Procedures for the approval of a proposal for a Session-Workshop or Minisymposium
The organizer must provide:
1. A proposal for the organization of a Session-Workshop or Minisymposium.
2. A small description of his/her proposal (no more than 150 words).
3. A short CV.
4. Information about the procedures which will be followed for the promotion of that Session-Workshop or Minisymposium (the organizer is responsible for the promotion).
5. His/her full affiliations along with an e-mail adress for the submission of papers on the subject of the Session-Workshop or Minisymposium.
Attention Note: The maximum number of papers per author is four (4)
After the approval, the organizer will be the person responsible for the selection of the papers. The papers must be sent to the ICNAAM Secretariat until 22/7/2011. In the Proceedings of ICNAAM 2011 the Sessions-Workshops and Minisymposia will lie in a separate section of the Volume with a Preface created by the organizer. Occasionally, the organizer must inform us about the participation of his/her Session. If a Session consists of at least 6 registrations, the organizer will be granted free registration for ICNAAM 2011. If a Symposium consists of at least 8 registrations, the organizer will be granted free registration and have a part of the accomodation expenses covered.
If a participant wants to send a paper to a Symposium mentioned below, please use the e-mail address(es) of the organizer(s).
1) Title: "The 7th Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Pawel Kosinski, The University of Bergen, Department of Physics and Technology, The Process Technology Programme, Allegt 55, 5007 Bergen, Norway. Tel: +47 55 58 28 17, Fax: +47 55 58 94 40
URL address:
Description of the topic of the session:
Understanding fluid dynamics and heat transfer has been one of the major advances of mathematics, physics and engineering. Our symposium covers various subjects: from new numerical methods and fundamental research until engineering applications.
Topics of interest of the current symposium include (but not limited!):
- numerical methods for fluid flows and heat transfer
- turbulence
- multi-phase flows
- nanofluids
- non-Newtonian fluid dynamics
- free surface flows
- population balance modeling
- engineering applications of fluid dynamics and heat transfer
The URL address of the Symposium can be found here.
2) Title: "Fifth Symposium on Recent Trends in the Numerical Solution of Differential Equations"
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Luigi Brugnano, Dipartimento di Matematica "U.Dini", Universita` degli Studi di Firenze, Viale Morgagni 67/A, 50134 Firenze Italy. Tel. : +39 055 4237481, Fax. : +39 055 4222695. and Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Ewa B. Weinmüller, Department for Analysis and Scientific Computing, Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10/1152, A-1040 Wien, Austria.
E-mail: and
URL address of the Symposium:
3) Title: "9-th Symposium on Clifford Analysis and Applications"
Organizer: Prof. Klaus Gürlebeck, Weimar (Germany) and Prof. Wolfgang Sprößig, Freiberg (Germany)
E-mail: and
URL of the Symposium:
Description of the topic of the session:
Clifford analysis as refinement of harmonic analysis and generalization of the one-dimensional complex function theory plays an increasing role in different areas of mathematics, physics, computer science and engineering. The symposium aims to reflect the state of the art in pure and applied Clifford analysis and to give ideas for new developments.
We invite scientists and engineers working by means of quaternionic or Clifford analysis in
- pure and applied Clifford analysis or in harmonic analysis
- partial differential equations, boundary and initial value problems
- approximation theory and numerical simulations
- wavelets, with application in signal analysis and image processing as well as applications in numerical analysis
- differential geometry, analysis on manifolds
- practical applications in engineering sciences in general, in particular in applications in robotics and in classical mechanics
- special functions
- conformal and quasi-conformal mappings
- combinatorics, number theory
to contribute to the symposium.
4) Title: "3nd Symposium on Generating Functions of Special Numbers and Polynomials and Their Applications"
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Yilmaz Simsek, Akdeniz University, Faculty of Art &Science, Department of Matehmatics, 07058 Antalya-TURKEY
Description of the topic of the session:
The goal of the Symposium is to bring together all the researchers working in various fields of Mathematics, Mathematical Physics and related areas such as Analysis, Non-linear Analysis, Number Theory, Apply Algebra, p-adic Analysis, Special Functions, q-Analysis, Mathematical Physics and their applications. Our main aim is also to bring together theorical, numerical and apply analyst, number theorists, (quantum) physicist working in the areas of generating functions of the special numbers and polynomials and their applications. All of the participants will likely lead to significant uncover new connections on these fields which are Bernoulli, Euler, Genocchi, Stirling, Bell numbers and polynomials, the others, and also Riemann zeta functions, Hurwitz zeta functions, Lerch zeta functions, and Dirichlet L-functions.
5) Title: "Statistics and Modelling III"
Organizer: Dr. Milan Stehlík, Institut für angewandte Statistik, Freistädter Straße 315, A-4040 Linz, Austria
URL of the Symposium:,
Description of the topic of the session:
This session will address a recent developments in statistics and modelling. In particular also applications will be considered.
The URL of the Symposium is here
6) Title: "Computer Languages, Implementations, and Tools"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Zoran Budimac, Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, University of Novi Sad, Trg D. Obradovića 4, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia
Description of the topic of the session:
Research on programming languages is among the core and ‘classic’ disciplines of computer science. Today the term computer languages usually encompass not only programming languages but also all sorts of artificial languages for different purposes whose ‘sentences’ can be processed by a computer.
The aim of the symposium is to provide a forum for the dissemination of research accomplishments in areas that include all aspects of computer languages, their implementations, and related tools.
The list of topics includes, but is not limited to the following:
- Languages: theoretical aspects, programming languages of all paradigms, script languages, modeling languages, domain specific languages, graphical languages, markup languages, specification languages, transformation languages, formal languages …
- Implementations: theoretical aspects, compilers, interpreters, transformation systems, intermediate representations …
- Tools: theoretical aspects, software metrics, static analyzers …
7) Title: "Dynamical systems: a Framework for Robot Locomotion"
Organizers: Dr. Carla M.A. Pinto, Superior Institute of Engineering of Porto and Center of Mathematics of the University of Porto, Rua Dr António Bernardino de Almeida, 431, 4200-072 Porto, Portugal and Dr. Cristina M.P. Santos, University of Minho, Dept. Industrial Electronics, Campus de Azurem, 4800-058 Guimaraes, Portugal
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
Robot locomotion for any type of robots has been an interesting and challenging research issue in the last few years. The increasing use of robots to perform difficult tasks in dynamic and hard environments, sometimes unaccessible to humans, makes this study very important and relevant.
In this symposia, we focus on the use of the dynamical systems theory to address some still open questions regarding locomotion skills in robots. Dynamical systems exhibit some properties which makes them well suited to real-time robotic applications, such as movement generation for legged; modular and wheeled platforms; balance control; grasping; reaching, etc.
The organizers aim to provide a venue where researchers, scientists, engineers and practitioners throughout the world can present and discuss the latest achievements, future challenges and exciting new dynamical systems models that will enable to improve the locomotion skills of future robots.
8) Title: "2nd Symposium on Analysis of Quantum Field Theory"
Organizer: Dr. Ralf Hofmann, Privatdozent, Institut fuer Theoretische Physik, Universitaet Heidelberg, Philosophenweg 16, 69120 HEIDELBERG, Tel.: +49 (0) 721 608 22240
Description of the topic of the session:
The intention of this meeting is to bring together physicists and mathematicians working on analytically limitable and then numerically addressable aspects of interacting quantum field theories (preferably but not exclusively gauge theories) to discuss novel and fruitful ideas in this field. For more information on ICNAAM 2012 and how to register, please see:
Presently, the following 1-hour oral contributions are foreseen:
There are open slots for talks. People interested in giving a 30-to-60minute oral presentation of their work please contact the symposium organizer at
9) Title: "Numerical Functional Analysis"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Allaberen Ashyralyev, Fatih University, Turkey
Description of the topic of the session:
The Symposium is directed to leading experts in both Numerical Functional Analysis and Operator Theory, as well as their applications, thereby contributing to an inter-disciplinary collaboration. The main aim of this symposium is to provide impetus, motivation and to bring together researchers and scientists working in the fields of Numerical Functional Analysis and Operator Theory and Applications by providing a forum for the academic exchange of ideas and recent research works.
Areas of interest include but are not limited to:
- Partial Differential Equations and Applications,
- Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications,
- Difference Equations and Applications,
- Integral and Differential Operators Theory and Applications,
- Numerical Functional Analysis and Applications,
- Equations of Gas and Hydrodynamics,
- Local and Nonlocal Boundary Value Problems,
- Computational Methods,
- Numerical Methods,
- Fractional Differential Equations and Applications,
- The Linear Operator Interpolation Theory and Applications,
- The Theory of Semigroups of Operators and Applications,
- The Theory of Positive of Operators and Applications,
- Mathematical and Computer Modelling
10) Title: "Computational Bioimaging and Visualization"
Principal Organizer: Prof. Dr. João Manuel R. S. Tavares, Institute for Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management, Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, Phone: +351 22 508 1487, URL: Co-organizer: Dr. R. M. Natal Jorge, IDMEC-Polo FEUP, Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, Phone: +351 22 508 1720
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
In recent years extensive research has been performed in numerical modelling of objects and visualization for several distinct areas of science, namely, computer sciences, engineering, mathematics, medicine and physics. A major application of numerical modelling of objects and visualization is in medicine. For instance, it is possible to use computational procedures from medical imaging data to build numerical models and visualize human organs. These procedures can have different goals, such as shape reconstruction, segmentation, motion and deformation analyses, registration, simulation, visualization, etc.
The main goal of the proposed Minisymposium is to bring together researchers involved in the related fields (Image Acquisition, Image Segmentation, Objects Tracking, Objects Matching, Shape Reconstruction, Motion and Deformation Analysis, Medical Imaging, Scientific Visualization, Software Development, Grid Computing, etc.), in order to set the major lines of development for the near future.
The proposed Minisymposium will consist of researchers representing various fields related to Biomechanics, Computational Vision, Computer Graphics, Computational Mechanics, Mathematics, Medical Imaging, Scientific Visualization, Statistics, etc. The Minisymposium endeavors to make a contribution to achieving better solutions for more realistic computational “living” models, and attempts to establish a bridge between clinicians and researchers from these diverse fields.
11) Title: "2012 Interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems"
Organizers: Mr. Ali Sanayei, Member of the Complex Systems Society (CSS), Member in Group on Statistical & Nonlinear Physics, American Physical Society; Dr. Hector Zenil, Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, UK; Member of the Turing Centenary Advisory Committee; Special Projects Department, Wolfram Research, USA; Prof. Dr. Otto E. Rössler, Institute for Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, University of Tübingen, Germany.
E-mail: ;
URL address of the symposium:
Poster of the Symposium: here
Description of the topic of the session:
The theory of "complex systems" deals with dynamical systems containing a very large number of variables, showing a plethora of emergent features, arising in a broad range of contexts. The main aim of the "2012 Interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems" is to bring together researchers working on complex systems. We invite scientists, researchers, engineers, and students to submit papers or attend.
The main theme of this year is "Computation and Complexity of Nature". All works covering the main theme presented in the following topics (but are not limited to) are welcome:
- Modeling complex systems
- Complex and adaptive dynamical systems
- Evolution of complexity
- Self-organized systems
- Complexity measurement
- Complexity and information theory
- (Random) Boolean networks
- Cellular automata
- Controlling complexity
- Chaotic dynamical systems
- Determinism behind thermodynamics and anti-thermodynamics
- Cosmology
- Synchronization and information in dynamical networks
- Chaos control
- Quantum dynamics
- Quantum chaos
- Complex dynamics in biological systems
- Molecular dynamics simulations
- Complex adaptive human systems
- Natural selection and Darwinian dynamics
- Cybernetics
12) Title: "Boundary value problems and integral equations with applications"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Pavel Krutitskii, Keldysh Institute for Applied Mathematics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Department 4, Miusskaya Sq. 4, Moscow 125047, Russia.
Description of the topic of the session:
The symposium is devoted to advances in analysis of both boundary value problems and integral equations. Applications to practical problems in different fields of physics, mechanics, engineering will be discussed. Integral equation method is a constructive method for solving boundary value problems for differential equations. It enables us to obtain integral representation for a solution of a boundary value problem, to reduce the problem to the integral equation, to study asymptotic behaviour of a solution, and to suggest a computational scheme for finding a numerical solution. This general approach is applicable to practical problems in many applications such as acoustic scattering, electromagnetics, fluid dynamics, elasticity, thermodynamics, theoretical physics, nano-technology etc.
Other constructive methods for analysis of both boundary value problems and integral equations are included to this symposium as well, for instance, asymptotic methods, functional analitic methods, construcion of explicit solutions,
analysis of singularities of solutions, numerical methods.
Topics of the Symposium include:
- Boundary value problems for differential equations
- Integral equations
- Asymptotic methods
- Functional analitic methods
- Construcion of explicit solutions including the method of separation of variables
- Analysis of singularities of solutions
- Applications to physics, mechanics, engineering and problems in nano-technology.
- Numerical methods
13) Title: "Recent Advances and Current Research on the Difference Equations and its Applications"
Organizer: Professor Dr. Seifedine Kadry, American University of the Middle East, Kuwait. Telephone: + (965) 2225 1400 - Fax: + (965) 22251427
Description of the topic of the session:
Difference Equation or discrete dynamical system is a very interesting subject because they are central to the analysis of many models of dynamic programming and we can derive many complex behavior based on simple formulation. The aim of this symposium is to discuss the new developments in the field of difference equations, and their applications.
Topics of interest include but not limited to:
- Solution of the difference equation and its behavior,
- equilibrium or critical value and stability
- general theory of difference equations
- random difference equations
- iteration theory
- bifurcation theory
- mathematical biology
- control theory
- chaotic dynamics
- complex dynamics
- iterated function systems
- numerical approximations
- discretization of differential equations
- dynamic equations on time scales
- discrete equations and inequalities
- discrete transformations
- functional equations
- orthogonal polynomials
- stochastic processes
- industrial mathematics
- mathematical engineering
- discrete models
- applications in economics, physics and other disciplines
- difference-differential equations
- computational linear algebra
- combinatorics
- evolutionary game theory
14) Title: "3rd Symposium on Semigroups of Linear Operators and Applications"
Organizer: Dr. Ludovic Dan Lemle, Politehnica University of Timisoara, The Engineering Faculty of Hunedoara, 5, Revolutiei street, 331128 Hunedoara, Romania
Description of the topic of the session:
The 3nd Symposium on Semigroups of Linear Operators and Applications brings together researchers from all the world to present new results in the theory of linear operators and its applications. Besides scheduling talks from established mathematicians, we will give opportunity to junior researchers to present their works.
The topic covered by Symposium include (but is not limited to):
-theory of semigroups of linear operators:
- Groups and Semigroups of Linear Operators
- One-parameter Semigroups and Linear Evolution Equations
- Markov Semigroups and Applications to Diffusion Processes
- Schrödinger and Feynman-Kac Semigroups
- Operator Sine and Cosine Functions
- C-semigroups
- Integrated Semigroups
-and its applications to:
- Diffusion Processes
- Diffusion Processes and Stochastic Analysis on Manifolds
- Selfadjoint Operator Theory in Quantum Theory
- Dynamic Lattice Systems
15) Title: "Recent Developments in Modeling and Simulation for Partial Differential Equations (PDEs)"
Organizers: Dr. Mohammad Siddique, Professor of Mathematics, Fayetteville State University, NC, USA and Professor of Mathematics, Prince Sultan University, KSA and Dr. Abir Alharbi, Associate Professor, King Saud University, SA
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
For more than two centuries, partial differential equations (PDEs) have been the most important tool to understand a large variety of phenomena in science and engineering. Mathematical modeling methods based on partial differential equations form an important part of contemporary science and are widely used in engineering and scientific applications. The goal of this symposium is to bring together researchers and mathematicians to discuss advancements and fruitful ideas in this field. Topics of interest include but not limited to:
- Numerical methods for linear and nonlinear parabolic problems.
- Numerical methods for linear and nonlinear hyperbolic problems.
- Numerical methods for linear and nonlinear elliptic problems.
- Domain decomposition methods, with applications to scattering problems for wave models.
- Discontinuous Galerkin and mixed finite element methods for linear and nonlinear problems.
- Numerical simulation of problems in fluid mechanics that involve free surfaces and moving boundaries.
- The finite difference solution of a problem from spectral geometry.
- Inverse problems in geology, medicine, mechanics and many other natural sciences.
- Simulation of finance related processes modeled by parabolic variational inequalities.
May 1, 2012: submit your 3-4 pages manuscript (i.e. the paper that will be published in the AIP proceedings) according to the rules. Please click for details:
Please submit: 1. Manuscript, 2. Transfer of Copyright form (scanned), 3. Submission Form (scanned) to the symposium organizer at:
Please send all the three documents in one message!
People interested in giving a 15 – 20 minute oral presentation plus 10 minutes for Q/A of their work please contact the symposium organizer at
16) Title: "Numerical Optimization and Applications"
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Ana Isabel Pereira, Polytechnic Institute of Braganca, Instituto Politécnico de Braganca, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão - Gabinete 54, 5301-857 Bragança - Portugal and Prof. Dr. M. Fernanda P. Costa, University of Minho, Department of Mathematics and Applications, University of Minho, Campus de Azurém, 4800-058 Guimarães, Portugal
E-mail: and
URL address:
Description of the topic of the session:
Numerical Optimization Session emphasizes modeling, theory and study of numerical algorithms for solving optimization problems. Because of the wide and growing use of optimization in science, engineering, economics, finance and industry, it is important to develop an understanding of optimization algorithms. Knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of these algorithms leads to a better understanding of their impact on various applications, and points the way to future research on improving and extending optimization algorithms and software. Our goal in this session is to give a description of the some powerful, techniques for solving continuous optimization problems.
17) Title: "Multiscale methods and their application to the problems arising in complex system’s modeling"
Organizers: Dr. Eugene Postnikov, Head of the Theoretical Physics Department of the Research Center for Condensed Matter Physics & Associate Professor at the General Physics Department, Kursk State University, Radishcheva st., 33. Kursk 305000, Russia. Tel./fax: +7-4712-56-14-39;
Description of the topic of the session:
The main goal of this Symposium is to bring together specialists in numerical methods as well as physicists, biophysicists, chemists, etc, which need multiscale approach to model processes with a presence of various scales. For example, this area includes (but is not restricted by) methods as:
- Wavelets, their applications and interconnections with differential equations;
- Multiscale methods for stiff ODE, PDE, integral and integro-differential equations;
- Coarse-graining methods representing networks and fractal structures as a multiscale continuous media
and their applications to:
- Modern problems of population dynamics and mathematical epidemiology, which need to take into account various scales of human mobility.
- Mathematical modeling of chemical and biochemical oscillations and waves in complex non-uniform media.
18) Title: "Distance Functions and Mathematical Models in Computer Science"
Organizer: Professor Salvador Romaguera, Instituto Universitario de Matematica Pura y Aplicada-IUMPA, Universidad Politecnica de Valencia, Spain
Description of the topic of the session:
Some generalized metric spaces, as quasi-metric and partial metric spaces, provide efficient tools to construct quantitative models in the theory of computation, when they are combined with suitable structures of the domain theory as (continuous) dcpo’s. On the other hand, the theory of (quasi-metric) Complexity Spaces relies on an adaptation of techniques of Denotational Semantics to the context of Complexity Theory. The applicability of the theory of complexity spaces to the complexity analysis of algorithms has been illustrated by several authors, based on fixed point techniques on (complete) quasi-metric and partial metric spaces. Recently, it was demonstrated that the notion of a fuzzy quasi-metric space allows us to improve the asymptotical information provided by the quasi-metric complexity space.
Topics to be covered include (but are not limited to):
- Quantitative computational models of computation: domain theory, quasi-metric and fuzzy (quasi-)metric structures.
- Approximation methods and fixed point theorems in quasi-metric and partial metric spaces.
- Complexity spaces and denotational semantics.
19) Title: "Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets: Theory and Applications"
Organizer: Dr.R.Parvathi, Head, Department of Mathematics, Vellalar College for Women, Erode – 638 012, TN, India. Phone: Office : + 91 424 2431 325, Fax: + 91 424 2431 425, Mobile: +91 94873 23070
Description of the topic of the session:
The Session will focus on the recent developments in the theory and applications of intuitionistic fuzzy sets. The ultimate aim of this symposium is to bring together the researchers in the field of intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Papers are invited on, but not limited to, the following topics.
- Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets – Theory
- Operators on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets
- Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graphs and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Hypergraphs
- Intuitionistic Fuzzy Measures
- Intuitionistic Fuzzy relations
- Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topology
- Intuitionistic Fuzzy Algebra
- Construction of non-membership function using neural networks
and their applications to
- Image, Signal, Video Processing
- Medical Imaging
- Pattern recognition
- Decision making
20) Title: "Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences"
Organizer: Dr. rer. nat. Claus-Peter Ruckemann, Leibniz Universitat Hannover, Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster (WWU), North-German Supercomputing Alliance (HLRN), Germany
Description of the topic of the session:
This Symposium on Advanced Computation and Information in Natural and Applied Sciences focusses on architectures and methods for high end computational and numerical applications. Up to date computing and information systems (software,communication, and architectures) are an undispensable tool for progress in various scientific fields.
We invite scientists and engineers using and implementing computation and information systems, High Performance Computing, Coud Computing, and Grid Computing for scientific research, engineering, education, and future internet applications.
Authors are invited to submit complete unpublished papers for Peer Review, which are not under review in any other conference or journal in the following, but not limited to, the following topic areas of this Symposium.
- Large scale and fast computation
- Information and computing systems
- Software engineering for high end systems and applications
- High Performance Computing (HPC)
- High End Computing, Cloud Computing, Grid Computing, distributed systems
- Services computing
- Database applications
- Data processing
- Efficient algorithms, Parallelization of algorithms and applications
- Integrated frameworks for computation and information
- Large scale data visualization
- Parallel algorithms, MPI, OpenMP
- Optimization and Highly performance codes
- Programming languages, tools for parallelization
- Advanced applications and algorithms
- Computer science, natural sciences, geosciences
- Life sciences, medical applications
- Simulation and modelling
- Scientific data processing
- Computation frameworks and tools
- Education, e-Learning, and e-Science
- Legal informatics, Technical-legal context, Science and Open Access
- Evaluation context
- Performance measurement
- Energy consumption
- Web services and performance
- Applications and benchmarking
- Networks and systems communications
- Future Internet broadband services and applications
- Resources and object certification, public key infrastructures
- Data integrity
- Privacy and anonymity
- Networks/systems measurement, control and management, simulation and emulation
- Quality of Service, Data, and Context (QoS / QoD / QoC)
- e-Commerce, accounting, pricing and billing
- Use of distributed compute and storage resources
- Energy-aware mechanisms for control and management
- Configuration, reuse of software components
- Resource allocation and management
- System and data security; Communication visualization
21) Title: "On the Numerical Solutions of Nonlinear Parabolic Equation"
Organizer: Dr. Mikheil Tutberidze, Associated Professor at Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia
Description of the topic of the session:
The Symposium is dedicated to the problem of numerical solution of nonlinear parabolic equations using difference schemes. The papers submitted to symposium should include:
- investigations of the problems of existence and uniqueness of solution of difference scheme,
- investigation of the iteration process for finding of solution of difference scheme,
- investigation of the problem of convergence of difference scheme and
- other related investigations.
22) Title: "Error Correction Methods for Stiff Initial Value Problems"
Organizer: Prof. SangDong KIM, Department of Mathematics, Kyungpook National university, Daegu, Korea, +82-53-950-5883
Description of the topic of the session:
The goal of this symposium is to get discussing recent developments on numerical methodologies required in solving stiff initial value problems even if many methodologies have been known. The main object is to discuss possible numerical methodologies which take the advantages from both implicit and explicit numerical methods for those problems. This symposium focuses on how stiffness problems can be handled without an iteration process required in implicit methods by keeping stability and high-order convergence. The related themes include applications to time dependent partial differential equations.
23) Title: "Plastic deformation modelling in the grain boundary region"
Organizer: Dr. Anxin Ma, Research Group Leader, ICAMS, Ruhr-Universitaet Bochum, Stiepeler Str. 129, 44801 Bochum, Tel: +49 234 32 29376, Fax: +49 234 32 14984
Description of the topic of the session:
Grain boundaries (GB) play an important role in the plastic deformation of ultra-fine-grained materials. To describe the deformation of such materials, it is important to understand the specific hardening mechanism of GBs, the dislocation-GB interactions, the damage accumulations near GBs and even the cohesive model of GBs with different misorientations. This symposium welcomes contributions focusing on topics such as nonlocal constitutive model development, dislocation dynamics studies considering grain boundary influence, cohesive model development for GBs using molecular dynamics and ab-initio approaches, GB motion modelling by deformation-phase field coupling approaches.
24) Title: "Nonlinear Stochastic Systems Computations"
Organizer: Dr. Magdy A. El-Tawil, Professor of mathematics, Cairo university, Faculty of Engineering, Engineering Mathematics department, Giza, Egypt.
