Dates of Importance


Important Dates

Early registration expiry date (i.e. fees have been paid and a bank transaction receipt is succesfully sent to the fax (+35726952052 new fax nr.) of the Secretary of ICNAAM or a Visa-Master-American Express Card has been charged): 30 May 2020
Normal registration expiry date (i.e. fees have been paid and a bank transaction receipt is succesfully sent to the fax (+35726952052 new fax nr.) of the Secretary of ICNAAM or a Visa-Master-American Express Card has been charged): 04 July 2020
Late registration expiry date (i.e. fees have been paid and a bank transaction receipt is succesfully sent to the fax (+35726952052 new fax nr.) of the Secretary of ICNAAM or a Visa-Master-American Express Card has been charged):

30 July 2020
Extended to 10 September 2020

Submission of extended abstracts:

26 July 2020
31 August 2020 - EXTENDED

Late Submissions 10 September 2019
Notification of acceptance: 1 August 2020*
Submission of the source files of camera ready extended abstracts to American Institute of Physics (AIP Conference Proceedings): 11 October 2020
Submission of full papers for consideration for publication in the journals: 30 September 2020 - 31 January 2021

* Deadline for submission of the extended abstracts is extended from 26 July 2020 to 31 August 2020.
   Please notice that for the papers received after 26 July 2020 the Notification of Acceptance date is: 5 September 2020