizers and related flows will be studied, along with stability of solutions.


55) Title: The Fourth Symposium on Methods of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics
Organizer: PhD, Sc. Dr., Professor Nikolay A. Kudryashov, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute), Moscow, Russian Federation.


This Symposium on Methods of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics focuses on analytical methods for investigation of both nonlinear partial and ordinary differential equations including certain mathematical models. We invite scientists developing and applying methods of nonlinear mathematical physics.

Topics of interest include, but not limited to:

  • analytical solutions of nonlinear differential equations
  • integrable systems
  • Painleve analysis and Painleve equations;
  • delay differential equations;
  • special solutions of nonlinear differential equations;
  • nonlinear special polynomials;
  • symmetries of nonlinear differential equations;
  • mathematical modeling and mathematical models;
  • point vortex theory.

56) Title: Numerical Methods and Fundamental Research on Renewable Energy Conversion
Organizer: Prof. Abel Rouboa, University of Trás-os-Montes e ALto Douro, Science and Technology School, Engineering Department, 5001-801, Vila Real, Portugal, Tel : 00(351)259 350 356, Fax : 00(351)259 350 356

Email: Mail: or

The Symposium will provides a venue for a diverse population to join together in a non-partisan multi-disciplinary conversation and learning experience on Applied Mathematics in sustainability and renewable energy. The attendees will be range from students to highly professionals, all interested in the future of renewable energy. Our symposium covers various subjects: from new numerical methods and fundamental research until engineering applications to energy production and conversion. This annual meeting is a part of the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM) and thus it is organized together with many other symposia on numerical analysis: this also offers a wider audience since ICNAAM is perhaps one of the biggest events in the field of the numerical analysis involving hundreds of scientist from the whole world.

All the papers presented at the conference will be published in a special volume of the AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings. The length of each paper cannot exceed 4 pages. Selected presented papers will be announced after the symposium. We remind our participants that registration is obligatory: otherwise your manuscript will be rejected during publication process (please visit the website of ICNAAM: Registration). If you pay your registration fees and the paper will be rejected afterwards, the amount will be paid back to you - therefore we encourage all the participants to benefit from discounts of the early or normal registration.

The scope of the symposium
Topics within the scope of the symposium include the following areas, but not limited to:

  • Renewable Energy Conversion (REC), Biomass, Biofuel, Hydrogen & Fuel Cells,
  • Energy Storage.
  • Computational Methods for REC.
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics.
  • Heat and mass Transfer.
  • Pyrolysis.
  • Combustion.
  • Gasification.
  • Multiphase fluid flow problems.
  • Turbulence problems.
  • Optimization.
  • Scale-up analysis.
  • Statistical analysis for REC.

57) Title: Lucas Sequences and Fibonacci Numbers related equations.
Organizer: Sandor Kristyan, Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence, H-1117 Budapest, Magyar Tudósok körútja 2, Hungary

Corresponding author:

Part I.: Differential Equations and Sums:


Part II.: Polynomials:


58) Title: Special Session “Behaviour of existing structures under earthquakes: advancements in analysis methods and retrofitting systems”
Organizers: Francesco Clementi, Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy, Antonio Formisano, University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy, Gabriele Milani, Technical University of Milan, Italy and Marius Mosoarca, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania,,,

From antiquity several natural disasters harmed and destroyed the built heritage of world countries. With particular reference to earthquakes, large consequences in terms of loss of human lives and destruction of properties, which ultimately affected the natural economy, occurred. An earthquake cannot be predicted and prevented, but the preparedness of structures to resist seismic forces becomes a pressing need in the field of Seismic Engineering. Some initiatives were taken into a lot of countries towards reduction of seismic risk in existing buildings. Since numerous decades, significant research efforts were also dedicated to the retrofit of existing buildings. Nevertheless, the subject is still under development and standardization of analysis methods and constructive practices are needed. In this mini-symposium a comprehensive review of methods and techniques used for seismic retrofitting of existing buildings are discussed. Therefore, the session contents will be multidisciplinary and will provide to researchers and designers new perspectives in the field of Seismic Engineering. In particular, the traditional and most advanced analysis techniques to examine the seismic behaviour of existing constructions (reinforced concrete, masonry, steel and timber) are illustrated and debated. Furthermore, the progresses of research on anti-seismic devices and techniques for local, upgrading and retrofitting seismic interventions on existing structures are predominantly examined.