Description of the topic of the session:
The computations of probability density function (p.d.f.) or statistical moments of solutions of many stochastic systems are not always available in an analytical sense. One has to describe approximate methods to get approximate solutions for such uncertain systems. The high developments in computers, in general, and mainly in symbolic computations enlarge the usability of old and modern techniques which are computationally tedious, Pickard approximations for example.
The aim of this session is to present some of such methods and techniques adapted to stochastic systems, for example: stochastic finite element (SFEM), stochastic finite difference, Pickard approximation, variational iteration method (VIM) and its modification, Adomian decomposition method (ADM), homotopy analysis method and WHEP technique.
Interested researchers in this mini symposium are invited to submit their manuscripts for the organizer through E-mail. They will be E-mailed with the next steps after reviewing.
25) Title: "Direct Hamiltonization - the Generalization of the Alternative Hamiltonization"
Organizer: Dr. Maria Lewtchuk Espindola, Professora Associada II DM/CCEN/UFPB, Mathematics Department, Centro de Ciências Exatas e da Natureza, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil.
E-mail: or
Description of the topic of the session:
A new procedure named direct Hamiltonization gives another foundation to Analytical Mechanics, since in this formalism the Hamiltonian function can be obtained for all mechanical systems.
The purpose of this symposium is the dissemination of these new foundations to Analytical Mechanics and the discussion of the range of these new foundations.
The principal change proposed in this procedure is that the conjugate momenta cannot be defined a priori, but are established as a consequence of a canonical description of the mechanical system. The direct Hamiltonization is a generalization of the alternative one, where the usual Hamiltonization and momenta is recovered whenever it exists. Also this procedure assures the existence of a Hamiltonian function without any constraints for any mechanical system, therefore the usual quantization is always allowed. This procedure can be also applied for any field theory giving a Hamiltonian density without any constraints.
Topics of interest of the current symposium include (but not limited!):
- Analytical Mechanics Foundations
- Direct Hamiltonization
- Alternative Hamiltonization
- Hamiltonian Mechanics
- Dirac or Singular Mechanics
- Non Lagrangian Systems
- Nambu Mechanics
- Non Holonomic Systems
- Quantization of Direct Hamiltonization
- Direct Hamiltonization for Field Theories
- Hamiltonization for Singular Field Theories
26) Title: "Mathematical Methods in Biophysics and Genomics III"
Organizers: Prof. Stefanella Boatto, Departamento de Matematica Aplicada, Instituto de Matematica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and Prof Julie Mitchell, Departments of Mathematics and of Biochemestry, University of Wisconsin - Madison WI 53703, USA,
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
Quantitative methods can offer important insights into the study of biological systems, for example by predicting their evolution, as hoped when dealing with cancer therapy or with epidemics. The goal of the minisymposium is to present a broad spectrum of mathematical approaches and applications to epidemiology, protein structures, protein coding, cancer modeling.
Topics of interest include:
- Protein interactions and design
- Biochemical network dynamics
- Circulation and blood flow
- Cancer and stem cells
- Bacterial swarming and chemotaxis
- Gene regulatory networks
- Evolutionary dynamics
- Epidemiological models and complex networks
- Neural networks dynamics
27) Title: "The First Symposium on Computer Science and Applied Mathematics (CSAM 2012)"
Organizers: Mr. Cheng-Lian Liu, Department of Mathematics , Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, Surrey, TW200EX, UK and Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University, Fuqing 350300, China and Dr. Shu-Liang Sun, Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, Fuqing Branch of Fujian Normal University, Fuqing 350300, China
E-mail: or
Call for papers: CSAM 2012-E1.pdf
Description of the topic of the session:
The first Symposium on CSAM 2012 is a part of 10th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2012 (ICNAAM 2012) that will be held on September 19-25, 2012 in Kypriotis Hotels and Conference Center,, Kos, Greece (
Computer Science and Applied Mathematics Symposium focuses on new methods, technologies and applications of computer science and mathematics. The aim is to amalgamate some recent theoretical and empirical contributions that reflect current changes in technology and develop associations and interactions between ranges of disciplines.
Papers that address in Symposium on CSAM 2012 related to the following categories are welcomed. Some of key areas of focus are (but not limited):
- Computational Mathematics
- Computer & Network Security
- Fuzzy logic & Fuzzy Set & ( Fuzzy ) Automata
- Pattern Recognition
- Soft Computing
- Information Security & Cryptography
- Electronic Commerce
The manuscripts should be submitted to the Symposium Chairs only by Email at: or Submitted paper should be in AIP (American Institute of Physics) format and should not exceed 4 pages.
28) Title: "New Trends on the Integro-Differential Equations"
Organizer: Prof. Shihchung Chiang, Department of Applied Statistics, Chung Hua University, Hsin Chu, Taiwan
Description of the topic of the session:
In this symposium, we will try to discuss all the recent researches on the Integro-Differential Equations of all kinds and their applications
29) Title: "Crack and Fracture Problems in Piezo-Electric-Magnetic Matrix"
Organizer: Prof. R.R.Bhargava,Professor,Department of Mathematics,Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,Roorkee,India. Tel: +919411372186 and +91759019839
Description of the topic of the session:
The purposed minisymposia is floated with the concept to bring together the experimentalists,computer and mathematical simulators and the theoriticians to deliberate on various cracking/fracture aspects of these advanced materials.The crack propagation /arrest problems will be addressed for the ceramics( but not limited to):
- megnatostrictives
- piezoelectrics
- piezoelectromegnetics
- poro-piezo-electro-magnetics etc.
30) Title: "First Symposium on Spline Functions"
Organizer: Dr. Vijay Kumar Kukreja, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering & Technology, Longowal – 148106 (Punjab) INDIA, Phone No.: +91 1672 253268 (O), Mobile No.: +91 94630 17135 (M).
Description of the topic of the session:
ICNAAM has a distinctive and balanced international contribution, with emphasis on papers dealing with all branches of applied mathematics. In particular, this symposium will provide an opportunity for the interaction of applied mathematicians, engineers and scientists dealing with spline functions and their applications. Young researchers and Ph.D. students will find the environment particularly welcoming.
Main attraction of symposium includes (but not limited to)
- Linear / Non Linear ODEs and PDEs.
- Singular Perturbation Problems.
- Integral Equations.
- Convergence and Stability of Spline Functions.
- Computational Fluid Dynamics.
- Computer Graphics and Visualisation.
- Computational Geometry and Topology.
- Image and Signal Processing.
- Interpolation and Smoothing.
- Models of Biomedical and Biochemical Sciences.
- Any Other Industrial Applications.
People interested in giving an oral presentation of 15–20 minute plus 5 minutes for questions and answers can submit a 3-4 pages manuscript to the symposium organizer at: Guidelines for the preparation of a manuscript are available at: Papers will be published in the famous AIP Proceedings. Last date for submission of manuscript is May 1, 2012.
For any information regarding Paper Submission / Registration Fee/ Accommodation etc. please visit the site
31) Title: "Numerical Methods for Singular Perturbation Problems: Differential Equations and Differential–Difference equations"
Organizer: Dr. P. Pramod Chakravarthy, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, 440010, Maharastra, INDIA.
Description of the topic of the session:
The symposium will have invited talks and paper presentation sessions.
The symposium aims at bringing together scientists and engineers from academia, research laboratories, and industry, to present results of the latest studies in the areas of Numerical Methods for Singular perturbation Problems: Differential Equations and Differential–Difference equations. Short papers are solicited on all aspects of research, development, and application in the following topics:
- Initial value techniques
- Boundary value techniques
- Fitted operator and fitted mesh methods
- Adaptive grid methods
- Asymptotic numerical methods
- Spline methods
- Higher order stable finite difference methods
for singularly perturbed differential equations and singularly perturbed differential difference equations
32) Title: "Texture Modeling in Image Processing"
Organizer: Dr. Yunho Kim, Department of Mathematics, University of California, Irvine.
Description of the topic of the session:
This symposium is to present new ideas on image decomposition at large. Image decomposition is to decompose images into several different components with unique features and many different image processing tasks can be interpreted in the image decomposition context. If we know a priori knowledge about some features present in images, then we can take advantage of them in restoring better images. We are particularly interested in texture modeling. Texture modeling is a very interesting and hard problem in that it is easily mistaken either by noise, which is the most unwanted component, or by edges, which are important characteristics in images, and we cannot yet well characterize different texture patterns without learning some dictionary. The importance of texture modeling lies in that texture modeling will reveal the underlying oscillating structure. Hence, the main objective is to present variational/PDE/statistical/learning methods for texture extraction with or without noise. This will eventually improve our understanding data.
33) Title: "KFVS Scheme for Compressible Two-phase Flow Models Containing Non-conservative Products"
Organizer: Prof.Dr. Shuanghu Wang, Institution of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics,Beijing,China, No.2, Fenghaodong Road, Haidian District, Beijing, China,100094, Tel: 86-010-59872182, Fax: 86-010-59872587.
Description of the topic of the session:
In recent decades, the development of numerical methods for compressible two-phase flow models containing non-conservative products which arise in various natural phenomena and technological applications has attracted much attention. It is a difficult task to devise a Riemann solver for the models since they are always large hyperbolic systems with non-conservative terms.
Kinetic Flux Splitting Scheme(KFVS), one kind of well-developed kinetic schemes, has been widely used for the flow simulations in gas dynamics. It has been found that KFVS scheme needs not to construct the complicated time-consuming Riemann solvers and can give better resolution compared to the central schemes. Due to its simplicity, KFVS scheme can be easily extended to solve large hyperbolic systems such as MHD, RHE and etc.
The goal of this Symposium is to provide a forum for all researchers throughout the world to discuss the new developments in the field of KFVS for compressible two-phase flow models.
34) Title: "Allelopathic Phytoplankton Model with Stochastic Perturbation"
Organizer: Dr. Syed Abbas, Assistant Professor, School of Basic Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, Mandi, 175001, Himachal Pradesh, India.
Description of the topic of the session:
One important area within Ecological modeling is to study of phytopanktons. The plant species of plankton community are known as phytoplankton and they are acting as a basic food source within any aquatic environment. They play crucial role towards the regulation of global carbon cycle and which in turn has a significant impact on the climate. Stochastic models are very important in order to understand the effect of environmental fluctuation on the time evolution of the species. Recent advances in stochastic differential equations enable us to introduce stochasticity into the model of physical phenomena, whether it is a random noise in the system of differential equations or environmental fluctuations in parameters. Modelling population dynamics in random environment is a way of studying the fluctuations of population size that has been affected by the stochasticity of external factors like weather.
The main objective of this symposium is to bring different research groups in these related areas together and to explore new dimension in these areas.
We kindly invite mathematicians/scientists working in the following areas:
- Phytoplankton Modeling
- Stochastic Modeling
- Ordinary/Delay Differential Equations
35) Title: "Variational Inequalities : Numerical Methods and Applications"
Organizer: Professeur Habilite (Associate Professor) El Bekkaye Mermri, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science, University Mohammed Premier, Oujda 60050, Morocco
Description of the topic of the session:
The theory of variational inequalities plays a fundamental role in different areas of applied mathematics. Since its foundation in the sixties of the last century, several developments and applications to practical problems have been done. Various problems arising from physics, mechanics, finance, etc., are formulated in term of variational inequalities.
The aim of the symposium is to bring together researchers and scientists working on numerical methods for variational inequalies and their applications to present and discuss recent developments in the field. A particular interest will be devoted (but not limited to) to numerical methods for solving obstacle problem and semilinear obstacle problem, and their applications.
Authors interested in giving a 20 minute oral presentation of their work please contact the symposium organizer at:
Guidelines for the preparation of a manuscript are available at:
Last date for submission of manuscript is May 15, 2012.
36) Title: "Evolutionary Processes on Graphs"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Burton Voorhees, Center for Science, Athabasca University, 1 University Drive, Athabasca, AB, CANADA T9S 3A3
Description of the topic of the session:
Over the past few years the topic of evolutionary processes on graphs has attracted extensive attention. In this research, weighted graphs are used to model structure in populations. Questions considered include mutant fixation probabilities, time to fixation, evolutionary games on graphs, spread of errors, evolution of cooperation, and epidemiology. A major obstacle to analytic studies, however, is the high degree of computational complexity involved. For example, given a general graph with N nodes, computation of fixation probability can require solution of on the order of 2N linear equations in an equal number of unknowns. For this reason, most studies focus either on small graphs, graphs with large automorphism groups, or numerical simulations. The goal of this symposium is to review current progress and explore possible areas of application.
37) Title: "Applications and Theory for Uncertainty Quantification and Optimization in Large-Scale Problems"
Organizers: Dr. Kody J. H. Law, Mathematics Institute?Zeeman Building, B2.37, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL UK Phone: +44 (0)24 7652 8332 and Dr. Marco Iglesias, Mathematics Institute, Zeeman Building, B1.34, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL UK, Phone: +44 (0)24 7657 4827
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
This mini-symposium aims to bring together leading researchers in the areas of mathematical, computational, and statistical methods for uncertainty quantification and for optimization in large-scale statistical inverse problems. Topics will include, but are not limited to filtering, smoothing, (S)PDEs, SDEs, data assimilation, optimization, pde-constrained optimization, control theory, inverse problems, regularization, geophysics, sub-surface, meteorology, signal processing, image processing, etc.
Papers should be submitted to either of the organizers.
38) Title: "Necessary Conditions for Pareto Minimizers and Applications in Mathematical Finance/Econimics"
Organizers: Prof. Bao Truong, Northern Michigan University, USA, and Prof. Dr. Christiane Tammer, Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Natural Sciences II, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
Vector optimization has its roots in economics, especially in equilibrium theory. During the last three decades it has been further extended to the so-called set-valued optimization; optimization problems with a set-valued objective. Vector/set-valued optimization seems to have the potential to become bridge between different areas in optimization. It has been discovered that models in mathematical finance and in welfare economics very naturally lead to vector/set-valued optimization problems.
Many classical problems such as bilevel programs, parametric optimization problems, robustness etc. can be viewed and studied from the new perspective of vector-valued or set-valued optimization.
The main purpose of this symposium is to present recent results on optimization from both primal-space and dual-space approaches corresponding to scalarization and variational techniques. Applications to finance/economics and other areas will be discussed.
Topics to be covered include (but are not limited to):
- Nonconvex separation techniques
- Variational principles and generalized differentiation
- Optimality conditions in vector/set-valued optimization
- Duality assertions in vector/set-valued optimization
- Applications to finance mathematics and welfare economics
39) Title: "PDE Models and Numerical Methods for Geophysical Flows"
Organizers: Prof. Jorge Balbás, Department of Mathematics, California State University, Northridge, USA and Prof. Dr. Hernández-Dueῆas, Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin, Madison
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
The Saint-Venant equations and similar shallow water models provide a good description of physical phenomena that have a direct impact in our daily lives and/or that may pose significant risks for entire populations and ecosystems. The formation and evolution of weather systems, oceanic flows, tsunamis, floods, or avalanches are just some examples of such phenomena, and the development of meaningful models for understanding and predicting them and the design of robust algorithms for computing their solutions is not a simple matter of scientic curiosity, but rather a necessity. The devastating effects and consequences of such phenomena has motivated research for understanding them, and over the past several years a significant effort has been devoted to the modeling and simulation of geophysical flows.
In this symposium we will discuss recent advances in the modeling of geophysical flows, the mathematical and computational challenges that they pose (e.g., dry-wet fronts, balance laws, loss of hyperbolicity, multi-scale phenomena), and algorithms and software available for their simulation. Particular attention will be given to large scale computations and models capable of capturing and describing multi-scale atmospheric phenomena. A non-exhaustive list of topics to be covered includes:
- shallow water models: single- and multi-layer flows in one and two dimensions
- erosion and sedimentation models
- models for tsunamis and avalanches
- climate models
- high-order numerical schemes
- large scale simulations and visualization
40) Title: "Computational Geometric Methods in Multibody System Design, Dynamics and Control"
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Andreas Müller, Institute of Mechatronics, 09126 Chemnitz, Germany and Prof. Dr. Zdravko Terze, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Dept. of Aeronautical Engineering, University of Zagreb, Ivana Lucica 5, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
Numerical multibody dynamics requires efficient and reliable formulations and computational methods eventually enabling real-time simulations of complex engineering systems. Geometric aspects of multibody systems are increasingly recognized to play a significant role in the development of advanced numerical methods. It is well-known that differential geometric methods are key concepts in mechanism design, as well as in the modeling and control of multibody and robotic systems. Advanced numerical integration schemes refer explicitly to the geometry of the dynamic system in question. As such structure preserving and Lie group integration methods were proposed for multibody dynamics simulation. Also non-linear control of multibody systems rests on robust and efficient formulations of the control problem, and the geometric properties reveal its essential characteristics. Merging concepts in multibody dynamics, non-linear control and mechanism theory will lead to efficient and robust numerical tools for the simulation and a better understanding of multibody dynamics.
This symposium will provide a platform for experts working in the broad area of computational mechanics, multibody dynamics and control, as well as mechanism theory with the special focus on numerical and geometric methods.
Contributions are solicited in the following areas:
- Discrete Mechanics, Multibody Systems (rigid and flexible)
- Continua and Structures
- Mechanisms and Robotics
- Non-Linear Control
- Holonomic and Nonholonomic Systems
- Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Systems
- Lie Group and Geometric Methods in Control
- Lie Group Integration Schemes
- Structure Preserving Integration Schemes
- Mechanism Design, Screw Theory
- Aerospace, Vehicle Dynamics, Biomechanics
- Real-Time Applications
41) Title: "Sequence spaces, Summability and Applications"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Ekrem Savas, Istanbul Ticaret(Commerce)University, Department of Mathematics, Uskudar-Istanbul/Turkey
Description of the topic of the session:
The session will focus on Functional Analysis in the context of Topological and Banach Sequence Spaces, especially related to Summability theory, Hausdorff Transformations, Probability Theory, and Fourier Series.
42) Title: "Numerical Solutions of Reaction-Diffusion and Convection-Diffusion Problems with Boundary and Interior Layers"
Organizers Dr. A. Ramesh Babu, Department of Mathematics, Srinivasa Ramanujan Centre, SASTRA University, Kumbakonam- 612 001, Tamilnadu, India
Description of the topic of the session:
The Symposium concentrates on Numerical schemes based on finite difference, finite element, finite volume, spline approximation, etc.., for reaction diffusion and convection diffusion problems which models problems occurring in fluid dynamics, mechanics, chemical reactions, aero dynamics, etc. but not limited to the above areas. We also concentrate on apriori and posteriori error estimates for the above said numerical methods. Our symposium requires computing part for the numerical schemes in the form of programming in C , MATLAB, MATHEMATICA, SCILAB etc.,
43) Title: "Sequences in Graphs and Digraphs"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. S. Pirzada, Department of Mathematics, University of Kashmir, Srinagar, India
Description of the topic of the session:
The last two decades have witnessed a large activity in graphs and digraphs because of its numerous applications in Computer Sciences and other branches of Mathematics. The concept of degree sequences, mark sequences, imbalances sequences, signed graph sequences and score sequences in graphs and digraphs have been extensively researched upon and have been instrumental in studying the structure of graphs and digraphs. This symposium is intended to bring togather the researchers in these fields, especially computer scientists, graph theorists and combinatorilists and share their view points.
44) Title: "Developments in Modeling and Simulation of Submicrometric Semiconductor Devices"
Organizers: Dr. Vincenza Di Stefano, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy, telephone number: +39 095 7337219; Prof. Orazio Muscato, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy, telephone number: +39 095 7383033.
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
In the last decays the very large scale integration technology has allowed the shrinkage of a single device to nanometric dimensions. As a consequence, large electric fields and field gradients are produced inside the material, which generate a very large quantity of heat as well as hot or energetic electrons, that drive the system out of thermal equilibrium and prevent the reliable operation of the integrated circuits. This regime can be tackled using kinetic transport models and hydrodynamic models, whose numerical solutions need robust deterministic and stochastic solvers.
The goal of the Symposium is to bring together all the researchers working in the field of the modeling and simulation of semiconductor devices of submicrometric dimensions, in order to show all the recent results and possible innovations.
45) Title: "Wavelet Theory and Applications"
Organizers: Prof. Dr. En-Bing Lin, Department of Mathematics, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, 48859, USA.
Description of the topic of the session:
The development of wavelet theory and applications has in recent years spawned in many different areas such as Frames, Gabor analysis, General Time-frequency analysis, Wavelet Transforms, Wavelet Packets, Medical Imaging, Multiresolution Analysis and their applications especially in Coding Algorithms, Spline Theory, Data Analysis, Partial Differential Equations, Integral Equations, Signal and Image Processing, Seismology, Fractal Analysis, Statistical Modeling, Approximation Theory, Digital Geometry and others. This symposium is to provide opportunities for researchers to present their new results and exchange new ideas on the above topics.
46) Title: "Shape Preserving Splines and Applications"
Organizers: Prof.Dr. Mridula Dube, Department of Mathematics and Computer Sc., R.D. University, Jabalpur, India.
Description of the topic of the session:
Under this title all kinds of shape preserving splines curves and surfaces will occur. They are like rational spline,trigonometric Bezier,B-splines, splines with geometric continuty,etc.
47) Title: "Efficient Numerical Techniques for Delay Differential Equations in Dynamic Diseases"
Organizers: Prof. Fathalla A. Rihan, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science, UAE University, Al-Ain, 17551, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
Description of the topic of the session:
Delay Differential Equations (DDEs) now occupy a place of central importance in all areas of science and particularly in the biological and physical sciences. They have a richer mathematical framework and better consistency (compared with models without memory or after-effects) when modeling biosciences phenomena. Examples occur in population dynamics (taking into account the gestation and the maturation time), infectious diseases (accounting for the incubation periods), physiological and pharmaceutical kinetics (modelling, for example, hematopoiesis and respiration, where the delays are due respectively to cell maturation and blood transport between lung and brain, etc.), chemical and enzyme kinetics (such as mixing reactants), and biological immune response (in which the antibody production by the B-cell population depends on the antigenic stimulation at earlier time. However, many such problems are stiff, in the sense that they have properties that make them slow and expensive to solve using explicit numerical methods. Difficulties due to stiffness often appear to be due to the differences in speed between the fastest and slowest components of the solutions, and stability constraints. The efficient use of reliable numerical methods (based in general on implicit formulae) for dealing with stiff DDEs involves a degree of sophistication not necessarily available to non-specialists.
The aim of this symposium is to provide suitable and efficient techniques for DDEs in Dynamic Diseases and Biosciences. The symposium reflects the state of the art in the field of study and gives ideas for new developments. The topics of interest include (but not limited!):
- Delay Differential Models in Biosciences and Dynamic Diseases;
- Numerical Methods for Non-Stiff and Stiff DDEs in Biosciences,
- Qualitative Behavior of DDEs in Biosciences.
48) Title: "Numerical Study of Optical Solitons"
Organizers: Dr. A. Keshavarz, Department of Physics, College of Basic Sciences, Shiraz University of Technology, Shiraz, Iran, Zip code: 71557-13786, P.O. Box: 71555-313, Tel.:+98-711-7261392, Fax: +98-711-7354523, URL:
Description of the topic of the session:
In mathematics and physics, a soliton is a solitary wave that maintains its shape while it travels at constant speed. The soliton phenomenon was first described by John Scott Russell (1808–1882) who observed a solitary wave in the Union Canal in Scotland. He reproduced the phenomenon in a wave tank and named it the “Wave of Translation”. Historically, the concept of solitons emerged in mathematics literature and was reserved for optical self-trapped beams obeying integrable nonlinear partial diferential equations. In nonlinear optics, the so called nonlinear Schroedinger equation represents such an example. However most nonlinear physical are described by non-integrable evolution equations. In this case the solution of the wave equation was referred to as “solirary wave”. In general, soliton and solitary waves have some apecific interaction and collision properties that differ from one another, but today's all self-trapped beams are called solitons.
In optics, the term soliton is used to refer to any optical field that does not change during propagation. Optical spatial solitons are self-trapped optical beams that propagate and interact with each other as real particles. Soliton generation is the result of strong nonlinear interaction between the light and propagating medium. Progress in this field occupies a unique position in optics and photonics.
Solitons can be formed in one and two transverse dimensions which are denoted by (1+1)D and (2+1)D respectively. However the situation in two dimensions is anisotropic and more complicated, So in order to study of the soliton characterization, one must resort to numerical methods that will involve two stages: First special methods are used to solve corresponding material equations, which be solved numerically, and Second is a beam propagation method which is used to propagate optical beam in a medium In addition for many experimental setups, we need to select the parameters that are resulted from numerical simulation, because of high sensitivity. In this way I suggest a symposium titled Numerical study of Optical Solitons, containing the following topics:
- Optical Solitons generation in differente media,
- Optical Solitons Propagation in fibers or crystals,
- Optical Solitons collisions and interactions,
- Special and temporal Optical Solitons,
- Bright and Dark Optical Solitons,
- Modeling of the Optical Solitons,
- Stability of the Optical Solitons,
- New Numerical Simulation of the Optical Solitons,
- Applications of the Optical Solitons.
