Special issue call for papers from ICNAAM 2019
The 17th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2019) was held in September 23-28, 2019 at the Sheraton Rhodes Resort, Rhodes, Greece. ICNAAM provides an international meeting for sharing and discussing the latest research and knowledge in numerical analysis and applied mathematics. It aims to bring together computational and applied mathematicians across the globe including researchers in the early stages of their careers and others who are very well-known in their field. With the fast development of computational sciences and engineering, ICNAAM has witnessed an exponential growth of mathematical sciences and an unprecedentedly broad range of real-life applications of mathematics and numerical analysis.
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences announces an open call for quality papers devoted to selected full papers from ICNAAM 2019. All contributing authors from ICNAAM 2019 are invited to submit a full paper version of their short paper accepted and presented during ICNAAM 2019.
Submission Details
Potential authors are strongly advised to submit original papers that report substantial enhancements with respect to the short papers including further results and should acknowledge and cite the conference paper where appropriate. Authors also must obey with the instructions for authors and quality requirements of Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences. All selected papers will be subject to a new refereeing process according to the journal standards.
Authors that want to submit to the ICNAAM 2019 issue can find the author guidelines for preparation of their manuscript on the MMA homepage under Author Resources:
Subsequently, manuscripts can be submitted through the ScholarOne submission system after creating an account:
During submission, authors should select ICNAAM 2019 for the Special Issue Information.
Review process
General guidelines papers should be reviewed for appropriateness within a week of submission. Each submission is desk reviewed by the editors and, if it is judged appropriate for this special issue publication, it is then directed to at least two independent referees for a double-blind peer review. The average time to first decision should be less than 45 days. The average time from submission to acceptance should be less than 120 days.
Submission deadline: 30th September 2021 (submission site will be closed automatically)
Guest Editors
Editorial Committee for ICNAAM 2019 Special Issue:
Theodore E. Simos, Chairman of ICNAAM, Greece