ICNAAM 20097th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Procedures for the approval of a proposal for a session-workshop or
minisymposium: If a participant wants to send a paper to a Symposium mentioned below the e-mail addresses of the organizer(s) must be used.
1) Title: "The 4th Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer" Organizer: Prof. Dr. Pawel Kosinski, The University of Bergen, Department of Physics and Technology, The Process Technology Programme, Allegt 55, 5007 Bergen, Norway. Tel: +47 55 58 28 17, Fax: +47 55 58 94 40
E-mail: Pawel.Kosinski@ift.uib.noDescription of the topic of the session:
The URL address of the Symposium can be found here.
2) Title: "Recent Trends in the Numerical Solution of Differential Equations"
Prof. Dr. Luigi Brugnano,
Dipartimento di Matematica "U.Dini", Universita` degli Studi di Firenze, Viale
Morgagni 67/A, 50134 Firenze Italy. Tel. : +39 055 4237481, Fax. : +39 055
http://www.math.unifi.it/~brugnano/ E-mail: brugnano@math.unifi.it, lubrug@gmail.com
3 ) Title: "Clifford structures in mathematics, physics and engineering"
Prof. Wolfgang
Sprößig, Freiberg (Germany) and Prof. Klaus Gürlebeck, Weimar (Germany) E-mail: sproessig@math.tu-freiberg.de and klaus.guerlebeck@uni-weimar.de
URL of the Symposium: http://www.uni-weimar.de/Bauing/mathe/icnaam2009.htm
Clifford structures play an increasing role in mathematics, physics and engineering. They are used in modelling in very different areas of science. Impressive examples can be found in quantum physics, gauge theories, theoretical physics in general but also in signal and image processing. Clifford analysis created during the last decades very useful tools for the treatment of partial differential equations, including elements of approximation theory and numerical simulations. Practical applications in engineering sciences, like the efficient description of three-dimensional movements, applications in robotics and also in classical mechanics become more and more important. The idea of the symposium is to bring together experts working in theoretical research as well as in the applied sciences who are active in one of the fields related to the application of Clifford structures. 4) Title: "Numerical methods and their applications in molecular simulation" Organizers: Prof. Dr. Eric CANCES, CERMICS, Ecole des Ponts and INRIA, 6 & 8 avenue Blaise Pascal, 77455 Marne-la-Vallee Cedex 2, France and Dr. Frederic LEGOLL, UR Navier, LAMI, Ecole des Ponts and INRIA, 6 et 8 avenue Blaise Pascal, 77455 Marne la Vallée Cedex 2, FRANCE
E-mails: cances@cermics.enpc.fr
legoll@lami.enpc.fr ,
Description of the topic of the session:
5) Title: "Mathematical Theory, Modeling and Simulation in Nanoscience for fabrication of materials" Organizer: Prof. Dr. Leela Rakesh, Director: Center for Applied Mathematics & Polymer Fluid Dynamics, Advanced Materials Research Division, Department of Mathematics, Pearce 116, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859,
LRakesh@aol.com and
leela.rakesh@cmich.edu Description of the topic of the session:
6 ) Title: "Asymptotic and numerical modelling of Composite Materials"Organizer: Prof. Dr. Igor Andrianov, Institut für Allgemeine Mechanik, RWTH Aachen – TU Aachen, Templergraben 64, D-52056, Aachen, Germany, Phone office: + 49 241 8094605, Phone home: + 49 221 7089888, Fax: +49 241 8092231
Description of the topic of the session:
7) Title: "Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems" Organizer: Prof. Dr. Kaspar Nipp , Seminar for Applied Mathematics, ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101 / HG G57.3, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland and Prof. Dr. Daniel Stoffer, Mathematics, ETH Zürich, Rämistrasse 101 / HG G51.5, CH-8092 Zürich, Switzerland
nipp@math.ethz.ch and
stoffer@math.ethz.ch Description of the topic of the session:
8) Title: "Quantum transport" Organizer: Dr. Francis NIER, IRMAR, Campus de Beaulieu, 35042 Rennes Cedex, FRANCE
Francis.Nier@univ-rennes1.fr Description of the topic of the session:
9 ) Title: "Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Differential Equations"Organizer: Prof. Dr. Xinyuan Wu, Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University, 22 Hankou Road, Nanjing 210093, P.R. China
E-mail: xywu@nju.edu.cn
Description of the topic of the session:
Structure-preserving algorithms for differential equations should be
understood in a wide sense. Contributions to symplectic integrators for
ordinary differential equations, multi-symplectic integrators for partial
differential equations, structure-preserving integrators for perturbed
oscillators, differential-algebraic equations and differential equations on
manifolds as well as related numerical analysis are welcome. 10) Title: "Chaotic Dynamics of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations"
Prof. Dr. Nikolai
Magnitskii, Head of Laboratory of Chaotic Dynamics, Institute for Systems
Analysis of Russian Academy of Sciences, 9, Prospect 60-let Oktyabrya, Moscow
117312, Russia
E-mail: nmag@isa.ru and
mag@su29.ru Description of the topic of the session:
Presence of dynamical or diffusion chaos is the main property of the majority of complex developing physical, chemical, biological and social systems and processes described by nonlinear systems of ordinary and partial differential equations.