59)Title: Reliability modelling and optimization systems of structures with composite materials

Organizers: DR Simone Spagnuolo, assistant professor at University of Rome Tor Vergata, Dept. of Civil Engineering and Computer Engineering (DICII), DR Jacopo Donnini, assistant professor at Università Politecnica delle Marche (Ancona, Italy), Dept of Materials, Environmental Sciences and Urban Planning (SIMAU) 



In the field of mechanic of structures and its applications, the use of composite materials for the retrofitting and the optimization of new and existing structures is increasingly widespread. Aim of the minisymposium is to allow the interaction between researchers, engineers and mathematicians in order to spread knowledge and to develop best practices for the implementation of advanced numerical and mathematical techniques in the field of the composide materials applied to the civil structures.


61) Title: Qualitative properties of  solutions of differential equations.
Organizers: Omar Bazighifan, Marianna Ruggieri and Andrea Scapellato, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Hadhramout University, Hadhramout 50512, Yemen, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, University of Enna KORE, Via delle Olimpiadi, Cittadella Universitaria, Enna, Italy, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy

E-mail: ;

Short description of the Symposium:

Nowadays the differential equations attract the attention of a lot of researchers whose interests are close to both theoretical and applied problems. Then, the aim of this Symposium is to propose original results in the framework of qualitative properties of  solutions of differential equations and we invite to submit original papers related to following topics (but not limited to):

  •     Ordinary differential equations;
  •     Partial differential equations;
  •     Fractional differential equations;
  •     Integral equations;
  •     Boundary value problems;
  •     Differential problems with variable exponents;
  •     Mathematical problems in Biology and Epidemiology;
  •     Mathematical modelling and numerical methods.

62) Title: Numerical Analysis and Optimal design of materials and structures
Organizers: Prof. Jüri Majak, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia. Prof. David Bassir, BORELLI RESEARCH CENTER- CMLA, CNRS, ENS Paris-Saclay, Université Paris-Saclay, 94235, Cachan Cedex, France.



The symposium covers development of numerical methods and optimization algorithms for analysis and design optimization of engineering structures and materials. All applications related to development of numerical methods and optimization techniques are welcome.
Optimization methods and AI tools for design of materials and structures:

  • Traditional gradient based methods,
  • Cutting plane  methods,
  • Combinatoric methods,
  • Evolutionary methods (GA, ACO, PSO,...),
  • Hybrid methods.

Numerical methods for analysis and design of materials and structures:

  • Semi-analytical methods,
  • Wavelet methods,
  • Mesh-less methods,
  • Finite difference methods,
  • Differential quadrature methods,
  • Finite element methods, etc.

63) Title: 1st Intl Symposium on the Mathematics of Neuroscience and Engineering
Organizers: Ruairidh M. Battleday; Princeton University, 5577 Frist Campus Center, Princeton, NJ, USA 08544, Dan V. Nicolau; Queensland University of Technology / University of Oxford; School of Mathematical Sciences, 2 George St, Brisbane City QLD 4000, Australia



There has been great recent interest in the field of computational neuroscience, driven by the accrual of increasingly large-scale neural datasets and the emergence of a productive common ground with machine learning. Although applied mathematics is of obvious import to these technological endeavours, in this session we examine a different relationship: where knowledge of mathematical systems can better inform our computational formalizations of the brain and mind. This will focus on proposing more useful mathematical primitives for existing computational models, and using fundamental mathematical and computational principles to derive new explanations of brain and behavioural data.


64) Title: The First Symposium on Information, Educational Technology, Applied Mathematics and Engineering (IETAME 2020)

Organizers: Associate Prof. Chialiang Lin, School of Art, Ningbo Polytechnic, Ningbo 315200, China, Prof. T. E. Simos, South Ural State University, 76, Lenin Aven., Chelyabinsk, Russia 454080, Group Leader, Group of Modern Computational Methods, Ural Federal University, 620002, 19 Mira Street, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, and Section of Mathematics, Department of Civil Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece (Visiting Professor)



The first symposium on Information, Information, Educational Technology, Applied Mathematics and Engineering (IETAME 2020) is a part of the 18th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2020, The IETAME 2020 supports an academic platform for researchers who contribute on information technology, education, applied mathematics and engineering.
The IETAME focuses on new methods, technologies and applications of computer science, educational technology and mathematics. The aim is to amalgamate some recent theoretical and empirical contributions that reflect current changes in technology and develop associations and interactions between ranges of disciplines. We hope that the discussions about exchange of ideas that took place contribute to advancements technology in the near future. We would like to express our greatest gratitude to the authors and reviewers of all papers, as well as to all attendees, for their participation.

