Accommodation - Transportation

The Accommodation of the Attendees of ICΝΑΑΜ 2022 must be Arranged through the Accommodation Form:

Please download the accommodation form from here:

and then complete it  and send it Secretary of ICNAAM with a carbon copy to and

Guidelines for Booking your Accommodation

  1. Download the accommodation form.
  2. Please complete carefully the accommodation form. You have also complete the Payment part of the form. Also please read carefully the Cancellation Policy mentioned in the form.
  3. Please send the Accommodation Form to the Secretary of ICNAAM with a carbon copy  to  and
    or to the fax of the Secretary of ICΝΑΑΜ 2022: +35726952052 (new fax nr.) 

  4. Your accommodation is NOT valid until you  will be informed by the Hotel or the Secretary of ICNAAM that the charge of your credit card was successful.
  5. In case you need a proforma invoice please complete the details as requested in the accomodation form, book your room and inform the Galaxy Hotel in your email.

ATTENTION. The participants must arrange their accommodation ONLY via sending the accommodation form to the Secretary of ICNAAM 2022 with a carbon copy to and

We announce that other companies (such as Business Travel Management, e.t.c.) are not related to ICNAAM 2022 and may try to use scam methods.


Participants who will book their room through other travel companies and not via sending the accommodation form to the Secretary of ICNAAM 2022 will loose the benefits provided by the conference. (Conference Dinner free entry, e.t.c.).

Attention: Please read carefully the cancellation policy for the Accommodation