11) Title: "Modelling and Simulation in Ecology and Environmental Sciences" Organizer: Professor Dr. Joachim Benz, Kassel University, Faculty of Ecological Agricultural Sciences (FB 11),- AG Datenverarbeitung des Fachbereichs 11 - Modellierung und Simulation in der Ökologie Nordbahnhofstr. 1a, D-37213 Witzenhausen, Germany, Phone: (+49)-5542-98-1560, Fax: (+49)-5542-98-1560 E-mail: benz@ecobas.orgURL of the Symposium: http://ecobas.org/www-server/icnaam/conference.html
Description of the topic of the session:
12) Title: "Minisymposium on High-Performance Computing and Numerical Linear Algebra" Organizer: Prof. Dr. Paolo Bientinesi, Aachen Institute for Advanced Study in Computational Engineering Science (AICES), RWTH Aachen, Schinkelstrasse 2, 52056 Aachen, GERMANY, phone: +49 241 8099134, fax: +49 241 80628498E-mail: paper-submission@aices.rwth-aachen.de
URL address for the
Description of the topic of the session:
The symposium aims at bringing together scientists and engineers from academia, research laboratories, and industry, to present results of the latest studies in the areas of High-Performance Computing and Numerical Linear Algebra. Short papers are solicited on all aspects of research, development, and application in the following topics:
13) Title: "Validated Computations and Computer-Assisted Proofs" Organizer: Prof. Dr. Michael Plum, Institut für Analysis, Universität Karlsruhe, Englerstrasse 2, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Tel: 0721/608-2617, Fax: 0721/608-6530 and Prof. Dr. Kaori Nagatou, Faculty of Mathematics, Kyushu University, 6-10-1 Hakozaki, Higashi-ku, Fukuoka, 812-8581, JAPAN and PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Tel & Fax: +81-92-642-2750.
and nagatou@math.kyushu-u.ac.jp
URL address: http://www2.math.kyushu-u.ac.jp/~nagatou/ICNAAM2009/
Description of the topic of the session:
Many problems in analysis and other
mathematical areas allow very stable numerical computations of approximate
solutions, but are lacking rigorous mathematical results about existence,
multiplicity and qualitative or quantitative properties of true solutions. In
the field of "validated computing" or "computer-assisted proofs", one exploits
the knowledge of a "good" numerical approximation to obtain rigorous and
provably correct statements about true solutions, using analytical support in
form of fixed-point formulations, variational characterizations, degree
theory, etc. Various problems from different mathematical fields, where purely
"theoretical" means had failed, have been solved by such computer-assisted
methods in recent years. In the minisymposium, we will mainly concentrate on
computer-assisted proofs for problems involving (partial) differential
equations and dynamical systems. We will invite speakers with internationally
recognized experience in developing such methods and applying them to various
problems e.g. from mathematical physics. We will also include a few speakers
working on methods for validated computations for finite dimensional problems,
since such methods often play an important role as a part of computer-assisted
proofs for differential equation problems. 14) Title: "Optimal Control, Functional Analysis and Economic Theory" Organizer: Prof. Dr. Nobusumi Sagara, Faculty of Economics, Hosei University, 4342, Aihara, Machida, Tokyo 194-0298, Japan, Tel: 81-42-783-2556; Fax: 81-42-783-2611
nsagara@hosei.ac.jp Description of the topic of the session:
Optimal control theory is a fundamental tool in dynamic optimization and it exploits a rich variety of profound results in functional analysis, partial differential equations, dynamical systems and other fields of mathematics. Mathematical methods in optimal control theory are so general that it has a wide range of applications not only in engineering, physics, chemistry and biology, but also in operations research, economics, game theory and mathematical finance. The purpose of this symposium is to bring together mathematicians, engineers, economists and practicians from a variety of related disciplines, who are at the forefront of their research fields, to exchange ideas and present original research in the areas of optimal control, with particular interests in the following topics, but not limited to:
15) Title: "Industrial Organization and Game Theory" Organizer: Prof. Dr. Fernanda A. Ferreira and Prof. Dr. Flávio Ferreira, School of Management and Industrial Studies, Porto Polytechnic Institute, Mathematics Department, Rua D. Sancho I, 981, 4480-876 Vila do Conde, Portugal
fernandaamelia@eu.ipp.pt and
flavioferreira@eu.ipp.pt Description of the topic of the session:
The aim of the symposium is to bring together researchers with different backgrounds and interests in all aspects of Game Theory, its applications in Industrial Organization, and its practice, in order to further communication, collaboration, and exchange of new ideas.
16) Title: "DAEs and their Applications" Organizer: Prof. Dr. Laurent O. Jay, Department of Mathematics, 14 MacLean Hall, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242-1419, USA, Tel: +1-319-335-0898, Fax: +1-319-335-0627
ljay@math.uiowa.edu Description of the topic of the session:
After more than 30 years of investigations, the
field of Differential-Algebraic Equations (DAEs) is still an exciting research
area. The aim of this symposium is to bring together top-notch scientists with
interests in the mathematical theories, numerical methods, and applications of
DAEs. A non-exhaustive list of topics is:
17) Title: "Numerical Aspects in Mathematical Modelling" Organizer: Prof. Dr. Vasile BERINDE, Director, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences North University of Baia Mare, Victoriei Nr. 76, 430122 Baia Mare ROMANIA, Tel. 0040-262-276059; Fax: 0040-262-275368
E-mail: vberinde@ubm.ro
and vasile_berinde@yahoo.com
Description of the topic of the session:
The symposium aims to focus on some numerical analysis aspects of Mathematical Modelling: efficient constructive methods, convergence, stability, data dependence, rate of convergence, computational complexity etc.