Papers that address in Symposium on IETAME 2020 related to the following categories are welcomed. Some of key areas of focus are (but not limited):

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Deep Learning
  • Computational Engineering
  • Practices & Applications
  • Educational Technology
  • Learning Theories and Models
  • Mobile Platform of Learning and Education
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Virtual Technology
  • System, Design and Technology
  • Applied Mathematics
  • Information Management
  • Information Security
  • Mathematical Models in Engineering

The manuscripts should be submitted to the Symposium Organisers only by Email at: and .
One regular registration can cover a paper within Four pages, including all figures, tables, and references.


Extended abstracts will be published in a special volume of the world-renowned AIP conference proceedings. The American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Series is a very well known series of conference proceedings, which is included in the leading databases of scientific & engineering literature including Inspec (an IEE product), Scitation, ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus and so on.
More information can be found at:

The journals in which selected excellent papers of ICNAAM 2020 will be recommended to:

Dates of Importance
Registration Deadline: 28 August 2020.
Submission Deadline: 31 August 2020.
Notification Deadline: To be announced very soon.
Submission of the source files of camera-ready extended abstracts to American Institute of Physics
(AIP Conference Proceedings): October 11, 2020 – Final Date.

65) Title: Virtual symposium on “Nonlinear Energy Harvesting from Mechanical and Aeroelastic Vibrations

Organizers: Prof. Grzegorz Litak, Department of Automation, Lublin University of Technology, PL-20-618 Lublin, Poland, Dr. Piotr Wolszczak, Department of Automation, Lublin University of Technology, PL-20-618 Lublin, Poland, Dr. Abdessattar Abdelkefi, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003, USA



Currently, an increasing research activity is observed in the field of distributed energy harvesting from  ambient vibration. The result of these studies are complex systems using multi-field devices with piezoelectric, electrostatic, and electromagnetic transducers. High availability of vibration sources compensate relatively low efficiency. Linear transduces should be adjusted to the source frequencies in their resonance area while complex nonlinear devices have a frequency broadband effect. On the other hand, energy obtained in this way could be sufficient to power simple wireless and portable devices. From an engineering point of view, the design of the predominant piezoelectric structure for obtaining energy from mechanical vibrations is based on a flexible beam/plate as a mechanical resonator and a piezoelectric patch. To include nonlinear effects, the beam is interacting with permanent magnets or a system of nonlinear springs or the system is subjected to aerodynamic loads is used. Due to the fact that during ambient vibration harvesting, a wide spectrum of harmonics are excited, various coupled transducers adjusted and tested to different frequencies and/or flow speeds.

This workshop is going to be organized in the frame of “the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2020”.


  •     energy harvesting
  •     nonlinear dynamics
  •     smart material
  •     multiple responses
  •     broadband effect
  •     size dependency

This session is supported by the program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland DIALOG 0019/DLG/2019/10 in the years 2019-2021.



Title: Quantum Science (QS) -Computational Chemistry and Computational Physics: Sessions Within ICNAAM 2020
Organizer: Taku Onishi, PhD (Chair), Mie University, JAPAN


In Quantum Science (QS) symposium of ICCMSE 2020, sessions with physical and virtual presentations will be included within ICNAAM 2020 (Rhodes Sheraton, 17-23 September 2020), due to the worldwide effect of coronavirus.


Registration, abstract and AIP conference proceedings are handled in ICCMSE 2020. Please see the details here:


Homepage on this symposium in ICNAAM:



2) Title: Mathematical Models and Investigations Methods of Strongly Nonlinear Systems
Organizer: Ass. Prof., Dr. Alexey A. Kireenkov, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (National Investigation University), Institutskiy per. 9, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, 141701, Russia,; Seniour Resechear, Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics of Russian Academy of Sciences (IPMech RAS), Prospekt Vernadskogo 101, korp.1, 119526, Moscow, Russia


Main goal of this Invited Session is providing a possibility for the exchange of new ideas and results between research groups in the field of mathematical models and their implementation for the investigation for strongly nonlinear systems of the different nature. Special attention will be given to examples of real problems considering interaction with dry friction, stability of motion and deforming processes, nonlinear behavior of continua, dynamics of systems with fluid-gas-plasma-structures and to other similar topics. Biological and social systems are also assumed to be included in this circle of problems.