ICNAAM 20119th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics
Leaflet of ICNAAM 2011 ICNAAM 2011, G-Hotels, Halkidiki, Greece, 19-25 September 2011
Since some participants have some problems when they try to upload the Web Page of registration: http://icnaamsupport.org/ we give the following guidelines:
New 27/08/2011: Transfer Services from and to the airport of Thessaloniki: Deadline for submission the forms: 10/09/2011
New 24/08/2011: Preliminary Program of ICNAAM 2011 Remarks until Sunday 28/08/2011
New 10/09/2011: Please book your room as soon as possible. Attention: 14/09/2011: We have been informed from G-Hotels that 19 and 20/09 the G-Hotels are FULL
New 25/07/2011: Transfer Services from and to the airport of Thessaloniki 1. Transfer Services 2. Travel Booking Form 3. CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION for Transfer Services
New 09/08/2011: Description of our Central Excursion: here New 23/07/2011: New deadline for the submission of papers: 27/07/2011
New 19/07/2011: It is a policy of ICNAAM to NOT publish papers in the AIP Conference Proceedings of ICNAAM, without payment of the fees
New 13/07/2011: Attention Macedonian Sun:Please do not choose this Hotel. Is now FULL and there aren’t free rooms to let
The platform for the registration and the accommodation is now open. You can register and book your room: here If it doen't work see below: See on the bottom of the page: http://www.icnaam.org/registration.htm guidelines for the requested steps for a successful registration
If you any reason you have problem with the platform then please download the form of registration-accommodation from here:
in PDF form or in .DOC form
and then complete it and send it to the fax of the Secretary of ICNAAM 2011: ++ 30 210 94 20 091 or (preferably) to the e-mail info@icnaamsupport.org. In the case of Bank Transfer, your registration and your accommodation are not valid until you send the Bank Slip of the Bank Transfer. In the case of payment via credit cards your registration and your accommodation are not valid until your card to be charged successfully. If you have any question and/or request, please contact the Secretary of ICNAAM at: tsimos.conf@gmail.com with a cc to tsimos.conf09@gmail.com
Honoring William Gear on the occasion of his 76th birthday
Invited Speakers (up until 02/11/2009):
We are proud to announce that the Proceedings of ICNAAM 2011 will be published in the very famous AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings. More information in here
Here is the AIP Conference Proceedings
Volume for ICNAAM 2007 and
its contents
Here is the AIP Conference Proceedings
Volume for ICNAAM 2008 and
its contents
Here is the AIP Conference Proceedings
Volume for ICNAAM 2009 and
its contents
Table of Announcements 1. Requirements in order one accepted paper to be included in the AIP Conference Proceedings of ICNAAM 2011
Young Scientist Excellence Award for ICNAAM We are happy to announce that the recipients of the ICNAAM
Young Scientists prize are 2005 1. Mr. Anastassi Zacharias, Laboratory of Computational Sciences, Department of Computer Science and Technology, School of Sciences and Technology, University of Peloponnese, Greece 2006 PhD Student Steven David Capper, Department of Mathematics, Imperial College of Science, Technology
and Medicine, London, UK Postdoc 1. Jeffrey S. Oval, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the
Sciences, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany.
Krijgslaan 281 S9, 9000 Gent Congratulations! Special Announcement International Conference of Numerical G-Hotels , Halkidiki, Greece, 19-25 September 2011PROMOTING THE WORK OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS
Special awards for
excellence in Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics In order someone to participate: 1. He/she must declare his participation at the desk of the Conference 2. He/she must declare if he/she is a PhD student or is a Post-doc (in this case he/she must present his/her PhD at most 3-4 years ago) 3. He/she must present his/her paper at the Conference 4. He/she must send his/her MSc Thesis and/or PhD Thesis