18) Title: "Modeling, Simulation and Industrial Mathematics" Organizers: Dr. Thomas Götz and Dr. Martin Bracke, Department of Mathematics, University of Kaiserslautern, PO.Box 3049, D-67653 Kaiserslautern, Germany, Phone: +49 631 205 - 4133, Fax: + 49 631 205 - 4986
goetz@mathematik.uni-kl.de and
Description of the topic of the session:
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations
have a huge impact on modern technology and industrial processes. The aim of
this minisymposium is to give insight to the recent development and
application of mathematical models and simulations for industrial and
technological processes. Topics that can be covered within the minisymposium
can be:
19) Title: "The big challenge of gravitational waves, a new window into the Universe" Organizers: Dr. Christian Corda, Editor in Chief of "The Open Astronomy Journal" of Bentham Science Publishers, Scientific Director of the Associazione, Scientifica Galileo Galilei, Via Pier Cironi 16, I-59100 Prato ITALY
Description of the topic of the session:
Recently, the data analysis of gravitational waves (GWs) detectors has been started and the scientific community aims at a first direct detection of GWs in next years. This will be a fundamental step in the ambitious project of performing a GWs astronomy. Strong and mysterious processes of the Universe, such as supernova explosions, catastrophic collisions, fusion of binary systems, rotation of pulsars, interaction of black-holes or the original big-bang generate gravitational waves. Thus, GWs are a potential way to obtain new important information on them. Such a observation will be important also for an understanding of the famous Dark Matter and Dark Energy. The aim of this Symposium is to obtain a tapestry of the present status of theory and experiments concerning GWs.
20) Title: "Numerical methods for stiff problems" Organizers: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Russo, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Catania, Viale A. Doria 6, 55125 Catania, Italy. Tel: +39-095-7383039, fax:+39-095-330094
Description of the topic of the session:
The goal of the minisymposium is give an overview of recent methods for the numerical treatment of stiff problems in ordinary and partial differential equations. Stiff problems arise in many contexts, and there is a vast literature of implicit schemes that are able to capture the solution of systems of differential equations, without fully resolve the smallest time scale of the problem. When a system comes from the discretization of an evolutionary partial differential equation, new interesting probelms arise. For exmple, the stiffnes of the problem may be space dependent, and standard discretization based on a method of line appeoach may become inefficient. In many cases, the stiffness may be expressed by a small parameter. Formal asymptotic of the original equation in the stiffness parameter gives an indication of the behavior of the equation for small values of such parameter. It is important that the numerical schemes are able to capture the asymptotic behavior of the solution. This is the case, for example, of singly perturbed problems. Finally, efficiency considerations and techniques to get a good initial guess for iterative solver in the implicit step can be also addressed.
21) Title: "Modeling and Simulation in Life Sciences and Drug Development" Organizers: Dr. Gerd Rosenkranz, Scientific Officer Biostatistics/M&S, Novartis Pharma AG, Functions Scientific & Compliance Office, Forum 3-4.40, Novartis Campus, CH-4056 Basel, Phone: +41 61 324 3315, Fax: +41 61 324 1090
Description of the topic of the session:
This symposium intends to exemplify the role of modeling and simulation methods in the life sciences. Like in other areas where mathematical modeling techniques are applied, the basic objective is to quantitatively formalize important aspects of a system to better understand its behaviour under changes of certain characteristics or parameters. Deterministic as well as stochastic approaches are applied in this field, and statistical models are used to obtain information from data in order to estimate relevant parameters. An aspect that goes beyond the fundamental understanding of biological processes is the practical application of modeling and simulation to the development of new medicines which will also be covered in the session.
22) Title: "Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computation" Organizers: Prof. Dr. Witold Kosiński, Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, ul. Koszykowa 86, 02-008 Warszawa, Poland and Dr. Stefan Kotowski, ph. +48-22-5844-513, fax:+48-22-5844-501, and Skype Id: wit.kosinski
wkos@pjwstk.edu.pl and
Description of the topic of the session:
The aim of this Mini-symposium is to bring researchers, developers, practitioners, and users to present their latest research, results, and ideas in the areas of Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Evolutionary Computation (EC). After more than 40 years of development of Evolutionary Computation the theoretical background and results are rather unsatisfying. We hope that theory and successful applications will be presented at this Mini-symposium and will be of interest to researchers and practitioners who want to know about both theoretical advances and latest applied developments in Genetic Algorithms and Evolutionary Computation . As such, the Mini-Symposium will provide a forum for the exchange of ideas between theoreticians and practitioners to address the important issues. Papers related to theories, methodologies, and applications in science and technology in this theme are especially solicited. Topics covering industrial issues/applications and academic research are included, but not limited to:
23) Title: "Automated Computing" Organizers: Dr. A. Logg, Center for Biomedical Computing, Simula Research Laboratory, P.O. Box 134, 1325 Lysaker, Norway
E-mail: logg@simula.no
Description of the topic of the session:
The writing of scientific software is often
both tedious and error-prone, leading to long development cycles and
unreliable software. To further complicate matters, development of efficient
scientific software requires specialization, both to the hardware and the
application at hand. However, manual labor may in many cases be replaced by
automated code generation, ultimately leading to automated development of
efficient scientific software. Current examples include automated generation
of libraries for signal processing (SPIRAL) and linear algebra (FLAME, ATLAS),
as well as generation of application-specific code for the solution of partial
differential equations (FEniCS).