Experts in these fields of study can exhibit their last researchers via poster or oral presentation.
49) Title: "Operators in Morrey-Type Spaces and Applications (OMTSA 2012)"
Organizers: Prof. Vagif S. Guliyev and Dr. Ali Akbulut, Department of Mathematics, Art & Science Faculty, Ahi Evran University, Bagbasi Campus, 40100 Kırşehi- TURKEY.
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
The international symposium Operators in general Morrey-type spaces and applications, will be held at ICNAAM 2012, Kypriotis Hotels and Conference Center, Kos, Greece, through 19-25 September 2012. Proceedings of the workshop will be published in the Conference Proceedings of ICNAAM.
The classical Morrey spaces were introduced by Charles Morrey in 1938 in order to investigate the local behaviour of solutions to second order elliptic partial differential equations and calculus of variations. They appeared to be very useful in many areas of mathematics, noticeably in Real Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and Mathematical Physics. There are a number of books on Morrey spaces and applications and numerous papers.
Despite all the recent progress in this area there are still many urgent open problems. For this reason it is of extreme importance and value to organize a symposium on this subject. This will allow to discuss the current state of art and perspectives of developments of this theory. Moreover, this will allow to introduce research and open problems on Morrey type spaces to wider mathematical in words.
We propose to invite mathematicians from America, Europe, Asian and other countries who are currently actively working in this area and also mathematicians who work in close areas and may be interested in joining investigations on general Morrey-type spaces and applications.
We hope attendance of leading mathematicians on this subject from all over the world will give invaluable boost to jump start new research topics by young mathematicians.
50) Title: "Seminar Course on Hadronic Mechanics"
Organizer: Richard Anderson, Chairman Organization Committee, The R. M. Santilli Foundation, and Prof. Dr. Christian Corda, International Institute for Theoretical Physics and Advanced Mathematics (IFM) Einstein-Galilei, Via Santa Gonda, 14 - 59100 Prato, Italy
E-mail: and
The detailed program of the 2012 Seminar Course on Hadronic mechanics can be accessed with the link
51) Title: "Stability and Control of Stochastic Systems"
Organizer: Dr. Dzhalladova Irada, Doctor of Science, Head of Department Higher Mathematics of Kyiv National Economic University by Named V. Hetman
Description of the topic of the session:
52) Title: "The 1th Symposium on Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Simulation and Optimal Control of Technological Processes of Materials' Treatement"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Valery Melyukov, Vyatka State University, Department of the Welding Technologies and Mechanic of Materials. 36, Moskovskaya street, 610000, Kirov, Russia. Tel: +7 833232 14 96, Fax: +7 8332 322 522
Description of the topic of the session:
The problem of determination of the treatment mode is an inverse problem as it is necessary to determine the mode of the concentrated energy sources -CES- (electric arc, plasma, laser and electron beams etc.) used for welding, built-up welding, dusting, coating, surface treatment and others in dependence on requiered properties of processed materials. The efficient methods to solve the inverse problem are the methods of optimal control theory of the systems with distributed parameters and also numerical methods.
Topics of interest of the current symposium for scientists and engineers include (but not limited!):
- problems of determination of the treatment's mode of CES
- mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of optimal welding and related processes
- mathematical models and neurosystems of adaptive control of welding and related processes
- numerical simulation and optimization of laser and laser-plasma surface treatement: strengthening, refining, polishing etc.
53) Title: "Approximation, Scientific Computation and Applications ASCA-2012"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Gradimir V. Milovanovic, Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Kneza Mihaila 36, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia; Home Page:
Description of the topic of the session:
The Symposium is dedicated to contemporary problems in approximation theory, scientific computation and their various applications in physics, mechanics, engineering and other computational and applied sciences. The papers submitted to symposium should include (but not limited):
- Approximation and expansions;
- Approximation functions by algebraic and trigonometric polynomials, rational functions, splines, wavelets, etc.
- Orthogonal polynomials and functions and applications;
- Interpolation and quadrature processes;
- Inequalities in approximation;
- Approximation of integral and differential operators;
- Integral, differential and difference equations;
- Functional numerical analysis and optimization;
- Special functions and approximation;
- Integral transformation, operational and fractional calculus;
- Methods and algorithms for scientific computing;
- Computational methods in science and engineering;
- Software and high-performance computing.
54) Title: "Numerical Analysis of Front Tracking Method for Multiple Interface Problems"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Ning Zhao, NanjingUniversity of Aeronautics and Astronautics , College Of Aerospace Engineering, Yudao Street 29, Baixia district, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China. 210016. Tel: +86-25-84891585, Fax: +86-25-84892628.
Description of the topic of the session:
Front tracking method is a Lagrangian method for the propagation of a moving manifold. Front tracking works by moving marker particles which represent the interface. It is distinguished from the marker particle method in that the particles are located only on the interface, rather than in a volume region near the interface, and in that the particles are connected to each other, to form a triangulated mesh (3D) or piecewise linear segments (2D) of the interface. It is significantly faster than other particle methods, since fewer particles are used per cell in front tracking than the number used in typical particle method simulations. It is of significant importance in many engineering applications. The aim of the symposium is to bring together researchers and scientists working on numerical methods for multiple interface problems and their applications to present and discuss recent developments in the field.
Topics of interest of the current symposium include (but not limited!):
- Numerical methods for multiple interface problem
- Boundary layer
- Turbulence
- Engineering applications of Front Tracking method
- Computational fluid dynamics
55) Title: "The 4th Symposium on Variational Inequalities and Equilibrium Problems"
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Annamaria Barbagallo, Department of Mathematics and Applications “R. Caccioppoli”, University of Naples “Federico II”, Via Cintia - 80126 Naples, Italy and Prof. Dr. Maria Alessandra Ragusa, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria 6 – 95125 Catania, Italy
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
The Minisymposium deals with one of the most important research fields of Mathematics, namely Variational Analysis and Equilibrium Problems, especially those related to network design, as traffic equilibrium problem, oligopolistic market equilibrium problem, space market equilibrium problem, financial problem, vaccination problem, Walras equilibrium problem both in the static and dynamic case.
Variational Analysis encompasses a large area of modern mathematics, including the classic Calculus of Variations, the Theories of Perturbation and of Approximation, Subgradient, Subderivatives, Set Convergence and Variational Inequalities. Variational Inequalities, as a particular and important chapter of Variational Analysis, have undergone great development and influence both in the progress of Variational Analysis, and in applications to Mathematical Physics and, more recently, to Engineering, Statistics, Economics, Financial Networks and Generalized Complementarity Problems. Several classical and new theories, such as those of Evolutionary Projected Dynamical Systems and Infinite Dimensional Duality, as well as research in discretized computational methods, have received a decisive impulse in order to offer effective solutions to hitherto unsolved problems. For this reason, particular emphasis will be given to the development of the Variational Inequalities Theory as for example the research of regularity results and their use to the computational procedure.
Therefore, the Minisymposium aims to offer a review of research themes, methods and open problems together with outlines of the new research trends in all the above topics.
Specifically, topics of interest include, but not limited to:
- Existence Theory for Infinite-Dimensional Variational Problems
- Regularity Theory for Parameterized Variational Inequalities
- Lagrange Theory and Strong Duality for Infinite-Dimensional Optimization
- Generalized Projection in Banach Spaces
- Weighted Variational and Quasi-Variational Inequalities and Wireless Communications
- Ill-posedness and Well-posedness for Variational Inequalities
- Regularity Theory for Solutions of Partial Differential Equations and Systems
- Game Theory
- Static and Dynamic Equilibrium Problems on Networks
- Numerical Methods for Dynamic Network Equilibria
56) Title: "Numerical Analysis in Nonlinear Science and Complex Systems"
Organizers: Prof. Liang Huang, Institute of Computational Physics and Complex Systems, School of Physical Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730000, China and Prof. Lei Yang, Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, China
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
This symposium will focus on numerical aspects in the research of nonlinear science and complex systems, with an emphasis on dynamics, e.g., low dimensional dynamical systems, partial-differential equations for nonlinear nanowire oscillations, large scale simulation of coupled dynamical systems, large scale simulation of complex systems, etc. Other topics in nonlinear science and complex systems are also welcome.
57) Title: "Numerical Advances for Two Point Boundary Value Problems"
Organizer: Dr. Jitender Singh, Department of Mathematics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar-143005, Punjab, INDIA
Description of the topic of the session:
Focus will be on the recent advances in the development of numerical techniques in handling the two point boundary value problems arising in ODEs. Such BVPs are of prime interest as these occur in many different disciplines such as Physics, Applied Mathematics, Hydrodynamics, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering etc. The modern development of Science and technology demands high precision and easy accessibility of numerical techniques. In this view, the general interest of the gathering would be to address the related issues and the present status of where the advancement stands.
58) Title: "Mathematical Optimization in Modern Medicine"
Organizers: Dr. Flavius Pater, Department of Mathematics, “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, P-ta Regina Maria n 1, 300004 (Romania) and Dr. med. Dr. Serban Rosu, Department of Oral and Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, University of Medicine and Pharmacy “V. Babes” Timisoara, Bd. Take Ionescu, 300062 (Romania)
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
Computer aided medical planning and simulation is a rapidly evolving research field that is going to alter dramatically the way practitioners perform their job. Mathematical models and computer simulations have a huge impact on modern medicine both in the treatment and financial planning processes. Some of the challenges lie in the modeling of the behavior of hard and soft tissue bringing together researchers from mathematics, medicine, economics, computer science and engineering. Some other challenges consist in simulating the behavior of pathogens or the evolution of a certain disease. Last but not least, modern medicine implies best treatment with cost effective optimization.
Our minisymposium addresses issues related but not limited to:
- medical planning optimization
- Image processing and analysis
- 3D reconstruction
- Biomechanics, biocinematics, biostatics
- Hard and/or soft tissue modeling
- Pathogens behavior modeling
- Medical economics
59) Title: "High Accuracy Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Murli M. Gupta, Department of Mathematics, The George Washington University, 2115 G Street, NW (Monroe 221), Washington, DC 20052, USA
Description of the topic of the session:
This symposium brings together a number of researchers from all over the world who have been working on High Accuracy Solution of Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, with varied applications that include problems of viscous fluid flows.
60) Title: "Numerical Aspects in Mathematical Modelling"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Vasile BERINDE, Director, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Sciences North University of Baia Mare, Victoriei Nr. 76, 430122 Baia Mare ROMANIA, Tel. 0040-262-276059; Fax: 0040-262-275368
Description of the topic of the session:
The goal of the minisymposium is to give an overview of some recent results related to various numerical aspects of mathematical modelling: approximation, fixed point iterative methods, other types of efficient constructive methods, convergence, stability, data dependence, rate of convergence, computational complexity etc.
61) Title: "Mathematical Modelling of Structural Phase Transformations"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Eduard Roman Oberaigner, Institute of Mechanics, University of Leoben, Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH, Leoben 8700, Austria
Description of the topic of the session:
The main goal of this symposium is to bring together specialists in numerical methods as well as solid state physicists, material scientists and mechanical engineers, which work on different aspects of structural phase transformations in solids. An example of a structural phase transformation is the martensitic transformation in shape memory alloys.
Some examples of mathematical aspects in the field of structural phase transformations are:
- group theory (e.g., point groups of the crystal lattices and their relations)
- measure theory (e.g., fine twinning of martensitic layers, statistical physics)
- optimisation (e.g., maximal or minimal entropy production rates)
- variational analysis (e.g., Landau-, Landau-Devonshire-, Ginzburg-Landau-, phase-field-models)
- systems of ordinary differential equations (e.g., rates of the internal variables, kinetic equations in general)
- partial differential equations (e.g., conservation laws)
- statistics (e.g., statistical physics descriptions of phase transformations in solids)
The mathematical aspects are, however not restricted to this list.
62) Title: "2nd Symposium on Distribution Theory, Estimation and Inference"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Carlos A. Coelho, Universidade Nova de Lisboa - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Departamento de Matemática, Quinta da Torre, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Description of the topic of the session:
In this session are expected papers in the broad areas of Distribution Theory, Estimation, Inference and Hypotheses Testing:
- exact, near-exact, asymptotic and other distributions of statistics
- problems related with parameter estimation in statistical distributions and/or models, namely in Extreme Value Theory
- problems related with inference and hypotheses testing: derivation of tests and related test statistics (namely likelihood ratio tests), derivation and study of the distributions (exact, near-exact, asymptotic) of test statistics
- other topics related with the topic of the Symposium
63) Title: "Pattern Formation During Growth Development: Predictions of Alan Turing’s Theory"
Organizer: Dr. Anotida Madzvamuse, University of Sussex, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Department of Mathematics, Pevensey III, 5C15, Brighton, BN1 9QH, England, UK, Tel: 01273 873529: Fax: 01273 678097
Description of the topic of the session:
The emergence of patterns during growth development in developmental biology is a fascinating research area that has attracted attention of a wide range of disciplines. The aim of this minisymposium is to disseminate research progress between experimental manipulations, mathematical modelling and computational biology and to show how these have helped to elucidate the formation of patterns during growth development as well as how they have led to the formulation of new mathematical and computational frameworks. In celebrating the centenary of Alan Turing, this minisymposium will bring together experimentalists, modellers and computational analysts to further address scientific challenges of how patterns form during growth development.
64) Title: "Operational Research and Applications"
Organizers: Prof. Dra. Fernanda A. Ferreira and Prof. Dr. Flávio Ferreira, School of Management and Industrial Studies, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Rua D. Sancho I, 981, 4480-876 Vila do Conde, Portugal
Description of the topic of the session:
The aim of the symposium is to bring together researchers with different backgrounds and interests in all aspects of Operational Research, its application in Industrial Organization, and its practice, in order to further communication, collaboration, and exchange of new ideas.
This symposium welcomes all researchers, academicians, practitioners, as well as students interested in any branch of operational research.
The topics include, but are not limited to the following:
- Optimization methods,
- Decision theory,
- Stochastic models,
- Simulation,
- Game theory,
- Queueing systems,
- Combinatorial Optimization,
- Cutting and Packing,
- Data mining,
- Optimal control,
- Transportation,
- Multi-objective optimization,
- Scheduling.
65) Title: "Applied Studies of Fractional Differential Equations"
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Muhammet Kurulay, Yildiz Technical University, Faculty of Art and Sciences. Istanbul, Turkey. Phone Office: +90 212 383 43 76, Fax: +90 212 383 43 14, Cell Phone:+90 505 369 47 39
Description of the topic of the session:
The fractional derivatives and fractional integrals have been recognized as an effective modeling methodology for researchers. Based on the broad band applications in engineering and sciences such as physics, mechanics, chemistry, and biology, research on fractional ordinary or partial differential equations and other relative topics is active and extensive around the world. Recently, the increase of the subject is witnessed by hundreds of research papers, several monographs, and many international conferences. The objective of this special issue is to highlight the importance of fractional calculus and their applications and let the readers of this journal know about the possibilities of this new tool.
66) Title: "Numerical Methods and Computational Procedures for Special Problems in Physics and Chemistry - The symposium is dedicated to Prof. Liviu Ixaru to celebrate his 70th birthday and give him the honour he deserves for his major scientific contributions"
Organizers: Prof. Beatrice Paternoster, Department of Mathematics, University of Salerno, Via Ponte don Melillo, 84084 Fisciano (Salerno), Italy
Description of the topic of the session:
The symposium is intended to be a forum on issues of direct practical interest. Contributions on optimization techniques for special problems, including exponential fitting and its applications on oscillatory functions (solving ODEs, quadrature, interpolation etc.) or numerical methods for the Schrodinger equation and the Sturm-Liouville problem, will be highly appreciated but the list of potential topics is not at all restricted to these.
List of partecipants
P-stable Boundary Value Methods for second order IVPs
by L. Aceto, P. Ghelardoni, C. Magherini
Exponential fitting quadrature rule for functional equations
by A. Cardone, B. Paternoster, G. Santomauro
An exponential fitted quadrature rule over unbounded intervals
by D. Conte, B. Paternoster, G. Santomauro
Implicit - Symplectic Partitioned (IMSP) Runge-Kutta schemes for predator-prey dynamics
by F. Diele, C.Marangi, S.Ragni
Exponential Runge-Kutta integrators for modelling predator-prey interactions
by F. Diele, C.Marangi, S.Ragni
Diagonally implicit exponentially fitted Runge-Kutta methods with equation dependent coefficients
by R. D’Ambrosio, B. Paternoster
CP and EF methods for the Schrödinger equation. A comparison
by L. Gr. Ixaru
On the use of CP methods for the numerical solution of the Schrödinger equation
by Veerle Ledoux
An Inverse Problem of Mass Resonator: Detection of Mass and Position of an Adsorbed Particle
by Y. Liu, Y. Zhang
Non-direct product discrete variable representation in some non-stationary quantum problems
By V. Melezhik
Energy preservation in separable Hamiltonian systems by splitting schemes
by B.Pace, F. Diele, C.Marangi
Ixaru’s extended frequency dependent quadrature rules for Slater integrals: parallel computation issues
by N. S. Scott, M.P. Scott
Exponentially-fitted methods and their stability functions
by M. Van Daele and D. Hollevoet
The use of Ixaru’s method in calculating poles of the S-matrix in strictly finite range potentials
by T. Vertse, R. G. Lovas, A. Rácz, P. Salamon
67) Title: "Hamilton-Jacobi Equations Arising from Optimal Control Problems and Differential Games: Numerical Methods and Applications"
Organizers: Dr. Nikolai Botkin and Dr. Varvara Turova, Center for Mathematics, Technical University of Munich, Boltzmannstrasse 3, 85748 Garching b.München, Germany
Description of the topic of the session:
Approaches to solving optimal control problems and differential games based on the computation of viscosity solutions of Hamilton-Jacobi equations associated with these problems are intensively developed since last three decades. Various numerical methods including dynamic programming procedures, finite difference schemes, level set and fast marching algorithms, finite element methods, etc. have been developed. Serious efforts are aimed towards solving nonlinear problems and accounting for state constraints. Also, the course of dimensionality can be overcome by the creation of algorithms using parallelization based on modern high performance computing technologies. The progress in the development of numerical methods allows us to attack interesting applied problems both in technical and life science areas.
The session focuses on recent achievements in numerical algorithms and methods for solving Hamilton-Jacobi equations and on the application of these results to practical problems.
68) Title: "Modeling of Multiphase Flows in Porous and Fissured Media"
Organizers: Dr. Nikolai Botkin and Dr. Varvara Turova, Center for Mathematics, Technical University of Munich, Boltzmannstrasse 3, 85748 Garching b.München, Germany
Description of the topic of the session:
Multiphase flows in porous media occur in applied sciences related to ground water distribution, oil recovery, carbon dioxide sequestration, etc. Since multiphase flows in porous media inherently show nonlinear features and hysteresis effects, numerical simulations are necessary for understanding their behavior both qualitatively and quantitatively.
It should be noted that conventional models of multiphase flows assume that phase velocities obey Darcy's law describing filtration of fluids through porous media. In the case of fissured media consisting of low permeable blocks and fissures exhibiting almost free flow, dual porosity/permeability concepts or combined flow models where Navier-Stokes type equations are coupled with Darcy's law are used. In both cases, the information concerning the rock structure including block/fissures map is necessary. Hysteresis effects in capillary pressures may play a significant role.
The section focuses on mathematical models for the description of multiphase flows in homogeneous and heterogeneous porous media, associated numerical algorithms, and methods for the identification of the structure of aquifers. Optimal control and parameter identification for multiphase flow models as well as modeling of hysteresis effects are also of interest.
69) Title: "Elastic Wave Propagation in Continuous Media"
Organizers: Dr. S.S. Singh, Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, Mizoram University, Aizawl - 796 004, Mizoram; INDIA
E-mail: Or
Description of the topic of the session:
Main aim is to focus on the recent developments in elastic wave propagation. The different techniques/methods to explain the phenomena of reflection and refraction/transmission are important points. These problems are very helpful in oil exploration, mineral mining & earthquake engineerings. Energy destribution along the interface gives major justification of the problems. In variour disciplines, like, Applied Mathematics, Geophysics, Seismology, Physics, Engineerings, etc. demand this area of research. Any investigator from any discipline may apply for this symposium and the co-operation from any author will welcome for this symposium. The topic is related to many area and the collection of all will give an interesting admosphere of the conference.
70) Title: "Applications of Level 2 and Type 2 Fuzzy Subsets In Mathematical Sciences"
Organizers: Prof. Nistala V.E.S. Murthy, Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, A.U. College of Engineering, Andhra University, VIZAG-530003, A.P. State, INDIA, CelNum:091-9440702314 and Prof. P.V.G.D. Prasad Reddy, Department of Computer Science and Systems Engineering, A.U. College of Engineering, Andhra University, VIZAG-530003, A.P. State, INDIA, CelNum:091-9393112979
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
The traditional view in science, especially in mathematics, is to avoid uncertainty at all levels at any cost. Thus ”being uncertain” is regarded as ”being unscientific”. But unfortunately in real life most of the information that we have to deal with is mostly uncertain.
One of the paradigm shifts in science and mathematics in this century is to accept uncertainty as part of science and the desire to be able to deal with it, as there is very little left out in the practical real world for scientific and mathematical processing without this acceptance!
One of the earliest successful attempts in this directions is the development of the Theories of Probability and Statistics. However, both of them have their own natural limitations. Another successful attempt again in the same direction is the so called Fuzzy Set Theory, introduced by Zadeh.
According to Zadeh, a fuzzy subset of a set X is any function f from the set X itself to the closed interval [0,1] of real numbers. An element x belonging to the set X belongs to the fuzzy subset f with the degree of membership fx, a real number between 0 and 1. For any set X, let Z(X) denote the complete lattice of all fuzzy subsets of X.
Observing that every fuzzy subset of a set X itself requires a specific real number between/including 0 and 1 to be associated with each element of X, which is not always possible in several of the practical applications, Zadeh himself introduced, in 1971, the so called level 2 fuzzy subsets of a set X, and in 1974, the so called type 2 fuzzy subsets of a set X, as means to handle even more inexact/uncertain information. In fact, the above concepts were further generalized by Zadeh himself, to level k and type k fuzzy subsets of a set X respectively, for any positive integer k bigger than or equals 2.
Now type 2 fuzzy subsets of a set X are those fuzzy subsets of X with membership values in the complete lattice of all fuzzy subsets of the closed interval [0,1] of real numbers, namely, Z([0,1]) and level 2 fuzzy subsets of a set X are those fuzzy subsets of Z(X) with truth values in to the closed interval [0,1] of real numbers.
Note that an ordinary fuzzy subset of a set X is a special case of both level 2 and type 2 fuzzy subsets of X. Also, an interval valued fuzzy subset, again introduced by Zadeh himself, of any set X is also a special case of type 2 fuzzy subset of X.
Now both level 2 and type 2 fuzzy subsets of any set X have very interesting applications in several areas of both Mathematics and Computer Science. The aim of this Mini symposium is to bring together all those researchers working in various applications of both level 2 and type 2 fuzzy sets/Logic and their special cases namely, ordinary fuzzy/interval valued fuzzy subsets, in different areas of both Mathematics (in Algebra, Analysis and Topology), Computer Science (in Logic, (Relational,Object) DBMS, Image Processing, Data Mining, Decision Making, etc.), Medicine (in Bioinformatics etc..) and Economics(in Econometrics etc..)
For more information, please contact or
71) Title: "Multiobjective Optimization and Applications"
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Isabel Espírito Santo, Algoritmi R&D Centre, University of Minho, Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal and Prof. Dr. Lino Costa, Algoritmi R&D Centre, University of Minho, Campus de Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
Multiobjective optimization problems are those having more than one objective, in general conflicting. These objectives have to be satisfied at the same time. Therefore, for multiobjective problems, no single solution that is optimal with respect to all objectives exists. Instead, there is a set of optimal solutions, known as Pareto optimal solutions, reflecting trade-offs between objectives. This kind of problems arises from various real world applications. Several algorithms have been proposed to multiobjective optimization.
72) Title: "Structure-Preserving Numerical Methods for Differential Equations"
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Elena Celledoni, Department of Mathematical Sciences, NTNU, Norway and Associate Prof. Dr. Takayasu Matsuo, School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo, Japan.
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
"Structure-preserving numerical methods" for differential equations form a special class of numerical integrators which preserve some underlying (often geometric) structure of certain differential equations. After various pioneering studies, the topic became popular in 1980's when the celebrated symplectic numerical methods for Hamiltonian systems were systematically developed. Since then, wide-ranging structure-preserving methods have been extensively studied for both ordinary and partial differential equations.
In this session, recent progresses in this research area are reported.
