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9th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics

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Extended abstracts will be published in a Special Volume of the very famous AIP Conference Proceedings. The American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Series is a very well known series of Conference Proceedings, which is Included in the leading databases of scientific & engineering literature including Inspec (an IEE product), Scitation, ISI Web of Knowledge, MathSciNet, Scopus,  Scirus, Google Scholar, etc  and in the past had been included in SCIE.


        We  note   that  the  Volumes  of  AIP C onference  Proceedings  are

        immediately available online


  1. Instructions to the authors can be found here: 8.5 x 11 inch, single-column instruction booklet and 8.5 x 11 inch single-column sample paper,  or here

  2. Word for Windows template file can be downloaded here. Users Guide can be downloaded .

  3. LaTeX guidelines can be downloaded here. Style files etc can be downloaded here.

  4. General Guidelines, template and style files can be found here.

Procedure for submission of a paper for the Proceedings of ICNAAM 2011:

       a) The author must send a completed  submission  form  to  the  e-mail  address:tsimos.conf@gmail.com with a carbon copy to tsimos.conf09@gmail.com (after scan - Please don't send FAX). The  submission form   can   be  found  here. This is  a  required  option  for your participation in ICNAAM 2011 


      b) The author must prepare his/her short  paper-extended  abstract  according  to the instructions mentioned above and using thetemplate files OR  LaTeX  style files given above. The length of the short paper- extended abstract must  be  of 3-4 pages.


        c) The  author   must   send   his/her   paper   for   review  to  the  e-mail  address: tsimos.conf@gmail.com with a carbon copy to tsimos.conf09@gmail.com


        d) After  review  a  revision  and  final  version  of  the  paper  must  be  provided. Together   with   this   material   the   copyright   transfer   agreement   must  be downloaded from here, must  be signed by INK and must be send to the e-mail address: tsimos.conf@gmail.com with a carbon copy to tsimos.conf09@gmail.com (after scan). PLEASE DO NOT SEND FAX

If a participant wants to send a paper to a Symposium (see at http://www.icnaam.org/Sessions_Minisymposia.htm)  the e-mail addresses of the organizer(s) of the specific Symposium must be used.

The journals in which selected full papers of ICNAAM 2011 will be published are


Journal of Numerical Analysis, Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JNAIAM) (Promacon), which is the official journal of European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering



Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (Wiley & Sons)