24) Title: "Modelling Complex Microstructures: Materials Behavior below the Scale of the Representative Volume Element" Organizers: Prof. Dr. Michael Zaiser, Professor of Mechanics of Materials, The University of Edinburgh, School of Engineering, Institute for Materials and Processes, The Kings Buildings, Sanderson Building, Edinburgh EH11DT, United Kingdom and Adjunct Professor of Physics, Michigan Technological University, Physics Department, 118 Fisher Hall, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton (MI) 49931-1295, USA and Dr. Thomas Hochrainer, Fraunhofer Institut fuer Werkstoffmechanik IWM, Woehlerstr. 11, 79108 Freiburg, Germany and Institut fuer Zuverlaessigkeit von Bauteilen und Systemen, Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH), Kaiserstr. 12, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
Description of the topic of the session:
Modelling of heterogeneous materials is traditionally approached from the point of view of homogenization and effective materials properties. When approaching small system sizes, however, classical volume averaging techniques are challenged in two ways: 1. microstructural elements (e.g dislocations or polymer chains) are extended geometric objects. Averaged descriptions of the defect state therefore require advanced geometrical techniques in conjunction with statistical averaging. 2. In many situations the response of materials is controlled by fluctuations. The latter is obvious with regard to small systems common in modern micro- and nanotechnologies, where component sizes may well fall well below the scale of the 'representative volume element' (RVE) of traditional homogenization theory. Other examples include transport phenomena where collective processes may lead to fluctuations with macroscopic correlation length, or failure processes where extreme fluctuations may govern the macroscopic sample behaviour. The Symposium will gather mathematicians and researchers working in computational materials science and mechanics of materials. Covered topics include:
25) Title: "The Applications of Fractal Theory in Data Processing" Organizers: Dr. Maaruf Ali AKC BEng(Hons) PgCTHE PhD CEng MIEE SMIEEE FHEA(UK), Senior Lecturer in Telecommunications Engineering & Media Technology, Department of Computing and Electronics, School of Technology, Oxford Brookes University, Wheatley Campus, Wheatley, Oxfordshire, OX33 1HX, United Kingdom, Tel: +44 (0)1865 483446, Fax: +44 (0)1865 483637
Description of the topic of the session:
This symposium will cover the application of fractal mathematics to process data and signals. The topics covered include but is not limited to:
26) Title: "High order finite difference schemes for partial differential equations" Organizers: Prof. Dr. Murli Gupta, Professor of Mathematics, George Washington University, 2115 G Street, NW (Monroe 221), Washington, DC 20052, USA
Description of the topic of the session:
This symposium will bring together a number of researchers from all over the world who have been working on the development and testing of high order finite difference schemes for a variety of partial differential equations, with applications including problems of viscous fluid flows.
27) Title: "Recent advances in the numerics of delay differential equations" Organizers: Professor Alfredo Bellen, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Universita' degli Studi di Trieste - Italy and Professor Nicola Guglielmi, Dipartimento di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, Universita' degli Studi di L' Aquila - Italy
bellen@units.it and
guglielm@univaq.it Description of the topic of the session:
Delay differential equations form a wide class
of evolution equations modeling many phenomena in applied sciences.
28) Title: "Advances in Turbulence Modeling" Organizers: Dr. Marcel ILIE, University of California, San Diego (UCSD), Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, 9500 Gilman Drive # 0411, La Jolla, CA, 92093, USA, Phone: (858) 534-1466, Fax: (858) 534-7078
milie@ucsd.edu Description of the topic of the session:
The Symposium on “Advances in Turbulence Modeling”, organized by the 7th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM), provides an opportunity for scientists and engineers to present recent advances and to discuss current problems, future needs and prospects in the area of turbulence modeling.
29) Title: "Numerical methods for time-dependent PDEs" Organizers: Dr. Philipp Birken, University of Kassel, Department of Mathematics and Prof. Dr. Andreas Meister, University of Kassel, Department of Mathematics
birken@mathematik.uni-kassel.de and
meister@mathematik.uni-kassel.de Description of the topic of the session:
This minisymposium aims at discussing current trends for the numerical solution of time-dependent PDEs. This includes instationary problems, time marching schemes for the computation of steady states, partial differential algebraic equations, as well as time dependent coupled PDEs. Hereby, both the aspect of time integration and, with a special emphasis on implicit methods, the solution methods in the case of implicit time integration for the appearing linear and nonlinear systems are considered.