The topics include (but not limitted to):
- symplectic and multi-symplectic numerical methods
- methods preserving first integrals
- Lie group methods
- methods for highly-oscillatory systems
- structure preserving methods for SDEs
73) Title: "Current and Future Problems in Biology: Opportunities for Mathematics and Computation"
Organizers: Robert Beardmore, Professor of Mathematical Biosciences, EPSRC Leadership Fellow, Biosciences, Geoffrey Pope Building, Streatham Campus, Exeter University, t: +44 (0)1392 725 839, w:
Description of the topic of the session:
Biology is, and will continue to be, a fertile ground for mathematicians. There are many mathematical problems arising from within spatial ecology, morphogenesis and pattern formation, that have grown to form what we now think of as "classical" mathematical biology, the tome of Jim Murray perhaps most epitomises the philosophy of this field.
However, the data-driven culture that now permeates evolutionary, cell and molecular biology has created a raft of new questions that require an inherently data-driven approach. When allied to "classical" mathematical modelling approaches, this yields brand new insight. It is no longer surprising to find mathematicians with their own wet labs, designing and conducting experimental work.
The purpose of this symposium is to introduce speakers with close connections to wet-lab biology who work with model organisms and mathematical techniques to solve current questions in microbiology. For example, flux balance analysis can be used to probe the metabolism of a single cell, but might we also use it to model and predict spatial structures in consortia of multi-bacterial populations? A key class of antibiotics inhibits the process of transcription in a bacterial cell whereupon genes are translated into messenger RNA, but can we model the details of transcription from physical and thermodynamic principles and therefore predict what effect drug-resistant mutations might have on transcription? Finally, cell metabolism is complex, but can we take a reductionist view and answer key evolutionary questions using metabolic models that are as simple as possible, but no simpler?
This symposium will address questions like these with speakers from the US and the UK who take a steadfastly cross-disciplinary approach that will be of interest to mathematicians and biologists alike.
74) Title: "Biomathematics VI"
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Maira Aguiar, CMAF, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Prof. Gama Pinto 2, 1649-003, Lisboa, Portugal, Prof. Dr. Ezio Venturino, Dipartimento di Matematica "Giuseppe Peano", via Carlo Alberto 10, Universita' di Torino, 10123 Torino, Italia and Prof. Dr. Nico Stollenwerk, CMAF, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Prof. Gama Pinto 2, 1649-003, Lisboa, Portugal.
E-mail:, and
Description of the topic of the session:
The mini-symposium "Biomathematics" has both theoretical and practical applications and will cover research topics in population dynamics, eco-epidemiology, epidemiology of infectious diseases and molecular and antigenic evolution.
75) Title: "Nonlinear Models and Mathematical Methods for Complex Biological Systems"
Organizer: Dr. Carlo Bianca, Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Politecnico di Torino, Corso Duca Degli Abruzzi, 24, 10129 Torino (Italy),
Description of the topic of the session:
The new challenge of this century is the derivation of mathematical descriptions (models) of real life complex phenomena that are qualitatively and quantitatively consistent with experimental observations. Typical examples of complex phenomena are the biological systems, which are characterized by a global organization that emerges from the interacting constitutive particles but it does not exist at the individual elements level.
This symposium welcomes contributions focused to the understanding and prediction of complex biological phenomena by means of mathematical methods. Areas of interest include (but are not limited) to the following topics:
- Anomalous transport phenomena
- Asymptotic methods
- Bacterial swarming and chemotaxis
- Cancer dynamics and immune system competition
- Cell motility
- Evolutionary dynamics
- Multiscale methods
- Optimization methods for protocol vaccinations
- Top-down and bottom-up models for the immune system
76) Title: "Numerical Problems in Mathematical Finance"
Organizers: Prof. Dr Andrzej Palczewski, Institute of Applied mathematics and mechanics, University of Warsaw, 2 Banach St., 02-097 Warsaw, Poland and Prof. Dr Lukasz Stettner, Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 8 Sniadeckich St., 00-956 Warsaw, Poland.
E-mail: and
URL of the Symposium:
Description of the topic of the session:
Very rarely mathematical models describing financial markets can be solved analytically. In most cases to get instrument prices, portfolios or hedging strategies we have to follow numerical
algorithms. Our goal in the session is to present a number of new approaches and algorithms. As the area is very broad we shall concentrate on:
- portfolio optimization and portfolio asymptotics,
- computations for stochastic volatility models and
- American instruments.
But talks on other topics in computational aspects of finance are also welcome.
77) Title: "Nonparametric and Semiparametric Statistical Models with Infinite-Dimensional Parameters"
Organizer: Dr. Marios Pavlides, Lecturer in Statistics, Centre for Statistical Science and Operational Research, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom.
Description of the topic of the session:
Nonparametric and semiparametric statistical inference, under one-dimensional and high-dimensional settings, and under various shape constraints, has received enormous attention in the last couple of decades, particularly due to the relevant models' applicability in Reliability Theory, Survival Analysis and Econometrics---to name a few prominent areas.
The purpose of the symposium is to gather researchers, from all over the world, to disseminate the state-of-the-art knowledge on estimation and inferential techniques exploited in such infinite-dimensional settings of both applied and theoretical interest. We would be keen to have talks covering a wide-spectrum of areas, with different emphases---a non-exhaustive list of which is given below:
- Frequentist and Bayesian techniques in infinite-dimensional statistical estimation settings and inference.
- Density estimation, under various shape constraints, in one-dimensional and very high-dimensional settings.
- Emphasis on small- and large-sample theoretic properties of proposed estimators.
- Most recent advances and developments in computational methods used to computing such estimators.
- Recent applications of such estimators to prominent real data-sets.
- Beyond estimation: Hypotheses testing, robustness and power considerations.
- Open problems and conjectures that stimulate discussion, care and attention.
78) Title: "Seismic wave attenuation characteristics and its implications"
Organizer: Dr Chandrani Singh, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur.
Description of the topic of the session:
The topic basically for the interest of seismologists and engineering Geophysicists. Full information on seismic-wave attenuation has been desired to investigate the structure of the interior of the earth and seismic-source characteristics in geophysics as well as to quantitatively predict strong earthquake ground motion in engineering seismology. Especially, information on high-frequency wave attenuation in the lithosphere is of particular importance. So we can have different speakers to talk about attenuation characteristics of different types of seismic waves.
79) Title: "Trefftz and Wave-Based Methods"
Organizer: Dr. Ionut Moldovan, School of Engineering, Catholic University of Portugal, Estrada Octávio Pato, 2635-631 Rio de Mouro, Portugal, Tel. (+351) 214 269 807, Fax (+351) 214 269 800.
Description of the topic of the session:
The Trefftz and wave-based methods seek the combination of the formal solutions of the differential equations governing the problem that best fits its initial/boundary conditions. As the approximation bases contain all (regular and, eventually, singular, localised or discontinuous) near- and far-field solutions needed to model the physics of the problem, they lead to boundary integral descriptions of the problem. The seminar covers recent theoretical advances and practical applications related to Trefftz and wave-based methods. Contributions to the development of algorithms for the efficient computational implementation of these methods are welcomed. Linking and interaction with conventional (or any other type) of elements are of interest.
80) Title: "Coding Theory"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Gurmeet K. Bakshi, Centre for Advanced Study in Mathematics, Panjab University, Chandigarh-160014, India.
Description of the topic of the session:
81) Title: "Mini Symposium on Symmetry Methods and Applications for Differential Equations"
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Maria de los Santos Bruzon, Departamento de Matematicas, Universidad de Cadiz, PO.BOX40, 11510 Puerto Real, Cadiz, Spain, Prof. Dr. Maria Luz Gandarias, Departamento de Matematicas, Universidad de Cadiz, PO.BOX40, 11510 Puerto Real, Cadiz, Spain, Prof. Dr. Mariano Torrisi, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy and Prof. Dr. Rita Tracinà, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Catania, Viale Andrea Doria 6, 95125 Catania, Italy.
E-mail:,, and
Description of the topic of the session:
Nowadays science and engineering rely on processes which are usually modeled by differential equations.
The studies of ordinary and /or partial differential equation models have received an increasing interest, especially due to their frequent applications in various research fields, such as industrial mathematics, mathematical biology, mathematical finance, and fluid mechanics to cite few. Usually it is difficult to obtain exact solutions for these models.
The group method offers to the researchers a wide set of tools to investigate from different points of view these models.
The aim of this session is to bring together scientists working in this area interested in group methods developments as well as in symmetry methods developments applied to nonlinear models in the various field of science and engineering.
Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
- Advance research in modern group analysis and differential equations.
- Equivalence transformations.
- Differential invariants
- Conservation Laws
- New methods for to obtain solutions of partial differential equations.
- Travelling wave solutions.
- Novel applications in engineering and sciences, including physical, biological and finance.
82) Title: "International Symposium on Complexity in Sport."
Organizer: Dr. Yves de Saá, Department of Physical Education. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Physical Education Building. Campus Tafira. 35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Spain.
URL of the Symposium:
Description of the topic of the session:
The International symposium on complexity in sport is celebrated in conjunction with the 10th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM 2012.
The main objective of this symposium is to discuss and present scientific works understanding about the sport as an interdisciplinary field.
In our effort to try to understand sport reality, we question everything we thought that was true or static. This leads inexorably to try to isolate a phenomenon in order to study it. But far from our purpose, to move towards this point, we realize that we fall into the contradiction of expect to understand a phenomenon by isolation from their environment.
It is not possible understand the sport phenomenon by isolating of its elements of its relationship with his own universe. There is a duality element - environment, and from this relationship may emerge new behaviors, which is known from the viewpoint of complexity as a phenomenon of emergency or emergent behavior.
In order to argue this phenomenon would be good to get away from the classical model deterministic and reductionist, and to study the sports systems from a comprehensive conception (holistic), which allow us to identify and to describe the processes of new forms of organization.
83) Title: "Applied Hopf Bifurcation Analysis"
Organizer: Dr. Michail P. Markakis, Assistant Professor, Section of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Department of Engineering Sciences, University of Patras, Patras, Rio, GR26504, Tel: +302610996882.
Description of the topic of the session:
The works that will be presented herein concern the analysis of Hopf bifurcations occurring in dynamics of nonlinear differential equations governing problems in Applied Mathematics and Applied Social and Life Sciences. We are interested in new results obtained by established analytical and (or) numerical methods, or new methods confronting existence, stability, analytical expressions and subsequent bifurcation of the cycles generated by the Hopf bifurcation of the equilibrium.
84) Title: "Intersection Curves of Hypersurfaces in R4"
Organizers: Prof. Nassar Hasan Abdel-Aal Abo Shosha, Head of Math. Dept., Professor of Pure Mathematics, Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Egypt, 00201065229100, 0020-88-333834, URL :h p:// and Dr. Sayed Abdel-Naeim Abdel-Halim Badr, Lecturer of pure mathematics, Math. Dept., Al-Qunfudah University College, Umm Al-Qura University, KSA, 00966561176590, 00966-07-7321410, URL :h p://
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
We present algorithms for computing the differential geometry properties of Frenet apparatus (t,n,b₁,b₂,κ₁,κ₂,κ₃) of intersection curves of implicit-parametric-parametric and implicit-implicit-parametric hypersurfaces in R⁴, for transversal intersection. Some of examples are given and plotted.
85) Title: "Properties of Models of Stock Prices via Deterministic and Stochastic Approach"
Organizer: Dr. Ceren Vardar, Assistant Profesor Ceren Vardar Acar. Tobb Economy and Technology University, Department of Mathematics, Ankara, Turkey
Description of the topic of the session:
Stock prices could be modeled via deterministic or stochastic approach or both. These models have properties such as path properties, arbitrage, self- similarity, prediction theory, dynamical systems, optimizations, robustness etc. This symposium is organized to share new findings and scientific developments in the models of stock prices.
86) Title: "Symposium on the Numerical Solution of Differential Equations and their Applications"
Organizer: Dr. Zacharias A. Anastassi, Department of Sciences, School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE), N. Heraklion, GR-14121 Athens, Greece, Dr. Theodore Monovasilis, Department of International Trade, Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia at Kastoria, P. O. Box 30, GR-521 00, Kastoria, Greece and Prof. Dr. Zacharoula Kalogiratou, Department of Informatics and Computer Technology, Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia at Kastoria, P. O. Box 30, GR-521 00, Kastoria, Greece
E-mail:,, and
Description of the topic of the session:
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- The development and analysis of numerical methods for the efficient solution of Differential Equations and Systems of Differential Equations
- The optimization of numerical methods for the efficient solution of real problems expressed by systems of Differential Equations
The types of Differential Equations include:
- Ordinary differential equations (ODEs)
- Partial differential equations (PDEs)
- Delay differential equations (DDEs)
- Stochastic differential equations (SDEs)
- Differential algebraic equations (DAEs)
87) Title: "Some Relatively Novel Homotopy and Iterated Methods for Nonlinear Problems Arising in Applied Sciences and Engineering Phenomena"
Organizer: Dr. Yasir Khan, Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
Description of the topic of the session:
In the last few decades, nonlinear science emerged in its present form following a series of significant analytic and numerical development took place in close interaction. For engineering phenomena and applied sciences, it is necessary to carefully study analytical and numerical methods for solving of all available problems in case of nonlinear equations. Many analytical and numerical techniques have been developed by various scientists to cope with the nonlinearity of such problems. By careful study of the literature bystanders the beginning of number of new numerical and analytical techniques has been developed to cope with the physical nature of such equations. The objective of this session is to highlight the applications of the relatively new approaches and theories for nonlinear problems of physical nature arising in applied sciences and engineering phenomena, and would glimpse the latest developments in the similar context and let the readers of this symposium know about the possibilities of this new tool. The authors are invited to submit research articles that will motivate the ongoing efforts in nonlinear equations and related analytical methods. This symposium will provide a forum for researches and scientists to communicate their recent developments, and to present their novel results on nonlinear equations and related problems.
The topics included, but are not limited to:
- Homotopy Perturbation Transform Method
- Homotopy Perturbation Method
- Homotopy Analysis Method
- Optimal Homotopy Perturbation Method
- Optimal Homotopy Analysis Method
- Differential Transform Method
- Reduced differential transform
- Variational Iteration Techniques
- Adomian Decomposition Method
- Laplace Decomposition Method
- Fractional Work related to above topics for PDEs and ODEs
Before submission authors should carefully read the guidelines for the preparation of a paper for the Proceedings of ICNAAM 2012 ( and will submit their manuscripts according to the following timetable:
Submission due June 30, 2012
Announcement for Acceptance July 10, 2012
Important Notices:
1) The manuscripts and scanned copy of Transfer of Copyright form should be submitted to the Symposium Chairs only by Email at:
2) Submitted paper should be in AIP (American Institute of Physics) format and should not exceed 4 pages.
3) The American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Series is a very well known series of Conference Proceedings, which is included in the leading databases of scientific & engineering literature including Inspec (an IEE product), Scitation, ISI Web of Knowledge, MathSciNet, Scopus, Scirus, Google Scholar, etc and in the past had been included in SCIE.
88) Title: "The Symposium on Applications of PDEs in Computer Graphics, Visualisation and Image Processing"
Organizers: Dr. Yun Sheng, Associate Professor, Computer Science & Technology Department, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China and Dr. Hassan Ugail, Professor, Director of Centre for Visual Computing, School of Computing, Informatics and Media, University of Bradford, Bradford, U.K.
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
In the past few decades, Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) have been broadly applied to Computer Graphics, Visualisation and Image processing, addressing a variety of applications ranging from free-form surface design, geometric modeling and facial geometry parameterisation to.web visualisation and image segmentation etc. This symposium, attached to the 10th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2012, aims to provide a communication platform for the researchers from all the fields of Computer Graphics, Visualisation and Image Processing who are working with the PDEs to share their latest developments and know-hows with the community. All the papers in relation to the applications of the PDEs in Computer Graphics, Visualisation and Image Processing are invited. The dates of importance of this symposium are fully in line with the main conference.
89) Title: "Numerical Methods on Magnetohydrodynamic Flows and its Applications"
Organizers: Dr. Engin GEDİK, Department of Energy Systems Engineering, Karabük University, Karabük, Turkey, Assoc. Prof.Dr. Hüseyin KURT, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Karabük University, Karabük, Turkey, Assoc. Prof.Dr. Ziyaddin Recebli, Department of Energy Systems Engineering, Karabük University, Karabük, TURKEY.
Description of the topic of the session:
Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) is the study of the interaction between magnetic fields and moving, electrically conducting fluids. The problem of viscous incompressible electrically conducting fluids flows under applied magnetic field has received much attention for a long time due to their wide usage area in the industry such as mining, agriculture, chemistry, food technologies petroleum industry, metallurgical process, in fusion reactor blanket and polymer technology applications and in many devices such as MHD power generation, MHD pumps, accelerators, aerodynamics heating, electrostatic precipitation, purification of crude oil and fluid droplets sprays.
The Symposium covers on Numerical methods based on finite difference, finite element, finite volume, etc.., for Magnetohydrodynamics flow problems which including;
- Laminar/turbulence pipe/channel flows
- Steady/Unsteady flows
- One/multi-phase flows
- Micro/nanofluids
- Non-Newtonian fluid flows
- Free surface flows
- Liquid-metal flows
90) Title: "Fractional Calculus and Applications"
Organizer: Dr. Manuel Duarte Ortigueira, UNINOVA and DEE/ Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da UNL, Campus da FCT, Quinta da Torre, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal, Tel. +351 212948520 extº 11943, Fax. +351 212948532 and +351 212947786,, XXmdo@fct.unl.ptXX and XXmdortigueira@uninova.ptXX
Description of the topic of the session:
The symposium will be directed towards works on Fractional Derivative definitions, Fractional Signals and Systems, and corresponding applications to Engineering and Science. Topics like:
- Anomalous diffusion,
- Vibration and Control,
- Fractional Brownian Motion,
- Power Law behaviour,
- Fractals,
- Long Range Processes,
- Viscoelasticity
are wellcome.
91) Title: "Numerical Analysis & Applied Mathematics in Mechanical Engineering (Solid, Fluid, Heat, & Coupled Problems)"
Organizer: M. R. Moosavi, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering Department, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD 57007-0294, USA
Description of the topic of the session:
The Symposium of Numerical Analysis & Applied Mathematics in Mechanical Engineering (SNAAMME) consists application of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics for solving problems in Mechanical Engineering, contain Solid, Fluid, Heat, and Coupled Problems. This symposium can include mesh-based methods like Finite Element Method (FEM), Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM), Isogeometric Analysis, Boundary Element Method (BEM), Finite Difference Method (FDM), Finite Volume Method (FVM), and etc., and also meshfree or meshless methods like Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), Diffuse Element Method (DEM), Element Free Galerkin Method (EFG), Reproducing Kernel Particle Method (RKPM), Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin Method (MLPG), Wavelet and Multiple Scale Reproducing Kernel Method, Finite Sphere Method, Finite Point Method, Partition of Unity Finite Element Method (PUFEM), Maximum-entropy Meshfree Method, and etc.
Regarding to the width of the symposium domain, it can be a good opportunity for all researchers in Mechanical, Aerospace, & Civil Engineering to participate and communicate with each other and to be familiar with the newest numerical and analytical methods in Mechanical Engineering field.
In addition, I suggest a special part for students in Mechanical, Aerospace, and Civil Engineering to represent their researches using numerical and analytical approaches. Attending of young students beside of scientists and professors can be a great encouragement for future researchers in this area.
92) Title: "Dynamics of Complex Systems and Networks: Modelling, Computational Analysis and Control"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Constantinos Siettos, School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, web-page: http://users/
Description of the topic of the session:
Over the last years, microscopic models (such as Molecular Dynamics, Brownian Dynamics, Monte Carlo, Agent-based) and complex networks have been the tools of choice for modeling many complex real-world problems, ranging from materials science and fluid mechanics to ecology and epidemiology and from economics and financial markets to biology and neuroscience. Due to the effectively nonlinear and stochastic nature of the "micro"-dynamics, the emergent behavior at the macroscopic level cannot be accurately modeled in a straightforward manner. New modelling and numerical-assisted methodologies that bridge the gap between the micro and macro scales have the potential to facilitate better understanding, predicting and designing of complex systems behavior.The session of "Dynamics of Complex Systems and Networks: Modelling, Computational Analysis and Control" within the ICNAAM 2012, will have a strong focus on the modeling of complex systems and networks across different scales and on multiscale numerical, optimization and control methods. Problems of interest include but not limited to:
- Materials Science
- Fluid Mechanics
- Multiscale Numerical Methods
- Topology of Complex Networks and their Dynamics
- Control and Optimization Methods for Multiscale Systems
- Bifurcation Analysis of Microscopic and Large Scale Systems
- Mathematical Epidemiology
- Computational Neuroscience
93) Title: "Advances in OLAP and Datawarehousing"
Organizer: Dr. Francisco Moreno, Associated Professor, School of Systems, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia
Description of the topic of the session:
The term OLAP online analytical processing, is an approach to answer complex analytical and ad-hoc queries with a rapid execution time. OLAP is part of the broader category of business intelligence. Business intelligence refers to technologies used to gather, provide access to, and analyze data and information about company operations in order to help them to have a more comprehensive knowledge of the factors affecting their business.
Typical applications of OLAP include business reporting for sales, marketing, management reporting, business process management budgeting and forecasting, financial reporting and similar areas. Business intelligence systems usually lean usually on data warehouses, that is, specialized databases that guarantee an easy and quick access to information. We invite authors to submit papers concerning research topics and applications in the DW, OLAP and Business intelligence area.
The scope of the Symposium includes, but is not limited to:
- Data warehouses
- Multidimensional modelling and queries
- Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)
- Tools for data warehousing and OLAP
- Spatial data warehouses
- Temporal data warehouses
- Spatio-temporal data warehouses
- Trajectories and data warehouses
94) Title: "Differential Transform Method for Solving Heat and Mass Transfer Problems"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Mohammad Mehdi Rashidi, Bu-Ali Sina University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, P.O. Box 65175-4161 Hamedan, Iran
Description of the topic of the session:
95) Title: "On the Analysis of Chaos based Cryptography: Algorithms, Attacks, Real World Implementation and Rivalry with Conventional Cryptosystems"
Organizer: Dr. Rhouma Rhouma, Syscom laboratory, Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis (ENIT)
Description of the topic of the session:
"Chaos theory" was widely used in all aspect of Telemecommunications due to the rich characteristic that the chaotic signal contains. Especially in the design of enryption algorithms.
The Symposium target new design of chaos based cryptosystems, design that can compete conventional cryptosystems. We invite scientists, researchers, engineers, and students to submit papers regarding this theme. The following topics are welcome:
- Chaos based cryptosystems proposals
- Comparison between chaos based cryptosystems and conventional ones.
- Surveys of chaos based cryptosystems and breaks.
- Analysis and breaks of recents proposed cryptosystems.
- Public key chaos based cryptosystems.
- Implementation of chaotic cryptosystem in DSP.
- Implementation of chaotic cryptosystems in FPGA.
- Chaos based joint encryption and compression.
- Partial encryption in audio, image, video data
96) Title: "Identification of Errors-in-Variables Systems"
Organizer: Dr. Q. J. Song, Department of Mathematics, School of Information, Renmin University of China, Beijing, China, Tel: 86-10-82500680, Mobile: 86-10-
Description of the topic of the session:
This session will be focused on the recent developments in identifying errors-in-variables (EIV) systems, including new identification methods and novel computation tools. Both linear and nonlinear EIV systems are fine. It's a great opportunity to show your ideas with other scholars on identifying EIV systems.
97) Title: "Linear Control Systems on Time Scales"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Vasile Lupulescu, Constantin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu, Romania and Abdus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences, Government College University at Lahore, Pakistan
Description of the topic of the session:
The interest of the symposium will be focused on Linear Systems Theory on Time Scales. The focus will be on the fundamental notions of the linear control systems such as controllability, observability, and realizability.
The aim of this symposium is twofold. On one hand, we would like to summarize the progress made in this field, and on the other one to explore new directions. People working in this area will have the opportunity to exchange ideas. We strongly encourage graduate students and postdocs to attend.
98) Title: "Modeling of Atomic Transport Processes in Semiconductor Electronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnologies"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Oleg Velichko, Department of Physics, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR), 6, P.Brovki Street, Minsk, 220013, Belarus, Tel. in Minsk: office +375-17-2938913, mobile +375-29-6998078
Description of the topic of the session:
Simulation of diffusion and quasichemical reactions of impurity atoms and point defects plays very important role in design and fabrication of modern semiconductor devices and integrated microcircuits. The transport processes and quasichemical reactions play also an important role in the fabrication of various nanostructures. The session objective is to reflect the state of the art in these fields of research.
The list of topics includes:
- Diffusion and quasichemical reactions of impurity atoms and point defects in semiconductors;
- Clustering and precipitation phenomenon in doped layers;
- Influence of elastic stresses;
- Influence of the surface and interfaces;
- Simulation of diffusion processes in nanostructures.
