Preparation of the Extended Abstracts

Requirements in order for an accepted paper to be included in the AIP Conference Proceedings of ICNAAM 2012:

  • Submission of the Source Files of the accepted papers (.doc OR .tex + .eps for figures)
  • Submission for each accepted paper by e-mail (NO FAX) of the signed AIP Copyright Transfer Agreement (use the e-mail: with a carbon copy (cc) to
  • Submission of the bank transaction receipt of the payment of the fees OR submission of the registration form for credit cards.
  • The participants of ICNAAM 2012 must complete the present submission form and send it to the e-mail mentioned inside (this is a required option for the participation in ICNAAM 2012). Please DO NOT use FAX

Procedure for the submission of a paper for the Proceedings of ICNAAM 2012:

a) The author must send a completed submission form to the e-mail address: with a carbon copy to  The submission form can be found here. This is a required option for your participation in ICNAAM 2012.

b) The author must prepare his/her short paper-extended abstract according to the instructions mentioned above, by using the template files or LaTeX style files given below. The length of the short paper- extended abstract must be of 3-4 pages.

c) The author must send his/her paper for review to the e-mail address: with a carbon copy to

d) After the review, a revision and a final version of the paper must be provided. Along with this material, the copyright transfer agreement (downloaded from here) must be signed by ink, scanned and sent to the e-mail address: with a carbon copy to PLEASE DO NOT SEND A FAX

Guidelines for the preparation of a paper for the Proceedings of ICNAAM 2012:

  1. Instructions to the authors can be found here: 8.5 x 11 inch, single-column instruction booklet and 8.5 x 11 inch single-column sample paper, or here.

  2. The .doc template file can be downloaded here. Users Guide can be downloaded here.

  3. LaTeX guidelines can be downloaded here. Style files etc can be downloaded here.

  4. General Guidelines, template and style files can be found here.

Checklist to be used before sending camera ready papers for the Proceedings of ICNAAM 2012:

Is the paper prepared according to the .doc template or LaTeX style files of the AIP Conference Proceedings? Does it comply with the single-column sample paper?

Is the submission form and the copyright transfer agreement signed by ink and sent to the Organizing Committee (via the e-mail address: with a carbon copy to

Is the procedure for Request for Permission to Reprint Published Material followed (if such material exists in the paper)?

Is the paper sent to: with a carbon copy to



Only electronic submission of abstracts will be accepted and only electronic acceptance or rejection of abstracts will be sent.

For all the papers, the authors must check the above checklist. Here, you can find the Mathematics Subject  Classification Index (which is mentioned as Subject classification), in the case that you need it. If some points of the above checklist have not been verified, then your paper may be rejected for presentation and/or publication in the Proceedings of ICNAAM.

Here, you can find the Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme (PACS).