30) Title: "Physical Properties Preserving Numerical Schemes for Differential Equations" Organizers: Professor Dr. Jean M-S Lubuma, Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South Africa, Fax +27-12-4203893; Tel +27-12-4202222
Description of the topic of the session:
Differential equations that model real-life problems in science and engineering enjoy essential physical properties such as the following:
The symposium is devoted to the design, analysis
and implementation of numerical methods which, apart from being convergent,
replicate essential physical properties of the involved problems. In particular,
contributions related to the non-standard finite difference method that has
shown great potential in this regard are welcome. 31) Title: "Nonlinear waves and singularities in optics, hydrodynamics and plasmas" Organizers: Prof. Dr. Ildar Gabitov, Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona, and Prof. Dr. Pavel M. Lushnikov, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Mexico
E-mail: ildar.gabitov@gmail.com, plushnik [---a- -t--] math.unm.edu
Description of the topic of the session:
Progress in the development of new tools for modern
applied mathematics resulted in a better understanding in science of nonlinear
waves in various fields of nonlinear optics, hydrodynamics, and plasmas. The
universality of the equations describing wave processes is one of the most
important components of this success. Nonlinear Schroedinger equation is among
best illustrations of successful application of applied mathematics as a tool
to analyze various nonlinear phenomena ranging from optical communications to
ocean waves. Solutions of nonlinear equations usually results in formation of
singularities, coherent structures or solitary waves. Examples of the
corresponding phenomena can be observed in filamentation of laser beams in
nonlinear media, wave
32) Title: "Digraphs" Organizers: Prof. Dr. Vojislav Petrovic, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Novi Sad, Trg D. Obradovica 4, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia, Tel. +381 64 287 3 110.
E-mail: vojpet@im.ns.ac.yu
Description of the topic of the session:
The theory of digraphs had rapid development
during last 3-4 decades. Numerous results have been published in more than
3000 papers. Such an extensive research was initiated by both theoretical and
practical reasons. The theoretical results were to enrich the graph theory in
general. On the other hand, the value of algorithms is not only theoretical.
It is also practical for various occasions for applications.
33) Title: "Modeling of Materials and Simulation of Flows in Polymer and Food Process Engineering" Organizers: PD Dr. Marco Dressler, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Laboratory of Food Process Engineering, ETH-Zentrum, LFO E29, CH-8092 Zürich, Tel.: +41 44 632 53 40
E-mail: marco.dressler@ilw.agrl.ethz.ch
Description of the topic of the session:
The understanding of flows in polymer and food
process engineering is of scientific interest and industrial relevance.
Mathematical challenges are the derivation, the formulation, and the numerical
analysis of dynamic equations that take into account mechanical,
thermodynamic, and physico-chemical characteristics of complex or functional
34) Title: "Numerical methods for the simulation of polymeric fluids" Organizers: Dr. Tony LELIEVRE, ENPC, CERMICS, Molecular and Multiscale Simulation, CERMICS - ENPC, 6 et 8 avenue Blaise Pascal, Cité Descartes - Champs sur Marne, 77455 Marne la Vallée Cedex 2, France
E-mail: lelievre@cermics.enpc.fr
Description of the topic of the session:
The aim of this minisymposium is to highlight
some recent contributions to the field of numerical methods for the simulation
of polymeric fluid flows. Modeling questions, numerical questions (discussion
of appropriate discretization schemes) and theoretical questions (e.g. well
posedness of various models) are expected to be addressed.
35) Title: "Homogenization, Fluid Dynamics and Porous Media" Organizers: Prof. Dr. M. Lazar (University of Dubrovnik, Croatia) and Prof. Dr. A. Mikelic (Universite Lyon 1, France)
E-mail: Andro.Mikelic@univ-lyon1.fr, amikelic@free.fr, mlazar@unidu.hr
Description of the topic of the session:
The aim of the minisymposium is to bring
together experts on the above topics, both applied mathematicians and
scientists and engineers applying mathematics. The participants will have the
opportunity to deliver and attend talks on new theoretical results,
accompanied by (numerical) models and applications to different fields
(material science, mathematical physiology and biology, mathematical physics,
oceanography and meteorology, etc.).