99) Title: "Linearization of Control Systems: Recent Development and Applications"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Issa A. Tall, Department of Mathematics, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 1245 Lincoln Dr, MC 4408, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA, Phone: (1)618-453-6501
Description of the topic of the session:
The problems of static state (dynamic state) feedback linearizations have been thoroughly studied since early eighties with geometrical conditions completely described. Applications range from stabilization to tracking trajectory. This symposium will focus on recent developments and new approaches to both problems (static and dynamic).
100) Title: "Fractal Geometry, Quantization Dimension and Related Topics"
Organizer: Dr. Mrinal Kanti Roychowdhury, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, The University of Texas-Pan American, 1201 West University Drive, Edinburg, TX 78539, USA.
Description of the topic of the session:
The aim of this symposium is to bring together scientists to discuss and exchange ideas in the areas of fractal geometry, quantization dimension and related topics including analysis on fractals, multifractal analysis and theormodynamic formalism, ergodic theory and dynamical systems.
101) Title: "Analysis of Wave-Induced Response and Instability of Seabed"
Organizer: Dr.Mehmet Barış Can Ülker, (PhD degree from North Carolina State University in 2009), Lecturer, İstanbul Technical University Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Management Ayazaga Campus, 34469 Maslak-İstanbul, TURKEY. Office: 90-212-285-6535/119, Cell: 90-533-620-7563, Fax: 90-212-285-3672
Description of the topic of the session:
This symposium will consist of the recent developments regarding numerical analysis of seabed response and instability under waves. The studies that will be presented at this session are expected to focus on numerical modeling of seabed, seabed-structure interactions and their dynamic response under cyclic or breaking waves. The associated instabilities of the system resulting from severe wave action in terms of liquefaction, shear failure and bearing capacity losses of seabed as well as structural aspects are to be discussed. The aim is to bring together the researchers from various fields including but not limited to the ocean engineering, civil engineering, geotechnical engineering and geomechanics to discuss the results of their works on linear and nonlinear analysis of fluid-soil-structure interactions and the development of related numerical models and computational tools. Mathematical models developed to solve numerical problems focusing on the mechanics of porous media will be given special attention.
102) Title: "The First Symposium on Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems of Physics and Technology, Molecular Biology and Medicine, Economics and Environment: Models and Methods"
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Sharif E. Guseynov, Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Information Technologies, University of Liepaja, Liepaja, Latvia; Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Riga, Latvia and Prof. Dr. Janis S. Rimshans, Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Information Technologies, University of Liepaja, Liepaja, Latvia
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
In various fields of Physics and Machinery, Molecular Biology and Medicine, Economics, Environment and Ecosystems, Social Sciences and Psychology it is important to study the problems of recognition and identification as well as the problems of engineering and management, where it is necessary to determine a set of casual characteristics in respect to changes of the current state of a phenomena, a process or an object. Such problems are called inverse problems and the special feature of such problems is their ill-posedness (according to Hadamard): violation of natural cause and effect relations can cause absence or non-uniqueness of solutions thereof, and, moreover, such problems are as a rule unstable – the found solutions are ultrasensitive to any arbitrarily small changes within the source data. Therefore, for inverse problems there appears a question of principal importance: what should be understood under the solution of such problems? If this question is answered, there appears a question of construction of such algorithms for finding of analytical or numerical solutions thereof, which would keep the stability in respect to small errors of the source data.
The aim of this symposium is to exchange opinions, experience, methods, approaches and ideas concerning formulation, studying and solution of inverse problems, appearing in the fields mentioned above. Moreover, it is anticipated that at this symposium a new forum will be established, which will be devoted to inverse and ill-posed problems, and within the framework of which scientific ties will be enhanced among the researchers working in different fields of science, where the tools of the theory of inverse and ill-posed problems is used or could be used.
People interested in giving a 20 to 60 minutes oral presentation please contact the symposium organizers at or
103) Title: "Recent Advances on the Uncertain Theory, Analysis and Their Application"
Organizers: Dr. Guangdong Tian, Transportation College, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China, Prof. Jiangwei Chu, Transportation College, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China, and Prof. Tiangang Qiang, Transportation College, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, China
E-mail: (G. Tian), (J. Chu), and (T. Qiang)
Description of the topic of the session:
Uncertainty can be encountered in real word or real system due to some unpredictable factors, i.e., human, environmental and process factors. How do we model real issues in uncertain environment? How do we analyze the obtained uncertain data?
The aim of the symposium or session is to bring together experts working in the broad area of computational mechanics, applied mathematics, information science and engineering applications with the special focus on uncertain theory and analysis methods.
The areas of interest include but are not limited to:
- Stochastic planning
- Fuzzy planning
- Uncertain planning
- Fuzzy logical
- Uncertain logical
- Fuzzy inference
- Uncertain inference
- Fuzzy control
- Uncertain control
- Stochastic process
- Statistical analysis
- Risk analysis
- Reliability analysis
104) Title: "The First International Symposium on Recent trends on Computational Modeling for Biomedical Applications (CMBA)"
Organizers: Prof.ssa Elisa Francomano, Università degli Studi di Palermo - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, Gestionale, Informatica e Meccanica - CITC (Centro Intedipartimentale di Tecnologie della Conoscenza), viale delle Scienze, edificio 6, 90128 – Palermo, Italy and Prof. Guido Ala, Università degli Studi di Palermo - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica, Elettronica e delle Telecomunicazioni, di Tecnologie Chimiche, Automatica e modelli Matematici, viale delle Scienze, edificio 9, 90128 – Palermo, Italy
Description of the topic of the session:
The first Symposium on CMBA 2012 is a part of 10th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2012 (ICNAAM 2012) that will be held on September 19-25, 2012 in Kypriotis Hotels and Conference Center,, Kos, Greece ( The symposium focuses on computational methods for applications in biomedical sciences. The aim is to bring together researchers from mathematics, medicine, engineering and physics. It can be a good opportunity for all researchers in applied science employed in biomedical.
Papers that address in Symposium on CMBA 2012 related to the following categories are welcomed. Some of key areas of focus are (but not limited):
- Numerical Mathematics in Biomedicine
- Computational Electromagnetic
- Computational and Inverse Methods in Biomedicine
- Computational Neurosciencs
- Bio-electromagnetics modeling for low-invasive tissue characterization
- Models for regenerative medicine
The manuscripts should be submitted to the Symposium Email at:; Submitted paper should be in AIP (American Institute of Physics) format and should not exceed 4 pages. May 1, 2012: submit your 3-4 pages manuscript (i.e. the paper that will be published in the AIP proceedings) according to the AIP format (for details:
Please submit:
- Manuscript
- Transfer of Copyright form (scanned)
- Submission Form (scanned)
to the symposium organizer at or
105) Title: "International Symposium on Stability and Superstability of Functional and Differential Equations"
Organizer: Dr. Hassan Azadi Kenary, Department of Mathematics, College of Sciences, Yasouj University, Yasouj 75914-353, Iran
Description of the topic of the session:
The goal of the Symposium is to bring together all the researchers working in various fields of stability and superstability of functional equations.
Our symposium covers various subjects. Topics of interest of the current symposium includes but is not limited to the following:
Stability and superstability of additive, quadratic, quartic and mixed type functional and differential equations in various normed spaces, Banach spaces, Fuzzy normed spaces, Non-Archmedian Fuzzy normed space, Random Fuzzy normed spaces, Banach Algebras, Restricted Domains, Spaces of distributions and hyperfunctions , etc.
List of Speakers (until 06-04-2012):
Themistocles M. Rassias (Greece)
Gwang Hui Kim (South Korea)
106) Title: "The Stability of Superposed Fluids"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Mahmoud H. Obied Allah, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Northern border University, Arar, P.O. 1321, Saudi Arabia
Description of the topic of the session:
This symposium discusses the stability of superposed fluids, from hydrodynamic, hydromagnetic and electrohydrodynamic point of view. So, it clarifies the importance of these kinds of instabilities in astrophysics, in industry, in geophysics, in laser fusion, in nuclear fusion and technology. Numerical techniques, simulation, mathematical modeling, linear and nonlinear methods are important in acceptance of papers. The second objective of the symposium is to make co operations between the researchers of this area of interest in the future and to know each other, especially for the young researchers.
107) Title: "First Symposium on Analytical and Numerical Solutions for Melting and Solidification Processes"
Organizer: Prof. Hamid El Qarnia, Cadi Ayyad University, Faculty of sciences Semlalia, Department of physics, Fluid mechanics and energetic laboratory, P.O Box 2390, Marrakesh-Morocco, Fax: + 212 524 43 74 10, Tel: + 212 666 35 00 16
URL address:
Description of the topic of the session:
Melting and solidification processes can be applied to a large variety of physical situations occurring in nature and industry. Such processes are classified “free boundary problem” or “moving boundary problem”. Practical examples are thermal energy storage, desalination of water by freezing, cooling, freezing and cold storage of foodstuffs in the industry, electronic cooling, thermal comfort, ingot solidification and scrap melting in metallurgy, the re-entry problem of hypersonic missiles in aeronautical sciences, to name but a few.
Due to the presence of the moving solid-liquid interface, phase change problems are complex to solve. Indeed, the determination of the position of this moving boundary is an important part of the solution procedure. The mathematician Stefan gives the first detailed study of this type of problems and treats the formation of ice in the polar seas. Stefan compares his mathematical results with measurements. Since this work, many other researchers, create, develop and apply mathematical models and computational methods to melting and freezing problems.
The symposium on Analytical and Numerical Solutions for melting and Solidification Processes is an opportunity to promote the interaction between applied mathematicians, engineers and numerical analysts involved in the development and application of analytical, semi-analytical and numerical solutions to solid-liquid phase change problems.
108) Title: "International Symposium on Fixed Point Theory and Applications"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Madjid Eshaghi Gordji, Department of Mathematics, Semnan University, P. O. Box 35195-363, Semnan, Iran
Description of the topic of the session:
The goal of the Symposium is to bring together all the researchers working in various fields of Fixed Point Theory and Applications.
Our symposium covers various subjects. Topics of interest of the current symposium includes but is not limited to the following:
- Applications of Fixed Point Theorems in Nonlinear Analysis
- Fixed Point Theorems and Their Applications in Integral Equations
- Fixed Point Theorems and their Applications in Differential Equations
- Fixed Point Theory and Stability of Functional Equations
109) Title: "Symposium on Digital Signal Processing and Non Linear Theory (DSPLT2012)"
Organizer: Dr. BENFARAH Mohamed Amine, Pr. KACHOURI Abdennaceur National Engineering School of Sfax, Tunisia
Description of the topic of the session:
This symposium discusses the theory and application of filtering, coding, transmission, estimation, detection, analysis, recognition, synthesis, recording, and reproduction of signals by means of digital devices or techniques. The term "signal" includes audio, video, speech, image, communication, geophysical, sonar, radar, medical, musical, and other signals.
Indicative Topics of Interest
- Adaptive Signal Processing
- Array Signal Processing
- Audio / Speech / Music Processing & Coding
- Biomedical Signal and Image Processing
- Digital and Multirate Signal Processing
- Digital Watermarking and Data Hiding
- Geophysical / Radar / Sonar Signal Processing
- Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing
- Image/Video Content Analysis
- Image/Video Indexing, Search and Retrieval
- Image/Video Processing Techniques
- Image/Video Compression & Coding Standards
- Information Forensics and Security
- Multidimensional Filters and Transforms
- Multiresolution Signal Processing
- Nonlinear Signals and Systems
- Real-Time Signal/Image/Video Processing
- Signal and System Modelling
- Signal Processing for Smart Sensor & Systems
- Signal Processing for Telecommunications
- Social Signal Processing and Affective Computing
- Statistical Signal Processing
- Theory and Applications of Transforms
- Time-Frequency Analysis and Representation
- VLSI Architectures & Implementations
- Applications of artificial intelligence
110) Title: "Optimum Design of Dams"
Organizer: Dr. Jalal Akbari, Assistant professor of civil engineering & Mohammad Sadegh Ayubirad, The University of Malayer, Department of civil engineering, Parastar Boulevard, Malayer, Iran, Zip code: 65719-5-1446,Tel: +98-851-2230053, Fax:+98-851-2221977, URL:
Description of the topic of the session:
The symposium is about presenting new ideas and algorithms about shape optimization of dams, in which is a crucial topic in some countries. The main goal of this symposium brings together the scientists and engineers from universities, research laboratories, and industry, to present the results of their research in the field of Shape optimization of Dams. Any researcher from any discipline can apply for this symposium, and the co-operation from any author will welcome for this symposium. Some topics of the symposium are (but not limited):
- Shape modeling of dam geometry (Splines, Polynomials, etc.)
- Modeling of structures (Dam, foundation and reservoir)
- Numerical solution of structural modeling (Finite element method, etc.)
- Optimization algorithms (gradient based and Heuristic methods)
- Sensitivity analysis methods
- Application of soft computation
111) Title: "Asymptotic Formulae of Liouville–Green Type for Higher Even-Order Equations"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. A.S.A. Al-Hammadi, University of Bahrain, College of science, Mathematics Department, P.O. Box :32038, Bahrain
Description of the topic of the session:
The symposium will include topics in ordinary and partial differential equations and it's applications such as, asymptotic theory and the form of the solutions, oscillation theory, lie group analysis of differential equations, Mathematical modelling in physics, biology and other sciences
112) Title: "New Algorithms to Solve Linear Systems"
Organizer: Dr. Mohammad Taghi Darvishi, Professor of Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Razi University, Kermanshah 67149, Iran
Description of the topic of the session:
In recent years, many different new and interesting algorithms have been presented to solve systems of linear equations. Recent algorithms are mostly extensions of successive over relaxation and accelerated over relaxation methods (SOR and AOR methods), such as Symmetric successive over relaxation (SSOR), Modified successive over relaxation (MSOR), Symmetric accelerated over relaxation (SAOR), Modified accelerated over relaxation (MAOR), ESOR, MSSOR, EAOR and so on.
We invite investigators to contribute original research articles as well as review articles that will introduce new algorithms to solve linear systems.
113) Title: "Numerical Solutions to Problems in Matrix Operations"
Organizer: Dr. Ira J. Walker, Hampton University, Department of Mathematics, Queen & Tyler Streets, Hampton, VA 23668, USA. Tel.: 757-727-5375
Description of the topic of the session:
The purpose of this symposium is to convene researchers and practitioners from a variety of disciplines such as in mathematics, engineering, physics and computer science to present their findings in the general area of numerically-based algorithms for solving problems involving matrix operations. Some of the problems which have become the subject of study include the handling of sparse matrices, solutions to linear systems, matrix decomposition, control theory, principal component analysis, the stability of mechanical systems and the numerical approximation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix.
114) Title: "Computational Intelligence and Cyber Security"
Organizer: Prof. Jiankun Hu, Dr. Frank Jiang, The University of New South Wales at Australian Defence Force Academy (UNSW@ADFA), Australia
Description of the topic of the session:
Computational intelligence (CI) is comprised of a wide range of techniques, has proven to be effective in decision making in complex and dynamic environment. These techniques typically include Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Fuzzy Logic, Evolutionary Computation, Neural Networks and other theories such as graph theory, Complexity, Algorithmic Information Theory, Information Theory, Statistics and Signal Analysis. The flexible CI approaches can help to face the new security requirements to deal with unknown/new threats in the future large-scale network.
Moreover, CI- based techniques are promising to enhance cyber security efficiency, and have been increasingly applied in the area of cyber security. The efficient real-time monitoring tools and decision support modules can be built to provide intelligent solutions to various cyber security issues, including detecting external attacks and internal misuses, known and unknown attacks, viruses and spam, etc. The CI-enabled applications have shown success in identity theft, phishing, spam and even cyber infrastructure threats, etc.
In sum, cyber security is a serious problem in critical infrastructure and our daily life. Virus and malicious attacks have occurred steadily which have caused enormous financial and social damage. This workshop aims to address cyber security issues from various aspects with emphasis on computational intelligence.
Topics of interest include (but not limited to):
- Cryptography
- Bio-cryptography
- Biometrics and image forensics
- Internet security
- Intrusion detection
- Access control
- Data mining
- Pattern recognition
- Image and Speech Recognition
- Medical Computational neuroscience
- Learning and adaptation
- Cognitive models and Collective intelligence
- Machine vision and image processing
- Neural control
- Evolutionary neural systems
- Neurodynamics and complex systems
- Neuroinformatics
- Sensor networks and intelligent systems
- Neural hardware and applications
- Computational biology
- Neuroengineering
- Bioinformatics and bioengineering
- Molecular and quantum computing
- Artificial immune systems
- Particle Swarm Optimization
- Combinatorial and numerical optimization
- Evolutionary game theory
- Complexity analysis of distribution algorithms
- Fuzzy logic and fuzzy set theory
- Lattice theory and multi-valued logics
- Approximate reasoning Fuzzy information processing
- Type-2 fuzzy logic Fuzzy and rough data analysis
- Rough sets and random sets
- Fuzzy mathematics
- Fuzzy systems modeling and identification
- Fuzzy control and intelligent systems
- Fuzzy decision making and decision support systems
- Hybrid fuzzy systems (fuzzy-neuro-evolutionary)
- Fuzzy image and multimedia processing
- Computational finance and economics
- Medical, financial, industrial applications
115) Title: "The Statistical Analysis on Transcription Regulation of Gene Expression"
Organizers: Prof. Liaofu Luo, School of Physical Science and Technology, Inner Mongolia University, Dr. Jun Lu, College of Science, Inner Mongolia University of Technology and Dr. Lirong Zhang, School of Physical Science and Technology, Inner Mongolia University
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
The principal topics of interest:
- Mathematical model of transcription regulation
- Distance conservation of motif pairs and evolution of transcription regulatory motifs
- Co-transcriptional repression
- Histone modification, nucleosome positioning and gene expression
- Other related topics
- Your full affiliations.
116) Title: "Issues in On-line Optimization"
Organizer: Dr. Moufid MANSOUR, Senior Lecturer, USTHB, Faculty of Electronics and Computer Science, BP. 32, EL-ALLIA. Bab-Ezzouar Algiers, Algeria, Tel.:+213-551481832
Description of the topic of the session:
A short description of the Symposium: On-line optimization is an effective approach for maintaining a plant near its optimum operating conditions by providing the required set-points to the plant's Distributed Control System (DCS). It takes advantage of the fact that most plants operate at steady-state with transient periods that are relatively short compared to steady-state operations. Therefore, steady-state models are usually used to describe these plants and their behaviour. The methodology of on-line optimization is to automatically detect steady-state from the data samples collected from the process itself, reconcile them to remove any random and/ or gross errors, for the purpose of updating some parameters in the adaptive plant model in order to obtain plant-model matching. Then the current plant and its model are used to conduct optimization and to generate a set of optimal set-points that achieve optimum performance. This procedure is run as the internal conditions (plant parameters and plant configuration) and/or external conditions (economic parameters) change.
The main objective of this symposium is to bring together researchers in the field in order to discuss the issues related to on-line process optimization. The goal is to contribute to finding new ways to improve the current tools currently used in the field. This includes the construction and validation of plant models, the development, evaluation and comparison of algorithms for process derivatives estimation, conducting and implementing steady-state detection, data reconciliation, gross error detection, parameter estimation and optimization.
117) Title: "Integrated Computational Tools for Advanced Manufacturing (ICT4AM)"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Nuno Alves, Vice-Director, Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development (CDRsp), Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Centro Empresarial da Marinha Grande, Rua de Portugal - Zona Industrial, 2430-028 Marinha Grande – Portugal, Tlm: (00351) 961 722 015, Tel: (00351) 244 569 441, Fax: (00351) 244 569 444
Description of the topic of the session:
The Symposium on Integrated Computational Tools for Advanced Manufacturing (ICT4AM), being held within ICNAAM - 2012, will be a relevant forum for the scientific exchange of multidisciplinary issues related to Integrated Computational Tools for Advanced Manufacturing and related areas. ICT4AM aims at making a significant contribution for further development of these fields.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
- CAD/CAM/CAE tools
- Multidimensional CAD and Nano-CAD tools
- Computer Modelling and Simulation of Additive, Subtractive and Forming manufacturing processes
- Micro and nanotechnologies
- Computer-Aided technologies for Biomanufacturing
All accepted papers will be published in the AIP (American Institute of Physics) Proceedings
118) Title: "Numerical Analysis of Irreversible Deformation, Micro- and Macro-Fracture of Isotropic and Anisotropic Materials under Shock Loading Conditions"
Organizers: Dr. Alexander A. Lukyanov, Abingdon Technology Centre, Schlumberger, Abingdon, OX14 1 UJ, UK, Tel: +44 7840355383 and Prof. Evgeny Romenski, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
The goal of the Symposium is to bring together all the active researchers working in various aspects of computational material science and, particularly, focusing on numerical analysis of irreversible deformation, micro- and macro-fracture of isotropic and anisotropic materials under shock loading conditions. The variety of experimental and theoretical studies for isotropic materials under shock wave loading displays systematic patterns, giving basic insights into the underlying physics of anisotropic shock wave modeling. There are many similarities and significant differences in the phenomena observed for isotropic and anisotropic materials under shock-wave loading. Numerous investigations into the mechanical properties of different classes of isotropic and anisotropic materials have been undertaken and numerous phenomenological macro-/micro-scopic parameters and models have been developed. However, in spite of a perfectly adequate general understanding, experimental methodology and theory, material models and parameters do not agree in detail, especially for anisotropic materials. Knowledge of the capabilities and limitations of these different approaches leads to a better understanding of their impact on various applications and future research on improving and extending modeling capabilities. The main aim of this symposium is to establish fundamental aspects common to different approaches, identify the areas for improvements, and formulate key challenging topics for future research and meetings.
A list of key topics is (but is not limited to)
- Modeling of irreversible deformation (isotropic and anisotropic plasticity, viscous and relaxation effects, thermal effects);
- Equation of State and thermodynamic non-linear effects;
- Modeling of void nucleation, grow and collapse;
- Modeling of macro-fracture;
- Numerical methods for high-rate deformation modeling in isotropic and anisotropic solids
119) Title: "2012 Geographic Information Systems for Transportation: Theory and Applications"
Organizer: Dr. Qifeng Lu, Senior IT Consultant to United States Department of Transportation (, Senior Geospatial Specialist, MacroSys, LLC. (
Description of the topic of the session:
Significant advancements have been made in Geographic information system (GIS) over the last decade. Computation intelligence has been playing a significant role in GIS development. This symposium focuses on the theories and applications in addressing critical issues in GIS for transportation.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- 3D modeling and GIS
- Geographic data indexing
- Geo-processing of distributed data
- Geospatial and spatio-temporal data mining
- Geospatial domain applications
- Logistics
- Managing geo-spatial data
- Network analysis
- Route finding
- Spatial decision support systems
- Spatio-temporal data modeling and reasoning
- Spatial and spatio-temporal statistics
- Time-geography modeling
- Uncertainty in geo-spatial information
120) Title: "Flow and Transport in Porous Media: Characterization and Modeling from Pore to Reservoir Scale"
Organizer: Dr. Shadab Anwar, Assistant Professor in the Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering at Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla. USA. Phone:1-573-341-4466.
Description of the topic of the session:
Recent advances in mathematical modeling and computational science has opened new frontiers in modeling flow and transport in complex porous media at multiple scales. In this session we seek contributions that include recent advances in mathematical and computational modeling towards characterization and simulation of flow and transport processes in porous media at multiple scales: Reservoir scale-, Darcy-, and pore scale. This session provides platform to bring scientists and engineers who are actively involved in understanding the fundamental processes in porous media with diverse applications in industry, environment and medical science such as cerebral aneurysm, fuel cells, carbon sequestration, microfluidic pumps, and phytoremediation.
121) Title: "State of the Art of Modeling and Numerical Analysis for Design, Determining the Performances and Controls of Wind Turbines"
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Alexandru DUMITRACHE, “Gheorghe Mihoc-Caius Iacob" Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA and Prof. Dr. Florin FRUNZULICA, “Gheorghe Mihoc-Caius Iacob" Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, ROMANIA and POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, ROMANIA
Mailing address of the proposers: Romanian Academy of Science, 050711 Calea 13 Septembrie Nr. 13, Sector 5, Bucharest
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
Wind power is one of the fastest-growing sources of energy around the world. It is popular because it is abundant and provides many communities with a clean, local source of electricity. Therefore research in that field must be continuous and interdisciplinary.
Wind turbine and component design have to be improved continually, i.e. basic research in aerodynamics, structural dynamics, dynamic forces, new materials, feasibility studies into new systems, determination of noise and its reduction methods, optimization methods, etc.
Moreover, some additional problems need to be solved for offshore wind energy, such as designing reliable foundation structures, monitoring of operation and maintenance, and controlling for early failure detection, especially corrosion problems.
The main and analyzed subject in this session is highlighted by the topics of wind turbine: design, aerodynamic and aeroelasticity characteristics estimation, performance prediction using mathematical modelling and numerical techniques, improving wind turbine operational efficiency.
Therefore all papers including wind energy topics are welcomed.
Our session includes but is not limited to:
- Optimizing Wind Turbine Performances
- Wind Turbine Efficiency
- CFD Analysis on Wind Turbine Rotor
- Rotational and 3-D Effects on Wind Turbine Blades
- Aerodynamic Design Optimization of Wind Turbines (Rotor Blades, Airfoils)
- Structural-Response / Aeroelasticity Analysis
- The Rotor-Tower Coupling Effect
- Noise of Wind Turbines (Prediction and Reduction)
- Control Methods of Wind Turbine (Active or Passive)
- Wind Engineering
122) Title: "Numerical Simulation and Application of Stochastic Resonance in Complex Systems"
Organizer: Dr. Yan-Mei Kang, Department of Applied Mathematics, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, P. R. China
Description of the topic of the session:
Stochastic resonance as a remarkable idea that changed our perception of noise has attracted extensive theoretical and experimental across various fields. However, there are still some important unsolved problems, the theory and method for stochastic resonance in the standard stochastic resonant system have been well developed, but for cascaded system and interconnected system etc, the mechanism is still unknown or not very clear, and the often-used method is still Mento-carlo simulation. Especially, when normal diffusion is replaced by abnormal diffusion, the coherent theory on stochastic resonance is almost a vacancy. This symposium is to provide a platform so that the related scientists can exchange their ideas in this regard.
123) Title: "Lotsizing and Scheduling in Production Systems with Coproduction"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Pilar I. Vidal-Carreras, ROGLE (Research Group in Reengineering, Operations Management, Group Work and Logistics Excellence), Business Management Department, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Camino de Vera, s/n, Departamento de Organización de Empresas, Edificio 7D, 46020 Valencia, Spain, Tels: +34 963877000 Ext. 76875, +34 628559435
Description of the topic of the session:
Coproduction appears in a production system in which more than one product can be produced in machine at a given time (Deuermeyer and Pierskalla, 1978). Coproduction is encountered in both low and high technology production environments. Some examples appear in the electronic industry (semiconductors, diodes, transistors) (Bitran and Gilbert, 1994), petrochemical industry (Lisbona and Romeo, 2008), glass industry (Oner and Bilgic, 2008; Taskin and Unal, 2009) and in the automotive industry (Ağralı, 2011; Vidal-Carreras et al, 2012). It is possible to distinguish different types of coproduction (Vidal-Carreras et al, 2012). Coproduction is considered to be controlled when all the information regarding the production parameters is controlled (times, costs, production, rates, etc.). In another case, when the parameters associated with the coproduction process cannot be controlled or are too expensive to control, giving rise to uncontrolled coproduction. Coproduction is said to be deliberated when it is possible to decide whether to manufacture each product by means of coproduction or separately: In another case, when coproduction may be intrinsically linked to the production process itself is not deliberated.
All the types of coproduction add considerable complexity in lotsizing and scheduling in production systems. Lotsizing seeks to determine the optimal timing and level of production. There are a lot of developments in this field which have their roots in the Economic Order Quantity model developed by Harris (1913), extended some decades later by Wagner-Whitin (1958). Since then, researchers have developed successive generations of models. Also, the scheduling of production lots, which involves deciding at what moment fabricate each piece include a new dimension with coproduction. In many industrial applications, especially from the process industries, the close relationship between lot sizing and scheduling makes it imperative that both decisions are made simultaneously in order to efficiently use capacity.
The trend of this issue is to propose modifications to the existing models of lotsizing and also propose the creation of new models lotsizing as well as scheduling methods considering all the types of the coproduction.
124) Title: "Geometry of Kenmotsu Manifolds and Their Submanifolds"
Organizer: Assistant Prof. Dr. Sibel Sular, Balikesir University, Department of Mathematics, Campus of Cagis, 10145, Balikesir, TURKEY, Tel: +90 266 612 10 00 - 1211, +90 535 858 18 90, Fax: +90 266 612 12 15
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
The aim of the symposium is to bring together researchers with different backgrounds and interests in all aspects of Kenmotsu manifolds and their submanifolds in order to further communication, collaboration and exchange of new ideas.
Topics of interest of the current symposium include (but not limited!):
- Almost contact structure
- Normal almost contact manifolds
- Sasakian manifolds
- Cosymplectic manifolds
- φ-sectional curvature
- Sasakian and cosymplectic space forms
- Kenmotsu manifolds
- Curvature tensor of a Kenmotsu manifold
- Immersions of Kenmotsu manifolds
- Einstein and η-Einstein Kenmotsu manifolds
- Kenmotsu space forms
- Various connections on Kenmotsu manifolds
- Submanifolds of Kenmotsu manifolds
- Special Kenmotsu structures.
Authors interested in giving a 20 minute a oral presentation of their work please contact with the symposium organizer till June 15, 2012.
Guidelines for the preparation of a manuscript are available at:
Please submit: 1. Manuscript, 2. Transfer of Copyright form (scanned), 3. Submission Form (scanned) to the symposium organizer at: or Please send all the three documents in one message!
125) Title: "Mathematics Applied to Computer Science"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Jose C. Valverde, Department of Mathematics/Institute of Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering, University of Castilla-La Mancha, SPAIN
Description of the topic of the session:
The development of the theory of Computation is one of the most important tasks in the modern Mathematics. In view of it, this symposium has the intention of taking a look at breaking new topics of Mathematics applied to Computer Science. The topics will include: scientific computing, modeling and simulation, computational intelligence and machine learning as well as other important areas of Computational Mathematics.
The goal of the symposium is to review and discuss research on this field among mathematicians, engineers and other experts that work in the field at the intersection of Mathematics, Computer Science and related areas. During the symposium attendees will have the opportunity of networking, communicating and exchanging ideas and information on related research topics. Also, they will be able to discuss about the trends and prospects of future.
126) Title: "Integration of Material Constitutive Models and their Implementation into Commercial FEM Programs"
Organizer: Prof. Boris Štok, Head of Laboratory for Numerical Modelling & Simulation, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Description of the topic of the session:
The symposium Integration of material constitutive models and their implementation into commercial FEM programs is aiming to gather researchers who develop own constitutive models and are challenged to implement them into a FEM code efficiently. A focus of symposium will not be on physics of particular constitutive models, but on numerical aspects of their implementation. Participants are welcome to present numerical schemes on solving a system of differential or/and algebraic equations and debate stability, accuracy and efficiency of the scheme, regardless whether they are implicit or explicit. Presentation of specific problems, like consistent tangent operator derivation, are also very welcome.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, numerical schemes and implementation of the models, that desribe plastic and visco-plastic behavior of single crystals and polycrystalline metals, nano-crystalline metals, thin films, biomaterials, ceramics, ice, rocks and soils, composite materials and polymers, as well as plasticity aspects of damage, failure and fracture mechanics.
127) Title: "Theory and Application of Discrete Integrable Systems"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Zuo-nong Zhu, Department of Mathematics, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Description of the topic of the session:
Our aim in this symposium is to bring together a number of researchers working in the area of discrete integrable systems that describe many discrete physical processes. In this symposium, we intend to include the following topics on discrete integrable systems:
- Solution techniques and dynamics of the solutions
- Symmetries and conservation laws of discrete systems
- Geometric and algebraic aspects of discrete integrable systems
- Quantum and non-commutative discrete integrable systems
- Discrete Painlevé equations
- Applications of discrete systems and discrete integrability
128) Title: "Advances in Multiphysics Modelling of Drying"
Organizer: Dr. Sadoth Sandoval, Professor at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional – Mexico (Recruitment of excellence, CIIDIR Oaxaca, Mexico
Description of the topic of the session:
Drying is a ubiquitous and a complex natural process. In porous media, because of the heterogeneity of the pore sizes, the menisci in small pores can produce lower pressure and draw liquid from menisci in large pores. This flow would move the air-liquid interface rapidly through the large pores, creating complex fluid dynamics.
In recent years, many technologies and mathematical tools have been applied to get a better understanding of mass and heat transport during drying in biological/complex materials.
Vacuum drying combined with different heating systems is an alternative method to alleviate degradations/defects in both wood material and other biological materials. Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation have shown important progress in the world; multi-scale, multiphase, and multiphysics models are needed to improve this operation.
During this symposium, advances in mathematical modeling, numerical simulations and multiphysics models will be discussed. Depth discussions dealing with drying physics and transport phenomena during drying are welcomed.
This year, the ICNAAM 2012 conference program is rich with learning opportunities, high level discussions, suitable for those interested in multiphysics simulations of wood drying.
129) Title: "Statistical Inference in Linear Models"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Francisco Carvalho, Unidade Departamental de Matematica e Fisica, Instituto Politecnico de Tomar, Estrada da Serra – Quinta do Contador, 2300-313 Tomar, Portugal and Centro de Matematica e Aplicacoes, Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
Description of the topic of the session:
Linear models play an important role in several fields of science. This symposium will be devoted to new developments in estimation procedures for such models and to applications with these models. The topics that have been selected include estimation, prediction and testing in linear models, robustness of relevant statistical methods, estimation of variance components appearing in linear models, generalizations to nonlinear models, design and analysis of experiments, including optimality and comparison of linear experiments.
130) Title: "Gielis Transformation and Applications"
Organizers: Dr. Diego Caratelli – Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, Prof. Johan Gielis – University of Antwerp, Belgium and Prof. Paolo Emilio Ricci – Campus Bio-Medico University, Italy
E-mail: Diego Caratelli at, Johan Gielis at, or Paolo E. Ricci at
Description of the topic of the session:
Describing and modeling nature is fascinating and, generally speaking, one of the most fundamental research activities: whether to model physical behaviors or geometric structures, to describe or to recognize natural shapes, every research community aims at representing nature as accurately as possible. Classical models are largely based on isotropic spaces. In nature however, anisotropy is the rule and different ways of measuring or geometrizing exist. In 2003 Gielis, introduced the so-called superformula which can be seen as a parametric formulation for generalized circles or ellipses. Since then, the Gielis formula, providing unification of natural and abstract shapes from elementary particles to space-time models, is spreading to different research areas. In this regard, the proposed symposium is meant to bring together researchers working on various applications of superformula in different fields of Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Electromagnetics, Fluid Dynamics, Nonlinear Physics, Numerical Analysis, Imaging, and related areas by providing a forum for the academic exchange of ideas, cooperation, and discussion of the latest achievements in the research.
131) Title: "BE-SMART- Biometry and Extremes: Statistical Modelling And R Techniques"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Teresa Oliveira, Universidade Aberta, Palácio Ceia, Rua da Escola Politécnica, 147, 1269-001 Lisboa, Portugal
Description of the topic of the session:
The BE-SMART- Biometry and Extremes: Statistical Modelling And R Techniques Session (BE-SMART2012) aims to bring together researchers dealing with modelling, extremes and data analysis in all fields of Life Sciences, emphasizing the broad range of statistical model development and fostering multi-disciplinary research. The session provides some approaches of extreme value analysis in the context of biometrical applications as well as recent research results in joint regression analysis, hierarchical modelling, classification and multivariate data analysis. A few open problems will be stated, highlighting perspectives for new scientific developments within these areas. Applications and new theoretical results having potential of solving real life problems will be fostered, namely by applications in fields as diversified as Agriculture, Biology, Genetics, Insurance and Environment. The importance of the links between modern statistical and computational techniques, including visualization tools, will be discussed. Considering that R is internationally supported and that it allows users to grow as software contributors, R techniques will be presented and explored.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Statistics of Extremes
- Extreme value models
- Statistical analysis of Censored Data
- Hierarchical Modelling
- Regression Modelling
- Statistical Data Analysis
- Multivariate Data Analysis
- Classification
- Visual screening
- Discrete Discriminant Analysis
- Principal Components Analysis
- Time Series Models
- Multivariate state-space models
- Statistical Modelling and outliers
- Experimental Statistics
- Experimental Design
- Computational Statistics and Simulation
- Linear Statistical Inference
- Visualization Techniques
132) Title: "Spatial Attrition/Generation Modeling in Warfare, Epidemiology, Ecology, Tissue Infections and Others"
Organizer: Eduardo González, PhD, Assistant Professor, Facultad de Ingeniería y Ciencias, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago, Chile, TEL: +56-2-3311269, Member of INFORMS, Member of IEEE Photonics Society, Member of IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society , Member of IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society
Description of the topic of the session:
A short description of the Symposium: The symposium covers a wide range of applications that include interactions among forces and spatio-temporal evolution, along with the methods that provide efficient and reliable solutions. Some of the topics to be covered are:
- efficient solutions
- stability of the solutions and spurious results
- 2D+t and 3D+t solutions
- combat simulation scenarios
- disease control
- tissue infections control
- predator prey coexistence
- comparison between discrete and continuous models
- complex combat interactions
- interaction modeling
133) Title: "The 1st Symposium on Numerical Methods of Boundary Value Problems (BVPs): Analysis, Algorithms and Real World Applications"
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Suheil A. Khoury, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, American University of Sharjah, P.O.Box 26666, UAE, Telephone: (971-6) 5152918, Fax: (971-6) 5152950 and Prof. Dr. Ali Sayfy, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Art and Sciences, American University of Sharjah, P.O. Box 26666, Sharjah, UAE, Telephone: (971-6) 5152916, Fax: (971-6) 5152950
Description of the topic of the session:
The aim of this Symposium is to cover research into the analysis and trends of development of novel methods for the numerical solution of boundary value problems for ordinary and partial differential equations. The ultimate objective is to have a thorough understanding of the field by giving an in-depth analysis of the numerical methods to demonstrate the methods and the theory. The investigation can be targeted towards a wide variety of BVPs including the ones with boundary layers, with singularities, with delay and perturbed problems. The Symposium is intended to be directed to a broad spectrum of researchers into methods and algorithms for the numerical treatment of ODEs and PDEs throughout all branches of science and engineering.
BVPs are essential for modeling many physical phenomena. Emphasis will be on the implementation of numerical methods and algorithms in practice. Real world applications can include: chemical and biological phenomena; engineering such as fluid dynamics, electron magnetic, elasticity dynamics, material sciences, semiconductor analysis, plasma physics; financial industry; electronics; medicine; life sciences; etc.
The Symposium covers the following topics of interest for BVPs of ODEs and PDEs but is not limited to:
- Stability and convergence of numerical methods
- Finite element methods
- Finite volume methods
- Boundary element methods
- Finite difference methods
- Spectral, collocation and related methods
- Stochastic methods
- Computational methods for boundary and interior layers problems
- Computational methods for boundary value problems with delay
- Numerical methods for the solution of perturbed and singularly perturbed differential equations
- Numerical methods in connection with engineering
- Numerical methods in connection with biology and other natural sciences
- Numerical methods in mathematical finance
134) Title: "Long Range Numerical Simulation of Short Waves"
Organizer: Professor Dr. John Steinhoff, University of Tennessee, Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering, Tullahoma, Tennessee, USA
Description of the topic of the session:
The wave equation represents the basis of many long distance propagation problems. For some problems, it may not be feasible to use a free space Green’s Function or any integral method which neglects intermediate effects, and requires a known propagation function between source and observer. In this minisymposium, we intend to discuss new numerical methods for propagating short waves over long distances, including variations in the properties of the medium, intersecting and scattered waves. These methods can be modifications of high frequency schemes such as ray tracing, Eikonal, geometric optics, paraxial or Gaussian beams, and also new unconventional methods that involve nonlinear solitary waves.
The intention is to get a number of researchers in this area to discuss their results and problems that they feel need to be addressed.
135) Title: "Developing Potential Energy Surfaces for Atom/Molecule Interactions with Cluster/Surface Systems: Numerical Studies"
Organizers: Prof.Dr. Ziya B. GÜVENÇ, Çankaya University, Ankara, Turkey, Prof.Dr. Fatma KANDEMİRLİ, Kastamonu University, Kastamonu, Turkey, Assoc. Prof. Mustafa BÖYÜKATA, Bozok University, Yozgat, Turkey, Assist. Prof. Can Dogan VURDU, Kastamonu University, Kastamonu, Turkey.
URL of the Sysmposium:,ICNAAM.html
Description of the topic of the session:
In recent years, numerous theoretical and experimental studies concerning the analysis of the interactions between gas-phased atoms/molecules and different pure/alloyed metal surfaces and clusters have been carried out. When gas-phased atom or molecule reacts with the metal surface/cluster, they will exhibit some physical and chemical behavior on the surface. Following the reaction of gas phased atom with the surface, adsorption, penetration to sub-surface and scattering reactions may occur. After the gas phased molecules with two or more atoms reacts with the surface, reaction dynamics such as adsorption of each atoms with the dissociating molecule on the surface, penetration and/or scattering may occur. The results obtained with the analysis of reaction dynamics have significantly contributed to various researches such as hydrogen storage, catalyst systems, semiconductor technology and space explorations.
In order for reaction dynamics to be analyzed, potential energy surfaces (PES), which defines the interaction between gases phased atom (or molecule) and the metal surface/cluster, must be described. Also, in order to define potential energy surfaces, density functional energy values of gas phased atom (molecule), related to the height of it above the surface for different sites of surface, must be calculated. By taking this energy values into consideration, for atoms and molecules, adsorption, penetration to sub-surface, scattering and dissociation sites of surface will be assessed. The theoretical and experimental studies indicate that surface sites mentioned above can vary from metal to metal and vary on different faces of the same metal.
136) Title: "Trend in Merging the Finite Element Method and Meshless Methods"
Organizer: Dr. Yunhua Luo, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Manitoba, Canada
Description of the topic of the session:
The finite element method has been a powerful tool in scientific research and in engineering analysis. However, it has limitations or it is inconvenient in solving some engineering problems. Therefore, a new category of methods, collectively called meshless methods, have been developed mainly since early 1990’s to overcome the limitations. Nevertheless, the finite element method still has some advantages over meshless methods. A new trend in the field is to merge the finite element method and meshless methods in some way, so that their advantages are taken and their disadvantages are avoided. One example is the newly developed nearest-nodes finite element method. The Symposium will provide a platform for researchers in the field to exchange their ideas on merging the finite element method and meshless methods to have a more efficient method.
137) Title: "Shape Analysis and Image Processing"
Organizer: Dr. Giuliani Donatella, Scientific and Didactic Polo of Rimini – University of Bologna – Via Angherà 22 – Italy
Description of the topic of the session:
The main goal of the proposed Minisymposium is to discuss numerical and analytical models of biological and physical structures using computational, differential geometry or discrete differential geometry. The main application is the automatic analysis of geometric shapes, especially represented in digital form, in order to identify objects, to detect similarly shaped objects, to compare forms, to describe evolution, deformation or growth processes involving shape variations. The main fields of applications concern Biology, Medical Imaging, Shape Analysis and Reconstruction, Computational Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, Mathematics, Mathematics applied to Computer Science, Statistics, etc.
The aim of this Minisymposium is to provide researchers of this area the opportunity to compare their results and discuss related problems in order to delineate trends and future prospects
138) Title: "Geometric and Discontinuous Control of Nonlinear Dynamical Systems"
Organizer: Prof. Hannah Michalska, McGill University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McConnell Engineering Bldg.,
3480 University Street, Montreal, QC, H3A 2A7, Canada
E-mail: hannah.michalska
Description of the topic of the session:
The class of nonlinear systems is rich in its diversity. Systems of infinitesimally close mathematical descriptions often exhibit distant and complex dynamic behavior. In consequence, there is no unified approach to control and analysis of systems in this class explaining the need for the development of novel, advanced mathematical methods to solve the related problems.
The state of a well-posed, smooth nonlinear system evolves on a differential manifold whose description is local in nature and hence may furnish topological obstacles for existence of globally continuous controls. Also, systems of this kind often exhibit symmetries and invariance properties that may be put to work to the advantage of simpler modeling and steering. Further development of geometric and discontinuous control and modeling approaches is hence of particular demand.
The goal of this Mini-Symposium is to bring together researchers who work on related problems with the aim of discussing new ideas, learning and understanding new concepts, and meeting prospective collaborators.
Contributions containing novel results as well as state-of-the-art critical reviews are welcome. Some topics of special interest are:
- Application of Lie group theory in design of nonlinear control
- Hybrid control and optimal control
- Switched control and quantized control (regardless of the type of switching regime)
- Motion planning for complex systems
- Energy shaping methods in stabilization of nonlinear systems
- Geometric approaches to nonlinear model complexity reduction
- Model reduction by use of system symmetry and invariance
139) Title: "Symposium on Numerical Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations and Their Applications"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Lijin Wang, School of Mathematical Sciences, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yu Quan Lu 19 (Jia), Shijingshan District, Beijing 100049, P.R. China, Tel: +86 10-8264-0442
Description of the topic of the session:
Progress on various issues related to construction, analysis of convergence, stability, long-time effectiveness, structure-preserving properties, implementation, and applications of numerical methods for stochastic differential equations including SODEs, SPDEs, SDDEs, SFDEs, BSDEs, etc. are expected and welcome to be reported in this symposium.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Symplectic/Multi-symplectic methods for SODEs/SPDEs.
- Stochastic Runge-Kutta methods.
- Stochastic discrete gradient methods.
- Stochastic Lie-group methods.
- Numerical integration of SDEs with special structures/properties.
- Numerical methods for backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs), stochastic delay differential equations (SDDEs), and stochastic functional differential equations (SFDEs).
- Implementation of stochastic algorithms.
- Applications to biology, finance, control, physics, multi-scale problems, etc.
140) Title: "Existence Results of Solutions to Diverse Boundary Value Problems on Time Scales"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Sheng-Ping Wang, Holistic Education Center, Cardinal Tein College of Healthcare and Management, No. 11, Zhongxing Rd., Sanxing Township, Yilan County 26646, Taiwan
Description of the topic of the session:
The theory of dynamic equations on time scales appeared in the Ph.D. thesis of Hilger in 1988 bridges the gap between differential and difference equations. It opens doors to more general considerations for many researchers. Fifteen years of intense development on various boundary value problems in this field has given lots of interesting studies. Many techniques, including various fixed-point theorems, upper and lower solution method, degree theory, variational method, to name a few, are applied for dealing with the existence of solutions for diverse boundary value problems. The goals of this mini-symposium are to introduce, demonstrate and emphasis the applications via inviting several excellent researchers contributed extensively to this topic for showing their understanding and recent work.
141) Title: "Mathematics Applied to Computer Science"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Jose C. Valverde, Department of Mathematics/Institute of Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering, University of Castilla-La Mancha, SPAIN
Description of the topic of the session:
The development of the theory of Computation is one of the most important tasks in the modern Mathematics. In view of it, this symposium has the intention of taking a look at breaking new topics of Mathematics applied to Computer Science. The topics will include: scientific computing, modeling and simulation, computational intelligence and machine learning as well as other important areas of Computational Mathematics.
The goal of the symposium is to review and discuss research on this field among mathematicians, engineers and other experts that work in the field at the intersection of Mathematics, Computer Science and related areas. During the symposium attendees will have the opportunity of networking, communicating and exchanging ideas and information on related research topics. Also, they will be able to discuss about the trends and prospects of future.
142) Title: "Numerical Analysis and Application on the Ocean Engineering"
Organizer: Dr. Huang Wei-Po, Technical manager of the Hydraulic and Ocean Engineering Department, Sinotech Engineering Services Ltd., Taiwan
Description of the topic of the session:
Study of the behavior of waves, current, storm surge and the interaction between coastal structures and waves via numerical analysis.
143) Title: "Using Spherical Harmonics to Identify and Quantify Anisotropies in Distributions"
Organizer: Dr. McEwen, The Mitchell Academy of Science and Technology: Associate Director, Los Angeles, CA 90049, USA
Description of the topic of the session:
It will focus on the work done by scientists to look for small-scale anisotropies in the Cosmic Microwave Background, as well as my own work looking for large-scale anisotropies in the arrival directions of ultra-high energy cosmic rays
144) Title: "The Aerosol Nucleation Symposium"
Organizer: Prof.,Dr.Sci.Michael Anisimov, Nanoaerosol Lab Head, Technological Design Institute of Scientific, Instrument Engineering SB RAS, 41 Russkaya Street, 630058 Novosibirsk, Russia, Phone:+7 383 3066213, Fax:+7 383 3329342
Description of the topic of the session:
The leaders on Aerosol Nucleation Theory and Experiment will participate in Symposium. A Numerical Modeling of Nucleation Experiment, Data Conversion Algorithms, Expertise of the Experimental and Theoretical Data on Nucleation, Computer Design of the Nucleation Rate Surfaces and Other Related Problems will be discussed.