36) Title: "Modelling and Simulation of Thin-film Flow and Droplet Motion Involving Micro- and Nano-scale Features" Organizers: Dr. Yeaw Chu Lee, School of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, United Kingdom
E-mail: y.c.lee@leeds.ac.uk
Description of the topic of the session:
Considerable attention has been focussed recently on the modelling of micro- and nano-scale flows to provide novel solutions to many difficult engineering related problems and those observed in nature. Notably, fluid flow interactions at these small-scales can have a significant impact on the overall large-scale functional characteristics. in particular, the presence of small-scale features influence considerably the local flow phenomena where interfacial tension, viscous and free-surface effects play a major role in controlling flow behaviour. A better fundamental understanding of these properties and how they can be harnessed/controlled is essential. Their impact in relation to potential savings in resources and manufacturing cost in the industrial sector have yet to be fully realised; their use in relation to forming novel functional coatiings for applications in the process engineering, transport, environmental science and micro-electronics fields is at an early stage. The aim of the Mini-Symposium is to provide a forum, bringing together researchers, scholars and experts, to review recent advances, theoretical and computational, concerning the analysis of the fluid dynamics of micro- and nano-scale flow phenomena. The topics covered include, but are not limited to:
37) Title: "Viscous fluid mechanics and rheology. Mathematical aspects" Organizers: Prof. Dr. Ioan Stan, "Babes-Bolyai" University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, and Dr. C. I. Gheorghiu, "T. Popoviciu" Institute of Numerical Analysis, Cluj-Napoca, Romania; http://www.ictp.acad.ro
E-mail: ghcalin@ictp.acad.ro
Description of the topic of the session:
The symposium will focus on the numerical
methods as well as on the functional (operatorial) methods used in the study
of a large variety of models encountered in viscous fluid dynamics and
38) Title: "Numerical methods for solving of nonlinear functional equations and optimization problems" Organizers: Prof. Dr. Stepan Shakhno, Department of Numerical Mathematics, Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Ivan Franko National University of L’viv, Universitetska Str., 1, 79000 L’viv, Ukraine
E-mail: shakhno@is.lviv.ua, s_shakhno@franko.lviv.ua
Description of the topic of the session:
In describing of many natural phenomena and technological processes it is used the nonlinear models, in form of nonlinear equations, nonlinear value problems, optimization problems, including nonlinear least squares problems. They can be solved only by iterative methods. The modern theory of solving the nonlinear problems investigates new approaches and methods that improve the properties of classical methods and extend the area of their application in practice. At the symposium the following topics will be discussed:
39) Title: "Three-dimensional numerical solvers for Navier-Stokes equations, non-linear Schroedinger and Gross-Pitaevskii equations using high-order methods" Organizers: Prof. Dr. Ionut DANAILA, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Universitι Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris 6), 175 rue du Chevaleret, 75013 Paris,France. http://www.ann.jussieu.fr/~danailaE-mail: danaila@ann.jussieu.fr
Description of the topic of the session:
Surprising though it may be, there exists few
3D numerical codes for the study of the physics governed by non-linear
Schroedinger-type equations, as the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. The latter
equation describes the dynamics and vortex equilibrium states in a
Bose-Einstein condensate, which is a very hot topic of modern physics. On the
other hand, 3D numerical codes are very frequent when dealing with Navier-Stokes
equations describing classical fluid flows.
The Symposium will bring together scientists
from different communities (mathematics, quantum physics, fluid dynamics, etc)
having experience in 3D numerical simulations of fluids or superfluids. 40) Title: "PDEs: solutions and asymptotics" Organizers: Prof. Dr. Pavel Krutitskii, Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Department 4, Miusskaya Sq. 4, Moscow 125047, RussiaE-mail: biem@mail.ru
Description of the topic of the session:
The symposium is devoted to constructive
methods of analysis of PDEs with applications to physics,
41) Title: "Mathematical Methods in Biophysics and Genomics" Organizers: Prof. Julie C Mitchell, Departments of Mathematics and Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin Madison, Madison WI 53703 USA and Prof. Stefanella Boatto, Departamento de Matmeatica Aplicada, Instituto de Matematica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, BRAZILE-mail: jcmitchell@wisc.edu and lella@im.ufrj.br
Description of the topic of the session:
Quantitative methods can offer important insights into the study of biological systems. The goal of the minisymposium is to present a broad spectrum of mathematical approaches and applications, working across scales in biology. Some possible topics include:
42) Title: "Geometric Design Methods in Interdisciplinary Mathematics" Organizers: Prof. Dr. Marco Paluszny, Escuela de Matematicas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellin, Calle 59A, 63-20, Bloque 43. Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia E-mail: mpalusznyk@unalmed.edu.co, marcopaluszny@gmail.com
Description of the topic of the session:
The symposium will focus on geometric methods for interdisciplinary problems. CAGD methods have been developing for over twenty years and there is a very good opportunity for real world problems, beyond its main drive which is in mechanical engineering and design. The topics covered include, but are not limited to:
We welcome applications and reports of software
development in medical, architectural, molecular modeling and geographical
information systems as well as others related to the above topics.
43) Title: "Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations" Organizers: Prof. Dr. Eduardo Casas, Dept. Matematica Aplicada y Ciencias de la Computacion, Universidad de Cantabria, Av. Los Castros S/N, 39005 Santander (Spain), Phone: +34 942 201005, Fax: +34 942 201070 E-mail: eduardo.casas@unican.es
Description of the topic of the session:
Recent results and new trends in the field of Optimal Control Theory of problems governed by partial differential equations as well as their applications will be discussed in this symposium. The main topics to be considered in the talks are
44) Title: "Geometric numerical integration of dynamical systems" Organizers: Prof. Dr. Yifa Tang, State Key Laboratory of Scientific and Engineering Computing, Academy of Mathematics & Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, No. 55, East Road, Zhongguancun, P.O. Box 2719, Beijing 100190, People’s Republic of China http://www.cc.ac.cn/staff/tyf.html E-mail: tyf@lsec.cc.ac.cn, lianpoweilao@gmail.com
Description of the topic of the session:
We will discuss new advances in geometric numerical integration of dynamical systems with applications
45) Title: "Taylor Model Methods and Applications"
PD Dr.
Neher, Institute for Applied and Numerical Mathematics, Universitat Karlsruhe
(TH), Research University - founded 1825, 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany, Phone: +49
(721) 608-2682, Fax: +49 (721) 608-3767
E-mail: markus.neher@math.uni-karlsruhe.de
Description of the topic of the session:
Taylor models have been developed as a
symbiosis of a computer algebra method and interval arithmetic by M. Berz and
his group since the 1990s. A Taylor model of a function f on some
interval X consists of the Taylor polynomial pn of
order n of f and an interval remainder term In,
which encloses the approximation error |f-pn| on X.
In computations that involve f, the function is then replaced by pn+In.
The polynomial part is propagated by symbolic calculations, whereas the
interval remainder term encloses all truncation and roundoff errors that
appear in the computation. Software implementations of Taylor models have been
applied to a variety of problems, such as global optimization problems,
validated multidimensional integration, or the solution of ODEs and DAEs.
46) Title: "Workshop on MAPLE©" Organizers: Prof. Dr. MOHAMMAD SIDDIQUE, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Fayetteville State University, 1200 Murchison Road, Fayetteville, NC. 28301, USA,
E-mail: msiddiqu@uncfsu.edu
Description of the topic of the session:
Maple is a package of software tools which
contains a graphic tool, a computation tool, a Programming tool and a
spreadsheet. Maple is an advanced mathematics and computer algebra software
package for solving mathematical problems. The aim of this Workshop is to
introduce the powerful symbolic algebra computer software MAPLE. MAPLE is
widely used by engineers, scientists, and mathematicians for solving a variety
of mathematical problems. Students have found MAPLE invaluable in supporting a
number of their upper division courses in Engineering and the Sciences. The
Workshop will introduce audience to MAPLE as a symbolic algebra package,
showing how it can solve and simplify complicated algebraic expressions.
Applications of MAPLE for differentiation, integration, linear algebra,
differential equations, partial differential equations and graphing (2 and
3-D) will be demonstrated. Applications of MAPLE for complex problems will
also be presented.
47) Title: "Numerical Methods for Computation of Fluid Flows" Organizers: Prof. Dr. M.K. Banda, School of Computational and Applied Mathematics, University of the Witwatersrand, Private Bag 3, Wits 2050, SOUTH AFRICAE-mail: mapundi.banda@wits.ac.za
Description of the topic of the session:
The scientific computation of fluid flows is essential for understanding basic non-linear phenomena involved in fluid flow modelling in science and engineering. Fluid flow models contain some of the most challenging non-linear partial differential equations posing problems for computations. This symposium addresses modern developments in the core computational issues of accurate, stable and efficient numerical methods. Development of algorithms and their verification as well as validation will be addressed. Applications will include complex flow models like the ones that appear in industrial and geophysical flows, free surface flows, fluid-structure interaction, astrophysical flows, magnetohydrodynamics, flow with stochastic effects, and flow through networked topology.
48) Title: "Numerical Optimization"
Prof. Dr. Ana Isabel Pereira, Polytechnic Institute of Braganca,
Instituto Politecnico de Braganca, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestao -
Gabinete 54, 5301-857 Braganca - Portugal and Prof. Dr. M. Fernanda P.
Costa, University of Minho, Department of Mathematics for Science and
Technology, University of Minho, Campus de Azurem, 4800-058 Guimaraes,
E-mail: apereira@ipb.pt and mfc@mct.uminho.pt
Description of the topic of the session:
Numerical Optimization Session emphasizes modeling, theory and study of numerical algorithms for optimization. Optimization is an important tool in decision science and in the analysis of physical systems. Because of the wide and growing use of optimization in science, engineering, economics, finance and industry, it is important to develop an understanding of optimization algorithms. Knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of these algorithms leads to a better understanding of their impact on various applications, and points the way to future research on improving and extending optimization algorithms and software. Optimization holds an important place in the practical world and the scientific world.
49) Title: "Dynamics of mechanical systems with tribological contacts"
Dr. Hartmut Hetzler, Institute of Engineering Mechanics (Institut fur
Technische Mechanik), Universitat Karlsruhe (TH), KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology in cooperation with Robert Bosch GmbH, Central Research E-mail: hetzler@itm.uni-karlsruhe.de
Description of the topic of the session:
Although the research on mechanical systems
with contacts has a long tradition, it still attracts the attention of
scientist and still is a demanding issue for engineers. Furthermore, there is
an increasing demand of incorporating tribological aspects of the contacts
into the system examination as well.
Further information: http://www.itm.uni-karlsruhe.de/itm/1822.php
50) Title: "Complementarity Problems" Organizers: Prof. Dr. Florian A. Potra, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland Baltimore County, 1000 Hilltop Circle, Baltimore, MD 21250, USA, Phone: 410-455-2429, Fax: 410-455-1066E-mail: potra@umbc.edu
Description of the topic of the session:
A wide range of practical problems in the
natural sciences, economics, and engineering are modeled as complementarity
problems. Moreover, constrained optimization problems can be reduced to
complementarity problems. The session will bring together researchers working
on different aspects of linear and nonlinear complementarity problems. Both
theoretical results and applications will be presented. The main topics of the
session are related to interior point methods for solving complementarity
problems, exceptional families of elements for general order complementarity
problems, validation methods for nonlinear complementarity problems, and
applications of complementarity problems for simulating multibody systems with
contact and friction. 51) Title: "Shallow Water Flows: Numerical Methods and Applications"
Dr. Jorge Balbas, Department of Mathematics, Cal State University, Northridge,
CA 91330-8313, USA, web:
www.csun.edu/~jb715473/ E-mail: jorge.balbas@csun.edu
Description of the topic of the session: here
52) Title: "Mathematical modelling of extremes"
Dr. Mark J. McGuinness, Reader, Applied Mathematics, School of Mathematics,
Statistics and Computer Science, Te Kura Tatau, Victoria University of
Wellington, PO Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand,
E-mail: Mark.McGuinness@vuw.ac.nz
Description of the topic of the session:
The mathematics to be presented in this session
is problem-driven. It covers a wide range of applications, methods and
properties. The problems come from areas as diverse as industry, geophysics,
biological sciences and finance. They often arise in mathematical study groups
like the ESGI or MISG. A common theme is that numerical analysis is only
possible after significant mathematical modelling work has been done.