145) Title: "Symposium on the Applications of Numerical Methods to Energy Systems, Nuclear Reactors Design Thermal-hydraulics and Safety, and Enhanced Cooling of Electronics"
Organizer: Dr. Mohamed S. El-Genk, Regents' Professor, Chemical, Nuclear and Mechanical Engineering, Director, Institute for Space and Nuclear Power Studies, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, USA
Description of the topic of the session:
The symposium is planned in conjunction with the International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2012 (ICNAAM 2012), to be held 19 - 25 September in Kos, Greece. The technical program for the Symposium consists of three technical tracks on the engineering applications of numerical methods and analysis and verification and validation using actual measurements or experimental results. The symposium is an opportunity to for international participants to exchange technical information and experiences in such timely technical topic. Potential authors are invited to submit their abstract for consideration for inclusion in one of the Symposium's technical tracks. Authors of acceptable abstract will be asked to submit a full paper for inclusion in a special volume and selected papers will be considered to publication in a special volume of an archived Journal , subject to the customary pear review. The Planned technical tracks are:
Track I: Energy Systems
The primary focus is on fossil and renewable energy systems, thermal and electrical energy storage, smart grid, thermal management, simulation and modeling, balance of plant, operation safety and environmental effects. Contributions are also encouraged in areas of advanced and combined energy conversion cycles, hybrid solar systems, advanced Photovoltaics and solar concentrators design, integration and analysis.
Track II: Nuclear Reactors Design,Thermal-Hydraulics and Safety
The focus of this technical track is on the design, thermal hydraulics and safety analysis of currently operating, new built Generation III and III+ and advanced nuclear reactors designs (Generation IV) as well as small / modular reactors with inherent safety features. Contributions also invited in the areas of wet and dry storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF), nuclear reactor safety during design bases and severe core accidents, space nuclear power systems, oxidation kinetics and radiation embrittlement of nuclear reactor materials, and nuclear fuel and cladding behavior during nominal abnormal operation.
Track III: Enhanced Cooling of Electronics
This track invites contributions on the applications of numerical methods to advanced methods for cooling high electronics and high power computer chips including, but limited to, immersion cooling nucleate boiling, air jet and liquid spray cooling, thermoelectric and thermionic cooling, forced convection boiling and single phase liquid and air cooling.
Additional contributions are thought in the areas of thermal management, thermal interface materials, integration and packing, stacking and mitigation of hot spots.
146) Title: "Chaotic and Nonchaotic Behavior of Jerk Systems"
Organizer: Dr. Fu Zhang, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Department of Natural and Applied Sciences, Cheyney, PA 19319, Phone: (610) 399-2045, Fax: (610) 399-2706, USA
Description of the topic of the session:
The discovery of the complicated behavior in Lorenz equations has lead to fruitful studies in the area of dynamical systems and chaos. Jerk systems in the form x’’’=f(x’’, x’, x) belong to the class of three dimensional autonomous ordinary differential equation system. Algebraically simpler jerk systems were found to exhibit chaos in the mid 90s. This symposium provides a platform for colleagues in the areas around the world to communicate and to exchange ideas. Topics for this symposium will include (but not limited to):
- Determining nonchaotic parameter regions in simple chaotic jerk functions
- Types of bifurcation to chaos
- Definitions of a chaotic solution
- Relation between the definitions of chaotic solutions
- Criteria of nonchaotic solutions
- Analytic results in the existence and nonexistence of chaotic solutions
- Numerical and experimental results in the existence of chaotic solutions
147) Title: "Minisymposium on Mathematical Modeling in Hydrology"
Organizer: Prof. Lucio Ubertini, Sapienza University of Rome, Engineering Faculty, Director of Honors Center of Italian Universities H2CU, Via Eudossiana 18, 00184 Roma, T (+39) 06 44585044-61-69 F (+39) 06 44585027
Description of the topic of the session:
The goal of this symposium is to deal with mathematical modeling in hydrology, opening discussions on the advances of numerical analysis and applied mathematics in hydrological sciences.
Topics of interest of the symposium include:
- Catchment hydrology;
- Hydrological forecasting;
- Water management, operations and control;
- Remote sensing and data assimilation;
- Precipitation and climate.
148) Title: "Modeling, Prediction, and Optimization in Contemporary Computer and Communication Systems"
Organizer: Dr. Wei Sun, Central Research Labs, NEC Corporation, Japan
Description of the topic of the session:
Modeling and prediction based methods have been used for optimizing computer and communication systems in the past decades. Many successful instances have been well known in industry. The fast evolution of computer and communication technologies requires matured and robust modeling and prediction, while new breakthroughs in theory trigger next generation of computer and communication systems. The interaction will last forever. This symposium aims at timely capturing the interaction and providing a place to share new achievements and experience. Therefore, welcome the papers delivering various modeling, prediction and optimization cases in contemporary computer and communication systems and those introducing new fundamental methods of modeling.
149) Title: "Symposium om Modelling, Simulation and Model Reduction Approaches of Complex and Networked Chemical and Biochemical Systems"
Organizer: Dr. Constantinos Theodoropoulos, Director for Postgraduate Research, Senior Lecturer, School of Chemical Engineering and Analytical Science, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK, Phone: +44 161 306 4386, FAX: +44 161 236 7439
Description of the topic of the session:
This session will address state of the art technologies for constructing complex (bio)chemical reaction networks as well as efficient computational techniques, based on mathematical model reduction methods, for modelling, analysis and design of complex networked systems.
150) Title: "Modelling, Computers and Interactive Environments in Science and Mathematics Education"
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Rui Gomes Neves & Prof. Dr. Vítor Duarte Teodoro, Unidade de Investigação Educação e Desenvolvimento (UIED), Departamento de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas (DCSA), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (FCT), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), Monte da Caparica, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal
E-mail: ;
Description of the topic of the session:
In the professional activities associated with science and mathematics (SM) the development of knowledge involves interactive research processes based on modelling actions that epistemologically balance different elements from theory, scientific computation and experimentation. It then follows that SM curricula and teaching-learning environments should be based on pedagogical methodologies inspired in the balanced interactive professional modelling processes, always taking into account specific area dependent contexts. Field implementations involve supporting meaningful learning paths going through balanced interactive explorations of all the different phases of the modelling cycle, namely, qualitative contextual description, definition, exploration, interpretation and validation of mathematical models, communication of results and generalizations. In addition, achieving an early epistemologically balanced integration of computational modelling is fundamental. However, in spite of the increasing amount of scientific evidence gathered over the years, the majority of current practices in courses for SM education are still not able to reflect professional SM epistemologies, a problem cutting across K12 and university levels. Moreover, these are courses that often have many students with fragmented knowledge states, deteriorating expectations and low exam success rates.
This Symposium aims to bring together mathematicians, scientists, and teachers interested in discussing contributions to improve on this situation. Focusing on secondary and introductory first cycle university levels we welcome theoretical, position, empirical or innovation development contributions distributed by all SM areas and applications, from physics, chemistry, biology, geology to mathematics. Topics include but are not limited to:
- Conceptual understanding, mathematical reasoning and problem solving capabilities
- New approaches, curricula or teaching-learning sequences
- Interactive teaching-learning environments
- ICT, multimedia and scientific computation
- Teacher training and professional development
This Symposium is a part of the 10th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2012 (ICNAAM 2012) which will be held in Kos, Greece, at the Kypriotis Hotels and Conference Center (, on September 19-25, 2012. See the Conference webpage at Paper manuscripts should be submitted only to the Symposium Organizers at: ; Submitted manuscripts should be in AIP (American Institute of Physics) format and should not exceed 4 pages. Please read carefully the paper preparation guidelines at and submit your contribution with scanned copies of the Submission Form and of the Transfer of Copyright Form no later than June 30, 2012. All accepted papers will be published in the ICNAAM 2012 Proceedings in the AIP Conference Proceedings Series which have been indexed, for example, in ISI Web of Knowledge, Zentrablatt fur Mathematik, MathSciNet, Scopus, Inspec, Scirus and Google Scholar, see more details at Acceptance notices will be scheduled for July 15, 2012.
151) Title: "Computational Nanomaterials"
Organizer: Yakup Hundur, Asst. Prof. Dr., Istanbul Technical University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Physics, 34469 Istanbul, Turkey, Fax : +90-212-2856386, Phone: +90-212-2857232
URL of the Symposium:
Description of the topic of the session:
Performing simulations on nano-sized materials like nanotubes, nanoribbons and nanowires to obtain mechanical, optical, electrical and magnetic characteristics / application possibilities such as -but not limited to-; stress, strain, defects, implantations, sticking, sputtering, immigration, hosting possibilities, deposition, thermal expansion, hydrogen storage, CNT’s, conductivity, ferroelectricity, electron mobility, luminescence, photoconductivity diamagnetism, paramagnetism, and ferromagnetism.
152) Title: "Mathematical Modelling and Analysis for Environmental Pollution Prevention"
Organizer: Dr. Bahtiyar OZTURK, Ondokuz Mayis University, Engineering Faculty, Environmental Engineering Depatment, Atakum 55200, Samsun, TURKEY
Description of the topic of the session:
There are complex nonlinear interactions between different environmental processes. Hence, it is difficult to observe or to access the environmental systems. Human understanding of different environmental processes are often limited and this force researchers to create modeling the environmental processes. Modeling the environmental processes saves time and is cost effective compared to long observations, investigation and measurements. This mini symposia aims to bring scientist together to share their knowledge and experience about modeling of complex environmental processes.
Topics to be covered include (but not limited):
- Environmental Modeling in Water Management
- River, Lake, Coastal Pollution Modeling
- Air Pollution and Climate Modeling
- Environmental Risk Analysis
- Environmental Data Analysis and Modeling
- Pollution Control Systems Modeling
153) Title: "Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow around Bluff Bodies by Meshless Methods"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, Sabanci University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Tuzla-Orhanli, 34956, Istanbul Turkey
Description of the topic of the session:
The symposium aims to create a platform for scientist and engineers to disseminate their research and exchange ideas on the numerical modeling of flow around bluff bodies by Meshless Methods such as Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), Moving particle semi-implicit method (MPI), Meshless Finite Volume Method, Diffuse Element Method (DEM), Element Free Galerkin Method (EFG), Reproducing Kernel Particle Method (RKPM), Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin Method (MLPG), and among many others. Flows around a cylinder, a square obstacle and an airfoil have been widely used as benchmark problems in mesh-dependent methods for studying the dynamics and the fundamental characteristics of fluid flows around solid structures as well as for revealing the capability and the accuracy of developing in-house codes and new algorithms. In meshless methods, in general, accurate prediction of velocity and pressure profiles around deforming and non-deforming bluff bodies with complex geometries is a challenging issue in that it may require special algorithms and boundary treatments for bluff bodies due to the curved nature of the bluff body geometry or sharp corners. Therefore, flow past bluff bodies has also become a well accepted benchmark problem for meshless methods for developing new algorithms and improved boundary treatments for complex geometries. Research papers on flow simulations over bluff bodies such as immersed thin objects, self propelling bodies, fish like bodies, complex deforming bodies, and other challenging geometries are highly encouraged. The symposium is believed to be a good opportunity for all researchers in involved with the research activities in numerical methods to be familiar with a wide variety of fast developing meshless methods.
154) Title: "Seismic Waveform Analysis and Inversion Problems (SWAIP): Overview of SGRAPH Tools and Applications"
Organizer: Dr. Mohamed Farouk Abdelwahed, Geological Hazards Research Unit, Faculty of Earth Sciences, King Abdulaziz University (KAU), 80206, 21589 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and Seismology Department, National Research Institute of Astronomy & Geophysics, Cairo, 11722, Egypt. Tel.: 00966 544093385
E-mail: ;
Description of the topic of the session:
Solving the seismological problems by advanced numerical solutions became a challenge nowadays. The development of the science of seismology yields varieties of seismological methods provided by a lot of seismological networks and data format types. As a result, a large number of computer programs in this field were introduced in the last decades. Those programs are specified in different type of studies and run in different platforms and focused in different topics. It is therefore important to gather all the different methods in one platform for the popular use. SGRAPH is one of the programs that deals with a wide range of data format and supports the recent seismological techniques. It is a Windows application program that integrates many tools and techniques in a stand-alone application. In this symposium, we will present the recent ideas and applications of SGRAPH program (in particular) and/or any programs relating to seismology in the sense of data reading, display and the topics relating to waveform analysis, waveform modeling, seismic attenuation, focal mechanism solution, earthquake location, etc. All new programs and ideas are welcomed. The topics include, but are not limited to the following:
- SGRAPH applications
- Computer programs in Seismology (Fortran, C++, Visual C, Visual Basic, Java)
- Data conversions
- Seismic attenuation
- Inversion method (LSQR, Genetic Algorithm, etc..) for solving seismological problems
- Focal mechanism solutions
- Earthquake location methods
- Source parameters estimation
- Receiver function
- Synthetic seismogram and waveform modeling
155) Title: "Velocity Fields with Power-Law Spectra for Modeling Turbulent Flows"
Organizer: Dr. Mine Caglar, Department of Mathematics, Koc University, Tel: +90 212 3381315, Fax: +90 212 3381559, Turkey
URL for the Symposium:
Description of the topic of the session:
- Turbulent flows in the ocean and atmosphere
- Subgrid modeling in Large Eddy Simulation
- Vortex methods
- Random velocity fields
156) Title: "GIS and Numerical Simulations of Inundation Risk in Coastal Lowlands"
Organizer: Dr. Giuseppe Gambolati - Professor, Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering - Universita' degli Studi, Via Trieste 63 35121 Padova ITALY, Phone +39 049 8271316 FAX 8271333 cell 3490062621,
Description of the topic of the session:
Relative sea level rise (RSLR), i.e. the combination of land subsidence and eustatic rise of the mean sea level due to climate changes, storm surges, and hurricanes are increasingly threatening lowlying coastlands with a high risk of inundation. Predicting and mapping the effects of coastal storms and RSLR are important because of the high vulnerability and potentially large costs associated with these effects in developed coastal areas. This research topic is presently supported by high resolution datasets and efficient GIS/numerical tools. We invite contributions addressing the development and implementation of integrated methodologies comprising GIS and numerical modeling in this scientific area.
157) Title: "Symposium on Mathematical Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of the Liquid Sloshing Problem"
Organizer: Dr. Serdar Celebi, Istanbul Technical University, Informatics Institute ( and National Center for High Performance Computing (
Description of the topic of the session:
The liquid sloshing problem, which may simply be referred as the oscillatory movements of a liquid-state material inside a partially filled container, constitutes a broad class of problems of great practical importance with regard to the safety of transportation systems such as liquid cargo in ocean-going vessels or liquid storage systems such as water reservoir of a dam.
The aim of this symposium is to bring together researchers who work in the fields related to modeling, simulation or analysis of the sloshing type problems by using mathematical (analytical/semi-analytical or numerical) approaches and discuss recent advances.
Topics: Finite Difference, Finite Element, Finite Volume, Free surface, Marker and Cell (MAC), Volume of Fluid (VOF), Level-Set, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH), Wave Equations, Shallow Water Equations, Mechanical Models, spring-mass, multimodal, Potential Flow, Laplace Equations, Euler Equations, Navier-Stokes Equations, Turbulence, Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes Equations (RANS), Large Eddy Simulation (LES), Subgrid Scale (SGS) Models, viscid/inviscid, rotational/irrotatioanal, compressible/incompressible, homogeneous/inhomogeneus, linear/nonlinear/brolen/violent, droplet, bubble, Fluid-Structure Interaction, Baffles, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), rigid container.
158) Title: "Turkish-Greek Symposium on General Topology and Its Application"
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Tamer UGUR, Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science Atatürk University 25240 Erzurum-TURKEY and Prof. Dr. Ceren Sultan ELMALI, Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science Erzurum Technic University 25240 Erzurum-TURKEY
Description of the topic of the session:
It is the aim of this symposium to bring together experts and young researchers in the field of topology from Turkey, Greece and abroad. In this way it si hoped to foster ties between topologist in different countries and further the study of topology and its application.
Topics of interest include ,but are not limited to
- Higher separation axioms (completely regular, normal, perfectly or collectionwise normal, etc.)
- Noncompact covering properties (paracompact, Lindelöf, etc.)
- Extensions of spaces (compactifications, supercompactifications, completions, etc.)
- Remainders
- Realcompactness and realcompactification
- Base properties
- Special constructions of spaces (spaces of ultrafilters, etc.)
159) Title: "The Latest Development in the Theory of the Homotopy Analysis Method and Its Applications"
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Fathi M. Allan, Department of Mathematical Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, POBox 17551, United Arab Emirates and Dr. Mohamed Ali Hajji, Department of Mathematical Sciences, United Arab Emirates University, Al Ain, POBox 17551, United Arab Emirates
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
For the last 20 years, Homotopy Analysis Method (HAM) has been used extensively by researchers to generate analytical solutions for nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations. These differential equations are mostly derived when simulating certain scientific and engineering problems. The method is also used to derive other methods such as the Adomian decomposition method and the homotopy perturbation method. Also, a lot of research was devoted to modify the method to fit certain classes of differential equations. This symposium will be a great chance for researchers from various disciplines to discuss the latest development in the theory and applications of the Homotopy Analysis Method.
The topics include but not limited to
- Theory of the homotopy analysis method.
- Error analysis and error control of the method.
- Improving the rate of convergence of the homotopy analysis method and related methods.
- Simplification of the computational procedures of the method and related methods.
- Application of homotopy analysis method and related methods to fractional differential equations
- Application of homotopy analysis method and related methods to difference equations and fractional difference equations.
- Application of the method in science and engineering problems.
160) Title: "The 1st Symposium on Numerical Analysis of Kinked and Secondary Cracks with the Emphasis on Boundary Element/Boundary Collocation Methods"
Organizer: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohammad FatehiMarji, The University of Yazd, Department of Mine Exploitation Engineering, Safaieh, Pajoohesh St. Yazd, Iran. Tel: +98 35 18 12 25 93, Fax: +98 35 18 21 09 95
Description of the topic of the session:
Kinked and crack tip elements are used to evaluate the stress intensity factors near the kinked points (the points between the original crack tips and the wing or kinked cracks) or near the crack tips where the crack may be propagated and/or secondary cracks initiated and propagated in the body of the fractured substances. Several analytical and numerical approaches maybe used to study the topic.
Topics of interest for this symposium are:
- Boundary element modeling of kinked and cracked tips
- Boundary collocation analysis
- Hybridized BE/BC analysis
- Analytical and semi analytical analysis required to improve the above methods
- Other engineering applications and related topics are also welcomed.
161) Title: "Memristor-Based Neuromorphic Circuits and Unconventional Computing"
Organizer: Dr. Victor Erokhin, CNR-IMEM (National Council of Research, Institute of Materials for Electronics and Magnetism) and Department of Physics, University of Parma, Viale Usberti 7A, Parma, 43124, Italy
Description of the topic of the session:
The symposium will cover different aspects of the architecture, properties and models of different types of memristive devices and their possible applications for the realization of bio-inspired information processing systems. Other types of unconventional computing algorithms will be also discussed within symposium.
The symposium will include oral presentations and poster session. Plenary presentations will be done by leading experts in the field. Other presentations will be selected from the submitted papers.
Two round tables will be organized within the symposium. The first one will be dedicated to the perspectives of the industrial applications of memristor-based systems. The round table will be prefaced
162) Title: "Minisymposium on New Algorithms to Derive the Bäcklund Transformations, the Bianchi Permutability Relations and the Bogomolny Decomposition"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Krzysztof Sokalski, Czestochowa University of Technology, Institute of Computer Science, 42-200 Czestochowa, Al. Armii Krajowj 17, Poland
Description of the topic of the session:
The main goal of the proposed Minisymposium is to present recent developments on exact integration of nonlinear partial differential equations by applying dual equations such as: the Bäcklund transformations and the Bogomolny Decomposition.
The Bäcklund transformations were formulated in the 19th century and still remain the only hope to construct exact solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations. In the case of some nonlinear models consisting of two coupled fields the exact solutions can be obtained by considering the Bogomolny decomposition.
We invite scientists and engineers working in exact integration of nonlinear partial differential equations by applying calculus of variations, geometric methods, algebraic topology and computer algebra.
163) Title: "Metaheuristic and Numerical Analysis"
Organizers: Dr. Gebrail Bekdas and S. Melih Nigdeli, Department Civil Engineering, Istanbul University, 34320 Avcılar/Istanbul/Turkey Tel: +90 212 4737070; Fax: +90 212 4737176
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
Metaheuristic algorithms are inspired by the observation in nature. In engineering, science and technology metaheuristic methods is a great source for optimization problems. In addition to that conventional numerical methods are effective on the design problems in engineering. The aim of this symposium is to bring together all leading academicians working on metaheuristic and numerical analysis and to recognize recent multidisciplinary studies.
The highlighted topics (but are not limited to) are:
- Metaheuristic algorithms and applications
- Evolutionary algorithms and applications
- Fuzzy logic
- Probability and statics
- Finite element method
- Numerical methods in structural analysis
- Numerical methods in mechanics
- Numerical methods and optimization in management
- Active and passive control applications
- Structural and system dynamics
- Structural optimization
- Optimization in construction management
All extended abstract must be prepared according to the guidelines of the Proceedings of ICNAAM 2012 ( The extended abstracts must be send via E-mail to the organizers until July 20, 2012. The Organizers E- mail address: and
164) Title: "Analytical, Numerical and Experimental Study of Slow Flows"
Organizers: Prof. Dr. A.G. Petrov, Institute for Problem in Mechanics RAS, Pr Vernadskogo 101-1, Moscow, Russia and Dr. Vladimir Cherniavski, Institute of Mechanics, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
Description of the topic of the session:
The main goal of the Symposium is in presenting new results in analytical, numerical and experimental study of creeping flows including but not limited to mathematical modelling of engineering and environmental processes.
Topics of interest of the current symposium include (but not limited!):
- exact and approximate solutions
- experiments
- numerical methods for slow fluid flow
- integral equations
- mixing and chaos in Stokes flows
- multi-phase flows
- micro and nano fluidics
- non-Newtonian fluid dynamics
- free surface flows
- engineering, geophysical, chemical and biological applications
165) Title: "Finite Element Simulation of Delamination Growth in Composite Materials using Cohesive Elements"
Organizer: Dr Ahmed Elmarakbi, CEng, MIMechE, Reader in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Editor IJVSMT, Guest Editor IJVSS, Dept of Computing, Engineering and Technology, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of Sunderland, UK, Tel: +44 (191) 515-3877, Fax: +44 (191)515-2781
Description of the topic of the session:
Delamination is a mode of failure of laminated composite materials when subjected to transverse loads. It can cause a significant reduction in the compressive load-carrying capacity of a structure. Cohesive elements are widely used, in both forms of continuous interface elements and point cohesive elements at the interface between solid finite elements to predict and to understand the damage behaviour in the interfaces of different layers in composite laminates.
This session will cover the areas of delamination growth in composite materials, cohesive interface models and finite element techniques used to simulate the interface elements. The development and implementation of new constitutive formulae that stabilize the simulations and overcome numerical instabilities is the main core of the session.
166) Title: "Innovative Green Nanocomposites Based on Silicate Clays/Lignin/Natural Fibres"
Organizer: Dr. Alice Mija, Associate Professor, Fluids and Complex Materials Group, Laboratory of Condensed Matter Physics (L.P.M.C – UMR 7336), University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis, 06108 Nice Cedex 2, France, tel: +33 4 92 07 61 08
Description of the topic of the session:
This symposium focused the most important interdisciplinary domains on advanced green nanocomposites materials concerning the processing, morphology, structure, properties and their applications.
Related topics:
- natural and bio-polymers,
- bio-materials their blends with nanoclays,
- lignin or natural fibers,
- composites,
- nanocompostes.
All professionals, researchers involved or interested in the area of the conference are invited to present papers relating to the symposium topics.
Registration and Hotel Reservations will be through the conference Web page.
167) Title: "The Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics in Geodynamics"
Organizer: Dr. Bojing Zhu, Associate Professor of Geodynamics/Mechanics, Key Lab of Computational Geodynamics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Phone: 86-10-88256477 Fax: 86-10-88256485/8825488
E-mail: ;
Description of the topic of the session:
Exploring geodynamics problems by using finite element method, boundary element method, lattice Boltzmann method BEM or other numerical method.
- Landslide, karst fault, reservoir-induced seismic, volcanic earthquake and hydraulic fracturing.
- Rheology and mineral properties of the deep earth, physical properties of rocks and their dependence on pressure, temperature and chemical composition
168) Title: "The Empirical Research and Model on On-Line Human Dynamic"
Organizer: Dr.Peng Wang, Insititute of Information Economy, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 310036; 2 Alibaba Business College, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou 310036
Description of the topic of the session:
The significance of the quantitative understanding of human behavior is quite obvious since the dynamics of many social, technological and economic phenomena are driven by individual human actions. More and more electronic records available from internet give us a valuable insight into the pattern of human behaviors. the Symposium concentrates on the empirical research on on-line human behaviors and the model which explain its features such as the heavy-tails on inter-event time distribution, auto-correlation or other statistical characteristics.We also weclome any works and discussion on how to predict on-line groups behave and how that behaviour can be changed.
169) Title: "Numerical Analysis of Cable-Stayed Bridges under Ambient Excitations"
Organizers: em. Professor Dr.-Ing. Pao-Hsii Wang, Tel.: +886-3-265-4207, Fax: +886-3-265-4299 and Assistant Professor Dr. Ming-Yi Liu, Tel.: +886-3-265-4211, Fax: +886-3-265-4299, Department of Civil Engineering, Chung Yuan Christian University, No. 200, Chung Pei Road, Jhongli City, Taoyuan County, 32023, Taiwan, R.O.C.
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
In the last several decades, cable-stayed bridges have become popular due to their aesthetic appeal, structural efficiency, ease of construction and economic advantage. This type of bridge, however, is light and flexible, and has a low level of inherent damping, resulting in the fact that they are susceptible to ambient excitations. This symposium will provide a platform to exchange experience and information about the numerical analysis, assessment and control of cable-stayed bridges under ambient excitations from wind, seismic and traffic loads. This symposium will also cover the innovative technologies during the lifetime of cable-stayed bridges including design, construction and maintenance.
170) Title: "Weighted Local-World Evolving Network Model with Aging Nodes"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Xianmin Geng, Department of Mathematics, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, P.R.China
Description of the topic of the session:
(1). The strength of the node and weight of edges in networks play an important role in deciding the characteristics of networks. Using the method of (stochastic) system dynamics and rate equation, study various characteristics in networks model with weighted networks as such weight correlation, degree correlation, weight distribution, strength distribution, degree distribution, clustering coefficient, etc.,. Or, it reveals the various characteristic of real networks with weight.
(2). The age of the node in networks play an important role in deciding the characteristics of networks. Using the method of (stochastic) system dynamics and rate equation, study various characteristics in networks model with aging as such degree correlation, degree distribution, clustering coefficient, etc.,. Or, it reveals the various characteristic of real networks with age.
(3). Using the method of (stochastic) system dynamics and rate equation, study various characteristics in other special networks model.
171) Title: "Helix Fitting by a Total Least Squares Method"
Organizers: Prof. Dr. Norio Matsushima, Division of Biophysics, Center for Medical Education, Sapporo Medical University, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-8556, Japan and Prof. Dr. Purevjav Enkhbayar, Department of Biophysics and Bioinformatics, School of Biology and Biotecnology, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar-210646/377, Mongolia
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
The problem of fitting a helix to data arises in analysis of protein structure, in nuclear physics, and in engineering. A continuous helix is described by five parameters: helix axis, helix radius, and helix pitch. One of these helix parameters is frequently predefined in the helix fitting. Other algorithms find only the helix axis or determine separately the helix axis, the helix radius, or the helix pitch. A total least squares method, HELFIT, for helix fitting was developed. HELFIT enables one to calculate simultaneously all five of the helix parameters with high accuracy. This mini-symposium aims to present HELFIT and it's applications in physics, biology and other sciences. The topics of interest include other researches that are related with least squares method (but not limited).
172) Title: "GLV Method for Elliptic Curves"
Organizer: Professor Dr. Maozhi Xu, School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing(100871),PR China, Laboratory of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, Peking University, Beijing(100871),PR China, Beijing International Center for Mathematical Research, Peking University, Beijing(100871),PR China
Description of the topic of the session:
In this Symposium, GLV method and their use in faster point multiplication, fast paring computation, fast Descrete Logorithm for elliptic curves are discussed.
173) Title: "Modelling and Intelligent Approaches to Packing Problems"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Jiamin Liu, School of Information Science and Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology. Shenyang, 110870, China
Description of the topic of the session:
Finding optimum solutions to packing problems has been an interesting and challenging research subject in many industrial sectors, such as logistics and transportation. This symposium welcomes contributions from researchers and practitioners engaged in the development and/or use of models and methods in solving such packing problems. The aim of the symposium is to address these topics from different intelligent approaches perspective, treating them not only in isolation, but also with respect to their numerous and exciting interconnections in various applications. The symposium is particularly interested in presentations addressing the modelling of multi-constraints packing in practical applications.
Topics of main INTEREST include (but are not limited to):
- Bin packing
- Strip packing
- Container (pallet) loading
- Knapsack
- Multiple container (pallet) loading
174) Title: "Effect of Backfills on Retaining Structures"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Mustafa Aytekin, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, College of Engineering, University of Bahrain, Kingdom of Bahrain
Description of the topic of the session:
The symposium is a prestigious gathering of researchers, academics and industry practitioners in all specialty areas related to the construction industry, including civil, geotechnical, and highway engineering design and project execution, transmission of lateral pressures, and advanced construction materials used in retaining wall construction, environmental protection issues, building systems monitoring and control, safety and recovery operations, and temporary/rapid construction technologies.
175) Title: "Improving the Properties of Digital Chaotic System"
Organizer: Dr. HanPing Hu, Professor in State Education Ministry Key Laboratory of Image Information & Intelligent Control, Institute of Pattern Recognition & Artificial Intelligence, Huazhong, University of Science &Technology, Wuhan 430074, PRC
Description of the topic of the session:
All the discrete chaotic systems are on the finite precision devices (such as computer). Trying to generate a chaotic signal on a finite precision device leads to dynamical degradation of chaotic properties. In this symposium, we focus on the methods for improving the dynamical properties of digital chaotic system, both numerical methods and theoretical analysis will be discussed in our symposium.
176) Title: "Application of Monte Carlo methods for the Solution Linear and Nonlinear Problems"
Organizers: Dr. Abdujabar Rasulov, Professor of Mathematics, The University of World Economy and Diplomacy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan and Dr. Michael Mascagni, Professor of Computer Science, Florida State University, USA
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
The application of Monte Carlo methods in various fields is constantly growing due to increases in computer capabilities. Increasing speed and memory, and the wide availability of multiprocessor computers, allows us to solve many problems using Monte Carlo method.
Nowadays Monte Carlo methods have been developed to solve a variety of multidimensional and nonlinear boundary-value problems of mathematical physics. As well as this method widely used in the area parallel and asynchronous methods. A considerable interest in this method has developed due to two main reasons, the development of new effective numerical methods for solving applications related to these problems, and the deep connections between differential equations and random processes. This connection has been known for a while: the results of the theory of differential equations have been widely used in the theory of probability.
The goal of this session is to bring together researchers and mathematicians to discuss advancements and fruitful ideas in this field.
Topics of interest include but not limited to:
- Monte Carlo methods for linear and nonlinear parabolic problems.
- Monte Carlo methods for linear and nonlinear hyperbolic problems.
- Monte Carlo methods for linear and nonlinear elliptic problems.
- Monte Carlo methods for system of algebraic and integral equations.
- Variance redaction techniques in Monte Carlo.
- Parallel algorithms and stochastic simulations .
- Monte Carlo methods in finance.
But talks on other topics in computational aspects of Monte Carlo and application to finance are also welcome.
June 10, 2012: submit your 3-4 pages manuscript (i.e. the paper that will be published in the AIP proceedings) according to the rules. Please click for details:
Please submit: 1. Manuscript, 2. Transfer of Copyright form (scanned), 3. Submission Form (scanned) to the symposium organizer at: :
Please send all the three documents in one message!
People interested in giving a 15 – 20 minute oral presentation plus 10 minutes for Q/A of their work please contact the symposium organizer at :
177) Title: "International Symposium of Hydrogen and Applications ISHA2012"
Organizers: Dr. DHAOU Mohamed Houcine, Faculté des Sciences de Monastir, Université de Monastir, Laboratoire d'Etudes Des Systèmes Thermiques et Energétiques,LESTE, ENIM, Monastir, 5019, Tunisie and Dr. LAJILI Marzouk, Faculté des Sciences de Monastir, Université de Monastir, UR Etude des milieux ionisés et réactifs IPEIM, Monastir, 5019, Tunisie
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
On behalf of the Local Organizing Committee, we would like to welcome to the International Symposuim on Hydrogen and Applications (ISHA2012). During the symposuim, it will be interesting to establish an International Govering Board which takes care of the major organizational and scientific aspects of the conference and decides on the future locations. Due to the great importance of the field, it was furthermore decided to hold the conference every two years.
The goal of this conference is to gring together researchers from differents countries working on “hydrogen” and applications, and to promote the exchange of new ideas, results and techniques. The great interest in this area was demonstrated by many manuscripts submitted to the ISHA2012. Topics that will be investigated in ISHA2012 are the following:
- Topic A: Hydrogen storage: metal hydrides, carbon nano-structures, crygenic and compressed hydrogen storage;
- Topic B: Hydrogen generation: gasification or cal and mass, thermo-chemical systems, photochemical systems, electrolysis of water,
- Topic C: Hydrogen utilisation: Fuel cells, batteries, engines and turbine, heat pump
- Topic D: Infrastructure developpment: Technical viability and economics of energy transport and refuelling stations.
178) Title: "The Integration of Advanced Active and Passive Control Methods"
Organizer: Dr. M. Moshrefi-Torbati, University of Southampton, Electromechanical Research Group, Faculty of Engineering & the Environment, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK. Tel.: +44(0)2380598583
Description of the topic of the session:
The common solution to the vibration isolation problem is to use anti-vibration mounts or viscoelastic coatings on structural elements to enhance the damping. These solutions often lead to weight and cost penalties with diminishing effectiveness due increasing levels of vibration or exposure to harsh environments. In recent years, a wide range of active and passive vibration isolation solutions have been proposed in a number of application areas, such as space industry. A more recent approach has been to design structures with inherent vibration isolation properties where beneficial vibration characteristics are built into structures whilst maintaining their integrity.
The Symposium is hoped to bring together those academic and industrial researchers interested in the integration of active and passive structural noise control methods. The main aim of this symposium is to establish fundamental aspects common to approaches in different fields of application, to identify areas for improvements and to formulate key challenging topics for future research. There will be a particular focus on the employment of suitable numerical methods in the design of optimum structures.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Novel Active-Passive (AP) anti-vibration mounts
- AP constrained layered damping
- Smart materials implementations
- Intelligent AP vibration absorbers
- Design considerations for hybrid vibration controllers
- Limitations of AP control strategies
- Optimum design of AP control systems
- Optimised design of collocated and multivariable AP controllers
- AP counter-force vibration control and isolation
179) Title: "Numerical Phenomena and Analysis of Fluid Flow in Joule-Heated Cavity of Low-Prandtl Number Fluid"
Organizer: Dr. Xiaohui Zhang, Associate Professor, Department of Thermal Energy Engineering, School of Energy, School of Physics Science and Technology, Soochow University, Suzhou,Jiangsu, People’s Republic of China, Phone: +86-512-61080967, Fax: +86-512-65111907
Description of the topic of the session:
In the finite volume approach for incompressible flow and heat transfer, the discretization of the convection term and the treatment of the coupling between velocity and pressure are the two major issues affecting solution stability, accuracy and convergence rate.
In this symposium :
- The anaylsis of SGSD scheme for advent-difusion equation in inplicity and explcity is presented. The stability condition of Courant number and diffusion number are proved in inplicity and explcity discretization of the convection difusion term.
- The new algorithm called IDEAL(Inner Doubly Iterative Efficient Algorithm for Linked Equations) is introduced. the coupling between velocity and pressure is fully guaranteed, greatly enhancing the convergence rate and stability of the iteration process.
- Numerical phenomena are present for a low-Prandtl liquid metal heated by Joule effect in a rectangular cavity. We find it is different foe same case when we use QUICK schme ,SIMPLE algorithm and SGSD scheme, IDEAL algorithm. Extremely simple nonlinear noise-reduction method is used for analyis of numeircal data.Furthermore, For low-Prandtl number fluid, iteration convergence can not get, that means that it is derived from the physical nonlinear problems.
180) Title: "Mathematical Models for Integrated Transportation Systems"
Organizers: Dr. Massimiliano Zanin, The INNAXIS Research Institute, José Ortega y Gasset 20, 28006 Madrid (Spain) and Dr. Francisco J. Mancebo, Department of Mathematics, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain)
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
In the last decade, simple mathematical models have allowed a better understanding of the dynamics of different transportation systems, from the appearance of traffic congestions and phase transitions, to the dynamics of passengers in systems composed of different layers. In air transport, the ComplexWorld research network ( is fostering the development of new mathematical models that could provide greater insights on different transportation problems, from delay propagation to model of the impact in the network of capacity limitations, from algorithms to model trading of airport slots to mathematical models to integrate schedules of different means of transport.
The objective of this session is to create a space for exchanging state-of-the-art results and ideas on these mathematical models for transport systems. Special attention will be devoted to performance-related applied models, i.e., how those tools and techniques can be used to improve the performance of current systems. Contributions centered on societal and environmental aspects and citizens’ perceptions are also especially welcome.
181) Title: "Theory and Applications of Permutation Entropy"
Organizers: Dr. Massimiliano Zanin, Centre for Biomedical Technology, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Campus of Montegancedo, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain, The INNAXIS Research Institute, José Ortega y Gasset 20, 28006 Madrid (Spain) and Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica, Universidade Nova de Lisboa and Dr. David Papo, Centre for Biomedical Technology, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Campus of Montegancedo, 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid, Spain
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
Exactly ten years ago, Bandt and Pompe introduced the concept of Permutation Entropy, a methodology, based on information theory, for studying time series by means of temporal permutation patterns. It has soon become clear that this approach has several advantages over traditional techniques, as it allows a good characterization of the underlying dynamical system even in the presence of strong non-linearities and noise. Since then, Permutation Entropy has been applied in a wide range of research fields, ranging from econophysics, to non-linear optics, to biology. The aim of this Session is to review the latest advances and applications of this technique.
182) Title: "Computational Methods in Actuarial and Financial Risk Evaluations"
Organizer: Dr. Riccardo Gatto, Associate Professor, Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Bern, Alpeneggstrasse 22, 3012 Bern, Switzerland, Direct + 41 31 6318807, Fax + 41 31 6313805, Secretary + 41 31 6318811, Internet,
URL Address:
Description of the topic of the session:
Many interesting quantities derived from stochastic processes cannot be obtained analytically. This is the case with stochastic models of insurance and finance, for example. Some precise examples in actuarial risk models are: probabilities of ruin of surplus processes, values-at-risk and tail-values-at-risk of aggregate losses. Moreover, practical stochastic models can be sophisticated, as they can consider a force of interest, random noise, time inhomogeneity, hierarchical structures separating primary catastrophic events and secondary individual losses generated from each catastrophe, etc.
Asymptotic values for these quantities are sometimes available, but they are potentially misleading as they often induce very high relative errors. Accurate approximations can be obtained by methods of asymptotic analysis, usually saddlepoint or Laplace approximations. Alternatively, Monte Carlo simulation, based on adequate an change of measure, typically give to very accurate approximations. Other methods of numerical analysis like the Fast Fourier transform can also be applied in these situations.
The goal of the Symposium is to bring together researchers working in these domains or in closely related domains.
183) Title: "Numerical Modeling of Particulate Suspensions Transport Processes and Formation Damage in Porous Media: From the Wellbore to Reservoir Scales"
Organizers: M.A. Sbai (Ph.D.) and M. Azaroual (Ph.D.), BRGM (French Geological Survey), Water, Environment and Ecotechnology Division, Orléans, France
Description of the topic of the session:
Formation damage by fine particulate suspensions can occur during fluids injection and recovery from subsurface aquifers and deep oil and geothermal reservoirs. Deep injection of geothermal brines, injection of liquid waste disposal, pumping of municipal wells in shallow aquifers, oil and gas recovery, and CO2 injection for sequestration in oil/gas depleted reservoirs, and saline aquifers, are typical examples. Currently, some mathematical models and numerical approaches have been developed to assist planning, design, and maintenance of industrial operations exploiting deep geological reservoirs. Many aspects of the fundamental physics of mobilization, migration, and trapping are not fully understood, and incorporating the relevant small-scale processes into large-scale domains of interest is a pressing challenge for improvement of simulation tools. Available dedicated numerical tools need to integrate reactive transport processes to take into account mass and heat exchanges between phases including mineral dissolution-precipitation reactions. This session seeks contributions that address these challenges, to improve our fundamental understanding of formation damage, our ability to model the relevant processes at different scales, and to assess risks with limited and heterogeneous available data.
We encourage submissions that address one or more of the following topics:
- Pore-scale processes of fine particles migration, release, and capture;
- Single-phase formation damage in clastic reservoirs and aquifers;
- Multiphase formation damage by fines migration;
- Mechanisms and modeling of cake filtration;
- Inorganic scaling and geochemical formation damage;
- Formation damage by organic fouling;
- Formation damage simulator development and verification;
- Injectivity of water flooding wells;
- Near-wellbore formation damage;
- Formation damage control and remediation.
184) Title: "Methods and Models of Solar and Extrasolar Systems Forming"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Alexander M. Krot, Laboratory of Self-Organization System Modeling, United Institute of Informatics Problems, Belarus
Description of the topic of the session:
This session focuses on theoretical and observational works on models for planetary systems formation. Papers are solicited on results of observational, theoretical and experimental studies in planetary system forming areas applied to Solar and extrasolar systems.
A primary purpose of the session is to provide the opportunity to bring together researchers working in different fields (e.g., planetary science, astronomy, atmospheric science, mathematical sciences, etc.) to interact and exchange ideas, lessons, and techniques to address this rapidly evolving, highly interdisciplinary research area.
Some examples of a contributed paper might be: dust dynamics, gravitational instability, planetesimal evolution, planetary orbits calculating, atmospheric processes modeling, interior evolution, core accretion, MHD and hydrodynamic disks, giant impacts, orbital characteristics, numerical methods, observational and laboratory measurements and techniques, and comparisons with the Solar system and other planetary system.
Deadline: Receipt of abstracts : 15 July 2012
185) Title: "First Symposium on the Dynamics of Bubbly Flows in Visco-Elastic Fluids"
Organizers: Abbas Aliabadi, President and Chairman of the Board of MAPNA GROUP, No. 231, Mirdamad Blvd., Tehran, Iran and Alireza Taklifi, a: MAPNA GROUP, No. 231, Mirdamad Blvd., Tehran, Iran and University of Tehran, Dept. of Mechanical Eng., Kargar shomali Ave., Tehran, Iran
E-mail:, and
Description of the topic of the session:
Rheological and dynamical behaviors of bubbly flows are the main interest of this mini-symposium. These kinds of flows could be affected by the external forces such as acoustic waves, magnetic fields, electro-magnetic fields and etc. On the other hand due to new progresses in the MEMS applications for multiphase flow systems, the importance of research on the dynamics of bubbly flows seems obvious.
The efforts for developing applied and accurate mathematical models and analytical, semi-analytical or numerical methods for aforementioned flows and studies on special topics in multiphase heat and fluid flow of non-Newtonian fluids in different domains (such as porous media and etc.) are appreciated for this symposium.
The topics for this symposium include (but not limited to):
- Analytical and numerical methods for multiphase fluid flows and heat transfer (such as CFD solutions and new numerical schemes and …)
- Fluid dynamics, unsteady flows and transient behavior of bubbly flows
- New mathematical methods for multiphase flows modeling
- Heat and mass transfer in the multiphase MHD flows
- Bubbly flows instability criteria (such as ink-jet instabilities and etc.)
- Development of new mathematical modeling methods for non-Newtonian multiphase flows
- Optimization of multiphase flows in power generation and Oil & Gas systems
- The effects of MHD on phase change phenomena of materials
- Nanofluidics and microfluidics in multiphase flows systems (such as biomedical and drug delivery applications and colloid and interface science)
186) Title: "Mathematical Modeling and Computational Simulation of Bio/Nano/Micro Systems"
Organizer: Mahdi Moghimi Zand, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, & Deputy Director of E-learninig & Open-Learning Center, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran. Tel: +(98) 311 391 5227 | Fax: +(98) 311 391 2628. IUT Homepage: SUT Homepage:
Description of the topic of the session:
Mathematical modeling and computational simulation are playing an important role in determining the behaviour of micro/nano/bio systems. Researchers typically change parameters manually to results that are consistent with experiments. Since Micro/Nano/Bio systems are used widely in Medical & Engineering purposes. This symposium aims at presenting new methods in mathematical modeling and computer simulations of micro/nano/bio systems, advancing an understanding of coupled domain behaviour of these systems. All scientific disciplines in these fields containing N/MEMS, Nano/MicroSystems, Microfluidics, Bio-Med Eng, Bio Eng, Medicine and related areas can be involved.
187) Title: "Behaviour of Structural Laminated Glass Members"
Organizers: Prof.Giuseppe Campione, University of Palermo, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale e dei Materiali DICAM, Viale delle Scienze, 90100 Palermo (Italy) and Dr.Ing. Giovanni Minafò, "Kore" University of Enna, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Cittadella Universitaria, 94100, Enna (Italy)
E-mail: and
Description of the topic of the session:
Though glass has been used in the past as a construction material, it is only during the last decades that its application has evolved from purely decorative to structural. The research work carried out in the last twenty years has highlighted the main problems in laminated glass members: slenderness, effective level of connection between the glass foils, viscous elastic behaviour of the interlayer and so on. The minisymposium is open to innovative researches in this field, with experimental, analitycal, numerical and applicative contributions about the structural use of glass.
188) Title: "New Experimental and Numerical Techniques in Dynamic Fracture"
Organizers: David Grégoire, Laboratoire des Fluides Complexes et leurs Réservoirs, LFC-R, UMR5150, UPPA, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, Campus Montaury, F64600 Anglet, FRANCE and Alain Combescure, Laboratoire de Mécanique des Contacts et des Structures, LaMCoS, UMR5259, INSA-LYON, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon, Bâtiment Jean d’Alembert, 18-20 rue des Sciences, F69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, FRANCE
Description of the topic of the session:
The aim of this Minisymposium is to bring together specialists in both mechanics and applied mathematics to discuss advances in numerical modeling and simulations of dynamic fracture and impact phenomena. New experimental analyses are also welcomed if they highlight new phenomena or existing models deficiencies. The computational approaches comprise macro-, micro- and nano-length scales as well as couplings between fields and/or length-scales and/or time-scales. The fields of application include but are not limited to dynamic fracture, high-strain rate loading and deformation, impact, crack initiation, crack arrest and crack restart, etc.
We kindly invite researchers from various disciplines to come together, review the achievements from the past and their influence on recent trends, discuss and solve current problems and contribute to the variety of next generation numerical solution techniques dedicated to dynamic fracture.
189) Title: "International Symposium on Geodesic Computation"
Organizer: Dr. Xiaotian Yin, Mathematics Department, Harvard University, U.S.A.
Description of the topic of the session:
A geodesic on a manifold (or "curved space") is a generalization of "straight line" in a flat space. As a fundamental concept in mathematics and physics, it has been playing a fundamental role in many theoretical branches, particularly in differential geometry, general relativity and etc. On the other hand, geodesics have been widely applied in engineering fields. For example, shortest path/loop problem on manifolds equipped with Riemannian metric has drawn wide attentions in Computational Geometry, Computer Graphics, Geometric Modeling, Computer Vision, Mechanics and etc.
This symposium will serve as an interdisciplinary platform for researchers from various areas to share their ideas and research on geodesic-related topics, including but not limited to the following:
1. We encourage geodesic problems with various geometric structures:
a). With Riemannian metric (e.g. shortest paths/loops on surfaces with spherical / Euclidean / hyperbolic metric, or in volumes with supported metrics)
b). With connections (either affine or projective)
c). With combinatorial structure (e.g. in graphs)
2. We encourage studies in all aspects of geodesics:
a). Computation (fast and robust algorithms, numerical or combinatorial),
b). Applications (algorithms tailored for specific problems),
c). Theory (theoretical results under certain settings)
3. We encourage applications of geodesics in various fields:
Computational Geometry, Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Geometric Modeling, Medical Imaging, Computational Relativity, Computational Mechanics, Discrete Differential Geometry, ...
4. We encourage contributions in all aspects:
a). New research ideas / algorithms for solving certain specific problems
b). Application of existing results to new problems
c). Survey of existing results within certain scope
190) Title: "The third ICNAAM symposium on Recent Developments in Hilbert Space Tools and Methodology for Scientific Computing"
Organizer: Prof. Dr. Metin Demiralp, Istanbul Technical University, Ayazaga Campus, Maslak-34469, Istanbul, Turkey,
Description of the topic of the session:
This symposium covers even many diverse fields where the Hilbert space based conceptual approaches and tools are used in methodology for scientifing computing. It will cover the following items although it is not restricted to these only.
- High Dimensional Model Representation for Multivariate Functions
- Enhanced Multivariance Product Representation for Multivariate Functions and Multilinear arrrays
- Fluctuation terms and related techniques in integration, matrix representation
- Scientific Computing in Quantum Dynamical Problems via Hilbert Space Tools
- Quantum Dynamical Perspectives in the Solutions of ODEs and their use in contemporary sciences like neuroscience
- Fine techniques in quadratures via Hilbert space concepts
- Multilinear tools and approaches needed in scientific computations
- Hilbert space approaches for the ODEs
- Hilbert space approaches for the PDEs
- Hilbert space approaches in Neuroscience and related issues
- Dynamical system identifications from discrete data
- ODEs in Probabilistic Evolution Perspective
- Quantum Expectation Dynamics in Probabilistic Evolution Perspective
- Liouville Expectation Dynamics in Probabilistic Evolution Perspective