53) Title: "Variational Inequalities and Equilibrium Problems: existence and duality theory and computation"
Dr. Annamaria Barbagallo, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,
University of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy and Dr.
Monica Milasi, Department of Mathematics, University of Messina, Contrada
Papardo, salita Sperone 31, 98166 Messina, Italy
E-mail: barbagallo@dmi.unict.it and mmilasi@unime.it
Description of the topic of the session:
The Minisymposium deals with one of the most important research fields of Mathematics, namely Variational Analysis and Equilibrium Problems, especially those related to network design, as traffic equilibrium problem, oligopolistic market equilibrium problem, space market equilibrium problem, financial problem, vaccination problem, Walras equilibrium problem both in the static and dynamic case. Moreover, the Minisymposium would like to contribute to the foundation to the tensorial variational inequalities and their applications. Variational analysis encompasses a large area of modern mathematics, including the classic Calculus of Variations, the Theories of Perturbation and of Approximation, Subgradient, Subderivatives, Set Convergence and Variational Inequalities. Variational Inequalities, as a particular and important chapter of Variational Analysis, have undergone great development and influence both in the progress of Variational Analysis, and in applications to Mathematical Physics and, more recently, to Engineering, Statistics, Economics, Financial Networks and Generalized Complementarity Problems. Several classical and new theories, such as those of Evolutionary Projected Dynamical Systems and Infinite Dimensional Duality, as well as research in discretized computational methods, have received a decisive impulse in order to offer effective solutions to hitherto unsolved problems. For this reason, particular emphasis will be given to the development of the Variational Inequalities Theory as for example the research of regularity results and their use to the computational procedure. Therefore, the Minisymposium aims to offer a review of research themes, methods and open problems together with outlines of the new research trends in all the above topics.
The Minisymposium aims at presenting state-of-the-art and current research directions in Variational Analysis and Equilibrium Problems, in particular those related to network design. Variational Inequalities proved to be a very useful and powerful tool for investigation and solution of many equilibrium type problems in Economics, Engineering, Operations Research and Mathematical Physics. In fact, Variational Inequalities for example provide a unifying framework for the study of such diverse problems as boundary value problems, price equilibrium problems and traffic network equilibrium problems. Besides, they are closely related with many general problems, such as Fixed Point, Optimization and Complementarity Problems. For this reason, particular emphasis will be given to the development of the Variational Inequalities Theory. Topics of interest include, but not limited to:
54) Title: "RECENT ADVANCES AND CURRENT RESEARCH in the Stochastic Finite Element Method and its Applications" Organizers: Professor Dr. Seifedine Kadry, Computer Science Departement, Chairman of Master's program, Arts Sciences and Technology University in LEBANON. University Building, Commodore Street, Hamra, Beirut, Telephone: +961 (01) 34 32 22 - Fax: +961 (01) 34 02 19E-mail: seifdine.kadry@aul.edu.lb, skadry@gmail.com
Description of the topic of the session:
The aim of this session is to discuss the latest and
advanced research of the applications, improvement and solutions of the
Stochastic Finite Element method. It is common practice for mathematical
models to be studied under the assumption that data defining the models are
precisely understood. In reality, however, this simplifying assumption is
often not valid, and there is considerable uncertainty in specification of
models. Sources of uncertainty include geological properties of transporting
media, material properties of structures, and unknown aspects of boundary
55) Title: "Recent Advances on the Parareal in Time Algorithms" Organizer: Professor Dr. Yvon Maday, Laboratoire J.-L. Lions, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris and Division of Applied Maths, Brown UniversityE-mail: maday@ann.jussieu.fr
Description of the topic of the session:
The parareal in time algorithm allows for large speed up
for the simulation of general time dependant problem from the decomposition of
the interval of propagation in time into temporal slabs and the use of
discrete propagation methods over each slab in parallel on different
processors. The method has been pushed in many directions including the
combination with domain decomposition methods, control problems and nonlinear
iterative resolutions. This minisymposium will present some new aspects and
realizations of the method 56) Title: "Symposium on the Numerical Solution of Differential Equations and their Applicationss"
Dr. Zacharias A. Anastassi, Department of Finance and Auditing, School of
Management and Economics, Technological Educational Institute of Kalamata,
GR-241 00 Antikalamos, Greece E-mail: zackanas@gmail.com, zackanas@hotmail.com
Description of the topic of the session:
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
The types of Differential Equations include: